Home Wrecker

By rayraykristine

6.2K 143 4

"No, you don't get to try and turn everything around on me, Steph, you do it all the time. We are stable and... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five


375 5 0
By rayraykristine

I got back to the house around one or two and went straight to my room. I didn't want my mother to ask how the job search went because I didn't want to tell her it went terrible because no body wanted a kid just out of high school who didn't even planning on college. Besides places like McDonald's, but I swore to myself I'd never work in the fast food industry.

Being seventeen still, also put me in the running for less jobs. Most of the places I wanted to work at had an age limit and it is, of course, eighteen. Which I wouldn't turn until November.

"Beverley!" My mother's voice could probably be heard from Africa.

"Coming." I sat up and strode toward the door.

When I walked down the stairs my mother was at the door talking to someone. The woman was a blonde and very beautiful.

"Beverley, this is Stephanie, our new neighbor. She's come to introduce herself. Isn't that sweet?" I nodded curtly trying to be as positive as I could even though my mother irritated every fiber I have in me.

"I'm sorry that my husband isn't here, he's getting situated at his new office downtown. They transferred him here."

"Oh really? Where did you move here from?" My mother asked in her sickeningly sweet voice, unlike Stephanie's.

"We moved here from England actually. Completely starting over." For the first time I noticed her thick accent.

"I've always wanted to move to England." I sighed in awe.

"No you haven't." My mom stated turning to me.

"Oh you would know, since what you want is what I want, apparently." Awkward silence followed my moms wide eyes.

"Anyways, I should get going." Stephanie smiled as best she could and shook my mother's hand; then mine, "It was nice to meet you both."

"What was that?" My mother asked as she closes the door.

"Nothing." I made my way to my room again.


After a while of just sitting on my bed, which I'd been doing a lot of lately, I decide to drive to the convenience store a few blocks from my house to get some tampons and powdered donuts because I'd run out of both from my last period.

I ended up picking chocolate donuts instead of the powdered because apparently they'd run out. I knew I should've gotten two boxes last month.

As I turned a corner to make my way to the check out, a tall figure dressed in a suit slammed into me. For fucks sake. My donuts which I'd opened–to eat a few, were strewn all over the floor and my box of tampons slid quite a ways to.

"Are you kidding me?" I looked at the man who was on his phone even after the mess he'd caused. "Uh– hello?" I waved my now empty hands in front of his face. Which was very nice actually.

"Uh, yea my bad I'm sorry," the curly haired man hardly even glanced at me as he kept on his way, walking away and turning a corner to a different aisle.

"S'alright." I said to myself, giving the poor guy who had to clean up this mess an apologetic look and making my way back to the donuts to get another box.

Fücking ass, I thought to myself as I remembered the handsome man running his lean figure into me.

Why are people so rude?


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