Power Rangers Dino Charge: Th...

By bunkeyice

306K 5.6K 908

Millions of years ago, the evil Sledge tried to steal the greatest power in the universe, but an alien name K... More

Chapter One: Powers From the Past
Chapter Two: Past Present and Fusion: Part I
Chapter Three: Past, Present and Fusion: Part II
Chapter Four: A Fool's Hour: Part I
Chapter Five: A Fool's Hour Part II
Chapter Six: Return of A Caveman: Part I
Chapter Seven: Return of the Caveman: Part II
Chapter Eight: Breaking Black: Part I
Chapter Nine: Breaking Black: Part II
Chapter Ten: Thick Skinned: Part I
Chapter Eleven: Thick Skinned: Part II
Chapter Twelve: The Tooth Hurts: Part I
Chapter Thirteen: The Tooth Hurts: Part II
Chapter Forteen: Let the Sleeping Zords Lie: Part I
Chapter Fifteen: Let the Sleeping Zords Lie: Part II
Chapter Seventeen: Double Ranger, Double Danger: Part II
Chapter Eighteen: When Logic Fails: Part I
Chapter Nineteen: When Logic Fails: Part II
Chapter Twenty: The Royal Rangers: Part I
Chapter Twenty One: The Royal Rangers: Part II
Chapter Twenty Two: Break Out: Part I
Character Info: Princess Alexandra
Chapter Twenty Three: Break Out: Part II
Chapter Twenty Four: Knights After Knights: Part I
Chapter Twenty Five: Knights After Knights: Part II
Chapter Twenty Six: Sync Or Swim: Part I
Chapter Twenty Seven: Sync Or Swim: Part II
Chapter Twenty Eight: True Black: Part I
Chapter Twenty Nine: True Black: Part II
Chapter Thirty: Rise of a Ranger: Part I
Chapter Thirty One: Rise of a Ranger: Part II
Chapter Thirty Two: Ghostest with the Mostest: Part I
Chapter Thirty Three: The Ghostest with the Mostest: Part II
Chapter Thirty Four: No Matter How You Slice It: Part I
Chapter Thirty Five: No Matter How You Slice It: Part II
Chapter Thirty Six: World Famous (In New Zealand!): Part I
Chapter Thirty Seven: World Famous (In New Zealand!): Part II
Chapter Thirty Eight: Deep Down Under: Part I
Chapter Thirty Nine: Deep Down Under: Part II
Chapter Forty: Race to Rescue Christmas: Part I
Chapter Forty One: Race to Rescue Christmas: Part II
Chapter Forty Two: Wishing For A Hero: Part I
Chapter Forty Three: Wishing For A Hero: Part II
Chapter Forty Four: One More Energem: Part I
Chapter Forty Five: One More Energem: Part II
New Book

Chapter Sixteen: Double Ranger, Double Danger: Part I

5K 105 17
By bunkeyice

Alexa's Outfit Below:

Tyler's POV
We were out in the woods, an area where we could try and track energems or zords with the e-tracer. Shelby and Riley set up a small table and opened up the e-tracer, Chase was doing something with flowers while sitting on a log, Koda was up in a tree to keep watch and Alexa had brought her camera to take pictures while we waited for results from the e-tracer. I leaned back against a tree, the same one which Koda was perched in, and pulled out my journal. I decided I should write a new entry, seeing that I haven't written an entry in a while. I flip open to a new page that was marked by a picture of my dad and I when I was younger. I looked at the picture longingly, only wanting to see my dad once more and find out what happened to him. I lower my pen to the page to start the entry.

I miss you so much Dad. I even still wear your bracelet, keeping it safe until I finally find you. Today is June 10th, being a ranger is not easy. But we've got a great team, even though Chase gets distracted by girls sometimes.

I glance up while writing and saw Chase pulling petals off of flowers. "Monica loves me..." Chase started and pulled off the last petal. "Monica loves me not..." He shrugs and tosses the stem behind him. "Oh well, Monica's loss. Tina loves me..." He said and started on another flower. I look back down at the page and continue to write.

He definitely has our backs. Riley is always analyzing things and training, he makes me try harder, too.

I look up and see Riley and Shelby talking to each other as the e-tracer started up. "I calibrated the e-tracer to search for energems left to right." He tells Shelby.

Shelby is really smart and is always pushing for all of us to do our best.

"No, not left to right. I already calibrated it to search right to left." Shelby says and pushes Riley aside towards Alexa.

And she's kind of stubborn.

Alexa turns around and helps Riley sit up. "Careful Shelby. Riley could've gotten hurt. Riley, Shelby is right about searching for the gold energem or the Ptera zord from right to left. It will work better to detect for the energy signatures better." Alexa explained to both the pink and green rangers.

Alexa is back in Amber Beach, and it's made me realize how much I've missed Alexa over the years. She's really smart too and caring. And hey... I think she's cute.

I glanced up at Koda, who was focused on keeping watch and using his instincts.

Koda... you won't believe how strong his animal instincts are.

I can't stop thinking that Fury had something to do with your disappearance, nothing is going to stop me from finding you Dad.

Alexa's POV
Koda suddenly jumped down from the tree that he was sitting in and landed next to Tyler. "Koda... I asked you to stop doing that." Tyler whined, obviously being frightened when Koda jumped down from the tree.

"Tyler... you smell?" Koda asked and Tyler looked at him confused as Tyler smelled himself, thinking that he was the one who smelled bad.

"I do?" Tyler asked.

"No, the air... Smell." Koda said and the two of them stood up. Suddenly, Tyler's dino com goes off and he picks it up.

"Alien bio signs in the area where you guys are." Kendall said and I instantly shove my camera back into its bag and sling it over my shoulder like a cross body bag and I pull out my dino morpher blaster. Chase and I got ready to shoot any monsters if we see them. We can't risk anything when it comes to keeping the e-tracer out of Sledge's hands.

"Hey... Shut down the e-tracer." Tyler commanded Shelby and Riley, going into ranger mode. "We need to get out of here, now." Tyler puts on his backpack and Riley hands him the e-tracer case once it shuts down.

"Careful, it's irreplaceable." Shelby told Tyler.

"Start the jeep. We're right behind you." Riley informed Tyler.

"Come on. Chase, Koda, the three of us can check if there is anyone further out. Shelby and Riley, you two clean up here and secure the area. We'll meet back up at the jeep in a few minutes." I said, and they all nodded and Tyler rushed to his jeep. Chase, Koda and I ran off in different directions, to look for anyone that could've closed in on us. Suddenly, my dino com went off and I saw that Chase was calling all of us in a group call.

"Found some vivix over here. There are too many for me to handle by myself. I could use some backup." Chase informed us.

"On our way." Shelby said for all of us and I headed towards Chase. Once I arrived, I saw the others blasting vivix. i joined in and shot my way through the vivix, until they all disintegrated. "Come on, we should get back to Tyler." Shelby said and we all ran to where Tyler had parked the jeep. Upon arriving, Tyler wasn't there and him or his jeep were nowhere in sight. "That's weird, Tyler wouldn't just leave us here."

"I'm going to call him." I said and called Tyler. As soon as he picked up, I spoke up. "Hey, not cool." I started.

"Alexa?" He asked, not paying much attention that much to the call.

"You just took off and left us." I stated.

"What? I'm looking right..." Tyler started but trailed off when he saw something else. "At you." How could he be with me if I'm here with the others? The call was cut off and I looked at my dino com confused. I tried calling Tyler again, but he didn't pick up the call.

"Let's head back to base. We can find him with the tracking equipment." Riley said and I nodded. We headed to base and I called Kendall along the way to inform her what happened and that we couldn't get into contact with Tyler. Along the way, I kept calling Tyler and I got more and more worried for him as he usually doesn't miss this many calls. I sighed and put my dino com into my pocket and we all headed down into the base. As our energems flew into their places, Koda spoke up.

"You find Tyler?" Koda asked Kendall and Keeper, who were busy trying to track him after we told them what happened. I pulled my camera bag off and set it down on the lab table, deciding that I'll take it to my room later.

"No, he still isn't responding." Kendall said and I bit my bottom lip in worry.

"I'll scan the city for alien DNA." Riley said, walking up to the computer. "There has to be some type of connection."

"When I talked to him, Tyler thought that he was with us." I told the others, still confused from the conversation that we had earlier before he stopped picking up our calls.

"Well... Whoever he was with, they were fooling him." Shelby added. Suddenly, the siren went off and a red dot appeared on the holographic map in front us.

"Alien bio signs detected in the city complex." Riley informed us of the location as the map zoomed in on the city.

"Then we go there, yes?" Koda asked.

"Maybe we should split up. I could go back to the woods and retrace our steps to see if I can find Tyler." I said quickly.

"Yeah, I'll go with you." Chase said and he started to follow me out but Keeper stopped us.

"No, Kendall and I will continue to search for Tyler. You all must work together to find the e-tracer." Keeper told us. "Before Sledge can locate the gold energem." Keeper pointed out and I nodded, agreeing.

"Keeper is right. We need to work together as a team. We need to find the e-tracer." Shelby said. "Plus, like you always say Lex, Tyler is going to come back." She reassured me and I smiled at her, grateful for the pick-me-up.

"Let's get moving then." Chase said and we all headed out and grabbed our energems along the way to go to the city complex. We morphed once we reached the city complex and started looking for aliens that we had picked up. We regrouped by the park. "This was the location where Kendall detected alien bio signs."

"It's a big area, we need to keep looking." Chase said.

"Be careful." Koda told us and we nodded.

"Let's go." Riley said and we all split up again to find the aliens. We regrouped again after about 10 minutes, still not finding anything.

"I've got nothing." Chase informed us and I nodded in agreement.

"Koda, did you see anything from that tree?" Shelby asked Koda.

"No, just very angry squirrel." Koda said, motioning to this hand that was hurt from the squirrel he encountered earlier.

"Uh... Hey, isn't that us?" Riley asked. We turned around to see 5 rangers, that looked exactly like us.

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