Why Can't This Be Love (A7X/M...

By Miranda_Gates1502

13.7K 398 48

Stephanie Baker is twin sister of Zacky Baker,and has had a crush on his best friend Matt Sanders for as long... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Tweleve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One

Chapter Twenty Two

572 18 3
By Miranda_Gates1502

    I wake up next to Matt,but we're not sleeping close together. It's been exactly one week since the wedding. Nothing's changed. We've still been fighting. I've been looking into where I could go,and Miami doesn't sound too bad.

I was think of talking to Zacky today,he gets back from his honeymoon today. He could help me move there,and I'm contemplating on who I should tell about me moving.

I'll probably tell everyone,though I know for sure Zacky and Emma will be the only ones to know where I'm heading off too. And my parents. But I wonder if it'd be better to take off without a warning or a word to anyone. I'll plan it all out with Zacky later.

I sit on my bed now,sitting up straight with my back against the wall as I watch Matt sit at the edge of the bed with his head in his hands. I take a long,deep sigh as I watch his back muscles strain.

I have to make sure that I for sure want to do this,because once I get there I'm staying there,and I'm not coming back for at least a year.

I have two options,and let me just say it's frustrating thinking about which one I want to go with. I could stay here,and try and fix things with Matt,and help us work and stay together.

Or I could leave to Miami,get away for a while. Away from the fighting,the shouting,the everything and just clear my head. But God would I miss the good moments that Matt and I have.

When he tells me that he loves me and how beautiful I am. When I cuddle up against him and we just talk for hours laughing about nothing,watching movies together eating Doritos.

Ugh why does this have to be so frustrating?

"Matt." I say quietly,and he turns around and looks at me.

"Yeah?" He answers.

"Are you gonna get in the shower,because if not then I will." I say,and he looks back to the floor. Somehow I think he knows too that our relationship is slipping away.

"No go ahead." Is all he answers with. I slide off the bed,and head over into the bathroom,shutting the door close behind me.

I jump into the shower,turning the water the hottest it can go,as I stand there and let my frustrated tears out. I bite lip,and clench my eyes shut. Is our relationship really coming to an end?

When I get out,I see that Matt isn't sitting on the bed anymore. I close the door and begin changing,throwing on a random pair of pants and t shirt.

  I jog down the stairs,almost slipping halfway down. Matt's sitting on the couch flipping through the different channels,a beer in his hand.

"I'm going to go see Zacky,alright? I'll be home in a couple hours I'll call you if anything changes." I say to him as I grab my car keys,and he snaps his focus over to me.

"Alright,be careful." He says and I nod quickly. But before I can get to the door,he'd beside me and I feel the touch of his soft lips against my cheek.

"I love you." He says. Dammit. This is what makes it so hard to choose.

"I love you too." I say putting a smile on my face,returning a kiss to his cheek.

When I get in my car,I grip my steering wheel,and burry my face into it. But I refuse to cry right now. I have to save my tears for later.

I pull up to Zacky's house and go up to his door, and knock on it frantically. He opens it within a couple seconds,and I instantly hug him.

"How was the honeymoon?" I ask with a smirk as I step into the house,and see Emma sitting on the couch.

"Great." He says a big grin on his face as he looks at Emma.

  "That's good." I say back,but then I clear my throat,and sit next to Emma on the couch.

  "So....I need to talk to guys." I start off saying,and they turn their attention onto me.

"What is it?" Emma asks me,and I look up into her eyes.

"Well,I've decided I'm gonna move to Miami. But I need your guys' help."

"Wait what?! Your gonna leave me!" Emma shouts and I nod.

"Only for about a year,and i was thinking of leaving in the morning,actually but I don't know what I'm gonna do. I wouldn't have a house, a job anything." I look from Zacky to Emma,their expressions un readable.

"My aunt has a house down in Miami. I could call her,and then I could go with you,we can stay at her house until you get everything going." Emma suggests after a minute of silence,and I can sense sadness behind her voice.

"How are you gonna tell Matt?" Zacky asks,and every time I think about it it's like a punch in the gut. I sigh,choking back the tears that form.

"And are you sure you want to do this Stephanie?" They both ask me and I take a deep breath,nodding my head slowly.

  They both pull me into a hug,and Emma gets up and leaves into the other room to call her aunt. Zacky only says a couple words to me,which is probably better,I don't think I could do much talking at the minute.

  "I'm gonna miss you sis." He finally says,and pulls me into another tight hug.

  "I'll drop you and Emma off at the airport tomorrow." He adds and I nod as Emma walks back into the room.

  "My aunts okay with it,she's excited actually. Now I'm guessing you  probably want to say goodbye to everyone." She says and I shake my head.

  "I'll do it in the morning,can I stay here tonight?" I ask and they both nod,following with of course.

  I pull out my phone and send a quick text,telling him that I'm gonna stay the night with Emma and Zacky. Not even a minute later,my phone vibrates with a response.

  Matt: Alright

  I'll admit I'm disappointed that he didn't say I love you. I snap back into focus when I hear Emma saying something to me.


   "We can catch a 12 o clock flight tomorrow morning,is that good?" 

  "Yeah that's fine I'll still be able to say goodbye to everyone." I get up,and head over to the fridge,opening it trying to clear my mind. That seems impossible right now.

   I grab a Coke and the bag of potato chips on top of the fridge,and go back into the living room.

   For our last hours together,well mine and Zacky's we just watch all our favorite movies,and order some pizza for dinner.

  I crawl into bed,and stars up at the ceiling,year after year rolling down my cheek,but each time I quickly wipe them away.

  I think about how I'll tell Matt,and what I'll do if he'll try and stop me. I know part of me will just want to give in and stay,but I can't let myself give in.

   I wake up to the sun in my face,and I look over on the clock to see its 9 o clock. I fling the sheets off of me and begin to start the day.

  I don't have clothes to change into so Emma said I can borrow one of her outfits. I throw on her blue jeans and plain black t shirt.

  The time keeps slipping away,and I try and make the best of every minute. When it hits 10:30,Zacky tells me to go get in the car that he'll drive me to say goodbye to everyone. I jump into the passenger seat,and Emma in the back and we head over to Brians first.

   I knock on the door,and hear Pinkly bark away,until Brian finally opens the door.

  "Steph hey what's up?" He asks and opens up the door wider,letting me in.

  "I'm leaving." I say straight forward,and Michelle walks out of the kitchen.

  "What do you mean?" They both ask and I sigh.

  "I'm moving. Look,I can't sit here and explain but im not coming back for about a year guys,I'm really gonna miss you." I say,and they're faces are expressionless.

  "Oh Stephanie I'm gonna miss you." Brian says and pulls me into a hug. Michelle joins in,and the hug seems to last forever.

  "I'll really miss you guys too,I promise I'll call you every month."

  "Where are you moving?"

  "I can't say I'm sorry." I say and head for the door,and before they can say another word,I open the door and walk out.

  Johnny and Lacey took it pretty good,but Jimmy and Leana took it the worst. I hate having to leave all of these guys,and now the worst is here. I must tell Matt.

  I unlock the front door,to see Matt sitting on the couch. At first we don't say anything to each other,and I go upstairs and throw some pants and shirts into duffle bag. I put some pictures in there too,and head back downstairs.

  "Matt." I let out,and he gets up.

  "What's up babe what's wrong? Where are you going?" He asks. Shit shit shit.

  "I'm leaving Matt. I'm sorry. I'm going away for a year and I'm not coming back." I say and he looks confused.

  "What do you mean?" He asks again,and of course I can feel some tears coming up.

  "I mean Matt,I'm leaving. I'm going away,and so we're....we're done." I say and the look on his face is like a kick in the face.

  His face saddens,and his eyes water.

  "Stevie,I'm so sorry if it's my fault." It pretty much is.

  "Look Matt if you move on,I get it-" I start to say but he cuts me off.

  "I won't steph,I promise I won't be able too. I love you steph please don't go. Is there anything I can do? Please?" He pleads me,and oh how I want to say yes.

  "I'm sorry Matt but I think it's best for both of us." Shit now I'm crying. And so is he. Seeing him cry is like crushing my heart and soul.

  "I'm sorry Stevie. I get it,and I promise I'll wait for you. Just please answer me honestly. Do you love me?" He asks and a huge lump is in my throat.

  "Yes." I answer truthfully.

  He grabs my face with both of his hands,and pulls me into a kiss. A long,soft kiss full of tears as I play with his hair and he rubs my back.

  "Can I know where your going?" He asks and I shake my head no.

  He just nods sadly. "There will never be another girl like you in my life Stephanie Elizabeth Baker. I'm gonna miss you so fucking much." He says,and I wipe away his tears,and kiss him one last time. He tries to convince me to stay a couple more times. Each time failing.

  When I get to the car,I close it and bite my lip as I hold back the tears,but it back fires. I break down crying as Zacky drives to the air port. Why can't this be love? Why couldn't Matt and I work.

   It's funny how someone I had longed to be with,dreamed about being with,just crumbled apart. Maybe in a year things will be better an we can try again.

  I wonder how he's doing right now. A voice in my head hisses at me to stop thinking about him,that it'll only just make it worse.

  Before Emma and I board the plane,Zacky gives me one last tight hug,and one last kiss on the cheek.

  "I'll miss you sis. Be careful alright?"

  I give him a crooked smile. "I will be. Take care of my house and car will ya?" I ask and he nods with a little laugh,and Emma and I board the plane,Zacky giving her one last kiss.

  I take the window seat,and stare out of it as I watch everything get smaller and smaller. I want to cry again,but I don't. And Emma doesn't ask a thing about Matt and I,which is a really good thing.

I lean back my head on the seat,and close my eyes. Clearing my head from everything.

  "Aunt Rene? Aunt Rene you here?" Emma calls out as we step into a small house. Miami isn't much different than Cali,I'll get adjusted here quickly.

  "Oh Emma dear it's so good to see you! Oh and there's Stephanie!" A woman in about her 50s steps out from a medium sized kitchen. She has brown hair,and grey hairs on her hairline.

  Her pale face goes with her dark brown eyes. Her perfume smells of lilacs as she pulls us into a hug.

  "Oh it'll be a great week this week." She says and I force myself to smile.

  "Yes it will." I say looking to Emma.

  It's been 3 days. Each morning it's hard waking up,and not seeing Matt there beside me. I miss him dearly and it's only been 3 days.

  Today Emma is helping me look for a house,so I sit in the passenger seat. Every Rose Has Its Thorn comes on the radio and I quickly change it. I am not gonna cry right now. I'm wearing the necklace he gave me. The Lady And the Tramp one. I twist the charm with my fingers,focusing only on that until the car stops suddenly.

  I look up to see a big beautiful house. A few palm trees are by them. The grass is a beautiful healthy dark green,and it has a huge porch going all the way around the house.

  When we get inside,we walk around checking out all the rooms when suddenly,I walk into one of the bedrooms to see...

  "Matt?" I ask. Mixed emotions fill me all at once. Anger,happiness, frustration and 20 other ones.

  He walks over to me,and I'm stunned. I look over to Emma and she just shrugs her shoulders.

  "I'm sorry Stevie. You can yell at me to go back to California and I will. But I couldn't stand the thought of you being away from me that long. I'm sorry it took this much for me to realize how much you mean to me. I really am,but Stevie no matter where you go,no matter how far away I'll follow you because I love you,and I need you Stephanie." He says getting closer and closer to me,and I can't help but cry.

  "Matt-" I begin to say but he holds up his hand. He gets down on one knee,and holds up a small box,opening it to reveal a beautiful diamond ring.

  "Stephanie,I know you left because we weren't working anymore,and it's my fault. But please let me try and make this work. I promise I'll try my hardest. I love you with every bone in my body. Stevie,will you marry me?" He asks,a tear going down his face. Emma gasps,and I feel as though I can't breathe. I want to cry,but I want to smack him,and yet kiss him all at the same time. I feel mad but so happy.

  "Yes Matt. I will." I finally say,and he slips the ring on my finger,picking me up bridal style and pulling me into a huge kiss.

  Well so much for moving to Miami. I just pray to god I'm making the right decisions.

  "I love you Matthew." I say face full of tears,looking up into his big beautiful hazel eyes.

  "I love you too Stephanie." He replies back a wide smile on his face.


  Well that's the end guys! I really hope you enjoyed it,I'm sorry it's taken me almost a week to write this part and I'm sorry if it wasn't that good,it was hard to think of what to do. I'm gonna begin a new story soon,and after that I might make a sequel to this one. Again I really hope you guys liked this story. Thank you so much for reading this and for all the votes!!!!:)

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