Guinea Pigs Camila/you

By Hoshikii97

22.3K 750 103

Since the Raid, everything changed. Called Byakko, I'm the tenth successful experiment of this never ending n... More

1 - When the Moon Meets the Sun, this Shall Be the Most Beautiful Tragedy
2 - The Raid
3 - Rebirth
4 - First Impression
5 - When the Moon Chases the Sun, It Shall Be Rewarded with a Burning Kiss
6 - A Fellow Comrade
7 - Run
8 - Face of an Angel

9 - Mine

1.1K 73 12
By Hoshikii97

Unknown POV (prior to chapter 5):

She was there. Always there lurking in the corner of the room. Always making my life a living hell. It was her fault if we got here. Why did I have to listen to her that day? If only we would have done what we initially planned, we wouldn't have been caught during the Raid. The worst was that she probably oblivious to it all, her innocence was what got us doomed.

Here we were, stating at each other through the mirror once again. As laid back as ever, she was leaning against the opposing wall wearing her signature innocent smile. What was she after this time? Could she not be a thorn in my side for once?

"What is it this time?" I spat feeling quite on the edge.

"Whoa, easy kitty. I just want to go outside, I've been trapped in this room for long enough. Can we get out now?" the brunette asked.

"We can't and you know why." I harshly replied not feeling it today.

"It doesn't mean that you've just ended your heat that you got to take it all onto me." she replied raising her hands in surrender before pushing herself off the wall. "Please, just this once, I want to get out earlier." she pleaded as she wrapped her arms around my shoulders from the back.

I hated to say it, but her embrace made me feel safe, it made me feel at home.

"Fine, but I'll get to have your dessert." I finally gave in.

"Thank you so much, Sis!" my twin squealed in excitement and squeezed her arms around my neck almost cutting the oxygen out of my system.

That was when a pounding could be heard at our door. This was rather odd, normally those doors were electrified, so only a fool would barge on it. It definitely was not a worker of the facility. Who could this be?

Few minutes passed in silence, both of us were unsure of what just happened.

"Nether Cat, Dr. Susanne expects you to be in her office within 10 minutes."

"Well, I have to go. See you later, Sis!" Camila said before dating off the room as soon as the door opened.

What would I do with her?

Giving one last glance at the mirror, I met the eyes I came to despite. Bright yellow orbs were intensely staring back at me. It was the reminder of our suffering, of everything we had to endure. It was a reminder of everything I had to sacrifice to keep my sister alive. It was a reminder of my crimes.

The voices, they were back once again. Never completely leaving, but always whispering the sins I've come to realize.


Closing my eyelids, I allowed myself to relax and steady my breathing. Gripping firmly the edge of the counter, I began to let go of everything. Camila couldn't see me like this.

Once I felt in control, brown eyes were staring back at me. This was much better.

I hated when I was in heat, I was confined to my room without any form of interaction. They were scared of me, but they had the right to be.

Turning myself away from my reflection, I contemplated for the first time the damage of my previous state. The word mess would probably be unfit to describe what was displayed in front of me, but it's not like I cared.

Shrugging off the feeling, I had places to be.

Leaving the room, I caught a whiff of a marvelling delicious smell. This was new, I've come across every test subjects in this facility and none of them smelled as good as this.

Only one word echoed through my mind.


It had to be a joke, how could things get any shittier, I already had too much on my plate and could barely handle myself. How could I handle someone else? Whoever was up there must be laughing at my misery.

My instincts were forcing me to chase after that person, but I was in control. I wouldn't surrender to my urges.

Pushing those thoughts away, I started walking to my destination.


Camila's POV:

After my meeting with my creator, Dr. Susanne, I couldn't help but feel uneasy at my new task. How in the world would I be able to achieve this task? I would have to figure it out another time.

Waiting for my sister, Karla, to come back to our room so I could share the information, had the sudden urge to exit the room. I might have been confined here for too long the past few days. I was sick of seeing those walls. Maybe I had the time to go out for a short walk.

As if the workers heard my thoughts, the door opened but even before I could exit the room, that same enticing smell excited my senses. She was back again.

Swiftly moving toward the source of the delectable sent, I pounced on her back pinning her effectively on the ground. Her mere presence made me purr in satisfaction and was even more pleased when she reprobated the feeling by chuffing.

Her small whines were delectable and inviting me to take control. Nuzzling my nose on the crook of her neck, I had to savour her sweet smell and feeling bold, I let my lips linger on her skin before giving a tentative bite.

Her reaction was almost immediate, she didn't like being dominated but I was in control.

I gripped the back of her skull as she raised her upper body from the floor to slam it back down. The tension was so dense that it could have been cut with a knife. Short snarls were exchanged but it was mandatory to determinate the dominance rank.

It didn't take her long before she capitulated. Her passiveness allowed me to scoot back on her bum on a more comfortable position. I gave in the temptation of my instincts and rubbed my head between her shoulder blades. She was mine, and mine alone.

Once I properly marked the Y/H/C, our silent conversation went on for a bit before I had to leave. As fast as i pinned her down, I went back to my room. I knew that it was forbidden to interact physically with other experiments and yet, no soldier came to separate us. Something odd was about to happen, I just knew it. I would have to ask Karla's opinion on this mess.


The second time I've met her was when I was walking through the hallways aimlessly. The alarm went off and the gates began to close. Something was definitely wrong.

Running toward the gates that were about to close, I passed underneath each of them. They definitely needed to close them faster if they wanted to confine someone in the hallways.

After gliding under a gate near the training room, I caught the smell of a certain addicting stranger. This was getting exciting, but someone has beat me to it. The distinctive phosphorus smell of Lucy was also lurking around.

When I saw that Lucy straddling the Y/H/C, I lost control and let my instincts take over the reins. Within a few seconds, I was yanking off the pest that bothered my belonging and threw her away. Placing myself between the stretcher and Lucy, I glanced back at the beauty behind me.

However, now was not the time to get distracted. Facing the aggressor once again, I let out a menacing snarl making my point clear.

"Well, well, well. Look at that party pooper. What owes me the displeasure of such aggressive manners, Karla?" Lucy sarcastically spoke as she dusted herself.

"It's Camila." I spat with venom in my tone.

"Oh, my bad. I mistook a psycho for another one. It's just that both of you looks so much alike. Tell your sister I said hi and that she better finish whatever she's going through. It's boring without her around." Lucy chuckled.

It was still a mystery to understand what my sister found in her.

"Fuck off."

"Oh come on, Cabello. We can share. Doesn't mean that you rubbed yourself all over her that she's yours and you know it. Whatever I want, I get and I will get her. Later jugete." Lucy spoke before glancing at my belonging.

How dare she want to claim something that wasn't hers? I wasn't mad, I was fucking mad. I hurriedly walked back to the Y/H/C girl and straddled her waist. Still clouded by the anger, I took deep breaths of her sent before being able to tone it down with the snarls. The things this girl made me feel was bewildering. Soon, I surprised myself rubbing my head once more.

She was such a bottom, lying there passively at the mercy of any predator.

Running my tongue over the fresh marks on my prey's neck one last time, I proudly admired my work. This would have to do for the time being. Hopefully, it would dissuade the others from touching what was mine.

I would have to do something else for that Lucy girl though, but it could wait. I still had to talk to Karla about the previous events.



Hey everyone, I am alive even if I barely survived the midterms. Hope you enjoyed!



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