Namimori: Reborn (KHR Fanfic)...

By RandomlyGenerated_

167K 6.2K 569

A girl or rather woman despises the thought of the outside world along with the emotions and problems that go... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Extra Chapter 23.5
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 21

3.8K 155 2
By RandomlyGenerated_

I sat up panting heavily. My eyes frantically moved around the room. I sighed seeing the familiar walls. I clutched my head into my hands. What the hell is wrong with me. Tsuna entered the room, seeing as I was awake he asked, "Are you alright?"
"Yea." I replied and stared at the roof. My mind felt different, everything felt different, but I couldn't understand it.
"Would you like to stay for dinner?" Tsuna asked. My mind snapped back for a moment.
"No thank you, I'm good", I stood up "Thanks for the care."
I walked solemn down the street my mind moving in and out of awareness. Footsteps were suddenly heard, trailing behind me. My hand moved itself to my gun, but only met fabric. Damn. I sighed staring up to the sky. Please don't let it be stalker, please don't make me run. Running would be pretty bleh right now.
click. CLicK. CLICK.
The steps were closer and I allowed my head to turn slightly. Damn. A man was following me, he doesn't look like anyone I know. Damn. I walked slightly faster putting a tiny distance between him and I. The man's pace sped up as well. Damn, damn, I'm too far away from my apartment, the school is even farther away too. Oh come on, I just got kidnapped by Mukuro and now I have to deal with this crap. I could hear the sound of the man's breath, couldn't be anymore obvious. Like man. Never stalked before or something? I looked up to the sky and sighed. May the gods bless me.

I took off in a deadsprint.

I have to find somewhere, quick, I can't run like this forever. Ah sweet lord, my lungs are already hurting. I past my apartments not wishing to lead him to where I lived. I could still hear the footsteps they were strangely rapid, unlike an average man. Damn. He's going to catch me. I jumped the school gate and into the courtyard. My muscles and lungs burned. Fine, if I can't run, I'll fight. Is Hibari here? Would be a pretty damn good time to show up. I stopped and turned around prepared to fight. I saw nothing. I paused surprised, was that being paranormal. No, it can't be.
I stood there, with ears straining. The crisp cool air of night began to flow. Silence caressed the schoolyard. I shifted and tilted my head. I guess I was to paranoid. I heard a faint sound, a click. The click of the removal of the safety on a gun. I planted myself on the ground and shots were fired as I did so.
I immediately ran for cover in the trees. Why is he pulling a gun on me? ....Damn it, it's the mafiosos. I felt the tree and jumped, grabbing a branch and pulling myself into the leaves. I shifted to to the end of a branch and jumped onto the tree besides it and continued to do so until a fair distance was placed between the man and I. I slid down the tree, praying nothing would make a sound. My foot hit the solid floor and gravel shifted slightly, barely making a noise. Good enough. Swiftly I headed towards the school building testing windows and doors. A crack was heard. Yes. I gripped the window and with a little grunt pulled it open. I crawled and collapsed on the floor. I sighed, closing my eyes for moment. This is a cruddy day. I rose and closed the window. The man's shadow could be seen by the treeline. I squinted trying to get better look.
Tsk. It's too dark.
Pushing myself away from the window, I glanced around the classroom. It was dark and eerily quiet, the long shadows of desks crawling along the floor. My breath could be seen slightly in the light of the now full moon. I walked softly through the classroom not daring to break the haunting atmosphere. I opened the sliding door, creating a rumbling echo through the classroom. I flinched, feeling like I had awakened a beast.
I glanced down the long dark hallway. Nothing could be seen in the shadows and the light of the moon barely came in through the window. Great. I turned back to the window, checking. The man had moved closer to the school, a tad still searching along it. Quickly I made my way into the hallway, no longer caring for the empty noise of the hallway. My feet met the floor with clacks as I made my way through darkness. My hands moved along walls and railing in attempt to guide me to Akira-sensei's class. A loud crash was heard from downstairs prompting me to go faster. I slid to a stop and yanked on the classroom door. It was locked. I'm sorry Aki-sensei...sorry Hibari. I brought my leg up and kicked the door. A crack was heard and I pulled it open. Footsteps were heard approaching heavily and quickly. I ran over to desk and opened the secret drawer pulling out a gun.
I checked the cartridge as I exited the classroom quickly. I stopped a foot of the stairs. Damn.

Damn. Damn. Damn.

Damn, I am incredibly stupid and if I die it's just a sad case of natural selection. A chuckle broke the internal beatdown ringing loudly in thoughts. My head turned to the man standing at the edge of the stairs facing me.
I froze, gripping the gun.
"Hmhmhm, thought you could escape me kid?", the man asked. His face was hidden in the shadows, but can see the glimmer of his teeth as he said this. "Now tell me where can I find this Tsuna kid", the man said lifting his leg to step closer. Time seemed to freeze as his face entered the dim light of the moon....he wasn't any character I had seen in the show, not at all. He seemed to be a background character, however that fact wasn't the one that sent a chill through me. This bloodlust and evil in his dark brown eyes was inhumane. I snapped back to reality, knowing that despite the emotions spilling from his eyes he was not the strongest person I knew. I could have taken him on, but I had just passed out twice in a span of however many days I was even out and then kept in a dark room. Who can seriously go through all that and still want to fight?
My eyes were pulled to the gun as it raised up, but his eyes' intensity drew me back to the situation. I lifted the gun in my hand up and shot his eye. Red paint splattered and a painful smack and groan followed. Before he could recover from the shock, brought the paint gun down hard on his head and pushed him down the stairs. It cracked in my hand after I hit him. Throwing it to the ground, I ran down the stairs past the man as he began to get up. In my rush, I tripped a step and sent me forward. My mind blanked out remembering the cold hard concrete of the street. The dizzying shouts of people, the honking of horns. The pain, the pain. Suddenly the images disappeared replaced with cream tiled floors. I stuck out a leg in front of me catching myself and continued to run.
"Get back here you cursed brat!"
My ears pulsed and I stumbled quickly through the hall pulling on doors. My hand felt the cool brass doorknob turn, finally. I pulled myself in, slamming the door behind me and locking it. I pressed my back against the door for support as I slid down to the ground. I gasped my body pulsing with blood and lungs burning from the physical activity. My mind calmed a footsteps rushed past the room.
Damn you Tsuna, Mafia, Vongola, Reborn,...who else Jilian, Akira-sensei. I gripped the locked doorknob using it to pull myself up. The moon shone brightly in this room. The couch, the desk, the stack of papers that I was forced to work on a couple of days ago. Yup, I ended up in the disciplinary committee room. I scanned the room for a weapon.
I walked over to the desk and shifted through the drawers. I stopped and looked out the window to the night sky. What is this curse? Seriously. Thuds and crashes were heard inching down the hallway. ...Is he seriously kicking all the doors down. He must really want to eliminate Tsuna. Boy, you lucky I haven't chosen to screw you over.
BOOM! The sudden noise at the door caused my to shift and hit the table knocking a mug onto the floor. Great.
"So you're in here little one, come on out and make it nice and easy." I pulled open the window. I'm not okay with that second story drop. I'm not okay with breaking a bone either. BOOM. BOOM. My mind frantically flipped through scenarios. A shift was heard in the I should just let natural selection happen. I turned to the window. Crack. The door was on verge of breaking. I looked to to the floor. Yeah that was stupid and slid away from the window. I turned to the door and grabbed a pen. I breathed deeply in and out, calming my mind. I gripped the pen harshly ready to fight. An arm swung around me, as a hand covered my mouth.

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