Pink Lemonade ( TVD Klaus Fan...

By Daisy_Pierce

138K 3.2K 699

Love is power... Olivia was an ordinary human. She was just trying to stay alive in all the supernatural may... More

Pink Lemonade ( TVD Klaus Fan Fic )
Epic Prank Night Fail
I Am Not Bella Freaking Swan
Homecoming Horror
Coffin Mania
I fancy you
Family Business
Pink Champagne
A Side I Liked
Public Nudity
Evil Alaric
Not that ninja
Snapped Necks and Terrible Speeches
Do not go gentle

Drunk Statements Are Just Sober Thoughts

10K 209 71
By Daisy_Pierce

Well I was in a writing mood and it was this or studying so being the great role model I am I picked this .

Stay in school fellow children .. wow that makes me sound like a 40 year old pedo but anyways

Thanks for your reads , comments and votes means a lot :D

We will start to see Olivia's Pink Lemonade obsession soon 


Olivia's P.O.V

Let me just start by saying I am not here by choice .My Doppelganger bestie and my history teacher dragged me out here at 6 AM to 'Train against vampires ' Fat chance .First of all I hated violence of any kind and I may be a cheerleader but I'm weak in a fight. The only reason I'm here is because I was promised to learn a roundhouse kick which is something I had always wanted to know . Stefan was top on my list to kick in the face after last night .Wow where was this violence coming from ? 

Flashback last night

I heard voices while my vision was black what had happened ? Oh that's right prank night gone wrong . I forced my heavy lids open

" Olive " Was the first thing I heard as Damon and Elena rushed toward me . 'Olive ' was Damon's pet name for me like 'Day ' was mine for him.

Noticing I was in the boarding house . I asked hoarsely " How did i get here ? What happened ?"

Elena shifted uncomfortably " Well after Stefan fed " She stumbled slightly when she said that " Of me he Bit you he was crazy with blood lust Livy " She explained

Was she seriously making excuses for him ? Before I could blurt that out she continued " And then Klaus got angry i think and he ripped Stefan of you and then fed you his blood "

I tried to digest this information at first I was angry at Stefan how dare he bite me ? Then i was confused why would Klaus heal me when he clearly hadn't healed Elena . My hand went to my neck to find it smooth and un - bitten

" Why did he heal me ?" I asked looking at them both . Elena looked down at her hands. " What Elena ?" I asked impatiently. She just shook her head " Nothing " She muttered .I knew she knew something or at least had a theory . She then told me everything that had happened after I passed out . Including the fact that her blood could make hybrids and Tyler was now one . 


I flinched out of that little flashback as Ric punched a dummy through its chest lodging a stake in it .

" What did he ever do to you " I asked pouting poor dummy .

He gave me a weird look " So the pressure of the punch ejects the stakes " He told us . " Easy enough " Elena said as she got ready to punch Arnold yes I named him Arnold. I watched bursting into hysterical laughter when she punched but nothing happened. " Must be jammed or something " Elena assumed tapping the stake ejector  sleeve . 

" Your not strong enough " Alaric answered " Better start lifting some weights put some meat on your bones " 

" My turn " I squealed . They both looked at me in disbelief " No Livy I don't think " Elena began .

I wasn't listening I snapped back my fist letting all my rage out hitting the Arnold square in the chest as a stake embedded itself into him .

"Yay " I squealed " Look Elena I did it " I bragged .

Alaric looked at me with a small smile " Good job Olivia "


" Here we are senior year " Caroline said sounding slightly awe - struck.

Mystic Falls High was alive with bustling  students . Excited freshman's lost in the crowd . Though I would never admit it I was really excited for senior year despite all that was going on .I was going to take a page out of Caroline Forbes book and Carry on with a smile . 

I noticed Elena wearing a scarf and felt bad as my neck was fine . I had spent days before picking out a outfit for the first day back I was wearing and loose red singlet with flower patterns some red jewelry  to match , white demin   short shorts with red wedges that tied  up around my ankle. 

" Does anyone else feel this should be slightly more empowering " Bonnie stated looking around . 

" OK " I interrupted " So prank night was a bust " 

" But we are accepting it and moving on " Caroline finished for me.

We all started walking in a line of four . We looked like something straight out of mean girls. 

" You two are right I mean , Why should I let the fact that my boyfriend is seeing the ghost of his dead girlfriend hinder this experience " Bonnie Claimed.

" Yes ! and why should I let the fact my boyfriend was turned into a hybrid put a damper on a otherwise fabulous day ." Caroline asked rhetorically waving her hands around . 

"And " I half yelled making heads turn " Why should I let the fact my boyfriend is nonexistent ruin my happiness " 

Caroline and Bonnie laughed .Elena stopped walking " Toady's our anniversary " She said sadly " Technically , Stefan and I met on the first day of school last year . " 

" Ok you win " I said looping my arm through hers " Are you sure you want to be here ?" I asked concerned. 

She looked at me offering a small smile " I have to be here , I have to put it behind me new year new life " 

" That's the spirit " I encouraged as she walked away towing me along.

I left Elena to go find Tyler I hadn't spoken to him since Prank night and I was anxious to see how he was doing . Tyler was my best friend since kindergarten when we met in the sandbox . I know he could be a dick but he'd always been there for me and he had changed recently thanks to Caroline. 

I saw him and ran over " Ty " I squealed throwing my arms around him . He caught me " Whoa Liv " He teased " I'm glad someones enthusiastic about senior year other than me " 

"Im always enthusiastic " I joked " OMG there's Matty " I squealed dragging Tyler's hand over to Matt's Truck. 

Matt snapped out of whatever he was thinking about and climbed out of his truck. As he put on his backpack I ran at him almost bowling him over with a giant hug " Matty its been to long " I cried dramatically . He chuckled rubbing my back " Way to long " He we pulled away .

" Whats got you in such a good mood ?" He asked Tyler . " We're seniors man life good "

"Yeah it is " I agreed throwing my arm around Matt's neck " You guys are one strapping it " I joked as we walked into school.

Walking into history I almost died right there Stefan was sitting there all smug it made me want to throw up all over his face .

I took the seat behind him next to Ty . Please don't turn around . Which is what he does " Hey Livy " he says fake cheerfully. I noticed Tyler watching him carefully probably ready to kick his ass for me .

" Fuck of Stefan " I hissed " And only friends call me Livy ." He smirked which for the record wasn't a good look on him and turned around as Rick started teaching .

" Welcome back seniors " He began " Lets turn our brains back on , starting with this country's original founders Native Americans "

I rolled my eyes bored already when a voice cut him of " What about the vikings ?" My head shot up as did everyone else's to see a smug looking Rebekah .

" There's not evidence Viking explorers actually settled in the united states . Who are you ? . " He asked looking down at his desk.

" My names Rebekah I'm new and history's my favorite subject " She notified him .

History seemed to drag on and on there was so much tension in that room it was crazy . I stood with my fellow cheerleaders stretching " I see you have a opening on the squad " Rebekah addressed us both already in practice clothes .

" What are you doing ?" Caroline demanded . Rebekah only ignored her bending down the stretch.

"Hey hey " She persisted " You cant just come in here and infiltrate all our lives "

I let out a snort it felt like we should have a voice over saying 'Spoted a C and R power struggle ' I have many Gossip Girl feels. 

Surprisingly Rebekah gave me a smile before activating bitch mode to Caroline " I'm only interested in yours , your spunk your popularity " She looked at Tyler " Maybe even your boyfriend "

I saw Elena running by herself so I decided to join her . " Hey Lena " She only nodded . Well someones in a mood .

Running along side her I groaned as Stefan jogged on the other side. " Look at you two getting all fit "

I stayed silent " Seriously Stefan , leave us alone . " She spat

She grabbed my arm turning me around but he followed " You think I'm annoying now wait until homecoming . Hey , who are you bringing by the way ? Wouldn't want it to be weird "

A guy I didn't know accident banged into Elena "I'm sorry " He apologized . " Watch it dick " Stefan ordered shoving him to the ground . I felt bad for the guy clearly it was an accident.

" Who are you ?" Elena exclaimed.

"I'm the guy who's been assigned to protect a human blood bag , I mean no offence or anything " Stefan answered.

Elena just shook her head in utter disbelief and stormed of . " Oh yeah sure leave me with the Dick " I muttered .

Ignoring him I began jogging away.

I don't really know why but I always hated bonfires so I had just planned to drink the night away . I was wearing my signature color pink . White skinny jeans with a pink lace top .

But instead I was standing in a classroom figuring out how to put Stefan down .

" I'll lure Stefan away from the bonfire . Then when he's distracted . " Elena announced.

" I'll shoot him " Ric finished for her .

" Cant Bonnie just ju-ju him or something ?" Damon asked " I'm trying to keep Bonnie and Olivia out of this I don't trust Stefan wont hurt them. " She replied giving me a pointed look.

"What " I argued " No if your taking Stefan down I want in "

" Yeah well " Damon said grabbing my arm pulling me out " You can't "

He dragged me out of the room " Now go get drunk or something bye Olive "

I huffed but decided to do just that.

A little while later I stood by a tree shouting "DRINK , DRINK " With Elena her smile fell and I followed my gaze to Where stefan stood 

Many cups of beer later I was stumbling around looking for someone I knew. Shouts of " Hey sexy come party with us " Or wolf whistles followed me.

I stumbled into a hard body and looked up to see Stefan . I groaned this night couldn't get worse if it tried.

I stand corrected he's now talking to me great " Hi Olivia " he said my name in a funny way as he usually calls me Liv or Livy.

" Let me ask you question " I said suddenly slurring " Did Klaus compel you to keep your humanity of ?" I didn't wait for a answer " No , so why keep yourself this way hurting the people the love you the most , If you keep pushing people away your going to end up alone and maybe that's what you want at the moment but what happens one day when it all comes flooding back and your alone for all eternity ?"

" Your drunk " He let out a chuckle that sounded of.

I walked away pausing once to look back " Drunk Statements are Just Sober Thoughts "


No klaus in this one :( but he will be back soon 

I put that song on the side because I seriously love it so much been playing to nonstop  :) 

I will update My other story soon so look out for that :) 



- Daisy Pierce 

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