Two For The Blood

By HugsAreFree

555K 9K 748

Things have quieted down. Eric Northman is bored and still mourns the death of Godric as the months go by and... More

Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.1 A new place, a new scent, a new beginning
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.2 The letter
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.3 Questions
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.4 Annoyances
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.5 Fed Ex and Blood Bonds
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.6 The truth comes out
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.7 WHAT?!
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.8 Smoothing out the aches
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.9 Bond Fight
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.10 No Choices
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.11 Rock You Like a Hurricane
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.12 Can You Say 'Sexual Tention' ?
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.13 Important Business
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.14 Giving
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.15 Take Me Away
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.16 Blunt Confrontation
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.17 Aftermath
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.18 New Player in Town
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.19 "Guess Again."
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.20 To The Point
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.21 No Charge
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.22 Love Doctor
Two For The Blood (EricNorthman) Ch.23 Reconnect
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.24 Have Fun
Two For The Blood (Eric Northamn) Ch.25 On The Mind
Two For The Blood(Eric Northman) Ch.26 Maximus
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.27 "Powers" my ass!
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.28 Peeping Eric
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch. 29 Answers
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.30 Engage-a-what?!
Ch. 31 Taking A Breather
Ch. 32 Dreams, Wings, and Blood
Ch. 33 You Can't Lie To Me
Ch. 34 Ascending
Ch. 35 Miami
ch. 36 Take The Lead
Ch. 37 I Smell a G-O-D!
Ch. 38 And The Walls Fall Down
Ch. 39 Who's Your Momma Now?
Ch. 40 Wanting and Recieving
Ch. 41 To The Hilt
Ch. 42 "Tilgi Meg..."
Ch. 43 The Stone Within a Stone
Ch.44 Crossing
Ch. 45 Truths Revealed
Ch.47 One Way Death Street
Ch.48 Heavy in Your Arms
Ch. 49 Virgin State of Mind
Ch. 50 God-Napped!
Ch. 51 Oh You Guys!
Ch. 52 Secret Unsealed
Ch. 53 Grandfather
Ch. 54 Leap of Crazy
Ch.55 Call to Order
Ch.56 Tying Up Loose Ends
Ch. 57 Till The World Ends

Ch.46 Any Objections?

4.5K 60 7
By HugsAreFree

Eric’s P.O.V.

I watched my Violet as she trained by herself in the new gym I had made in the basement. She worked endlessly like a warrior. Her muscles were becoming more defined, but she still looked graceful. Her strength was again building, and her powers were elevating to new heights. She could now sense where I was a good fifty miles away without concentrating. It was impeccable.

When I walked up behind her she stopped and stood up from her pushups. “Break time.” I smiled and she nodded. I could feel she was wearing out so I picked her up in my arms while taking her to the shower.

“I can’t shower yet,” She tried to object as I began undressing her, “I have an hour left.”

I shook my head. “No. You’re done for the day. I’ve seen how much you’ve grown and evolved in such a short time, and right now I want you.”

Violet closed her eyes and let her head fall back a little while I continued my task. When I kissed her neck she sighed lightly making me want to devour her.

“I can’t believe on our honeymoon you’re going to be human,” She smiled and looked up at me.

As I brought her to the shower with it’s steam rolling around us I smiled. “I think that was a wise choice for us to do with our little gift. It’s the perfect timing. No one will be around. Just you and me.”

“I just still can’t believe we’re getting married tomorrow.”

The thought of getting married to Violet tomorrow night made me feel so excited and alive that my heart could start beating again. It was ridiculous. I didn’t know what her dress looked like because Pam resisted to show me no matter how much I begged her, and it wouldn’t seem totally fair if I commanded her to show me. Though it did cross my mind.

Violet and I however were getting married outside. The place was completely secluded on a piece of land I bought so no one can legally come onto it. It was a beautiful lush meadow with weeping willows surrounding the whole property. Violet had mentioned before when we first stated “dating” I suppose you could call it, that she really loved that type of tree. So when I found the property that had them, I didn’t hesitate. Also surprisingly it wasn’t expensive at all.

Besides that the flowers we chose were red roses and white lilies. For lighting, Leona said she could place a spell so hundreds of little candles could float in the air, so that was taken care of. As far as guests go, we had everyone from vampires to fairies. Of course there were a few more things like the cake, what blood to serve, and so on, but I let Pam and Violet have the fun with that.

Sadly however after this shower I knew Violet and I were to depart. It was part of tradition Pam told me. The groom and the bride to be have to have their own parties and such. If it were just up to me I would say screw it and stay with Violet the whole night, but Pam would give me her wrath. So at the moment I could only enjoy the precious moments I had left with my fiancé. And trust me I had no intention of the shower being short.


Violet’s P.O.V.

I was so excited while standing next to Max behind the closed doors to the outside where everyone was waiting. In just a matter of minutes I was going to be Eric’s wife! It seemed all too surreal!

The dress Pam and I picked was breath taking! It was a corset ball gown design. The corset part had diamonds and crystals stitched all over in amazing swirl designs while the bottom for the ball gown part was made of this silky gauze fabric. It wasn’t too poofy either, just right.

My hair was done is light bouncy curls that hung around my face splendidly while Pam used just the right amount of makeup to make me really shine even though it was night time.

In addition to Max giving me away, he was also Eric’s best man. Pam was my maid of honor, and I was so excited that my mom was sitting in the first row. Everything was going to schedule and Max put my hand around his arm once the violins started to play.

“This is it!” I squeaked and Max kissed my cheek.

“You look beautiful Violet. It is an honor to give you away to a man that truly loves you.”

Max made me want to cry, but I promised myself I wouldn’t till after I said “I do.”

When the doors opened Max slowly walked me down the aisle. I almost gasped from the scene in front of me. Leona did a tremendous job with all the floating candles in the air lighting up the whole meadow! And let’s not forget all the guests and the roses and lilies! I saw the brother hoods (who all looked cheerful), a few vampire kings (including the king of Florida who smiled at me), Annabelle, and more! But most importantly I saw Eric smiling as he waited for me. I couldn’t help but give a little laugh of happiness. In fact I didn’t think I had ever been that happy until seeing Eric waiting for me at the alter.

When I reached him I handed Pam my bouquet and smiled at Ava, who was another one of my bridesmaids. Max went to stand by Eric and Caine.

The one who was marring us was Apollo. He was actually wearing a tux, which I thought was a little out of place for him, but it looked good needless to say.

“Eric you may now say your vows to Violet.” Apollo grinned and my love took both of my hands in his.

Eric’s eyes were so gentle and I felt everything he was feeling as he said his vows to me. “Violet Amor Knight, there will never be enough words to describe how much I love you. You took a cold man…and you gave him life again. For when I look at you, I don’t just see a woman, but my soul mate. You have shown me more strength and courage, and warmth than anyone I have ever met. I have said before that you are proof that I have a soul, and you are proof that life is not meaningless… You are the sunshine to my nights, and all that I am is yours.”

My eyes swirled with tears listening to Eric. Everything he said, everything he was feeling, hit me like a ton of bricks. I loved him more than anything and this was just making my heart swell with more than I could even think. I could not describe all that I was feeling with human words.

My uncle told me it was my turn to say my vows. “Eric-” But I was cut off as a huge force sent me flying into the aisle.

“This ends now,” Eris sneered and grabbed Eric before disappearing.

“No! Eric!” I screamed and got up. The whole place was now crawling with Eris’s minions. They were either evil elves, vampires, a few things I had no idea what they were, and people were in a panic.

“Violet watch out!” Max yelled to me and I got hit square in the jaw sending me to the ground again.

When I turned over a vampire jumped on top of me knocking the wind straight out my lungs. “Get off!” I yelled and turned into a torch. The vampire instantly burnt to a crisp and was dust in the wind.

After getting up my dress got completely thrashed as all of us fought off Eris’s little army. “Son of a bitch! This is one of a kind!” I growled and made a kabob out of some creepy little monster.

Twenty minutes went by and my mom and Apollo went back to Olympus to see what was happening up there while Max, Caine, and Ambrose followed me back to Eric’s house.

“Violet what are you doing?!” Pam yelled and I told her to take care of the damage control here while I was going to get Eric back.

She told me she didn’t know what I was getting into and that I could die. I simply said, “This is Eric we’re talking about. I know you’re scared for him too. He would do the same for me!”

Max teleported us to the house and I went straight to my bedroom to change while the others waited down stairs.


Eris’s P.O.V.

I broke up the wedding at the perfect moment. Violet was just about to say her vows and then that would have proceeded to saying “I do.” It was a good thing I stopped it for my sake because the bond between them would have become even stronger which would make my task of making Eric evil that much harder.

At the moment I had him chained to a stone chair in a empty room. Not even a window was present.

Eric thrashed and roared against the chains as I circled him. “Now, now Eric. This will be all over with soon enough. Then you’ll be with me to rule by my side.”

His arms again strained against the thick restraints as he yelled, “No!”

I came to stand in front of him and got real close to his face. “Oh yes. Now hold still.” I narrowed my eyes and pressed my palm to the Vikings chest. He yelled in pain as the ancient magic from my presence flowed into his undead heart.


Violet’s P.O.V.

“Violet are you sure you know what you’re doing?” Max asked as while I loaded the guns Max made for me. The last time Eris and I fought my powers didn’t slow her down, so maybe the bullets would.

“Max Eric is in there and he’s in pain. I can feel it. I’m going in.” I was as stern as the mission at hand. There was no way I wasn’t going to go get him.

Caine came up to me. “What’s the plan?”

“Simple. I go in, shoot, and get Eric.”

“What do we do?” He asked.

I put the guns in the holsters I had around my legs. “All of you stay here.”

“I think you’re biting more off than you can chew.” Ambrose stated and looked at me with doubt.

“Look I’m going in after Eric alone. I need all of you to take care of the chaos going on around here.” I commanded and started for the door.

Max stopped me. “Violet this insane!”

“Max I’m not asking, I’m telling you.”


“Fucking hell!” I yelled and thrust the palm of my hand into a demon’s nose. It howled in pain and four vampires took their turn to pounce on me.

Instantly I lit up into flames and torches the vamps. It gave me a second to recover before Eris came into the room seething.

Eric! Where are you?!

In the room down the hall from you! Take the third door on your right! Come quickly!

I’m on my way! Hold on!

I was able to make my way to Eric but when I got to the room he looked absolutely fine.

“What’s going on?! Eric are you ok?!” I asked scared for him.

His plain expression turned dark and mischievous. “Never better.” He replied and punched me in the face.

I grunted falling back onto the floor. He just hit me! What the hell!

I managed to get up a little bit but Eric knocked me back down again and then flung me into the stone wall. His strength was doubled it seemed.

I coughed and some blood came out of my mouth. “W-what are doing?”

Eric sauntered over and bent down to my eye level while I struggled to sit up. He completely cut his thoughts off to me and I would be lying if I said I wasn’t scared.

Max something is wrong!

Again and again I tried to contact Max but nothing was coming back.

“What’s the matter lover? Scared?” Eric asked me like a villain who knew he was winning against the good guy.

My bottom lip began to tremble and I didn’t know what to do. Just to make my helplessness reach new heights Eris walked into the room and a hooded clan of vampires circled Eric and I.

Eris gave a smug smirk and I narrowed my eyes. “You did this.”

She shrugged. “Technically yes.”

“Why?” I asked with disgust and got back handed by Eric’s huge hand.

“Don’t speak to her that way, or else.” He warned me and I wanted to cry. To cry like a little girl who has just lost her favorite, most prized love in the world. Eric was evil through and through now, and it was all Eris’s fault.

“Soon enough it will reveal itself.”

I had to get out of there. If I dicked around anymore they were sure to kill me. With the last bit of strength I had left I closed my eyes and looked deep within myself. There I saw the phoenix inside me. It was hurting as well but knew it had to spread it’s wings and burn anything that touched it.

I could feel the power surge through me and came alive again as I was engulfed by the inferno. Eric jumped back while Eris cursed. The vampire cult surrounding us were now scattering but didn’t get too far before I set them all ablaze.

The place then began to go crazy. Smoke was everywhere, but thankfully I could still see. Apparently Eris still could too because she came straight at me. I remembered from the last time how my powers hadn’t effected her much so I whipped my guns out and shot both rounds at her. She dodged a couple but I got her to the point where she was slowing down.

I gave myself a little triumph yell in my head and made my way out of there.

“Go get her!” I heard Eris scream as I made it to the grounds outside.

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