
By madfordbralik

373K 16.2K 11.2K

Sequel to "The Worst" More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Don't be angry...
Chapter 58

Chapter 31

6.7K 310 168
By madfordbralik

I CAN'T WAIT FOR PILLOW TALK!!!! eggfljgfitgfdcx  #Z016

Zayn's POV

Doesn't she think, for fuck's sake?

I honestly don't think Charlie thought any of this through before she decided to just storm over there. I get that she was trying to stick up for me and she's probably frustrated and has had enough of Genevieve's shit- I get it. But it would be different if I went with her; I would feel better that someone was there, cause I think we know I'm not just gonna let her do whatever the hell she wants to Charlie. And I'd gladly take the fall before I let Charlie even think about going to jail.

Okay, so maybe I overreacted a little bit.

But she has to see things from my point of view. What would I say to the kids if something happened to their mum? 'What do you guys want for dinner tonight? Oh, by the way, mum's in jail.' Like, what the fuck is that?

What it comes down to is this. I don't want Genevieve all of a sudden trying to get revenge or some shit. And I don't want anyone in harm's way until we figure out just what the hell is going on.

Because let's face it: this girl is obviously fucking crazy. In my opinion, she's showing all of the same signs that Blake showed before she lost it. And we know what happened there. You just don't know with people like Genevieve.

A former addict that I used to sell to killed herself and tried to kill my kid because of some shit that I did and it makes me a little fucking neurotic.

My kid was hooked up to a ventilator and on continuous monitoring for months; every day I walked in there not knowing if I was going to have to say goodbye to him, or if maybe the next day would be his last. Or the day after that. And then to still be at the point where you're not entirely sure if everything's going to be okay? Yes, he talks better than the average three year old, but he trips over his words sometimes and he's a bit uncoordinated. They assured us everything is fine, but you just never know. And so I get a little crazy; what the hell do you want from me?

I just refuse to take the chance again. I don't want to experience any of that pain that I felt during that time; I wouldn't wish it on my own worst enemy. And I don't know what I'd do if something were to happen to my kids or to the woman who means so much to me that I can't even fucking put it into words.

Yes, I'm hurt. Yes, I'm angry. Yes, I'm really fucking confused. But I'm not gonna go out and just start beating the shit out of people. Maturity, I think it's called. You know, that weird thing that happens when you get older. Or in my case, when your priorities suddenly change.

Oh and maybe a little bit of me lashing out on her has to do with my itsy, bitsy hangover. Just a little. Hangovers make me irritable-which; I know, I know, is my fault. I rub at my temples and collapse back onto the bed.

"Would you maybe mind telling me what the heck just happened," I hear softly. 'm not fighting with her. Hell; we've done enough of it over the past couple of weeks.

"I'm sorry," I mumble, but it comes out distorted since my hands are over my face. I feel the bed dip next to me before fingers start carding through my hair. The action soothes me and makes me feel like a dick all at once.

"I'm sorry," I try again. "I just...I don't want anything to happen to you. You don't know what she's capable of."

She sighs. "I appreciate your concern, but I'm not...Zayn, I'm not the same Charlie who's just going to let everyone walk all over her...including you. And I'm certainly not going to let anyone treat you like crap." I can tell she's trying to find the right words to soften the blow. "I can handle myself. And I can assure you that I'm not going anywhere."

"I just..fuck. With Mar and stuff. You know it makes me a little crazy." I sit up then and pull her into my side.

"I know. have to trust that I can make my own decisions. Maybe I shouldn't have went there last night. But it's done now, okay? I was just so mad that she made you drink and I didn't want you to forget who you are. So I thought that I could talk some sense into her. And I also wanted answers, though the only reason that I can come up with is because she's jealous. But that doesn't explain why she chose to pin him on you. She could have picked anyone."

"Fair enough," I concede.

"And I'd also like for you to talk to me when it all just gets to be too much, you know? That, my friend, is one of the benefits of a relationship.You know, that thing we're in?"

I smirk. Her sarcasm gets me. "Deal."

"You know what's coming, don't you?" I open my eyes and look down at her. She holds her pinky out in front of her. "Now let's try this one more time."

I link it with hers with no hesitation.

"We're in this together baby cakes," she says, pinching my cheek. "We just have to trust each other, okay?"

"Baby cakes? Really? You're such a mum."

She chuckles and ruffles my hair. "Stop pouting."

"My head hurts," I say. I'm being a big fucking baby, I know it.

"Welp. What did I say," she sing-songs, but begins massaging my temples- I think I purred.

She eventually goes to get up, but I pull her back down on top of me as I fall back on the mattress.

"What about the other head?" I whisper into the space separating our lips. "I think it could use a little massaging too."

"Yeah, okay," she snorts. "Not after your behavior over the past twenty four hours." She gets up then, and throws off my sweatshirt, leaving her in a pair of jeans and a rather fitted tank-top. "Sorry Charlie...or Zaynie, if you will."

"Oh come on!" I laugh, as she saunters-yes saunters- out of the room. She's definitely teasing me. "Not fucking fair."

"A wise person once said: Life is fair because it is unfair to everybody."


"Daddy, look! Look it's da minions! Dey on my kite!" Marley squeals, pointing up. This kid's been obsessed with the minions ever since I bought that sweater and wore it that one time; you know, before Charlie took it over.

I glance up from where Li's plopped in the kiddy pool that I set up for the kids in the backyard. It's actually starting to feel like summer since it's the beginning of July. I'm just happy it's warm out. And since there's about a week now until Marley starts summer camp- he's done with his daycare preschool thing, we've been keeping it low key until then-just hanging around as a family.

"Oh yeah? Is mum doing a good job helping you fly it?"

"Yes, look! It's all da way up dere!" He points into the sky. It's not all that high, but I guess it looks like it's miles away to the little guy.

"Daddy, me!" Liyana's splashing about in the water. She looks adorable in her little purple Batman bathing suit. She's giggling as the water trickles from the mushroom that hangs over the pool. She could probably be in here for hours, trying to run under the mushroom and stand under it without getting wet. Though you'd be surprised, the real issue was getting her in the water.

"Aren't you gonna join her, Michael Phelps?" Charlie says to me, biting her lip. I guess she's referring to my attire. "I mean, you're wearing floaties, so why not."

I almost give her the middle finger. Almost. But I'm just so happy that we're back on good terms after that whole shit show that took place a few days ago, so I don't. Not that she wouldn't get that I'm kidding. Okay, whatever. I'm talking too much. "You wish you looked as cool as me."

So yeah, anyway, Li didn't want to put on her swimsuit- she fought me so much on it that I had to put on my swim trunks and floaties and stand in the pool just so she would put on her swimsuit and get in. So now, here I stand wearing a pair of heinous trunks that are from like, six fucking years ago and bright orange floaties that are most definitely not my size.

But Li and Mar (and Charlie) thought it was hilarious, so. Here I am.

"Daddy? In?" I look at Li, who's now pointing to the mushroom.

"Oh, you want me to come into the water?" I ask her, smiling. And she nods, but offers me the same wide smile in return. "Well, babe. Something tells me that I'm a little too big for this pool. But we can try to make it work, right?" She nods again, as if she has any clue as to what the hell I'm saying.


"Oh, you want Mar to come in too?" Mar hears me, and immediately makes a dash for us.

"You want me to get in da pool Li Li? Okay, I gonna get in, okay?" He tells her, already climbing in and squealing as he runs under the mushroom. Well. I guess it's a good thing he's got his trunks on.

I lean down next to the side of the pool and pretend to be a monster that's gonna get them. "No!" they both screech, but it's barely audible since they're laughing so much. "You gonna get us!" Mar continues. And at that point, I reach my arm in and try to grab them, but they back further into the stem of the mushroom, all the while holding on to each other and screaming.

I notice Charlie crawling on her knees, creeping up on the other side of the pool. The kids' backs are to her, so she holds a finger up to her lips, telling me to keep quiet. The kids are a bit closer to her, so when the timing's perfect, she reaches both arms out and grabs them, while growling. I wouldn't be surprised if they pissed their pants from being so scared.

But me being the cruel parent that I am, I hunch over in laughter. Especially when I notice Liyana's terrified face and the fact that she fell on her butt in the water. And when she does calm down, I bet like hell she's never forgiving Charlie for that one.

Marley on the other hand, thinks it's the funniest shit ever. "Mummy, you scareded us!" But when he realizes Li's pissed, he tries to calm her down. "It's okay, Li Li. It's only mummy who did dat."

"Aw, I'm sorry baby," Charlie laughs through an apology, grabbing the both of them in her arms and soaking her white tank top in the process. Li forgives her, I guess, when she allows Charlie to bring her head into her chest and cuddle her. But I don't think she's totally over it, since her eyebrows are furrowed.

"Look, you pissed her off," I tell Charlie, who snorts. "You're in deep shit now. Watch yourself."

Charlie rolls her eyes. "Wonder where she gets the temper from...I'm stumped."

"Don't look at me." I say, looking everywhere but at her. But when my eyes do land on her once more, I notice her raking her eyes over my chest area and biting her lip. She probably has no idea she's staring. "Enjoying the view?" I raise my eyebrow and call her out.

"What?" She says, blinking. "I wasn' look hot."

Oh? I snort. "Talk about being blunt."

She smiles, but shrugs. The kids have wrestled away from her, deciding to give the little slide leading into the pool a go. "What? I'm bleeding and it makes me horny."

Can you see me? No? Well, I'm literally shaking my head. "Um...ew."

But I'll have fun with this; I crawl through the pool (yes, I look fucking ridiculous- I know, because the kids are laughing their asses off). But it's only so I can get my body a little wet. Once I reach her, I lay in the grass facing her with my head propped up by my hand. She glares, so I turn over on my back. "Ah, that's better. Now I can work on my tan...while I'm soaking wet and glistening."

"I hope you burn."

I laugh at that. "Tisk tisk. That's cruel."

"I hope your dick burns."

That only makes me laugh more. But when I actually think about it, that would hurt like hell. I shudder, not even wanting to imagine the pain; oh God. "No need to be harsh just because you've got a lady problem."

"You're so mean to me," she pouts, but I close my eyes.

"Shame. I can't even get you off."

"Rub it in some more, why don't you?"

"Oh baby, unfortunately I won't be rubbing anything on you for the next few days."

And then I feel a really hard twist to my nipple. "I hope you're the parent who's home when Liyana gets her period for the first time, that way you've got to deal with it. She's gonna be crying, and super emotional, and embarrassed, and in need of a pad."

My eyes shoot open at this. "And I'll give her a roll of toilet paper and my cell phone so she can call you."

And then she slaps my arm. I'm just being all kinds of abused today. "Don't you dare! She's gonna need you during that important and scary time."

"Oh relax. I don't care about buying pads and tampons and shit like that. The talking part though, is still all you because unfortunately, I don't know what it's like to bleed out of my vagina."

"Well, it's just biology simplified. Come on, we took bio together. You'll just explain to her that she's shedding the-"

"Christ, okay. Can we not? She's my little girl and she's gonna be that way forever, yeah?" I lean up and take a peek at them; Li just went down the slide and is in a fit of giggles. Yeah. She'll stay two forever. What the fuck's Charlie on about; that's my baby.

"Hello party people!" Charlie and I both look up to see Harry and Eleanor walking towards us. "Why didn't you tell me we were having a pool party at your house, babe?" Harry carries on. "I could've brought the snacks. And myself, of course. I know you're dying to see my tiny little yellow trunks I just bought. Though I should have got the speedo, just for you, love."

"Harry!" Marley shouts. "You comin to play wid us?" Yep, Marley knows Harry's one giant ass kid too.

"While I'm honored that you want to play with me Mar, I'm actually here for official business, though it does involve the two of you."

"What?" Marley blurts, climbing up the slide.

"As Harry's trying to say, I need your kids." Eleanor steps in.

"Um..." I find myself saying. "If you want one of your own, go home and fuck, and wallah! Nine months later and you have a kid. It's like magic."

"Why are you marrying him?" Eleanor's talking to Charlie now. I roll my eyes. "Oh shit, sorry. I forgot the wedding's..."

"We're fucking getting married," I grit. "It's just-"

"What did you need the kids for?" Charlie asks, interrupting me. And she curls up to me for good measure. So take that, Eleanor Tomlinson.

"Oh yeah," El continues. "I'm doing a shoot and I need two toddlers and it just so happens that you have what I need. So can I use them?"

"Uh...yeah sure?" Charlie answers, looking to me. I nod, giving the go-ahead, I guess.

"Oh good! They might get paid!" I brush that off; this is a one time thing. "And it gives you two some much needed alone time."

"It's not like I can get laid," Charlie mumbles, but unfortunately for her, everyone catches it.

"Jeeze Louise, Charlie! I know my boyfriend's got a killer bod, but no need to get all worked up. have some control, woman!" He turns to the kids. "Now come on friends! Let's see if we can find the hose, so we can spray mom and dad before we leave."

A friendly reminder that he watches kids for a living.


Since Charlie and I have this weird thing called free time tonight, we decide to go for a stroll in Times Square. Exciting, I know.

But we're being all cute and holding hands, so it's fine. "I like your hair today."

She looks up at me. "Why thanks, Sir. I call it 'it got wet and I don't feel like straightening it'."

I shrug. "It still looks nice." She cuddles further into me, releasing our hands so she can bring an arm around my waist. We walk in silence, so I take the time to light up a smoke.

"So are you gonna ever tell me exactly what happened? You know, with the results?" She says eventually.

Well then. "It's pretty self-explanatory, no? I got the results, I thought I had another kid. And I don't."

"Zayn," she sighs. "You know what I mean."

I know exactly what she means. Communication. The million dollar word, people. At least when it comes to relationships. So I sigh too. "I dunno. I guess, I just...the postal guy delivered the letter to the house and I opened it. I didn't want to, you know. But I knew I had to." Her grip tightens around me. "And then it said I wasn't the father. I was shocked. Like, I really felt like he was mine, and then to find out he wasn't? It was so fucking shitty."

She hums into my side, wanting me to keep going. "Yeah, and then I realized that Genevieve (Charlie tenses at the mention of her name) took the original ones-she must have- and was gonna change them so it looked like I was the father. And from there, babe, I just...I was so fucking mad and upset..but mostly confused. I tried to call you so I could calm down, but you didn't pick up."

"I'm so-"

"No. Stop." I brush her off. It's not her fault. "You couldn't; I get that. So then..I guess I did what I used to do when I got angry- I drank. Though in hindsight, I should have painted. I haven't done that in a while. But now I'm at the point where I just want answers."

She runs her hand under my thin shirt, scratching at my belly. "I know. And we'll get them."

"And fuck Charlie, I miss that little boy. He's so unlike his mum; he's so innocent and he liked me. And I think she neglects him, love."

"Of fucking course she does, that stupid bitch," Charlie spits. "Sorry. It just...gets me worked up, you know?"

I kiss the top of her head. "I know."

"Zee, she was yelling at him so bad when I was there." Charlie sounds like she's on the verge of tears. "He was crying and everything. And I just felt so helpless. Cause I feel like I'd be overstepping my boundaries if I did anything, but at the same time...I just..." She sniffles. "I hate her. No point in hiding it."

"But she's his mum."

"A fucking horrible mom!" Charlie shouts.

"And..." Shit. Do I tell her? It might send her over the edge. "I don't think she feeds him all the time."

She doesn't say anything, so I go on. "When he was staying with us, he just kept eating, you know And I don't give two fucks-like, eat all you want. But I have a strong feeling it's because he's not getting anything at home."

"She's such a shit bag," Charlie curses after a while, her sadness replaced with anger. She lets me go as her fists ball up at her sides. "I should go back and kick her ass."

"Babe..." I almost plead. I fucking know now that she'll do it. I don't know what the hell happened to her, and I have a strong suspicion she's been influenced by me. But I think it's more of her not wanting to get pushed around any longer, like she was saying before.

I see her trying to calm herself down, and for Gen's sake, she better steer clear of my shamu.


"I believe you owe me a dog, Malik."

"Come again?" I'll play dumb for as long as it gets me. Though I do love animals.

"Remember? When I told you everything I want in life, I said I wanted a dog," Charlie giggles. "So I'm cashing in."

"I don't recall..." Can't I ship Boris over and we can take care of him? He's getting old anyway. If we get a puppy, I'm gonna have to house train it and-

I stop, noticing a tiny figure on the steps. That can't be...I quicken my pace as I approach our brownstone. "Adrian?" I call his name once I'm close enough.

He's standing in front of the door, no one else in sight. He's dressed in a pair of shorts and a t shirt. It breaks my fucking heart to even see him again, let alone see him like this. "Buddy...what are you doing here?"

He looks up at me and Charlie, pouting with tears in his eyes. "Mommy leave," he says.

Oh fuck no.   

A/N: Sorry guys. This week sucked. But here's an update! 

I hope you like it! Please vote and comment : )


And who's excited for Solo Zayn's rise? 

BIG LOVE. And see you soon : )

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