vivaah ( bond of heart a jour...

By cuteangel0203

1.2M 35.6K 3K

The time stoped just looking into his eyes .... sitting beside me on vivaah mandap is my would be husband... More

chapter - 1
chapter -2
chapter - 3
chapter -4
chapter -5
chapter - 6
author note
chapter - 7
chapter -8
authore note
chapter -9
chapter- 10
chapter - 11
chapter -12
chapter -13
chapter - 14
chapter -16
chapter - 17
chapter 18
chapter -20
chapter -25
Author note
chapter -27
chapter 28
author note
chapter- 30
chapter 31
chapter -32
chapter - 33
chapter - 34
chapter - 35
chapter -36
chapter - 37
chapter - 38
chapter -39
chapter - 40
chapter - 41


24.3K 760 44
By cuteangel0203

Adwai pov ;

When i woke up i felt a warm thing beside me i snuggle closer to it and i felt someone pulled me closer to the warmth .. Then i felt a finger on my nose and lips i opened my eyes and saw a pair of chocolate colour eyes looking at me it was none other than my husband .. I asked him what raising my eye brow ..

He came closer to my ears and spoke goodmorning ..

Morning ji i too replied ..

Uh hmm not like this biwi he told me ..

Then how ?? I asked him in return ..

I want a morning kiss biwi he wishpered in my ear ..

I hide my  face in his chest and heard him laughing ... I tried to get up but he pulled me again towards him ..

Leave na its already late mummy ji might be waiting for me  i pleaded

They know we are  newly married couple and they are still behaving like a newly married pair after 30 years of their marriage so how can they expect us early   he replied

I was shocked hearing his words like i cant really belive that he is speaking so boldly  about his parents .. I was looking at him with wide eyes

What ?? You really dont belive me ??  He asked me ..

I have no words to reply ..

Ohk just wait for somedays you will know ..  They are worst then the new couple ..He told me .

I nodded my head in response ..

And again tried to get up he is not ready to leave me yet ..

Vishal ji chodona please .. Dekhona late hora hai please .. I gave him most innocent look which work on my brothers i hope on him too ...

Ohk biwi your looks are really killer now i am leaving you but i will definately take it from before the end of the day .. He challenged me ..

Is this a challenge my dear hubby ?? I asked ..

Yeap my dear wife ..  He replied ..

Ohk then we will see ..  I too replied boldly and get down from the bed ..

And went towards the cupboard to take out my clothes and went inside washroom to take bath ..

After a nice shower i went inside the closet to wear my saree ..and came out to put on my jwellery..

I saw my husband slept again so i went near mirror and started wearing my bangels then , earings and a goldchain around my neck .. I never remove my mangalsutra as its a symbol of a married girl mom always told me that the mangalsutra , toe ring , bangels i should always wear so i am just following that ..

I did my hair in half clutch and left them open and applied moisturiser on my face and body .. I went near the window to remove the curtains and heard grooning from my husband and saw him putting a pillow over his face i smiled and went out of the room ..

When i came down i saw mummyji and papaji both were standing in the kitchen .. When i went near i saw papaji was making tea and mummy ji was standing their when she saw me she asked me to come inside ..

Goodmorning mummyji , goodmorning papaji  i wished them ..

Goodmorning beta ..  They wished me

Kumar ji i dont like when she call me mummyji .. Mummy ji told to papaji ..

Me too wifey .. Papaji replied ..

I was very confused what they are talking about

Papaji turned towards me and told me not to call them mummyji and papaji ..
Why ?? Have i done something wrong i asked them .. I am on verge of crying looking at them ..

No beta it not like that .. We dont want you to call us mummyji and papaji rather we want you to call us mummy and papa .. She told me ..

Because we think you as our daughter not our daughter in  law .. Papaji told me
So we want you to treat us like how you treat tour parents beta mummyji told me ..

I too wanted to call you as muma and papa but i was scared that you might not like it i told them ..

Papa came and hugged me like my father i felt so happy to get a father again in my life and kissed my forehead ..

Muma too hugged me ...

Now you accepted me as your daughter so you have to bear my childish behaviour too .. I told them ..

Why not we are more than happy to happy a sweet daughter like you ...papa told me ..

I want tea papa please make it fast na i complained looking at papa ..

Muma brust out laughing at my demand ...

Ohk my dear princess ...papa replied ..

Were is my lazy boy muma asked me .

Still sleeping muma i replied ..

Oh what i will do with him ..muma replied ..

Beta after breakfast we will go to parlour i have fixed and appointment ohk muma told me ..

I nodded papa brought sandwich and tea for us ..

I went with muma to my room to wakeup my husband who is still sleeping .. Muma asked me to keep quite she took a glass of water and pour it on him .. He woke up with a jolt and looked at us witn wide eyes .. I was supressing my laughing he looked at me with narrow eyes and i immediately stop my laughing ...

Oye lazy boon getup its already past ten muma told me ...

Uh mom you could have called me but
No always do this he complained like a child ..

I dont know now get up and come down we are waiting for you for breakfast ..muma,told him and went out ..

You my dear wife will pay for it he get down from the bed and marching towards me before he could catch me i ran out of our room  ..

Adwai he was shouting from behind but i ignored it and ran downstair ..

Muma and papa both were laughing at me for running like this i looked at them with a poutting face ...

Aww mera bachha come here muma called ..

I went near her and she hugged me closely ...

It felt like they  are my own mother and father ..

Vishal ji came downstair and looking at me with a challenging look ...

We had our breakfast after breakfast me and muma decided to go to parlour ..

We had great time we return home in afternoon and muma asked me to take rest .. Papa and vishal ji had gone to hotel were our recieption party is organised to check the preparation .. So i went to my room and changed into simple salwar kameez and slept ..

I woke up when i felt someone sitting beside me ..  When i opened my eyes and Vishal ji was sitting beside me with his eyes closed i slowly got up ..

But i felt him holding my wrist i turn around to look at him .. He opened his eyes and asked me to sit near him .. I took a sit beside him .. He opened the bedside draw and took out a box and gave it to me ...

I want you to wear this tonight ..  He asked me ..

What is this ?? I asked him ..

See yourself he asked me ..

I opened the box and saw a beautiful ankelet and a waist band inside it .. Its soo beautiful i replied ..

He took the ankelet from me and asked me to put my foot infront i did as he asked me .. He put the ankelet around my ankel ...

Thank you i replied ..

He smiled at me .. Its my pleasure biwi ...
He replied ..

In evening jyoti and bhabhi came to help me in getting ready muma had called makeup arstist to do my hair and make up ..

She did my hair in latest twist bun and did a light makeup as my face is,already glowing and applied thick eyeliner .. Nude red lipstick .. I wore a beatufil orange colour lehnga with high neck and long sleeves so she put the dupatta on my left shoulder and its end is tucked near my waist .. I wore the waist band given by my husband .. And saw my relection i was looking so beautiful ..

Just wait till jiju se you .. Looking totaly hot he is going to face a tough compettion not to beat the shit out off every male how will be watching you .. Jyoti teased me ..

I blushed hearing his comment ..

You are correct jyoti .. Our princess i turely looking like a beauty today .. Bhabhi replied ..

They were teasing me and i was helplessly standing their ..

Muma came after some time to take us to hotel Vishal ji has already left for hotel ..

I was very nervous to meet him ..

We reached the hotel bhaiya  was waiting for me at the gate i got down from the car and ran towards them .. I hugged my bhaiya tightly ..

Looking so beautiful princess bhaiya told me ..

Thank you bhaiya  i told them ..

Bhaiya took us inside and just when i enter every eyes turned at me .. All of a sudden i am feeling very concious about myself .. I was searching for a pair of chocolate colour eyes and saw him waiting for me at the end of the stairs ..he was wearing a black colour suit with white shirt looking so handsome ..

He raised his hand forward for me too hold it i took hold of his hand and moved with him

My left hand was in his left hand and he put his other hand around my bare waist and pulled me closer to his body
He bend down near my ear and,wishpered looking really hot and beautiful wifey ...

I blushed hearing his comments .. Papa,called us on the stage .. One by one everyone of his friends and co-worker came,and wished us .. ..

While we were standing on the stage Prateek bhaiya called all the couples to come for dance Vishal ji took my hand and we went on dance floor .. Bhaiya bhabhi , muma papa  , Pareetk bhaiya with dadi ma , jyoti was dancing with angle ..

A slow song was playing Viahal ji placed his one hand on my waist and our one hand was enterwide my one hand is placed on his chest ... I am feeling very uncomfortable as  blouse is very low cut from back ...

Vishal pov ;

I was waiting for my wife from last 15 minutes standing near the stairs ..
I saw her coming downstair with his friend and bhabhi .. I dont have words,to describe her beauty ... Feeling really proud to have her .. She has a,innocent smile on her face ...

When she reached the last stair i put my hand forward for her to hold till now i am just looking at her face but when i saw her from top to bottom i just wanted to take to near by room and lock her because her creamy waist is visible .. Every curve of her body is looking in that dress and i dont want any male see her like this its only my right to see her  .

She put her hand in my hand i put my other hand around her waist as and pulled her close to me my hand was on her bare waist its so soft under my rough hands  ... ..

I bend down near her ears and spoke  looking really hot and beautiful wifey ...

A cute blush formed on her cheeks ..

Papa,called on stage .. We went their my friends and family came and wished us ... Whole time my eyes were on her ...

Prateek called us for dance ..i took her to dance floor i put my one arm around her waist and ourfinger are enterwined her other hand is placed on my chest .   we were moving on the beat of the song i pulled her closer to me and heard and gapss from her lips ..

Suddenly she put her hand on my hand which was around her waist and placed it upward i was very confused she asked me to take to corner .. I didnt got why see is asking me to do it may be to tell me that she lost her challenge ...without questioning i took her towards the dark corner ..

To be continued .....  

Hey guys here is the next update .. Thankx for vote and comments ...

So what do you think why Anju asked Vishal to take her to corner ??? Do you think Vishal is going to get a first kiss from his wife .....

Keep votting and give your comments .....

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