Spanking 1D/5sos

By MyThoughtsWillKillMe

36.3K 794 216

Main people involved in this story: Zayn Liam Niall Callum Ashton •quick updates (Usually take about a week)... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
important/deleting soon

Chapter 11

1.4K 38 12
By MyThoughtsWillKillMe

Is it bad that I had promised to update daily but here I am, a month later, writing up my next chapter?

If so, then my apologies.

Please vote and COMMENT!

I love reading comments, although I may not reply to all of them, I love reading them. It actually tells me people are reading my book.

anyways enjoy!


Calum's POV

"I win!" I cheered.

Once again we were in my room playing on my Xbox.

Once again he was ready to jump on me.

Once again Niall was ready to snitch.

And just like the other day Ashton was downstairs and Zayn in his room meaning he could hear us if we were to fight. Again.

"You little fucker!" Liam laughed as he jumped on me and tried pinning me to the ground.

I laughed along with him.

I used my feet to kick him off of me and say on him.

"No kicking!" Liam reminded me.

"Oh right, sorry." I said. Liam and I never really kicked each other. Kicking actually hurt.

Liam smiled, accepting my apology before rolling to the left, knocking me over.

"You bastard!" I shriek.

I was ready to pounce up at him again but Niall's voice stopped me.

"I'm gonna tell on you guys again." Niall threatened. He was standing up and very close to the door.

"Oh, what a surprise." Liam said with sarcasm."Niall has decided to tell on us again."

"I will tell, unless you guys stop." Niall said. He thinks he's acting all tough. Pfttt! Nobody likes a snitch!

"Go ahead." Liam dared Niall. I watched with a smirk but immediately remembered Zayn was in his room, just down the hall.

"No!" I yelled out."Don't tell Niall!"

Liam stared at me with confusion while Niall smiled. He's probably just glad that I'm listening to him.

"What? Why'd you stop him?" Liam asked with a frown.

"Remember last time?" I asked. Liam thought about what I said for a second before shaking his head.


"Last time when this little brat-" I pointed at Niall when saying 'brat'."Decided to tell on us, Zayn was furious. He literally woke you up from your sleep just to spank you-"

"Say no more, I remember." Liam said with a uneasy look on his face. Obviously he wouldn't want me to continue, it's both embarrassing and a painful memory. "Niall, we're not going to fight anymore. You can come and sit down."

"Good." Niall said. He kept on smiling and it made me want to slap him right across hit face.

"Rematch?" Liam asked. I shrugged.


I set up the Fifa game. 5 minutes into the game I scored.

"Dammit!" Liam cussed.

"Don't swear either." Niall said with a pout. I think he was just trying to give off that mad vibe but since he has a baby face it looks more like a pout.

"Fuck off." Liam said. I turned to look at Niall. I was about to laugh. Nialls face was red. He looked angry. Like a toddler who just got told to go stand in the corner.

"I'll tell Zayn." Niall said. Damn you Niall.

"You're going to tell Zayn that I'm swearing?" Liam asked, a little more rudely than earlier.

"Yup. I'll also tell him how you guys were-"

Liam jumped on Niall.

"Come help me Callum!"

I quickly pin Niall's arms to the ground.

"Get off of me!" Niall yelled."Zay-"

I quickly put my hands over Nialls mouth.

"Hush!" I whisper harshly.

Niall struggled underneath us, already crying.

"Geez Niall, we're just playing around. Don't cry." Liam said. You could tell he felt bad. I on the other hand felt no pity. Niall threatened to tell on us and now he's crying.

"Geff off mef!" Niall mumbled. Niall licked my hand and I quickly pulled it back, somehow hitting Niall in the eye. Liam had already gotten off.

"What the fuck?" A deep voice said in an angry tone. I didn't need to look to know that it was Zayn.

Niall and I whip our heads to look at Zayn. It seems as if Liam had noticed him coming. He was already looking in Zayns direction.

"Were you guys fighting again?" Zayn snapped.

"They were!" Niall said. Niall wiped the tears with the back of his hand and quickly ran over to Zayn.

Niall hugged Zayn and began crying.

I wanted to go and rip Niall away from Zayn and beat him up for being so dramatic.

Zayn hugged Niall back but kept his eyes on Liam and I.

"I told them to stop-p!" Niall cried. That son of a bitch."But they didn't listen-n, and when I told them to stop swearing L-liam and Callum jumped on me a-and they started to h-hit me!"

"Wait! We never actually hit you-" Liam began but was cut off by Zayn.

"Did I give you permission to speak?" Zayn asked.

Liam just stared at him in fright. Since when did someone need to ask to speak.

"I asked you a question. Did I give you permission to speak?" Zayn asked again. He gently pushed Niall away from him and made his way over to us.

Zayn's tall and muscular figure made it hard not to back away from him. I hated him so much at times like now. He has such a strong arm and doesn't even know it. When Ashton uses most of his force it's as if Zayn is going light on you. And still Zayn thinks he doesn't hit hard enough.

"Uh-h no sir." Liam stuttered. Liam stood up and was trembling.

Liam was standing directly next to me but as Zayn walked over he was back up against the wall, 2 feet behind. Zayn stood right in front of me.

"Yeah I don't think I did. And did I not punish you 2 not too long ago for fighting? Was that not enough of a punishment?"

What the fuck? Yes it was enough, hurt like hell!

But Liam was lucky cause he got spanked by Ashton instead.

Neither me or Liam said a word.

Zayn rolled his eyes and grabbed my ear, pinching it hard.

He pulled my ear and dragged me into a corner.

"Don't move a muscle." Zayn ordered before stomping back to Liam.

Liam was somewhat standing, completely against the wall.

"You'll go first." Zayn told him.

I couldn't exactly see what was happening since I was in the corner so I turned my head just a little.

I quickly glanced at them and saw Zayn thinking.

It was as if he was missing something.

"Oh right! Niall, leave the room please." Zayn said. He turned around and walked Niall out.

Once Niall got out he locked the door.

What was the point of locking the door?

In fact, it actually kind of scared me.

I'm not exactly sure why it scared me. Probably because my only escape was blocked.

Zayn walked over to Liam and pulled him towards the bed.

He then sat down and bent Liam over his legs.

Zayn stared at Lima for a couple of seconds before looking up.

We made eye contact for about a millisecond before I realized I was supposed to be staring at the wall.

I was breathing heavily. Hopefully he didn't notice, well Obviously he noticed but I hope he doesn't point me out for it.

"Don't look back here." Zayn said.

Thankfully he didn't make a big deal out of it.

"Now, I was about to ask you boys something. Oh right, how many did I give you guys last time you were caught fighting?" He wondered.

I could feel his eyes glaring at the back of my head.

"And none of you better lie to me." He said.

I don't exactly know how much we got. I'm just going to give him a small number so he if he gives us twice as much then it won't be too bad.

"I t-think it was 50-?" Liam asked more than answered.

I have a feeling this is a trick question.

"50? Is that what I actually gave you guys last time? I'm pretty sure it was more." Zayn said confused.

I think it was more too but I'm still giving him a small number.

"No I think it was 30 or something." I quickly said.

"Well if I gave you guys 30, it's probably with the belt." Zayn said.

Fxcking hell, what did I just do?

"Liam get up for a minute." Zayn said.

I heard Liam whimper.

Fuck fuck fuck! It was a guess!

I could hear Zayn taking off his belt.

No, damn it, this is gonna hurt so fucking much!

"I'll need you to bend over." Zayn said."Not over my knee, over the bed."

"W-wait, I don't think y-you used t-the belt last tim-e!" Liam tried defending himself. And me too, what happens to him happens to me.

"Well it's too late to tell me that now." Zayn said with NO guilt or pity in his voice.

Does he not feel bad? I seriously fucking hate him so much right now.

"C-can we go back to 50?" Liam asked. I'm pretty sure he was trembling.

"50 with the belt? That's good enough." Zayn said.

"W-what? That's not what I m-meant-"

"I don't care. Bend over now."

"Never mind! I take t-that bac-"

I'm pretty sure e Zayn forcefully made Liam bend over cause when j quickly glanced over, Liam was over the bed crying.

Wait, so now we're getting 50?

Fuck you Liam, fuck you Zayn.

Oh and fuck you too Niall.

And fuck you, Ashton, for not being here when we need you.

Just fuck everyone.


"Ow! I won't be able to take 50!" Liam immediately said.

"Well you'll have to cause I'm not stopping until you get 50."Zayn said.

He honestly sounds like he wants to give us 50! WANTS!


Liam was crying very loudly by now.

It didn't only make me feel bad but scared.

I'll have to deal with this pain next. And from the sounds of it, it hurt way more than the last time we fought.


"Remember how much I'm giving you two today. Next time I'll give you both 100 if you forget."

I paled at that. He wouldn't actually give us a 100, would he? No, Ashton wouldn't let him.

Speaking of Ashton, where is he?


"S-stop! Please Zaynie!" Liam begged.

At times like this, I wish I was deaf so I wouldn't have to hear Liam go through this.

"First of all, no I will not stop. Second of all, at the moment, I am not Zaynie or Zayn. You'll address me as sir."

Liam cried harder at that. I mean why wouldn't he. His only way of getting close to Zayn was gone.


"Am I clear?"



"I asked am I clear." Zayn snapped.

How he is supposed to answer if you keep hitting him, you asshole!



"You're not answering me, Payne." Zayn was clearly angry, but why? He's not allowing him to speak."Am. I. Clear?"



Liam cried out loud, not being able to stop sobbing. He sounded like he was going through hell.

"If I have to ask you again I'll make the total hits 6-"

"That isn't f-fair." I said from the corner. I probably shouldn't have interrupted.

"I don't care. It isn't fair that you guys keep fighting even when I tell you to stop."Zayn nearly yelled. He was getting ticked off as time passed.

"Now back to you. Am I clear about how you address me?"





Smart move Liam. I'm just glad it's over for him.

Well not exactly.



The next 10 hits were laid so hard and quickly. I was now utterly scared for my punishment. Just hearing Liam go through this makes me regret ever fighting with Zayn in the house.

"S-sorry! I'm so so sorry s-sir!" Liam cried.

I turned my head the slightest bit to see what was happening.

Zayn was pulling Liam up and bringing him up to hug him.

"Go to Ashton while I deal with Callum." Zayn demanded.

No! Comfort Liam a little bit longer, I need moretime!

"Oka-Y." Liam was hiccuping but still managed to speak.

Liam walked towards the door, unlocking it and walking out.


I turned around to face him.

"So how many did I give you last time?" Zayn asked. He looked extremely frightening. He just looked very strong at the moment.

"I don't r-remember."

"You said 30 right?" He slowly made his way towards me.

"Can we p-please not do this?" I cried.

"Then what should I do? Hmm?" Zayn grabbed a hand full of my hair and gripped it tightly.

It hurt a lot!

"Anything else! I don't want the belt!"

"Yeah, well, too bad. You said 30 right? You'll get double the amount so 60."

No! Why do I get more than Liam!


Did you guys like that? I haven't edited yet but that's why I need a co owner.

I will not be doing a second part of this chapter unless I get comments for doing a part 2. That way I'll know people want a part 2.

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