Silent Assassin

By HyperPiper247

143K 5.8K 786

She rose her dainty eyebrows in surprise at my answer, her small lips slightly opening in shock. "I never too... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Author's Note
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 3

8.4K 298 34
By HyperPiper247

Don't forget to vote and comment a chapter of your liking.


Across the street, I stared at the tall building as sunlight reflected from its numerous glass windows. From outside, you could mistake the Silent Society's main building as a corporation.

Making my way across the street and to the front entrance, I could make out a few figures in black lurking along the shadows of trees and bushes. Just as I entered the front door, I was met by a buff guard who immediately blocked my way.

"Identify yourself", he grunted out.

I raised my eyes to meet his and he suddenly stepped back.

"Void. Welcome back" He stepped to the side, bowing his head slightly in submission.

Feeling a twitch at the edge of my lips, I passed his rigid built.

Keeping my head steadily at the front desk being handled by a woman with smart glasses, I ignored the stares I received from undercover men and women alike at the waiting area. My eyes glanced at the tinted doors at the right side of the front desk, guarded by two men with dark glasses and flashing weapons, before zeroing at the elevator door at the other side of the desk guarded by a man.

The man stood tall with his hands clasped at his back. Unlike the others, he wore no glasses to hide his eyes, eyes who looked right at me as I approached him.

Stopping in front of him, I gave him a small nod in which he returned. He moved to the side as I slid a glove off my hand and moved closer to the elevator. Pressing my palm on its surface, I felt heat prick at my hand before pulling away. The fingerprint from my palm remained on its surface as the elevator doors opened and I walked inside.

The automatic elevator ascended as it took me to my respected floor by the ID it scanned from my hand. Sliding the glove off my other hand, I departed from the elevator through its awaiting doors to begin searching for my room.

The hallway was silent and vacant as I passed closed doors before stopping in front of my own. Pressing a hand on its surface, similar to what I did with the elevator, I waited for heat to prick at my palm before I removed my hand. The door swung open and I entered the comfort of my room, the door closing behind me.

My room was of nothing extraordinary: a single bed with black covers at the middle, a simple wardrobe with my uniforms inside, and the bathroom. As I approached the former, I removed all my weapons and placed them at an orderly manner on top of my covers, before making my way to the bathroom. Slipping off my uniform, I tossed it out the door before turning the shower on.

As the cold water nipped at my bare skin, I leaned on the wall with my arms supporting me. The white tiles meet my gaze as thoughts of the man's easy kill caused me to smirk darkly. Try as I might, I could not make myself feel anything other than the sheer sense of satisfaction that bloomed inside of me.

After a quick shower, I wrapped a towel around my body before walking out. As I approached my wardrobe, I noticed my former uniform missing from the floor, but I ignored the fact, knowing a maid let herself in and took my used clothing with her.

Opening the doors of my wardrobe, I slipped on a clean uniform before I unintentionally turned to a mirror hanging inside the furniture. An image of my brown hair choppily cut at the shoulders and void eyes appeared before I turned away quickly and closed the doors behind me.

The resemblance I had with my mom was uncanny, even with the desperate cut of my hair.

Approaching my still orderly lined up weapons, my eyes suddenly found a note at the center of my bed, its color greatly contrasting to my cover's dark color. Picking it up, I drew it closer to my nose to smell its scent.

Strawberry Lemonade perfume... From Commander Beckett.

I cocked an eyebrow at the letter when I opened it:

Meet me at my office. There is something urgent I want you to do.
- Commander Beckett

I crumpled the note in my hand and tossed it the floor. For comfort, I grabbed my twin arm length blades and attached them to my utility belt, ten throwing knives slipped though every nook and cranny of my clothes, a pair of switchblades I slid to my wide thigh bands, and a pair of hunting knives I slid to my arm bands. I made sure that the only noticeable weapons I had were my arm length blades before leaving the room and heading to the elevator.

Using the ID from my palm once again, I entered the elevator and pressed a finger on a silver button found at the side.

"Commander Becket's floor."

A click sounded from somewhere inside as the voice recognition scanned and accepted my voice.

After a few minutes of ascent, the elevator doors opened and I made my way to a translucent glass door at the end of the hall. As I approached, I counted four bodyguards standing rigidly on the sides between occasional plants, watching me with interest. Ignoring them, I stared at the door knowing that even though the glass was translucent, I could be seen from inside the room.

Not a second later, the door slid open and a figure behind a wide desk met my gaze. Commander Beckett's sharp grey eyes rose from a laptop before meeting my stare.

"Don't just stand there, Void. Come in."

Obliging, I slipped in, the glass automatically closing behind me.

I scanned the room once, taking in the neatly stacked books and papers on the Commander's desk, a brown couch at the side, a large shelf on the other, and a pair of large plants behind the Commander before letting myself further inside the room.

Standing in the middle of the room, my eyes stared at the Commander's petite figure. She was wearing a dark dress with long sleeves, as her hands slid over a book she was holding, and had her blond hear neatly tied into a bun, making her sharp features easily distinguishable.

Seeing her eyes take me in, I moved my gaze to the wall behind her.

"Please sit."

I returned my gaze to her as she motioned toward the couch.

My blank eyes did not waver as I stared her down.

In reply, her grey eyes further hardened. "I insist, Void."

"Rules says that we, the assassins, are forbidden to sit and relax. We must take precautions even inside the most heavily protected rooms." I replied with no emotion, quoting the words of my recent trainer.

She tilted her head and observed me with slight amusement in her eyes. "There are no guards in here", she said slowly.

I raised an eyebrow at her words, immediately knowing that she was testing my abilities. "Two guards are hiding behind those ridiculous plants behind you, and another one is staining to stay hidden above us."

She stared at me blankly before a sly smile appeared at the edge of her lips. Shaking her head, the men I mentioned suddenly appeared and stood protectively behind her. "How you noticed them, I do not know. These are my best trained men."

Then I guess you'll die easily with these morons as your protectors. I thought to myself, eyeing the men behind her.

She sighed at my silence and dropped the smile from her lips. "Going back to why I asked for you..." She took a file from under a book and slid it in front of her.

Without hesitation, I grabbed it before reading it silently as the Commander began explaining.

"We want you to kill a man for us. Not just any man though, this one is special", she paused for a moment. "His name in Allen Wane."

My eyes lingered on my target's photograph. Dull eyes were staring forwards in boredom, a wisp of shaggy brown hair falling over one of his eyes that looked unkempt, and a chiseled face that might have looked handsome if its wasn't for its expression.

"How do you want me to kill him?", I questioned as I returned the file to her awaiting hands.

"Anything you'd like."

I flashed a small smirk, Brilliant.

Commander Beckett noticed my change of expression and cocked a delicate eyebrow up in suspicion. Before she could question out loud, I turned to let my back face her.

"And Void?"

I stopped.

"Be careful of this one."

Aren't I ever?

Ignoring her suspicious remark, I exited through the open door, sensing a dark look in Beckett's eyes as the doors slid to a close behind me.


Currently leaning on a tree obscured from view and hidden by shadows, I stared at the lovely looking house in front of me. Wearing my uniform with a hood firmly covering my features, I bowed my head as I tuned into my hearing for any sounds of life from inside. A pair of heavy footsteps entered my ears as it walked away from me. Closing my eyes, I imagined the man walking to the end of the second floor hall and enter a room. Sound of clothes sliding off his body and the shower opening made me open my eyes.

As the man showered, I departed from the shadows and approached the back door. Opening it quietly, I entered the house and started to climb up the stairs, my eyes gazed at the simple design of the house's interior. The sound of the shower was turned off and I silently made my way to the end of the hall where I leaned by shadows on the right side of a door.

Calmly waiting for my target to make an appearance, I slid a knife out of my sleeves and started to flip it around my hand. When the pair of heavy steps suddenly came nearer, I stopped my flipping and looked up.

Just then, the door opened and I threw my knife to his forehead in one quick motion. But before the blade could hit, a knife suddenly appeared and intercepted mine. Ungraciously, my target continued his way to the hall, unharmed.

Before I could flip my wrist to his direction to throw another knife, I felt a slight shift in the air and quickly ducked, narrowly avoiding a knife. Flipping my wrist to where the knife came from, my blade flew inside the open room. My body was rigid as I observed the unoccupied room before turning to the hallway, deciding to ignore the knife thrower for now.

Whoever this knife thrower was, he was good.

But I'm better.

Tuning into my hearing, I followed the sound of clanging metals from downstairs.


My boots made no sound as I walked down the stairs and stopped at the edge of the wall. Slowly peeking out, I stepped into view when I saw his back facing me. With a blank look, I approached him as I flipped my wrist to his direction. The man cried out in pain as he fell to the ground, a knife embedded in his thigh.

About to take a step forward, I stopped when a knife flew and pierced itself to my left arm. Taking out the blade with my other, I flipped it to my target who was trying to get up. The blade punctured his other leg, making him cry out loud as he once more fell to the ground.

My face remained expressionless as I slowly approached his quivering figure. Noticing this, his eyes widened and he quickly shook his head at me.

"No, no, please. no..." he mumbled as he tried to drag himself away from me.

Though I felt a pair of eyes burning through my back, and a body slowly nearing mine, I ignored it as I unsheathe one of my twin blades. Seeing this, the dull blue eyes of my target quivered even more as fear descended over his features. Suddenly, his fear turned into relief as his eyes glanced at someone behind me.

I was a foot away from my target when I heard it-- the sound of blade being unsheathe. Glancing up, I used the clear back of a pan as a mirror. Determining my strike, I raised my blade up just as the hooded figure behind me descended his.

The sound of metal clanging against metal met my ears and I shivered with a weird feeling of excitement.

The strength of the hooded man was surprisingly strong as he slowly forced my blade downwards. In one quick motion, I tossed his blade to the side with mine as I twirled around for a stab. The man acted quickly as he escaped the attack by stepping back.

As we fought, I observed his fighting techniques. The katana he was using was like an extension of his hand as he moved swiftly and gracefully, as were his stances which were glaringly familiar.

He was a professional.

Stepping back from a harsh blow, I unsheathe my blade's twin to block another blow from my hips. Swiftly acting, I threw myself forward as I stabbed with a blade and parried with another. As he was distracted by my counter, I twirled myself around as I flipped a blade into a reverse grip to decapitate him. But when I was about to slash, I was surprised to see the man hit my arm with the half of his shoulder, before twisting the other to push me back.

That technique was found by the original silent ones, and was only taught to its successors.

He was a Silent One.

Making that realization, I turned to the side to block his attack before jumping forward to jab with the other. Moving with blades as one, my attacks became harsher as I slowly pushed him back.

Striking a blow to his head, he ducked down. Unfortunately for him, he was not fast enough and I was able to cut the top of his hood causing his hood to fall. In desperation, he tossed out a foot and I ungraciously tripped back. At my unbalance, he quickly acted and pushed me down, causing me to land on my back as he straddled my hips.

Glaring from behind the cloak, I elbowed him with a now unarmed arm and pushed him to the side as I straddled his hips. Unfortunately, the quick movement threw my hood back and I acted too late to cover my features. But when I finally noticed his appearance, I stopped.

The first thing I saw was a familiar pair of bright blue eyes, shinning against mine like beacons. Atop his head rested his ruffled brown hair, tangled because of our fight. Slowly looking down, I noticed the outline of his lean figure and firm shoulders.

Hearing a sharp intake of breath I snapped my gaze back into his familiar bright blue eyes. The expression he had looked like familiarity as he searched something in my eyes.

Our locked gazes broke when the sound of metal erupted from the side. Twisting my body slightly to the side, my eyes found my target who was suddenly holding a pan in his hands as he pointed it at me in a threatening way.

Remembering that I still had a assignment to finish, I glanced back at the bright blue eyed man to see that he was still looking at me with intensity and familiarity like he knew me but can't seem to put a finger on it.

"You look familiar..." His deep voice voice threw me off guard and when I looked deep into his eyes, I realized that my emotions were showing in mine.

Panicking, I hardened my eyes and they slowly returned to their void gazes. Seeing the confusion in the man's eyes, I knew I had returned to my unwavering state.

Ignoring the boy's statement, I replied with the same void voice as my eyes. "You're not my assignment, so do not prevent our... Appointment", I pointed my thumb behind me, "Interfere, and I shall kill you."

He suddenly stilled under me, his gaze turned into something unrecognizable, as he looked at the pocket of my uniform. Following his gaze, I looked down to the insignia of the Silent Society.

My eyes darkened, mistaking his gaze for fear. Giving him one last blank look, I swung my leg from his hard stomach.

I made my way to the shaking figure of my target who continued to point a pan at me. Giving him a small smirk, I grabbed my fallen blade on the floor and swung both of them in a practiced X, testing its sharpness in the air.

Kneeling in front of my prey, I easily flicked the pan from his grip. He gasped in surprise before he glanced behind me with anger in his eyes.

"Don't just sit there like a lovestruck teen! Do something or the deal is off!"


Before I could comment, a sigh was heard behind me and I was tugged upwards by a hand on my arm. Forced to stand up, I met the familiar bright blue eyes of the man with my blank stare.

"I'm afraid that I must interfere. I'm a protector for a reason." He glanced at the scared man behind me and grunted under his breath that was not intended for me to hear, "A deal is a deal."

Protector? With techniques aimed to kill, I doubt that.

I smirked at him in a challenging way, ignoring his last words.

"Good." I stared him down with blank eyes, "A bit of fun."

Before he could comprehend what I said, I jabbed his torso but unfortunately, not deeply. He gasped and clutched his wound tightly, but before I could dodge, he managed to stab my thigh with the weapon he held, the sword going through it.

He ripped it out of me and pain ignited from my leg as I struggled to stand upright. I could distinctly see blood rushing out in waves from my wound as I managed to lean on the kitchen island counter. The unnerving sound of my blood dripping on the white tiles of the floor entered my hearing and my hands twitched at its noise.

I closed my eyes in pain but heard a slight whistle in the air which made me lean right in instinct. Without knowing it, I had managed to dodge a lethal attack that was intended to slice my arm off.

Ignoring the pain in my thigh, I opened my eyes and dragged my body to a straight position before throwing myself at my opponent, giving him a harsh slash to his abdomen once more.

Once again, we played a very dangerous game of cat and mouse, but this time, he was the cat who was trying to catch me and I was the mouse who was trying to maneuver around him. As we danced around each other the protector's fighting suddenly became harsher and I was surprised by his sudden ferocity.

I smiled.

Matching his stride, I ducked below his thighs and jabbed his back before jumping on it, and using my momentum, threw him on the ground with me on top of him making his face press harshly on the floor. In one motion, I sheath my blades before gripping his arm tightly.

"That was fun, wasn't it?", I asked as I bent his arm, and slowly applied pressure on it.

He moaned in reply as his other arm tried to grab me. Expecting the attack, flipped my wrist to its direction and a blade pierced through the edge of his clothing, pinning his arm to the floor. His legs flailed below me in outrage as I gripped his arm tighter in reply. Moving my legs, I pinned his with mine to prevent them from throwing me off.

"Why are you doing this?" He asked me, his voice slightly muffled because of the floor.

I cocked an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

My hand stayed pressed on his arm as the other took a switchblade from my right thigh band. Flipping the blade open, I tested if it was sharp by dragging it on the floor. The blade cut it gratingly and when I held it up, I was satisfied by its clean cut.

Feeling his head move slightly to adjust his face, I returned my gaze to his figure. "I mean, why do you have to kill him... and me?"

I barked out a fake laugh, "You think I have a choice?"

He opened his mouth to protest but I cut him off.

"Oh wait... I do." I said with a hint of a dark edge to my tone.

He frowned in curiosity and opened his mouth again.

Gritting my teeth, I pressed the edge of the blade on his mouth to silence him. At this, he stilled and eyed me warily.

"I like killing people for a living. Makes life interesting."

... And helps me move on from my childhood sorrow.

He shuddered under me in reply as I lifted the blade from his mouth and was about to drag it to the skin of his arm when he flailed under me in hopes of weakening my hold on him, but my grip did not waver.

He growled and I smirked at him. "Don't worry. This will only hurt... a lot."

Before I could press my blade on his skin, I sensed movement behind me causing me to throw my switchblade to its direction without looking, knowing it would land on my target's collar and pin him to the wall.

The protector below me began to flail again, knowing I lost my weapon. Angry, I flipped out a throwing knife from my sleeves and pressed it to the side of his neck. The man below me stilled when he felt the pressure of my knife.

About to slash it through his neck, I made the mistake of meeting his eyes. The eyes I met were sad, softening my heart and making me think twice about killing him.

I growled loudly at myself for being weak and just struck his head hard with the butt of my knife, making him loose consciousness.

Standing up from my position, I turned to face my target once more, this time with no distractions. Flipping my wrist repeatedly, my blades tore through the middle of his limbs and pinned him to the wall, causing him to stop his trashing. A sound of groaning suddenly entered my ears, though I paid them no heed as I continued the torture.

When all limbs were attached to the surface of the wall, I approached his limp figure. One might mistake him as death if it wasn't for the movement of his chest at every breath he took. Flipping out a knife, I started to drag it to the side of his face causing a large cut to form from this eyebrow to the end of his jaw.

Finished with his face, I moved to his body in which I slashed its surface with no orderly arrangement. With each strike, I felt like a painter who, instead of painting on a canvas, was painting on a body, making sure each hit did not kill him.

Finally, I began to peel the skin of his arm like it was a chicken I was skinning for my dinner. His cry shook the building, making me skin him more deeply in excitement. Just when I was about to peel the skin of his elbow, pain ignited in stomach.

My mouth opened in surprise and I looked down to see a blade puncture the right side of my stomach making me want to puke out in disgust at the amount of blood that was pouring from it.

The blade was ripped out from me and I fell on the floor clutching my wound. A pair of bright blue eyes looked at my glassy ones in sadness and I cursed at myself for ignoring the groan I heard.

"I'm sorry." The soft voice of the protector drowned in my pain, but nonetheless, I still heard it.

My last vision was of the familiar bright blue eyes, before I lost consciousness.

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