Twisted Truth (Sequel to "Twi...

sassygirl93 tarafından

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{Sequel To 'Twisted Words And Twisted Lies! Make sure you read 'Twisted Words And Twisted Lies' before readin... Daha Fazla

Twisted Truth (Sequel to "Twisted Words And Twisted Lies") [Harry Styles Fanfic]
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:
Chapter 16:
Chapter 17:
Chapter 18:
Chapter 19:
Chapter 20:
Chapter 21:
Chapter 22:
Chapter 23:
Chapter 24:
Chapter 25:
Chapter 26:
Chapter 27:
Chapter 28:
Chapter 29:
Chapter 30:
Chapter 31:
Chapter 32:
Chapter 33:
Chapter 34:
Chapter 35:
Chapter 36:
Chapter 37:
Chapter 38:
Chapter 39:
Chapter 40:
Chapter 41:
Chapter 42:
Chapter 43:
Chapter 44:
Chapter 45:
Chapter 46:
Chapter 47:
Chapter 48:
Chapter 49:
Chapter 50 (Epilogue)

Chapter 7:

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sassygirl93 tarafından

A/N: I was so pissed yesterday that my Internet was down. I wanted to post this chapter so bad, but with my Internet Company have an outage I couldn’t get online to post. I wish I was able to write these chapters on my phone just so if this happens I can still post (but I can’t do that---long story) I will be post two chapters today, since i didn’t update yesterday!

Anna’s POV

Today is Saturday and the whole house decided to spend the day on a boat. I wasn’t really excited to be stuck on a boat with Harry, but I wasn’t given a choice. The only plus is that Emily isn’t going to be on the boat today. She left to go back to London yesterday, because apparently she had some photo shoots scheduled. That bitch was actually a Model UGH!

“Anna?” I heard someone say as they knocked on my door.

“Come in.” I said as I put an extra shirt into my bag.

“Are you ready to go?” Perrie asked.

“Yupp. I was just about to head downstairs now.” I smiled. Perrie was the only one out of everyone that I could trust. She told me to look at my British phone and I saw all the texts and heard all the voice mails she left me before she knew I left for LA. She honestly believed me that night, but didn’t want to start drama between her and Zayn, which I don’t know why but I guess I can understand.

“Anna? You in there?” Perrie laughed as she waved her hand in front of my face.

“Sorry. What did you say?” I asked her.

“I asked you if Harry has tried talking to you since Emily left?” She repeated.

“Yeah no. I wasn’t expecting him too. Were you?” I asked her with raised eyebrows.

“I wasn’t, but Zayn was.” She shrugged her shoulders.

“Why?” I asked confused. I grabbed my bag and slipped on my flip-flops as I waited for Perrie to respond.

“Were you talking on the phone out on the balcony Thursday?” She asked.

“Ye- Wait why?” I asked curiously.

“Harry overheard your conversation well at least just what you were saying.” She said hesitantly.

“So he was eavesdropping. If he caught me doing that he would go ape shit.” I huffed.

“Ape Shit?” She giggled.

“Leave me alone. Mia says it all the time.” I chuckled.

“Anyways, whom were you talking to on the phone? He said you were very open with however it was.” She asked me sounding all proper.

“I was kinda of talking to Danielle.” I said nervously. I wasn’t really sure how everyone was going to react to me talking to Liam’s ex.

“I didn’t know you talked to Danielle. The last I heard you were still mad at her or whatever.” Perrie said.

“Well when I got to LA she tried contacting me, but I didn’t answer so she left me a message to see if I was okay, because she said she understands the tabloids twisting stuff to make it look bad. After a month I broke down and called her back. She was the only person who knew my background and I felt like I could trust her with my feelings with the Harry thing and everything that went with it.” I said honestly.

“Well I’m glad you had someone to talk to. Do you think Liam will be okay with you talking to her?” Perrie asked curiously.

“I’m not sure, but I really needed someone to talk to so hopefully he will understand. But then again with how they reacted with that bogus picture I’m not sure if he will.” I said simply.

“I think it will be fine. Eleanor is still friends with her.” She shrugged.

“Well I hope your right. I don’t need anymore drama then I already have.” I sighed.

“Come on girls it’s time to go.” Eleanor said walking into my room without knocking I might add.

“Ok.” We said and walked out of my room.


We have been on the damn boat for a most of the day now. I was pretty much over it as soon as we got on the boat. For some reason I just had a bad feeling about being on the boat today. I’ve made sure to keep as far away from the water as I possibly could.

I’ve done really well at keeping my distance from Harry. I was really annoyed with him for eaves dropping on my private conversation. There was no way for him to accidently overhearing my whole conversation.

“Anna babe? Are you okay?” Mum asked me.

“Yeah, I’m fine I’m just ready to get off the boat.” I smiled at her.

“Everyone is worried about you and that’s including Harry.” She said.

“Why?” I asked confused.

“Well for one your really skinny from the last time we saw you and you have been acting weird all day.” She said simply. I wasn’t expecting for her to say I’m too skinny. I mean I’m eating, but I’m just eating healthy now and not eating junk food all the time.

“You know if you have a eating disorder we won’t judge you.” She said. She honestly thinks I have an eating disorder. I don’t need this crap right now…..

“Excuse me.” I said pushing past her and walking inside the boat to the lounge area. When I turned the corner I ran right into Harry. I didn’t say anything I just pushed passed him trying not to look in his eyes.

“You okay?” He genuinely asked me.

“Well let’s see would you be okay if everyone on this boat thinks you have an eating disorder? Oh and would you like if you found out your ex eavesdropped on your private conversation and then told everyone what he heard?” I spat at him.

“Who thinks you have an eating disorder?” he asked ignoring the last thing I said.

“Everyone, and don’t act like you aren’t one of them.” I snarled at him.

“Look Anna I noticed you looked skinner, but I never once thought you had an eating disorder.” He said. I looked up in his eyes and saw the sincerity in them.

“Why can’t everyone just realize I’ve just been eating healthier and working out.” I said while running my hands through my disheveled hair. He was about to say something, but I cut him off.

“Look Harry don’t try and act like you care about me. You’ve made it very clear you don’t care about me any more.” I said quietly.

“Anna that’s not fair.” He said.

“Fair? You want to talk about fair? It wasn’t fair for you to break up with me without hearing my side of the story. It wasn’t fair for you to say the things you said to me. It wasn’t fai-“

“ANNA SHUT UP!” Harry yelled at me cutting me off. I took a large step away from him. I saw a flash of guilt flash through his eyes.

“Sorry I didn’t-“

“What’s going on?” Louis asked cutting Harry off this time.

“Nothing. When are we heading back to shore?” I asked trying to change the subject. Louis looked between Harry and I before stopping at me.

“We are heading back now, so soon. Can I talk to you for a minute?” Louis asked.

“Is it about my weight, because I don’t want to talk about it. I DO NOT have an eating disorder and I swear if one more person accuses me of having one I’m going to flip.” I snapped.

“I-I-“ Louis stuttered. He was obviously going to talk to me about my weight.

“Don’t say anything. I’m going back up top.” I said walking past both Harry and Louis.

Louis’ POV

“She doesn’t have a eating disorder.” Harry said. I looked at his face and he believed what he just said.

“How are you so sure?” I asked curiously.

“She came down her upset so I asked her what was up and she told me that everyone thinks she has a eating disorder. I believed her when she said she didn’t have an eating disorder and she is just eating healthy and working out.” He said.

“You didn’t believe her when she said she didn’t cheat on you, so why do you believe her now?” I asked him. He took a deep breath, and ran his fingers through his hair and pushed it to the side.

“I remember having a conversation with her when we were together and she told me that no matter how bad things got she would never harm herself in any way.” Harry said.

“I hope she wasn’t lying, because I can’t handle her harming herself like that. I just wish she would open up to me. I really miss her.” I sighed. Harry nodded and sat down on the couch.

“Do you believe her?” I asked him. I haven’t really had time to ask Harry if he finally believes her or not about her not actually cheating on him.

“I’m with Emily now, so it doesn’t really matter what I believe.” Harry spat. I walked over and sat next to him on the couch.

“I’ll take that as a yes. Look mate just because you admit you believe her and you overreacted doesn’t mean you have to get back together with her. It just means you can be around each other without it being full of tension.” I told him and patted his shoulder.

“I know, but I don’t know how I will feel if she knew I believed her. What if I let my guard down and start falling back in love with her again. Not that I ever stopped loving her I just pushed those feelings away. I really like Emily, but she isn’t Anna.” Harry rambled.  

Anna’s POV

‘He never stopped loving me?’ I asked myself. I was walking back to the lounge area to tell Louis and Harry we were just about at the shore when I heard them talking about me. I know I’m a hypocrite for being mad at Harry for eavesdropping on my conversation when I was doing the exact same thing to him right now.

“Sometimes you gotta follow your heart and just be honest with yourself. Anna might not trust people easily, but she won’t be available forever. If you want her you got to go get her.” Louis said. I guess I was glad that Louis had my back, but I’m not sure how I feel about him telling Harry to come get me. I mean would I take Harry back if he wanted me back?

“Seems like you and Harry are even now.” Perrie whispered to me causing me to jump.

“Oh hey girls. What’s up?” Louis asked Perrie and me causing me to jump back around and almost trip and fall. Luckily Louis caught me, or I would have face plated on the floor.

“W-we are about to dock.” I stuttered once I stood back on my own two feet.

“Okay, well let’s go then.” Louis cheered and started pushing Perrie and I out the door.  We got to the top deck of the boat and we were already docked. Louis skipped passed me and over to Eleanor.

“We need to talk after everyone goes to sleep later.” Harry whispered into my ear as he passed me. I tried to push back the chills that his breath sent up my spine, but it didn’t work.

“What did he say? You look flushed.” Perrie asked me. I looked down at my feet instantly so know one else would see me flushed.

“That we needed to talk later when everyone else is in bed sleeping.” I said quietly.

“Oh you are so telling me what happened tomorrow.” She squealed as quietly as she could.

“Depends on what he says.” I said honestly.

“Nah either way you need to tell me.” She smirked at me before walking ahead of me and over to Zayn.

“Sorry for accusing you of not eating or something like that. I’m just worried about you as is everyone else.” Mum said to me as we got off the boat. I just nodded and walked away from the boat. I just wanted to take a shower and eat some dinner before I talk to Harry. God I don’t know if I’m ready to talk to Harry about what ever he wants to talk about….


Everyone thinks Anna has an eating disorder, but she swears she is just eating healthy and working out…. Do you believe her?

Harry seems to believe her?

Harry admitted her still loved Anna and told Louis that….

What does Harry want to talk to Anna about?

COMMENT and let me know what you think!

Don’t forget to VOTE as well!


I will be posting another chapter later today to make up for not being able to post a chapter yesterday (Damn internet companyL)

Lot’s OF Love,



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