To Be With You | hoshi

By StrawberriMelon

596K 24.3K 11.4K

One day, mom fell in love with a new man. Now she's getting married again. But she's not the... More

lviii (last chapter)
One Fine Day
One Fine Day pt.2
The Start of Seungwoo
A Drunken Night
Alternative Ending
special chapter
not a chapter lol but i got tagged chapter


12.8K 516 315
By StrawberriMelon

I swear to god, I don't know how this happened.

~~~Three Hours and Thirty Minutes Earlier~~

Just as Soonyoung dropped me off my classroom, he said, 

"Hey, eat lunch with us later." And off he went. I didn't even give him a reply.

~~Thirty Minutes Later~~

I entered the noisy cafeteria, carrying my lunchbox. This place is jam-packed like, I didn't even know the whole school body would be this much. It was hard to find Soonyoung and the rest. I didn't even see Seokmin nor Mingyu get out the classroom. Either they were really fast or they ditched class and hung out at their secret place. I couldn't even see any of the other boys. Uh-huh. Guess I'm going on a hunt then... Or I could just sit with somebody. I, at least, have to make friends, right?

I looked around and identified different groups. You could obviously see borderlines within squads/groups/cliques/whatever you call it. I saw the girls who were talking about boys the other day, uh, maybe not. There were the jocks, obviously. The people who don't eat but sit anyway. There was this group of kids who looked cool until one of them actually put a potato fry into their nostril. Ooookay,... what's next? But there was this one girl who sat alone. I remembered her face and realized she was from my class.

"Hey, Shin-ah.", I greeted her, slipping into the seat in front of her.

"It's Seung-ah, but hi.", she replied.

"Sorry. That was far from your actual name." Jeez, the people I really remember are Seokmin and Mingyu, no kidding.

There was awkward silence between the two of us. She continued eating her lunch and I just awkwardly watched her. Haha, I don't know why myself. She caught me staring.

"Uh, aren't you gonna eat?", she asked.

"Uh, yes, I am.", I opened my lunchbox and it revealed mom's cooking. Gimbap and bulgogi. Well, they're simple but I love it. Oh, the glory of a mother's cooking!~

"You want?", I offered Seung-ah.

She shook her head." I'm fine with this."

She was done eating but I wasn't. Then she asked me. "Why are you sitting with me?"

I swallowed my food. "Is there anything wrong?"

"No, it's just unusual."

"Why? I used to eat alone all the time. Trust me, being alone is the worst." Says the anti-social awkward girl.

"Why did you? I mean,  why were you alone?"

"I was a misfit before. Well, not really, more like I didn't like anybody."

"Same goes with me. I don't like anyone here." Oh my god, gurl. We might actually become friends when we hate on other people.

"So would you hate me?", I asked.

"I don't know.", she answered. "I just talked to you now."

"Wanna be friends?"

"Let's try." Then we shook hands. And that's how I made my first girl friend after a very long time ago.

She then talked to me about rumors going around in school. Like how someone got recently suspended because they got caught beating up each other. Or how someone got pregnant and have been absent ever since. Or like how people are desperate to hook up with someone just so they could be cool or popular, which isn't a great idea, and, why (ಠ_ಠ)?

I excused myself from Seung-ah when I learned the cafeteria was selling cake. I took out my pocket money and checked how much I have. I wasn't looking at where I was going so I didn't noticed I bumped into someone. 

"I'm sorry.", I apologized.

She gasped. "Oh my god, you did not just-" She didn't even finished speaking. She actually spilled some juice on herself when I bumped into her. 

"Oh God, I'm so sorry." I brought out my handkerchief and handed it to her. "Use this."

She ignored my offer. "Are you blind? Did you not see me walking in front of you?"

"I'm sorry.", I apologized again.

"Go buy me juice.", she commanded. 


"Go buy me juice.", she repeated. But I want cake. I just stood there. "Are you dumb or what?", she asked. 

I scurried to the counter and got her juice.  I handed it to her. She grabbed it from my hands and threw the liquid to me. I had to gasp. This gained attention from everybody in the room.

She had this evil grin on her face, then she said, "There, we're equal." Then she walked away from me.

I scoffed at her. "Yah!", I shouted at her. "Why did you do that?!"

"Didn't I tell you already? We're equal now.", she replied. She could've acted in a different manner.

"That doesn't mean you had to spill your juice on me."

"You spilled juice on  me first. Look at me, I'm so sticky now."

"Are you serious right now? It's just on your shirt. I have some on my face."

"If I had some on my face, my make-up would get ruined."

"Please, with or without make-up, you're ugly."

She gasped. "How dare you?" She pulled onto my hair. I fought back. 

Harsh words towards the other kept spilling out of our mouths until somebody finally held us back. 

"Yah, yah, yah! You can stop now." I looked back and saw Soonyoung holding me. 

"Oppa!" This girl ran to him and hugged him. "She started all of this.", she said, pointing at me.

"Mwo?! You--", I started again but someone cut me off. 

"Stop! Stop!" The other boys came in. Soonyoung pushed the girl away from him and stood close to me.

"You okay?", he asked, holding my shoulders. I nodded.

"Oppa! Why are you taking her side?", the girl asked. "Why not me? I'm your--"

"Shut up, Yuna!" Soonyoung cut her off. "You're not my girlfriend. You never were. Now, don't you ever  be mean to my sister again."

"Sister?" She looked confused. But she got the message and left. 

" Thanks for stopping us.", I told Soonyoung.

"What are you doing, making a scene?", he asked. He looked kind of mad at me.

"Um, first of all, it was an accident--"

"An accident? How is that an accident?"

"So I spilled juice on her and--"

"Nevermind that.", he suddenly said. "Where were you?"

"Um, you told me  to eat with you so I went here."

"Couldn't you just wait in the classroom?"

"You didn't tell me anything."

"Do I have to tell you I'll pick you up?"

"You don't have to pick me up. I could go there myself."

"If only you stayed in the classroom, none of this would've happened."

Jeez. Why is he being like this? "Whatever. I'm going to the restroom."

I walked away from him. I washed myself but my blouse couldn't get dried in a blink of an eye, even my blazer is stained with juice. That  Yuna girl, seriously... I went out with my clothes still wet. 

The whole day went on but people recognize me this time. It's hard to deal with attention but I chose to ignore them. Classes were dismissed and I bid farewell to my new friend, Seung-ah. I went to Soonyoung's classroom since we always go home together but his classmates told me he left already. I was confused but I went home alone anyway.

"I'm home.", I said as I entered the house. The whole place was quiet. Guess I'm home alone then. I changed into comfortable clothes and opened my laptop and did whatever with it. I was so immersed into reading something I didn't hear the knocks on my door.

"Park Miyoung!", someone had shouted. I jolted from shock. I looked up to see Soonyoung staring at me with a bag of chips on his hands.

"What?", I asked. I still think he's mad at me for some reason.

"Nothing.", he answered then sat on my bed. Silence had filled the room.

I continued to do whatever I was doing but I couldn't concentrate on that because I felt like someone was piercing holes at me from staring. Whenever I glanced up from my laptop, Soonyoung would look away. But there was this time where I actually caught him, and I could see his cheeks turning slight pink.

"I'm gonna get a glass of water." I stood up and proceeded to the door.

"Wait, Miyoung-ah,", he grabbed unto my hand to stop me.

"I'm sorry about earlier. I didn't think anything like that would happen.", I told him.

He sighed."Close your eyes."

"Ah, mwoya? why do I have to?"

"Just do it." I did as told. 

"Ack!" My hand instantly flew to my forehead. "Why did you do that?" He flicked my forehead like before.

"Just for fun.", he said, grinning. Sheesh. This babo. "Geundae (But), if you do something like that again, you'll turn out to be a bad girl."

"Excuse me, but I was the victim, she was the bad guy." I retorted.

"Whatever you say...", he said, nodding. "Well, I'll go back to my room then~"

"Ugh, finally."

He pouted. "Aww, don't tell me you hate your brother coming in anytime?"

"In fact, I do hate it. I really really do."

"You really are a bad girl."

"Ha, I'll be the baddest girl you'll ever know."

"Nevermind. You're too cute to be the baddest girl.", he said, pinching my cheeks.

Is that a compliment or not? Nevermind that, I feel my face heating up. "Aish, shut up and go to your room." I pushed him out and slammed the door. 

Aigoo, why do I still feel hot?

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