Annakia Skywalker

By snfostero2

157K 3.7K 287

Luke Skywalker oldest daughter Anakia Skywalker is sixteen years old and the best of her class . She meets so... More

Journey Ahead
Homeward Bound
Obi Wan Kenobi
not a chapter
Twin names
Back to the past
Getting adjusted to life
A Skywalker
Celebration time
Lazy Day
Kiss and Tell
Just a dream
Yoda's advice
Obi-Wan's love
Our small heaven
My protecter
Love me
Choose the path
Not a chapter
My sweet goodbye
Mission Sanity
The wise of a grandmother
Authors note
Missing him
Pain and more pain
My love
Hard training
The truth hurts
Birthday Girl
Authors note
Father's advice
Hello Truth
Sweet child
Obi Wan's love
There is evil in everyone
Master Yoda
Anakin and Luke
Authors note
A future to see
Anchor and Jacen
A Father's love
Urgent news
Memories last
My last days
Ready or not
Goodbye Anna
Obi Wan ' s grief
Authors note


2.7K 70 5
By snfostero2

" Anakina , I am so sorry !" My aunt Leia cried as she held my dying body .
" Its okay Aunt Leia , I love you ."

Feeling myself not being able to breath as the blood oozed out of my mouth ." Tell my family I wouldn't change a thing and they'll will always have Padme ." I replied as blackness began withdraw me from this galaxy . How would it feel for my child not to know both of her parents . But my death was worth saving hundreds of others .

Peace was all I felt as the blackness took over completely ," Padme Kenobi , you have to be strong ." I whispered .

Startling awake as I looked around my dark room. Obi wan was sound asleep beside me as quietness filled the air .

I knew I couldn't sit up without waking him up . How did a child come into my dreams and my death .

Could a child be born from parents being in two different timezones . That wasn't the bad part ; she would lose both parents .

Me dying ,to save Padme and the rest was something I would do .

Slipping back into darkness as no dreams haunted me but pure blackness . I couldn't jump into what will happen in the future. The only thing that I could do was take one day at a time .

" Morning Anna !" Obi wan said as I flipped the covers over my head . Longing for a couple more hours of sleep .

" Your not a early riser , are you ?" He asked .

Pulling the covers so he could only see my head ," Is that a question you want me to answer !"

" Well ,get up and get dressed . I have plans for us !" Obi wan exclaimed as he crawled on the bed toward me .

Puzzled at his words ," Plans ?"

" Yes , Anna . Believe me I love this room but the walls are closing in on me . " he said leaning down to kiss my lips shortly .

Laughing ," I didn't say we had to stay in this room .We could go in yours and have a little fun !"

Giving me a look ," Very funny , you know my room is the nearest to the council ."

" Really I did not know that at all ."

"Anna Solo , get dressed now ." he ordered as he finished putting his clothes on .

I climbed out of the warm bed as a chill went through me .

Pulling my black suit out as I caught Obi Wan eyeing me .

" What now ?" I asked wondering why he was giving me one of his famous disapproved look.

" I love you when you wear your suits ,Anna. But today , I told Yoda I was training you all day . So since I got you out of the academy today I want at least you to wear non Jedi clothes . "

Great , now he was my advisor on what I should and should not wear ." I did that in Naboo and won't they suspect if I go in one of my gowns ?"

Obi wan smiled as he shook his head no ," I am not saying go in your ball gowns or I'm going to meet the queen dresses. Just be yourself is all I am asking .",

Looking to see a plain dress that looked like mother use to wear .

" Fine , I will do as you wish Master Kenobi ." I said as I clung the blue dress to me .

Three hours later , we were taking one of the passenger ships out of the city and into the country .

Eyeing Obi Wan who was sitting left of me by the window . Sensing he was restless as he moved around in his seat a lot .

" I sense something is bothering you Master Kenobi. " I knew that I had to act like he was my master until we got to some place where we were alone .

" Nothing young one , I'm perfectly alright. "

Wanting to object by the name young one since I wasn't a child anymore . But he had to act like he was teaching me so I had to deal with it.

And a lot of the Jedi's didn't think we got along at all. So more sarcastic and less being the nice

Huffing out a breath as the trip seemed to be taking forever .

" Patience isn't your strong suit , is it ?" Obi. Wan asked as my eyes went from all of the passengers to him .

" My mother use to say that I have a patience like Dad did when he couldn't be a pilot ."

Both Dad ,Anakin , and Ben had a gift that a lot of pilots didn't have .

Man ,how I much missed sitting with Dad and Ben as they worked on all kinds of Ships and fighters .

" Your young child ;so patience will come as you grow older ."

Giving him a smile as his eyes read different than his words.

Clutching the basket that held our food , " I got some food from the kitchen ." Obi added .

Two hours later , we were out of the city as all I could see were trees and meadow with no one in sight .Me and Obi wan with two other people was the last on the passenger ship.

" Were not far , I have a friend that has a small cabin out here . He's gone on the planet Naboo for business ."

" Do we still have to act like Master and padawan ?" I asked as we began our walk to the small estate .

Grabbing his light saber from his belt and motioning for me to give mine to him.

Looking confused , I handed him mine with confidence.

" Anna, today we are not Jedi we are normal ." he said as our small droid R3 D3 who looked a lot like R2 D2 except being red and blue instead of white and blue. Placing them in a small department on top of the small droids head.

" Really ?" I asked praying no one we knew were here .

Without hesitation , Obi picked my left hand with his hand and kissed it softly .

" Yes my love ." he exclaimed as redness filled my cheeks . Surprised he didn't let my hand go until the small cabin came in view.

All sorts of life filled around the cabin as numerous of different flowers spilled everywhere .

" Beautiful has nothing on this estate !" I exclaimed as I could feel Obi's eyes on me .

" It remind me of you but this beautiful estate has nothing on your beauty ." his words were sincere as he brought his hands around my waist .

Bringing me to him as he ran his hand through my hair that I let down for today .

" What do you see in me Anna ? You could have those pilots or be someone's beautiful wife ."

Knowing the Jedi who was in my galaxy could get married unlike Obis day .

" My family has a history of being hero's and life changers .So I knew it was my turn to change the galaxy !"

Pulling him so close so he could feel my breath . Being a foot taller than I was hard to reach his lips . So deciding to kiss the corner of his lips .

" As for you , what don't I see in you Obi Wan . You are a amazing man ,jedi,teacher ,and my best friend !"

" Obi Wan , there is so much that everyone admires about you even though you can't see it ." I added as I stroked his cheek with my left hand.

Obi wan brought his head down to kiss me one more time .

If you ever had a moment that takes your breath in . You will never have a perfect life but you do have perfect moments .

And this was one of them that I had to take it all in and reminded myself to remember when things get bad .

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