(MOVING) Signing The Contract...

By SpotSong

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It's a fanfiction somewhat...I mean it was generally based off of Kamisama Kiss and strayed greatly from that... More

The Meeting - Chapter 1
A Place To Stay - Chapter 3
Guidelines - Chapter 3 - Part 2
Pieces Of The Past - Chapter 4
Tomoe's Back - Chapter 5
Oops.... - Chapter 6
Stubborn Cuddles - Chapter 7
Invitation - Chapter 8
What A Prince...- Chapter 9
What Happened? - Chapter 10
Forceful Words - Chapter 11
Innocent? - Chapter 12
Playful Banter - Chapter 13
Walk and Talk - Chapter 14
What Have I Done? - Chapter 15
Friendship? - Chapter 16
You Wanna Talk?!? - Chapter 17
Gussied Up - Chapter 18
Things Change - Chapter 19
Can a Cave be Cozy? - Chapter 20
Tell A Story - Chapter 21

The Adventure Begins - Chapter 2

2.4K 62 5
By SpotSong

Yay a second part :3 Just want to get the story going...get through all this boring ness :p anywho....enjoy!

I finally  finished packing up my things and had let Tomoe take it down to put on the horses. I sighed a little and looked around my room. I knew I wouldn't see it for a while or enjoy the familiar smells so why not bask in it for a little longer?

Well what I didn't notice is that I started to hum a little and spin a bit. Letting myself get a little dizzy and I slightly tripped on the carpet. I let out an audible squeak and closed my eyes tight. Bracing myself for impact and I waited...there was nothing.

Slowly I opened my eyes in wonder and looked to see that Tomoe had stopped my fall. I blushed a bit in embarrassment but he didn't look the least entertained by my childishness. "You shouldn't be so foolish...spinning around like that" He said as he made me stand on my own.

"Oh, Uh yeah sorry...and thanks" I said quietly. Not exactly looking at him and he just sighed. "Well come on, lets be on our way" Tomoe said and left my room as if he wasn't there in the first place.  

I sighed a little and left my room. Closing the door behind me as I walked down the hall I bumped into my father. He said his goodbyes and gave me a huge bear hug, I almost couldn't breath.

-- Timskip to when they are on the road because I said so :p --

We had said our goodbyes and head out. Each on our own horse and side by side. I held onto my horses reins tightly and looked ahead. My back straight. The odd glance was given to Tomoe.

"So how long will it take to get there anyways?" I ask looking at him. Shifting my weight a bit.

"About 3-4 days...nothing huge" he said flicking his ear a bit and looking at me for a moment before directing his focus to ahead of us again.

I nod a bit and look around at the same scenery for a while. Slightly bored I start to hum a bit. Tomoe didn't complain about it so I didn't stop. Feeling a bit more at ease now. But I guess I spoke to soon when Tomoe stopped our horses.

I looked at him curiously and was about to ask what it was when he held a finger to his lips. I slightly melt a little and then lightly blush at my stupid reaction. He moved and jumped off his horse. Going a bit ahead of us.

His ears flicked around in all other directions trying to hear everything. When I noticed he wasn't tense anymore and seemed a bit more relaxed, I relaxed. "Toma...come out now..." he said sighing and heading back to the horses.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw a little cream-ish white figure pop out from the bushes. It was a fox? I looked at Tomoe confused as he got on the horse. "(y/n), Toma...Toma, (y/n)" Tomoe introduced us before starting on our way again.

"Wait what?" I asked still confused. Tomoe sighed a little and looked at Toma. "That is Toma...He is a fox yokai like I am and pretty much serves me" he explained. I slowly nod.

Toma moved a bit and turned into what seemed, a little boy. A wide grin on his face and little, fluffy ears and tail stuck out. I smiled now understanding a bit more. "Awe! He is so cute!" I exclaim happily.

Toma smiled and did a little bow. "Why thank you Lady (y/n)" he said and then climbed onto my horse and sat in front of me. Getting all comfy. I must have looked shocked because Tomoe had a small smug, smirk on his face.

Whereas Toma seemed in his element snuggled into me. "U-um alright..." was all I could stammer out. We stayed like that as we continued on our way.

"Hey Tomoe? How long till we find a place to rest and eat?" I ask looking at him. Tomoe shrugged a bit. "Maybe an hour or so" he informed me. I nodded a bit knowing it would be a while and hunkered down on my horse with Toma in my arms and on my lap.

Ugh its so short! Woe is me... but the boring part is coming to an end! Yay!

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