Strawberry Boy (BxB)


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"I'm maybe a man, but I could still rock pink better than bitches," his hot breath lingered on my dry lips wi... Altro

~*Chapter One*~
~*Chapter Two*~
~*Chapter Three*~
~*Chapter Four*~
~*Chapter Five*~
~*Chapter Six*~
~*Chapter Seven*~
~*Chapter Eight*~
~*Chapter Nine*~
~*Chapter Ten*~
~*Chapter Eleven*~
~*Chapter Twelve*~
~*Chapter Thirteen*~
~*Chapter Fourteen*~
~*Chapter Fifteen*~
~*Chapter Sixteen*~
~*Chapter Seventeen*~
~*Chapter Nineteen*~
~*Chapter Twenty*~

~*Chapter Eighteen*~

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- I'm really grateful for those comments y'all have written for the previous chapter. As a token of appreciation, here is the next chapter.

Vote and Comment -bigger puppy dog eyes-


                                                      ~*Chapter Eighteen*~


To be frank, ever since I came out from my mother's womb, I'd never been called a bitch before. Well, the word slut was an occasional retort from my brother, Eden but even when Jenn called me a whore -her little irony on my inactive sex life. It always felt like a warm hug of love rather than a slap across the face. Not even Stella spoke of the word while describing me, it's always either the pain in the ass or useless son of the bitch. Maybe the last part did ring a bell of some sort.

But this was a fucking yank on the balls.

"Dang, Loius. That burns hot as a whorehouse on nicket night." Kyle didn't hesitant to let Jasper know that he wasn't helping by giving a heavy punch on his head. 

"I'll take that as a compliment, Jasper. Now, what's your name...Bitch?"

I swore my left eye twitched slightly at that, my heart starting to thump against my skin like rowdy horses on the field. A heap of unsteady breaths slipped through my cracked lips, a blank slide suddenly setting in before me. I sucked in a deep breath to lower my heartbeat but I knew sooner or later the hyperventilation would take over me and I wished anything but that. Just when the last of my vision was blinded by the familiar white light, I felt a pair of warm arms circling around my waist, securing me in its embrace.

"I appreciate your help, Louis. But if you're here to be on the shoot, then I suggest you to light a shuck before I knock you galley west."

An alteration happened almost instantly and everything was back. The blinding sun that shone in its halo of light, casting this forever deserted land with golden sprinkles. Those heavy clouds I'd taken note earlier was long gone, replacing a sky that was clear as day. My milky skin turned pinkish red after pratically soaking up all of the heat, patches of sweat marks here and there. It took me a few minutes to register I was now in the arms of a man.

"You're okay, darling?"

I glanced up, groaning while adjusting the lighting of my sight before laying eyes on the man. His blue eyes seemed to look straight into my soul, holding me place. He smiled down at me and his hand went up to touch me on the cheek, I couldn't help to sigh in relief as I leaned in to his touch. I  chuckled silently of his caress on my hair, sliding back and forth sluggishly around my sideburn.

Our eyes held each other in places, indulging ourselves in this fairy-tale-like moment. Everything about it felt perfect, me being in his arms and him running a hand through my hair...

"Kyle, you never told me Luke's a softie."

The beautiful scenery just had to wait, now it's time to cut some assholes.

I imagined Luke began to get tensed under me so I cleared my throat and flashed Louis an evil smirk. The frowning of his face definitely injected a shot of confidence in me, so I set on smirking deviously at him. Out of the corner, I caught Stella's signature smile and it made my smirk grew wider. Whenever in the studio or during a meeting, if Stella and I had the same thought which God forbid, our smiles would be equally matched and it was the time for us to bring the house down.

"So, Louis?" I chose my words carefully, his mines bombs were eveywhere and one false move I would go boom!

"So, bitch." I'd came to respect his choice and I would like to become the bigger man here, for now.

I extended a hand, "the name is actually Tristan Rince, but I guess you've already known."

"Unfortunately, Mr. Rince. I know nothing of your kind." He kept a good poker face and Kyle shook his head to ask me to stop speaking, he knew where this was going. Luke tightened his grip around my waist, calming himself by holding both of my hands, hopefully it would work.

"Well, that sucks since I know your kind very well." I tapped Luke's hands gently, looking at Stella for her cue. She nodded curtly, adding a roll of her eyes at the end. Sometimes I did like her, when she's not an A-class bitch.

"And what's that?" That sucker just gave an opening for Stella. Stella burst out laughing suddenly, which I knew where it definitely came from. Jasper was looking everywhere but us, trying to get involve in this scene before him. Kyle stood firmly beside her, eyes darting betwee n Louis and us. Stella's heels clicked on the faded sidewalk when she walked to my side, wiping her sweat off her forehead.

"Well, a country bumpkin of course." The man's face turned red all of the sudden, clearly it wasn't because of the heat. Stella stole a sneaky glance at me before speaking again, this time she made sure every word of hers dripped with venom.

"You might dress like a professional lawyer with a tailored suit that clearly made especially for a funeral reunion, but no granpa's Italian shoes of yours could help you to look any more business-like. You know what you reek of? Third-class citizen who wants to become like us, the genuine A-list celebrities. You want to be seen as the man who've travelled the world, the man who knows everything. The man who can have any man he wants."

"You-" Stella cut Louis off with a tsk. I was surprised Luke didn't say anything by now, he just hugged from behind and waited for something big to happen. Like I'd mentioned, he's one mysterious man. Kyle on the other hand was wiping off his sweat hasitly and trying to find a way to end this fight, Jasper had taken off to his car.

"Drop the act, asshole." Stella hissed past her clenched teeth, giving him the bird. It seemed like forever before Louis' mouth opened and machine gun started to shoot directly at us.

"I fuckin' hate your kind," Louis finally spoke up angrily, "coming here thinking you can own this place just because you've been in the big world. I couldn't believe I come all the way here to get educated by a bunch of senior citizen! I don't even feel sorry, Kyle. Just go find somebody that can cover your ass now." Louis was heading back to his car but Kyle caught him around the waist, yanking him back with his back pressing hard against Kyle's front.   

I watched in horror when Louis' face turned bright red with Kyle's face nuzzling under the nape of his hair, whispering something into his ears. Stella was too baffled by both of them, completely in daze what the hell had happened. A hot breath came near my ear and I nearly jumped into the air if wasn't for Luke's chuckle soothing me down. He bit on my earlobe which made me a little bit excited down there.

"I forgot to mention Louis is Kyle's baby brother." 



"And he has a crush on me ever since Kyle and I hang out."


On Luke...?

"And he's no lawyer, Tris. He always dresses like that when he knows I'm here"

"What the hell?!" I forced out of his grip and spun around to look at him in disbelief. Luke took a glance behind me before focusing at me, smiling with a flirtatious wink.

"I meant to tell you but I was too angry, if Louis decided not to help us, you're the one to blame."

"This is seriously fucked up, what did I do?" My lips had dropped into a grimace.

"You work with Stella and insult him."

"He called me a bitch!" 

"Well, ain't you supposed to get used of that word already?"

Luke Diamond did not just say that.

I snarled nastily like an animal before pushing Luke off me, the struggle was purely useless because Luke was way bigger than me. Besides, the sun was wearing off my energy anyway. So instead of storming off like a pissed-off man, I dropped my head on his chest. Listening to his heart was ever so relief. Don't get me wrong, I still hated him for calling me a bitch, even it's indirectly.

"I'm sorry, it came out wrong." I could feel Luke rested his chin on my head, rough hand slowly running through my hair again.

"Fuck you," Luke breathed out a small chuckle, resting a hand on my back too.

"I'm an idiot."

"Fuck you."

"It's the other way around Tris."

"I'll fuck you for a thousand years."

"Are you proposing to me?"


Like always, Luke shut me up with his kiss of doom. As always, someone cleared his throat when we're getting the best part. I wouldn't tell you where we stopped at, but you should know there're a lot of hands and groping involved.

Now, we were back on the middle of the parking lot with Louis standing beside Kyle, eyes fixing at the ground. Jasper was nowhere to be seen and so was Stella, maybe she decided to go for a walk before anything of this burnt her brain again. I stood there, arms crossing with Luke hugging me from behind. Luke was getting a little bit clingy, but I liked it as long as he didn't suffocate me with his strong grip. When he's angry, he tended to get harsher.

"I'm sorry I didn't get the chance to introduce myself," I raised a brow at Louis' sudden politeness, "my name is Louis Stewart and I'm Kyle's brother."

"You know me, so do you think you can help me?" I asked straight to the point, not trying to beat around the bush anymore. Louis shot a look at Kyle, earning a curt nod from him. Louis sighed frustratedly before shoving in his pocket to fish out his phone. He quickly dialed someone, he seemed to be talking to the phone for a few minutes before shutting it off. When he looked at us again, his eyes gave a tiring look. I couldn't believe he's younger than Kyle, what did they eat to get this big?

"James is somewhere safe and sound, don't worry." Louis spoke up and ran a hand through his thick hair, sliding down to scratch at his neck after. Luke let go off me and walked towards Louis, towering over him before leaving a short gap between Louis and him. I could see how much redness had flushed onto Louis' cheeks, a bitter taste was gathering in my mouth when Luke held Louis on the forearms.

"Can you tell me where is he?"

"No, but he's somewhere safe."

"You don't understand the stake here, kid. We need to take him back home, where it's the only place that's really safe and sound. I know he's not there, so please tell me Louis."

"James wouldn't like it," Louis looked away nervously but yelped when he realized Luke was trying to retain himself from punching him, instead his anger took form on the grips on his forearms. Kyle shot out and pushed Luke away, glaring at Luke for the first time I'd seen him.

"Stop it, Luke. You know he can't say..." I quickly went to Luke's side when I could feel he's getting more and more impatient. He exploded when I reached his side, taking a few steps back when his hands nearly hit on the face.

"I don't fuckin' care, he knows where that mudsill went! He'll kill us if we didn't bring him back, this is the last straw he's able to hold himself back. God damnit!" Luke punched Mike's muscle car, leaving a big dent on the hood. His back was heaving rapidly, taking breath by breath. I turned around to face Louis, he was standing where he was with a face of guilt and shame. Kyle was muttering incoherent words to his ears, nodding his head occasionally.

Just when I thought Luke was really going to punch Mike's car to crap, Louis spoke up slowly.


"What?!" I flinched when Kyle and Luke shouted at the same time, surrouding Louis in an instant. Luke grabbed Louis again, I hope this time he didn't hurt him. Louis closed his eyes and took in a deep breath before saying the same name again.

"Lionsgate. They're at Lionsgate."

Kyle took off running to the opposite route where Stella and Jasper had gone and Luke was already opening his truck's car. I went forwards to catch up with Luke but a hand caught my wrist, I came face to face with Louis. And this time, he was sobbing.

"Please, help him before it's too late."

                                               ~*End of Chapter Eighteen*~

Drama! Dun dun dun... -remember to listen to the song! ---> -

ATTENTION: If you want to read some tear-jerking one shot, please go read my new one-shot called 'Holding Back' in my profile page. I hope y'all can go check it out^0^ Vote and Comment


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