Who You Are

Da btrue2yu

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Justine Wells comes from a wealthy family that lives in Bel Air. Everything is perfect except her school; bul... Altro

Chapter Two: Thursday Madness
Chapter 3: Party Time
Chapter 4
Chapter 5: Atlanta, Here I Come!
Chapter 6: Getting A Feel For Things
Chapter 7: Yet Another Unexpected Change
Chapter 8: Ugh
Chapter 9: Vibing
Chapter 10: I Think I Like Him
Chapter 11: Damien, Damien, Damien
Chapter 12: Good Start
Chapter 13: Deception
Chapter 14: Cutting Strings
Chapter 15: I Gotta Change It Up
Chapter 16: Desperate
Chapter 17: Savannah The Savage
Chapter 18: Letting Go
Chapter 19: Perfidy
Chapter 20: Recover
Chapter 21: No More
Chapter 22: Distressed
Chapter 23: Repetitiveness
Chapter 24: Down With The Water
Chapter 25: Failed

Chapter One: Same Old Problem

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Da btrue2yu

All of the students rushed out of the classroom when the final bell rung. I picked my bookbag up and walked out.

I met up with Savannah at her locker since we ride home together. Savannah is my best friend and she's the only one I can trust in this school.

" Hey Justine! I wanted to go to the mall today to get those limited time bracelets so of course I need you to come with me" Savannah said as she closed her locker.

" Sure, but remember we have to get together to finish our project, it's due Friday" I reminded her.

" We'll work on it after we go to the mall, but we have to hurry to the mall because they're selling quickly!" She grabbed my hand and pulled me through the crowd in the school.

Once we got through, we walked to the student parking lot at the back of the school. I usually ride with Savannah in her car. I can't have a car until I show I am 'responsible'.

We drove to the mall, which was about ten minutes away. Since I had no clue what and where the bracelet was I followed her into the mall.

We walked all the way to the third floor. We made a few twist and turns before we made it to the store.

" Welcome to Jewelry Palace, may I help you two with anything?" An employee asked as we walked in.

" Is there any more of the Asian bracelets?" Savannah asked

" No, we sold out last night." The employee responded

" Great! This is what I get for being last minute. Let's go" Savannah said to me as she walked out of the store.

" What was so special about that bracelet?" I asked when I caught up to her.

" They were from a village in the Philippines and they released 500 of them, only 500. But it's okay" she shrugged.

" We can go to the food court and work on our project" Savannah suggested

" Sure" I responded

We walked down to the second floor and found an open table. We dug into our book bags and pulled out the needed materials. We immediately begin to plan out our poster. Thirty minutes later, we were interrupted.

" Well If it isn't Justine with her bestie Savannah" Paige walked up to our table holding a smoothie

" We're not going to deal with your nonsense right now so can you leave?" Savannah asked

Paige chuckled before responding " You're so adorable Justine! You have your best friend defending, you must be so lucky" she smiled

" Paige, why do you keep on bothering her? It's really childish, like third grader stuff." Savannah said

" You see, I have no problem with Savannah, but you" she pointed at me
" I will never like you. I'm surprised that Savannah deals with you, everyone hates you" she said putting emphasis on never.

" No one likes me? I don't understand why anyone can like you" I replied

" You don't get it Justine. I am beautiful and you're just....ugly. Savannah, how do you go out in public with a girl that looks like a pile of-" Paige was interrupted by Savannah.

" Leave! Right now Paige!" Savannah said semi yelling.

" I'm just telling her the truth, I don't even think plastic surgery would help a face like that" Paige implied

Savannah stood up and stepped in front of Paige. " You need to get away from the table, and if you don't I will-"

" Touch me and I'll get you arrested" Paige quickly said. Savannah took one more look at Paige before sitting down.

" Savannah, you should really stop hanging out with Justine; Her angry blackness is really rubbing off on you" Paige said and walked off.

It took me everything inside of me not to cry in front of her. She has seen me cry too many times. The motivation to finish our project was dead after Paige left.

" Can you drive me back to my house please?" I asked in a timid voice

" Yeah, come on" I could tell that Savannah was mad.

We left the mall and she drove me back to my house. All I wanted to do is go up to my room and cry, but of course as soon as I entered the house my mom was there asking me questions.

" Are you hungry? I'm almost done other dinner"

" I'm not hungry mom" I said

" Are you okay?" She asked

" I'm fine"

" How was school?" She asked as I walked passed her.

" It was okay" I shrugged and made my way upstairs to my room.

I jumped on my bed and allowed the tears I've been holding back out. I have been dealing with Paige since the day we met, second grade. She asked me why I was so dark. I didn't know that she was making fun of me when she asked. After that, her insults became more frequent.

Paige really started torturing me in middle school. She talked about my hair, my skin complexion, and even my body. I will never forget when she started a rumor about me using butt pads. I can't believe that she is still bothering and harassing me. After I cried until no more tears flowed out my eyes, I fell asleep.

I woke up to my dad lightly shaking me.

" How was school?" He asked.

" It was fine until I went to the mall and seen Paige" I rolled my eyes at the that of her

" She's still messing with you? You've already talked to the girl's parents and even did counseling session" my dad said rubbing his temples.

" I don't know what will make her stop but the reason why she's doing it is something we can't change" I said

" You know why she is bullying you?" My father said in a confused manner.

" I'm ugly, that's why. If I was pretty like Savannah maybe people would like me" my eyes began to tear up.

" Justine, don't you ever say something like that. You are not ugly and she's not bullying you because she think you're ugly. She has insecurities and to make herself feel better she bothers other people" my dad explained.

" She has insecurities? Come on dad, she is perfect! Paige has nothing to complain about" I had an image of Paige in my head as I spoke.

" You may not see her imperfections but I'm sure she can, now clean yourself up and get ready for dinner" he said as he wiped a tear that fell.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes. He can tell me that I'm not ugly all day but I know that I am.

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