Hello ( BoyxBoy)

Від FlawlessTae

72.9K 3.1K 2.4K

When you run away from your problems they always come back. Kenyamo Richardson has been running since he grad... Більше

1- Hometown Glory
2. Cold Shoulder
3. Now and Then
4. Hello
5. First Love
7. Send My Love( To Your New Lover)
8. Rolling In The Deep
9. Daydreamer
10. Rumour Has It
11. My Same
12. Hiding My Heart
13. Water Under The Bridge
14. One and Only
15. River Lea
16. Million Years Ago
17. I'll Be Waiting
18. Skyfall
19. Someone Like You
20. Melt My Heart To Stone
21. Love In The Dark
22. Remedy
23. Take It All
24. Lay Me Down
25. Sweetest Devotion

6. Don't You Remember

3.2K 148 150
Від FlawlessTae

Reichen In MM...

Kenyamo POV....

"Kenyamo bring your ass on I'm not chasing you" he said banging on the front door of my mom house. I was at the door and I felt like with every threat he made stabbed my heart. He wasn't telling me he didn't love me but the fact he's here again for the third time today is scary.

He's really persistent and I've always loved that about him. "Monty leave me alone I'm done" I lied to him and to myself. I wasn't done with him I just wanted him to protect me the way he said he would. He was supposed to be my rock but he's hurting me more than anything.

"Kenyamo I'm sorry just hear me out you love me and your not done with me come back with me" he said as I pressed my head against the door. I put my hand on the door knob. I twisted the knob and opened it up. He was standing there with a tear stained face.

He grabbed me and hugged me tightly. He kissed me on my neck as he was squeezing me. I missed this feeling of him being this close to me. I felt like not only our bodies were together but our souls were connected as one. I put my face in chest and hugged him. "I'm sorry Ken I really am I love you stop running from me" he said rocking Mr back and forth.

"I love you too Monty but I can't do that shit anymore I'm not a toy you can use when you need something" I said pulling away from him. He looked at me with hurt eyes and he kissed me. "Let me take you home" he said taking my hand into his. We were about to walk out of the house when my momma came storming out.

"Kenyamo get your ass back in here your not going with that broke ass nappy headed boy" she said coming towards me. She stopped me from opening the car door. Monty was standing there looking pissed off and I didn't want to anger him anymore than I already probably did.

"Ma I'm fine he's not going to do it anymore I'm going to be okay" I told her as I was trying to get into the car. She told me to get into the house and I wasn't listening to her at all. "You need to stop brainwashing my child into thinking you love him when you don't" she yelled at Monty. His vein started bulging through his forehead.

"Ma I'm fine stop it please" I said grabbing her hand before she could walk up on Monty. I'm not dealing with this drama right now this is too much. "Man Kenyamo let's fucking go and tell your mom to get out your fucking business" he said unlocking the door. He opened the car door and my mom ran up on him.

"Stay away from my child I'm not playing with you" she said closing his door. He moved back and hit the hood of his car. This can't be ending good right now. "Old bitch leave me and my boyfriend alone he's a grown man goodbye" he said with a smug look across his face.

My jaw dropped at what he said to her. She reached back and slapped his face. Oh my god this isn't happening right now. This has to be a dream at this point. He looked at her and he pushed her away from him. She fell back and hit the ground. I ran to her side as Kassidy and Kayvon ran outside to help.

"What happened" Kassidy said looking at Monty and I. My mom told them what happened to her and before they could fight him I jumped up. I stopped them from fighting him because he is my boyfriend and I love him. "Kenyamo move so I can beat his ass" Kassidy said trying to get around me but I wasn't budging.

Monty got into the car and started it up. "Go ahead with him you'll always run back to him anyways" Kassidy said with anger filling her voice. She started pushing me away and telling me to go away. I got into the car and he drove off like a speed demon. "I can't believe that you put your hands on my mother" I said looking out the window.

"Man she ran up and slapped me now shut the fuck up and leave it be" he said speeding up the car. The views was going by fast and I was getting nervous. "Slow the fuck down Monty" I yelled at him. He's being very scary right now and I'm not feeling it.

He pulled over into a field and stopped the car abruptly. He started taking off his shirt. He grabbed my shirt and kissed me. He laid my seat back and roughly kissed me. He started grabbing my neck and choking me. "You run again and you'll be sorry" he said kissing my lips.

I woke up with that "you'll be sorry" echoing through my head. I got out of the bed with a banging headache. I wanted to get over him but seeing him didn't help my situation. It brought back memories and old feelings I had. I wasn't prepared for what happened.

"Kenyamo come on you have places to be today" Reichen said coming into my room. I sat up in bed as he sat next to me. We was silent until he broke it. "Kenyamo are you okay?" he asked me as he rubbed my leg. I took a deep breath and shook my head.

"Ken you've been locked up in here what's up" he said nudging me. I took my time thinking about what to say. Reichen and Monty have bad blood between each other ever since I started dealing with Monty. Reichen was like my big brother and Monty hated it with a passion.

They would argue and fight damn near every time they saw each other. I knew me telling him I saw him would only light a fire in him. I knew I should tell him because Kassidy ass probably would if I didn't. "I saw Monty the other day" I said lowly.

He got up and turned to me. "Say that one more time so I can make sure I heard you correctly" he said pacing around the room. I repeated what I said loud enough so he could hear me. His face turned red with anger and I knew it wouldn't end well at this point.

"What the fuck Kenyamo you can't be around him after all the shit he put you through" he said raising this voice a bit. I knew she was right but at the same time if I want to get over somebody closure would be the best thing right now.

I think it would be good for me to see him one time but with somebody there with me. "Reichen I know I shouldn't be around him but I never got closure to that part in my life and I need that to get over him" I said sounding unsure of what the hell I was saying.

I'm going to see him it's set in my head but I know I need to talk to my mom because she'll give me the correct advice I need. "Kenyamo your like my little brother and I love the hell out of you but you'll be making a mistake doing it" he said sitting next to me.

I'm sticking to my guns and doing it. I don't care what he has to say about me seeing him. "I'm a big boy Reichen I can do this I'll be fine now can you take me to mama house later so I can talk to her" I said getting out the bed. He nodded his head while being silent. I hugged him and went to take me a long ass shower.

After my shower I lounged around until Reichen was ready to leave. "Kenyamo open this damn door" I heard Kassidy voice yell while banging on he door. I hopped up and put on some underwear and a shirt. I opened it and she barged in the room like the police.

I closed the door and sat down on my bed. "What the hell is wrong with you? Why do you feel the need to see Monty? He's put you through enough" she said leaning on the wall next to my bed. Here the hell she goes with this nonsense.

"Ugh I can't believe Reichen told you that it's only for closure Kass" I said laying back in my bed. She scoffed and rolled her eyes at me. She's always doing this shit when it comes to him. My whole family hates him well all except Jerari but that's a whole different situation in itself.

"Don't you remember the last time you went to get closure from him you disappeared for two weeks" she said with an attitude. I remember that like it was yesterday as a matter of fact I can remember alot like it just happened to me. "Kassidy I wasn't as smart as I am now I know better" I said truthfully.

She sighed and folded her arms. She shook her head like she was pissed and I knew she was. "Let's go get dressed I'm telling Ma" she said grabbing her purse. I got up and stopped her. "No Kassidy let me talk to her it's better she hear it from me please" I said grabbing her hand. She sighed and told me to be dressed in 15 minutes.

She'll get me in about 25 minutes honestly. I can't even pick an outfit in 15 minutes so she will wait and she will okay with it. I went to the closet and picked out a simple outfit I don't care to explain just know it was cute but simple. I applied lotion to my face and arms then grabbed my phone.

I went downstairs and Kassidy was all hugged up on Reichen. "Kassidy come on I'm ready" I said opening the door. I walked out and the heat hit me dead in the face. I took a deep breath and walked out because it was too hot to do much of anything. "Well damn the devil must be fucking mother nature right because it is too damn hot" she said opening the car door.

I got inside and she turned on her air conditioning. I was cooler than a deep freezer it felt so good in her car. She started driving to my momma house and we talked about the whole Monty and me talking situation. I'm not worried about it but at the same time anything could happen.

We arrived at my mom house and Kayvon was sitting on the porch with a few of his friends. They all ugly and broke as hell but swear everyone likes them just dumb and ugly. It's okay to be dumb and cute or smart and ugly but both now you need to pick a struggle. The only cute one was Tayshod and he was straight with a girlfriend. I got out and went up to the door.

"Is momma up Kayvon" I asked him and Quon mocked me. I cut my eyes at him and Kayvon told me she was up in the kitchen. I walked in and saw my momma preparing dinner. "Hey Mommie Dearest"I said hugging her. She hugged me back and told me to go sit at the table.

I sat down and played with my phone for awhile. "So baby how you been since you been staying with Reichen" she asked sitting next to me. "It's been good so far" I said jittery because I knew I would have to tell her what I'm planning to do.

"Oh heavens what's wrong now Kenyamo" she asked me. How the hell did she know something was wrong? I guess I made it either obvious or she can tell because she's my mother. "Ma I saw Monty" I said and she held her head down.

When she picked her head up she looked worried as hell as she always does. She shouldn't be because I'm trying not to show how worried I am. I know it's something that needs to be done so why not just get it out the way. I had a couple days to think since I saw him and it's what I need to do.

"Kenyamo are you okay after seeing him?" she asked grabbing my hand. "I'm fine Ma but there's more to it and I've thought it through" I said nervously. She stood up and went to the kitchen. I heard her pouring something in there. A few seconds later she came back with a wine glass.

She sat down and told me to continue with what I was saying. "Ma well since I saw him I feel like it's time.for me to get some closure to that situation" I said in a rush. She took a few gulps before answering.

"Well Kenyamo I am totally against you even seeing him but I do know that your going to do it regardless so all I'm going to say it be careful and be smart" she said rubbing my arm. It felt good to have that window of acceptance from her. She didn't like it but she knew I grew up since I left.

"What the hell you mean he can't leave with Monty there is no telling what he'll do to Kenyamo" Kassidy said coming into the room. My momma took another gulp of her wine. "Child you gone be the death of me let him be a man and if he needs to do this then let him be I raised him right he'll be fine" my mom said standing up.

She grabbed her wine glass and went to the kitchen. I sat there and played with my fingers for the longest time. I wanted to call him but I forgot his number. I went outside to get Kayvon I'm sure he had it. I opened the door and he was there with only Tayshod. "Kayvon give me Monty number" I said rushing him.

His face went pale and he looked confused with my question. "What you need with him" Kayvon asked me. I wasn't in the mood for everyone to be against my decision today. "I need to talk to him that's all" I said getting annoyed.

"I don't have it and your not going to get it either" he said and I stomped my foot in frustration. "Dammit Kayvon can you at least take me by his house then" I said pleading with him. He needs to stop being a tyrant and help me.

"Why Ken son he can hit you, use you, make you do shit for him that's not safe again" he yelled at me. I grew more frustrated by the moment because nobody was listening to me. "No because I want to clear anything that went on it's my closure I need Kayvon that's all" I said calmly so he can understand.

"You sure Ken" he said not convinced. "Yes Kayvon I'm sure" I said and he went to his car. Tayshod followed behind him. "Come on Ken I'll take you but I'm staying and under no circumstance are you to get into his car" he said unlocking his door. I ran to the car and got inside.

He started it up and I was in the backseat contemplating my decision. Was this the right choice? Do I need the closure? What will he try to do? The music played and my thoughts were drowning the loud base out. My thoughts were louder than the music. When I saw his house I got emotional but I kept it inside for now.

"I'll be right out here Kenyamo it's not too late to not do it" Kayvon said. I just unlocked the door and got out. I closed the door and walked up the seemingly long walk way. His car was here so he was at home. I knocked on the door and rang the doorbell for good measure.

I waited as the butterflies fluttered through not just my stomach but my body. I waited and I turned my back as the door opened. "Kenyamo is that you bae?" he said as I turned around to be face to face with him. Now was the time to sink or swim. I'm nervous and I'm trembling but I'm here so it's time to boss up and get what I came for.

Heyyyy y'all!!! Did y'all miss me a bit? No? Okay well anyways sorry for the wait BUT the kid has a new job and it's kicking my ass. I barely write because I'm either working or resting to get ready for work or sleep.

so.updates will come on the weekends and I will give you all another update later on today! Something to hold you all until next weekend.

Thoughts on this chapter?

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