Pink Lemonade ( TVD Klaus Fan...

By Daisy_Pierce

138K 3.2K 699

Love is power... Olivia was an ordinary human. She was just trying to stay alive in all the supernatural may... More

Pink Lemonade ( TVD Klaus Fan Fic )
Epic Prank Night Fail
I Am Not Bella Freaking Swan
Drunk Statements Are Just Sober Thoughts
Coffin Mania
I fancy you
Family Business
Pink Champagne
A Side I Liked
Public Nudity
Evil Alaric
Not that ninja
Snapped Necks and Terrible Speeches
Do not go gentle

Homecoming Horror

9.2K 189 46
By Daisy_Pierce

I don't own the vampire diaries

So being the lazy person I am I decided to skip Ghost World and Ordinary people so here's what you missed on Glee

Olivia and Elena tried to help Stefan by locking him up with the help of Lexi the friendly ghost . While other ghosts roamed the streets of Mystic falls . Olivia went with Elena to talk to Rebekah and was told the Original family's story . She has no idea what Mikeal and the others have planned for homecoming .

Onto homecoming


Chapter 5

Homecoming Horror

Waking up feeling nothing at all like P Diddy I forced myself out of bed a thought hit me HOMECOMING. I let out a scream of excitement jumping up and down . My brother Danny Burst through the door looking around wildly for an intruder when he realized there wasn't one " what ?"

" It's HOMECOMING today " I squealed waving my arms around . He just grunted walking out . But not even my brothers constant PMS was going to ruin my mood today .

I checked my phone to see two new messages

Hey, wanna come look at ancient picture things with Lena ? - Bon Bon xx

No thank you . I began reading the next one

Liv , Me and Ty are helping set up for homecoming want to join - Carebear xx

No to both . I don't help set up I just show up and tension with the whole Jeremy-Is-A-Cheater-With-A-Ghost-Named-Anna thing I'm good .

So instead I'm having a Gossip Girl marathon starting somewhere in season 4. I had no date for homecoming so no point to go anywhere .

Many hours of Blair and Chuck feels later I started getting ready for homecoming . I was wearing pink of course the dress was amazing .

I some makeup and spent an hour making my natural curls looking amazing as they tumbled down to my middle back . Putting on pretty high pink stilettos with studs on the heel I was finally ready . Walking down the stairs an waiting for Caroline to show up apparently the gym had flooded and we where having kegs and beer pong for homecoming at Ty's place . I would drive myself but I was probably gonna get wasted so it wasn't a good idea. Danny turned and looked at me his mouth dropping open " you look just like her " he muttered.

" who?" I asked curiously. He seemed to snap out " nothing " he snapped gruffly stomping of . See what I mean permanent PMS .

I heard a honk outside that made my excitement bubble . I grabbed my pink clutch ran out the door not bothering to say bye .

Me , Bonnie and Caroline walked in the door together. I looked around something just didn't feel right. Was that a band?

It seemed Caroline was thinking the same " How did he plan a better party than me so fast ? Is that a band outside ? "

" Who are all these people ?" Bonnie asked looking around . Who where all these people ?

" This is so weird " I remarked. " Where is Tyler ?" Caroline stomped of in search of him . I am so checking out this band .

I found Tyler but before I could question him he was dragging me over to Stefan ugh


" Hey Stefan , whats up " He greeted . I gave him a grunt

" Hey Olivia , Tyler nice party you got going on here " He responded

" Thanks , but I'm not the one throwing it I'm just doing what Klaus wants " he said standing in front of us .

" What ?!" I hissed . I so didn't want to see him

" What do you mean ?" He asked sounding just as confused as I felt . " Its not a party man its a wake " Tyler answered.

Before I could scream at him the band stopped playing and Klaus took the stage .

My jaw hit the ground. As he made his speech shooting our little group a smirk at the end. "Good evening everyone! I want to thank you all for being here with me to celebrate. It's been a long time coming."

I had spent the last five minutes bombarding Tyler with questions which to my irritation he didn't answer . So I was giving him the silent treatment which he was trying to break when Klaus joined us .

" Come on Liv Livy " He tried yet again while I just stared of into the distance " I brought you something. "

That sparked my attention " What ?"

"And she speaks " He said dramatically as he reached for something he plonked it in my hands " Happy Birthday "

I rolled my eyes " My Birthdays next month and you cant just .." I trailed of looking down at what he had given me and squealed " OMG Ty your the best " I threw my arms around his neck he had given me Pink Lemonade it goes without saying I loved anything pink but when I had discovered Pink Lemonade I had been drinking it non stop it was banned in my house because I apparently had a obsession "ILY " I screamed in his ear . ILY was something we had always said to each other .I don't really know why.

He chuckled " ILY to Olivia "

It was only then we noticed Klaus watching us with an unreadable expression on his face . Wow things just got awkward

" My mom would seriously freak if she saw all these people here" Tyler joked.

"Your mother won't be a problem. I compelled her to go to church and pray for your friends" Klaus responded me choke on my drink .

" What are you talking about?" Tyler asked confused.

" I want you to look around. There's Bonnie. There's Elena and Matt. There's your girlfriend Caroline." He motioned over to them before looking at me " Here's Pretty little Olivia , Their big dance was wrecked tonight and who came through with a party? You did. What a pal. But who are all these other people here?"

I tried to ignore my heart fluttering when he said that .

" I have no idea. I've never seen half these people in my life" Tyler let out a off sounding laugh

" Well, that's because I invited a few dozen friends of my own" Klaus made us look at a group of creepy looking people.

"That's my friend Mindy. I picked her up along the way in Kansas. Did you know that there's an entire bloodline of werewolves in the heartland? There's Tony, from North Dakota, and let's not forget the Seattle contingent" He carried on.

" Hold on. Are those people all hybrids?" Tyler asked nervously.

" Well, they also love a good party. And they, like you, are sired by me. They wish to serve their master. So if anyone should so much as make a move against me, they may feel obligated to retaliate. Feel free to warn your friends" He smirked menacingly at him before walking away .

Tyler gave me one last look before running of leaving me to wonder . What really was going on tonight ?


Music was still blaring I saw Stefan and Klaus having a Dick convention . As Stefan walked away leaving Klaus alone his eyes locked with mine . Crap

I was not drunk enough for this I thought as he walked up to me .

I considered running but soon realized there was no where to go .

He approached me smirking . Oh ground why wont you swallow me ?

"Olivia don't you look " He looked me up and down " Ravishing "

I gulped " Thank you " I went to walk away. But he blocked my way " Dance with me " He requested.

I raised my eyebrow at that moment the band switched to a slow song . Just my luck

I hesitantly took his outstretched hand as he placed a hand on my waist sending shocks in that place.

We danced in silence for a few moments before I blurted out " What the fuck is going on ?"

He looked at me amused " I don't know what your talking about love " But his blue eyes held something I couldn't put my finger on.

I rolled my eyes as we swayed " Don't play dumb somethings going on , why did you throw this party, I mean did you just flood the gym for this ?" my questions came out like torrents .

He simply stared down at me " You don't know "

"No shit " Wow I should get my swearing under control . I let go of his hand and stepped away " There you've have your dance . I'm going home whatever's going on I want no part in it "

With that I walked away strangely missing the feeling of his hand in mine.

I was walking through the crowd when some guy grabbed me. I rolled my eyes " I am not sucking your dick so let go " Yeah I may have been slightly drunk .

The guy just smiled flashing me white teeth " Mikael sends his greetings "

Who the fuck is Mikael? Before I Could ask the guys face transformed into a vampire with gold eyes . Hybrid. Making me realize I was in deep shit.

Despite my constant struggling the Hybrid I had named Bob shoved me in front of a man with slight stubble.

The man grabbed my arm and looked at me "Ah you must be Olivia , My sources tell me you where dancing with my son " He spoke in a posh way .

His words sent a icy jolt of fear through me this was Klaus's father? All I could think was Oh shit


I was being held in the wings as the main event began how could Damon be so stupid? of course trying to kill Klaus at a homecoming dance was going to go badly idiot .

I stopped pointlessly struggling to listen to what was going on , on the porch.

"Hello, Niklaus" Mikael's annoyingly accented voice rang out .

" Hello, Mikael. Why don't you come in? Oh, that's right. I forgot you can't." I'd recognize Klaus's voice anywhere.

"" Or you can come outside if you want." Mikael responded.

" Or I could watch my hybrids tear you limb from limb." Klaus shot back . I gulped that was something I definitely didn't want to see .

"They can't kill me." Mikael replied still causal.

" True. But it'll make a hell of a party game. All I have to do is rub these two fingers together and they'll pounce."Oh Klaus I thought.

" The big bad wolf. You haven't changed. Still hiding behind your playthings like a coward. You only forget. They may be sired by you, but they're still part vampire. And they can be compelled by me." Answered Mikael.

He gestured to the other side of him as a hybrid shoved Elena at him. He grabbed her with one arm as she gasped . He used to other hand to grab my arm in a painful way .He pulled me in so Elena was on one side and I was on the other as he griped our arms.

Klaus's expression shifted as his eyes landed on me . Why would he care ?

" Come out and face me Niklaus or they die "Mikael threatened.

Klaus's eyes lingered on me for a moment before he looked at his father "Go ahead kill them "

I sucked in a breath my heart hammering so this was it goodbye cruel world .

" No Klaus he''ll do it " Elena pleaded sounding breathless. He looked at me almost looking sorry for me ? Nah my eyes are probably playing tricks on me .

"If she dies this lot will be the last of your abominations " Mikael spat out . So why was I there ? It didn't make any sense .

"I don't need them , I just need to be rid of you " Klaus replied looking like he was going to cry .

" To what end, Niklaus? So you can live forever, with no one at your side? Nobody cares about you anymore, boy! What do you have other than those whose loyalty you forced? No one. No one." Mikael bit out.

Ouch that's gotta hurt. I saw Klaus tear up " I'm calling your bluff father , Kill them "

" Come out side and face me you little coward " I could hear the frustration building in Mikael's voice. " And I wont have to "

" My whole life you've underestimated me. If you kill her you lose your leverage. So go ahead. Go on. Kill her. Come on, old man. Kill her. Kill her!" He half screamed tears streaming down his face .

I'll admit I felt bad for him . I couldn't imagine what it must feel like to have someone that was supposed to love you unconditionally hunt you down and make it their life goal to kill you .

To my surprise Mikael began laughing " Your impulse, Niklaus. It has and will forever be the one thing that keeps you from truly being great. "

Klaus had tears wetting his face now . Mikael let me go for a split second while he rammed a dagger in Elena's back . Before grabbing my arm again. I let out a shriek and she fell to the ground and I struggled in his grip . What happened next nobody was fully prepared for .

Damon blurred in front of Klaus and stabbed him making him scream , he flipped him to the ground burying the stake deeper . I heard movement on the porch making me look down at 'Elena ' as she stood up.

" Katherine " I muttered relived. She shot me a wink before clicking some wolfs bane grenades and throwing them at the Hybrids behind us " BA BOOM "

I looked back inside the house to see Stefan tackle Damon of Klaus . I struggled in Mikael's grip but he just wouldn't let me go . The next events I missed with my human eyes all I know is Klaus blurred forward shoving me out of his grip making me land on the porch hitting my head .Son of a bitch that hurt.

Through the haze in my brain I heard mangled screams . I raised my head to see Mikael on the ground with a stake in his heart burning .I Looked away feeling sick with a slight concussion coming on.

I hazily heard Klaus give Stefan his freedom back well at least one good thing happened tonight.

In all the excitement I was pretty sure I had been forgotten about just lying here on the porch as I tried to push myself up to a sitting position.

My head was pounding don't get me wrong I was happy Klaus had got him to let go I would have appreciated it more had he done it more gently. I was about to give up to die alone when a hand extended towards me I looked up to see Klaus standing over me hand outstretched . I took it and he pulled me to my feet .

He looked as if tonight's events had done him some damage to. I clutched my head making a groaning sound " That's gonna leave a mark "I muttered .

I looked up at him , he was staring down at his fathers body " Later Klaus " I mumbled and stumbled of the porch feeling his eyes burning holes in my back the entire way.


So Olivia's homecoming didn't go as planned. Any guesses why Mikael had her on the porch ?

I so can't write fight scenes so yeah ...

dedicated to @edunalp2001 for all the supporting comments that made me smile and for general coolness :D

vote comment fan xxxxxxxxx

-Daisy Pierce

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