Finding Angels Wings|Disconti...

By darkdestiny

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I will not be updating this story anymore. Ava is the last angel in existence. She now lives in a world where... More

Finding Angels Wings
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 8

551 26 5
By darkdestiny

Enjoy, sorry for the long wait! Thank you for reading :) 


Ch 8



My muscles screamed in pain as I lifted carried Seth over to the clearing that I had discovered, I put him down right next to Morgan. As soon as I dropped him I collapsed down to the floor in exhaustion, my head resting on the forest ground, the twigs and leaves poking my half charred clothed body.

I had rescued what little people that I could, grabbing them and dragging them to the clearing. Lucky for the others they weren’t as close to the bomb as Dante was, it had hit him full force but he was slowly healing now I just had to try and find a water source and tend to his burn wounds. I had managed to save Seth, Morgan, a fairy boy, another werewolf and twin sisters. I was angry though angry at what happened today and angry at this little group for doing what they did.

I was fuming mad though as I saw Axel and Holden and the few others get taken by the special forces. I don’t even want to think about what they would do to Holden, I just knew something bad was going to happen. I’ll be damned though if I let someone fall into the same fate I did, no one had to suffer like I did. No one, I wouldn’t wish it upon anyone.

*“Please, please get that away from me!” I screamed out loudly against the silent room. I looked around frantically, my eyes darting between the men in their bloodied white coats and the others behind the glass screen. It was sickening. They were experimenting with me. They were testing my limits. It didn’t help as I saw another one of my kind just get chopped up right in front of my eyes, it would forever be imprinted in my mind as I heard his loud agonising screams as he begged for mercy from these men. They were the enforcers; the others behind the glass screen were the science geeks.

I was flat on my stomach, I had on nothing and the cold metal of the examining table seeped into my bones making me shiver. Straps were tied tightly around my back, thighs and calves and my hands were splayed out in front of me connected to more straps along with my feet. I was trapped. The room was dark, dank and reeked of angel blood. They were punishing me I knew they were, that’s why they left the dead man in the room; his wings now on display as they held it up on string just to torment me. I cried silently, the tears streaming down my face the cold air wafting over me drying them to my cheeks. This place was freezing, the atmosphere was tense almost choking me as I flapped my wings uselessly.

The knife came closer to my wings and another man came around to pin them down as I flapped them wildly.

“Don’t touch them!” I shrieked hysterically as the man teasingly ran the cold, sharp blade against my feathers. I flinched, feeling the knife as it moved across my wings.

“Please, please stop!” I begged, my eyes filling up with tears. He smiled sadistically at me as he gripped one of my feathers in his fingers and held it out and cut straight through it, pulling at the roots. My scream was loud and painful as it ricocheted throughout the room reverberating through my body. The man didn’t stopped there as he hacked away viciously, laughing as my screams continued. It was an endless cry for mercy.*

I shook my head getting rid of those thoughts as I made a makeshift bowl, I had found a stream of water and now I hurried over to Dante and the rest my wings pushing strongly my hand shaking slightly from the memories. I dropped down in front of Dante. Not caring in the slightest if they saw my wings. I had a connection to them now, it happens when you save someone from a life or death situation. I could see Dante’s burn wounds clearly as I gripped the material near the wound and ripped it open further grabbing the water and gently easing it onto the worst of the wound.

I looked at his face and I saw him wince slightly, he was still unconscious which was a good thing for now. I was on high alert at this moment, I’m sure we were far away from city hall to not be caught but you couldn’t be too sure. I was still on the n after and I’d be damned if I got caught. I’m lucky I got all of them out, the special forces was swarming the place and it was by pure luck I got them out. My ears perked I heard someone shifting and moaning slightly. I lifted my head up slowly, my wings flapping out of habit. I really loved having them out and not hiding them.

I did what I could for Dante’s wounds, tending to the worst of them the rest was slowly healing. He was lucky he had Angel blood within him. I had carefully tucked his wings back, trying not to hurt them. I found myself staring down at his face, he really was quite handsome when he wasn’t scowling. I gently reached my hand out and brushed away the stray pieces of his hair away from his face. His eyes were scrunched up tight and I wondered what he was thinking of.

I sighed and leaned back against the tree, I had placed everyone in an almost circle. They were all still passed out but I noticed Seth stirring slightly. I reflected back on what had happened, they were setup it was definite. Somebody had tipped the humans off and it was all planned, all staged, half their rebellion was dead, the other half catered off to the facilities. Those that were left would have to go into hiding possibly, stay away from their families if they wanted them to live. They would be lucky if they could go to school.

I was getting involved again, like I usually do. Although this time it was much, much worse than previous times. This time I felt as if I had a connection to this place, like I shouldn’t leave, call it instinct I suppose. I heard a loud groan and my eyes moved around the clearing my body half limp. I watched as Seth sat up, his body swaying slightly as he tried to make sense of his surroundings.

He turned his head, his eyes sweeping over me but not really registering. As if on cue his head snapped back right to me and his eyes widened as he blinked them furiously. He rubbed at them and tilting his head as he got a look at me.  

“Am I dead?” he asked slowly as he crawled towards me reaching his hand out. Now just because I saved him didn’t mean I was going to have come magical liking to werewolves all of a sudden. I grabbed his hand just as he reached it out, my small fingers barely wrapping around his wrist. I pushed it away as I flapped my wings noisily.

“You’re not dead Seth,” I said calmly, sitting up straighter as I stared at him, my head tilted to the side. He looked at me again, his mouth agape and his eyes widened as he pulled himself closer to me, sitting crossed legs as he stared at me in wonderment. I smiled slightly at that.

He reached his hand out again but stooped, his voice wavering as he spoke, “But, but you’re an angel.”

I nodded my head and shrugged my shoulders, he still looked at me, his face scrunched up in confusion. He wiped his hand over his face and winced as he moved his shoulder a bit too much, he suddenly stopped and sniffed in my direction.

“You smell like honey and vanilla, the same scent I smelled the other day. You were with us in that room, weren’t you?”

I nodded my head slowly, the truth was out I couldn’t exactly hide the fact that I was an angel anymore. I just didn’t feel like explaining to him right now then repeating myself yet again later for the others.

“Look I’ll explain later ok? I’m not exactly in the mood to explain it five times over for everyone else, wolf. I’m exhausted,” I said softly, stretching my back slightly and my sore muscles screamed out in the process. He nodded and continued to stare at me in awe. I cleared my throat  and gave him a pointed look, she sheepishly smiled and looked away.

“Thank you,” he whispered after a while, looking at me sincerely. I nodded at him, giving him a small smile as I adjusted my body. My eyes snapping over to Morgan who began to stir and Seth immediately ran to her side, wincing as he did though. He began rubbing her shoulder and whispering softly to her. It was so sweet it was sickening.

Morgan looked up, bleary eyed and her mouth fell open as she pointed at me and almost started to hyperventilate. I smiled and gave her a small wave, giving my wings a small flap. She looked like she was about to faint, but Seth quickly calmed down. My breath came out as a hiss as I grabbed the tree and pushed myself up. I had small burn wounds here and there, especially on my wings. It hurt like a motherfucker. Christ it was bad.

I stretched out and watched as the others slowly began waking up, I didn’t do anything as they did. I merely just stood there. Watching them, kind of amused at their expressions. The twins had grabbed each other’s arms and backed far away from me muttering things in Italian, with panicked looks on their faces.

“Am I high?” asked the fairy boy, as he waved  hand in front of his face looking at me.

“We’re dead aren’t we?” said the wolf boy, gripping his hair in his hands and looking around frantically touching the grass and looking at Seth. I simply looked at them, a small smile playing on my face. It was actually kind of funny.

I heard a moan and turned my head to the side, Dante’s eyes were slowly opening. I held my breath, wondering what the hell he was going to say about all of this. My hands were balled into fists and my nails cut into my soft skin. I turned around to face him, my wings flapping noisily. They were trying to heal.

“Ava?” he croaked as I walked closer to him, I bent down next to him. Looking him over, he’s wounds were healing well. I titled my head to the side, his hand reached forwards and I held my breath as it brushed over my face. “You’re an angel,” he whispered softly, I could do nothing but nod mutely. I was acutely aware of everyone’s eyes on us in the clearing and I cleared my throat pulling away from him.

He kept on staring at me, as if he were in a daze. This really wasn’t what I was expecting. I thought he would be outraged, yelling at me and calling me some fake. The reaction I got was completely opposite and to be honest...this side of Dante was confusing. He was so gentle and calm...I didn’t know what to think of it.

“Explain! Please, I’m so confused,” whispered a small voice and I turned my head to look at Morgan. I sighed and turned away from Dante, standing up and clearing my throat nervously playing with my fingers. They had all moved closer, the twins held each other’s hands as they stared at me. The fairy boy and werewolf moved closer and so did Seth and Morgan. We were basically forming a circle, Dante included as he sat on the floor trying staring up at me as if I was some Goddess from heaven.

“Ok, so...” I trailed off looking at them nervously, what has gotten into me? Man up Ava! I took a deep breath and let it out, my shoulders slumping as I took a step back and looked at all of them.

“Before I start, please don’t interrupt me. Ok?” I asked, looking over at them and they all nodded, if somewhat reluctantly.

I took in a deep breath blowing it out through my nose as my hands started shaking slightly, “So as you know, I’m an Angel. Apparently the last in existence, I’m a pureblood. I’m pretty rare, when I was younger I was the special forces.” My breathing started to hitch as I tried to calm myself, the memories flashing in front f me as I gripped tightly at the hem of my shirt. Calm breaths, Ava. Calm breaths.

They were all looking at me strangely, Dante especially. His head was titled to the side, as he stared at me his gaze unwavering as his blue eyes locked with my own and I gulped. The air had suddenly gone cold and a light shiver ran throughout my body, I cracked my neck to the side and looked down trying not to hyperventilate.

“They captured me, and they...experimented on me. Horrible things, like cutting off my feathers to see how resilient they were, testing to see how fast I could run, I would sometimes be starved to the brink of death.” I shut my eyes tight, not wanting their pitying stares.

I crossed my chest over my arms, opening my eyes, my wings flapped angrily and they took a few steps back. My eyes were a lighter blue now and they were blazing with fury, “I was lucky I fucking escaped! I’m on the run now! They were going to kill me and slowly! Now you idiots went to go and pull that stupid rebellion stunt! Now Holden and Axel and who knows else was taken to that facility!” I was screaming by the end of the sentence, everyone had backed away from me...besides Dante. He stood calmly to the side, mirroring my expression.

“Are you done?” he asked, eyebrow raised unimpressed. I stared at him my mouth agape as I took a step forward towards him.

“Am I done?! I just told you my fucking life story and you ask me if I’m done?! You’ve got some nerve you freaking assho-“ He stopped me by placing a hand over my mouth. I was to shocked to do anything but stare, he’s never touched me before in any other way but a threatening one.

“I understand your past was very hard, Ava. I’m only asking if you’re done with your little rant. The one you had just a few minutes ago? By the way, my mind still hasn’t grasped the fact that you’re an angel. I’m in shock, so don’t expect me to freak out and throw you a fucking tea party,” he said, removing his hand and all I could do was stare at him blankly. I didn’t expect this reaction, any of it.

The rest of the group stood a bit away from me, eyeing me...almost distrustfully. It confused me, why do they not trust me? I mean I saved their lives for Christ’s sake, don’t I need a little bit of recognition? I eyed them distastefully and Dante gave me an amused smirk. What the hell is up with him?

I ignored them all, puffing out my chest and flapping my wings slightly before folding them and allowing them to disappear back into my back trough my clothes.

“Holy crap! How the hell did you do that?” asked the fairy boy, staring at me wide eyed and mesmerised. His green eyes were alight with curiosity, I smiled at him.

Shrugging my shoulders, I gave him a simple answer, “Practice, I’ll show you sometime.”

I turned around to face all of them, “And by the way, if any of you, and I mean it, if any of you tell my secret...I will not hesitate to end your life.” I was dead serious, staring each of them in their eyes allowing them to see how serious I really am.

“You need to help me find my brother and Holden, you need to help us Ava,” I pivoted on my heel looking at Dante. There was something in his voice that stood out, something was vulnerability. He sounded weak, almost scared and that thought, well it actually worried me and scared me a bit too.

“I’ll help you, I’ll be damned if I let anyone fall to the same fate as I did.”

Seth jerked his head to the side, looking at Dante. “I can smell your mom’s house from here. If we head out now we can be home pretty soon and decide what to do,” he said, his arm protectively wrapped around Morgan’s waist as she hid her face in the crook of his neck hiding from us.

“Yeah sure, let’s go.” His reply was half hearted as if he really didn’t want to go. I was very confused at their reactions today I mean I told them I wasn’t extinct, you’d at least think I’d get a gasp or at least someone fainting.

I followed after them, walking slowly behind the twins. I stopped briefly when I felt a soft breath tickling my ear, my breathing hitched as I held my breath.

“Ava, I promise you for as long as I live...I’ll protect you, you saved my life and you’re an angel...just like me. I will protect you with my life, I give you my word,” Dante’s voice was soft and sent shivers down my spine as his hand brushed mind and he looked back towards me, giving me a meaningful look before retreating towards the bushes effectively leaving me alone in the clearing.

What just happened and why am I blushing?!


Hey guys, new chap will be up soon because of a certain person. Hope you liked it :) sorry for the long wait! 

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