Destined love. ( A Ray Ray lo...

By iAdoreFinaax

5.2K 123 23


Just great..
first day at school
What is going on ?
Let it all begin..
This cant be true
Everything is good.. right ?
Good Lord..
Plan A
Plan A accomplished.
Not how I wanted it..
What ?!
What is going on ?

How did this happen ?

296 7 4
By iAdoreFinaax

-Destiny's POV-

I ran as fast as I could to the parkinglot. And all my friends followed me. When I arrived there I saw a big black car driving away. I ran to where Diggy was laying. He was almost drowning in his own blood !

Destiny: HELP ! *touching his wound and put his head on her lap* Oh my God , how did this happen ?! Who did this to you ?! *crying*

-Someone called 911 and they came as fast as they could-

Destiny: I need to go with him , im his sister !

Chiara: I will go with you..

Craig: Me to.

-After a while in the hospital-

 Mom: What happend ? Where is my baby ?

Destiny: Chill mom.. They are still working at it but the docter said he would be fine. The bullet wasnt that deep in his body.

Mom: Poor kid , you have been crying the whole time huh ? *opens her arms for a hug*

Destiny: Yess mom *starts crying and hugs her*

Dad: I just want to know who did it.. and why. *looks confused but worried*

Destiny: Euhm.. Craig ? *stands up* Thank you for coming..

Craig: *looks up* Oh.. no probs *in a harsh way*

Destiny: Well than.. :| *walks away*

-After the surgery all my friends from school came to see how Diggy was doing. Kinda sweet. I dont understand why Prod was so rude to me earlier. I dont hate him or something. And I thanked him for coming with me. If he was going to be so rude to me than why did he even came here with me ? Hmm.. And I still have to watch them perform tonight.

Ray: How is he doing ?

Destiny: he has been sleeping since the surgery.

Ray: You look tired..

Destiny: I wonder how you would look if your brother got shot ,ray ! Ofcourse im tired.

Ray: *silent and looking sad*

Chres: Ayee , chill. His brother did got shot. Why you so mean in the first place ? Ugh.

Destiny: Ohmygod.. That was soo stupid of me ! Im sorry Ray ! I nev-

Ray: Its okay ,i know you didnt know about that. Ayee.. Imma leave, see y'all tonight at the concert. *did his little handshake with the boys* Des.. Dont worry about it. I aint mad. *walked out*

Destiny: Omg , i feel soo stupid..

Chiara: Shoot , you should feel stupid. You hurt the boy's feeling.

Destiny: Thanks.. captain obvious.

Jacob: Why dont you like us in the first place ?

Destiny: Its a long story. Y'all wont understand. Im gonna walk around , i need some fresh air. *gets up and leaves the room*

Mom: *grabs dad's arm* Let her be alone..

Dad: Okay.. *sits back down*

Craig: Euhm mrs. Simmons ? We have to go , we have to prepare for our show tonight.

Mom: I understand , thanks for coming tho. So nice of y'all.

Jacob: Well.. You know how we do mrs. Simmons.

Mom: Haha ,silly boy. Have fun tonight !

The boys: Thanks ! And get wel soon Dan !

-Diggy suddenly slowly tries to open his eyes and moves his hands a little-

Mom: He is moving !! Thank God my baby is still alive !

Diggy: M- m- mom ? D- d- dad ? W- what happend ?

Dad: I think we should ask you the same.. Dan , who did this to you ?

Diggy: I don-

Mom: Dont even dare to lie Daniel.. What did you do that made someone almost want to kill you ? *tears up*

-Destiny walks in-

Destiny: Diggy ! Omg ! *hugs him*

Diggy: OUCH !

Destiny: Sorry :3

Dad: Tell us.. we promise , we wont be mad.

Diggy: Okay.. It was Mike and his boys. He ask me to do something for him but I did it kinda wrong..

Mom: What ? Give us more info diggy !

Diggy: He asked me to deal drugs for him and I used his money. *he said in a high speed*

Destiny: What the h-


Destiny: Mom.. There are people in this hospital , lets just deal with this at home. Besides , the docter said he could go home but he needs a lot of rest. And.. I gotta go get my car at the school's parkinglot before going to the concert soo..

Dad: I just want you to know that.. Im dissapointed in you Diggy.. *walks out of the room*

Diggy: Mann.. I screwed up big time..

Destiny: Yess you did.. Why would you do something like that ? You know this is going to hurt mom forever !

Diggy: Its not that easy as you think Des.. You think I wanted to do this ? You think I love seeing her hurt ?

Destiny: Than why did you do that ?!

Diggy: *silent and tried to look the other way*

Destiny: Just what I thought.. Call me when your ready to go home.

-After a while they packed Diggy's stuff and got in the car. the car ride was awkard. everyone was quiet and upset-

-Destiny's POV-

So after that awkward car ride my dad dropped me of at the school's parkinglot and I got my car. Diggy decided to get in the car with me because it was too awkward in my parent's car and my mom kept crying. When we arrived at home all I heard was 'Des, get ready for the concert'. Miley ofcourse -__-'

Destiny: Miley , keep playing. If you keep on nagging im not going with you..

Miley: Okay :( *walks away*

Destiny got a text right after Miley left her room.

Textmessage: I have to ask you something tomorrow so can I come over tomorrow ?

D:Who is this ?


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