I Got Her Pregnant. {Matt Esp...

By ch3ls3y

55.8K 1.2K 201

Madeline aka Maddie is an ordinary girl. She's got it all, except the popularity, looks, or being outgoing. Y... More

Daily Do's.
Project Wednesday
Thursday Afternoon
Only the Beginning
The Boys
The "Girlfriend"
Gifts / Chapter 10
The "Date"
Prom plans
Madeline, Will You?
Just friends.
Prom Shopping
The Baby
Captured / Chapter 20
In Trouble
What is it?
Without Him
The Call
Start of a New Beginning
16 Hours / Chapter 30
Tell me Something
Mrs. Bosanko
5 months
One Month
Missing Madeline
Found You
The Apology

Hall of Locks / Chapter 40

827 19 6
By ch3ls3y

It's been weeks since Matt and I have spoke. The first week, he texted me, no apologies, just simple "hey how are the babies?" Yep, ignored. The second week he tried to play it off like nothing ever happened. Ignored him, once again.

"Why don't you just talk to him?" Jenni spoke out while breaking the silence from the boring hospital room.

"He hasn't apologized." I sighed.

"Would you like pictures?" the doctor interrupted. 

I nodded yes. "I need these memories."

"And she needs to show them to her boyfriend since she wouldn't let him come." the doctor chuckled silently.

"Well here you are, the pictures." She handed me the pictures and a tissue so I could wipe off all the gel from my stomach. "See you in a few weeks Madeline. You two are free to go!" She walked out of the door, leaving Jenni and I alone to talk.

"What are you doing Maddie? Matt has always been there for you." 

"You know what he did Jenni. I just don't think its right okay?" I threw the tissue away and left the room as Jenni followed.

"Your mom probably needs some alone time anyway. Just build your family-"

"Stop! Stop it." I turned to Jenni fiercely. "I'm not ready." I turned back around and walked quicker.

"Why?!" She spoke a little louder this time. A little confused too. "Are you afraid?"

I paused for a moment. Afraid. I was. "Yes." I spoke softly. "I am afraid." 

Jenni and I didn't talk at all the way back home. Which was weird because it was silent the entire time. Her radio didn't work either which made it even more awkward. As we parked into the driveway to my house, I spotted something different. There was something at the doorstep. I swiftly walked towards the unusual object, and picked it up. A letter.

It read, "Come to Hall of Locks tonight at 9. I need to apologize. - Matt." I took the letter inside along with the rest of my stuff and set it on the table. 

I began to act a little suspicious because Matt has never taken me to Hall of Locks, especially at 9. Hall of Locks is a park where you can have a super fancy dinner, or just a casual walk in the park. I've been there once. My dad took me there for my 10th birthday. I was so excited. A while ago, I spoke to Matt about this, but it never occurred to me that he would take me there again, for it brought back many memories. 

A grey long sleeve shirt, black leggings and some brown combat boots was the outfit, along with a messy bun and natural makeup look. 


There I was, standing in the middle of Hall of Locks, waiting for Matt. It was 9:30, I texted Matt, "Are you coming or what?" and then a man approached me. "Lost?" He looked like he was in his late 20s.

"No no, just about to leave." I soon began to get a queasy feeling about this man. 

"The names Jonah." he introduced himself and held his hand out for me to shake. I ignored it.. too risky. "I see you're not a fan of handshakes." he chuckled and looked around. "A bit chilly isn't it? You don't want those two freezing do you?"

"What?" I panicked. Those two? There was no one else around except me, and my twins. He couldn't have been talking about my twins.

"I figured you were having twins." He began to feel around my stomach, and then he reached a little too high up, around my breasts. 

"I'm sorry I have to go look for a friend." I took two steps forward, he grabbed my wrist tightly. 

"You don't want to leave. Aren't I the one you were looking for?" He laughed.

"Let go of me." I yelled. "I don't even know you!"

I got a text at that moment, from Matt. "Going where? Where are you?" I looked at Jonah afraid.

"Don't you remember me, Maddie?"


I'm making  a new story and it's called Catfish, also another matt fanfic. Can't wait for you guys to read it!

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