When You Are Done ยป Supernatu...

By soIarfIare

189K 5.9K 574

Elena hits her head in the roof and is unable to move. She coughs as glass bits crumble to the ground. "Ahh!"... More

When You Are Done
Song & Fan-Made Video List


3.2K 96 12
By soIarfIare


[ ☾]

      A man, possessed by a demon, sits tied to a chair in the center of a Devil's Trap. Sam is in front of him, interrogating; Ruby stands nearby. "Where's Lilith?" Sam asks.

      "Kiss my ass." The Demon's eyes goes black.

      Sam smiles at that comment. "I'd watch myself if I were you." He says.

      "Why? Huh? Because you're Sam Winchester, Mr. Big Hero? And yet here you are, slutting around with some demon. Real hero."

      "Shut your mouth." Says Sam.

      "Tell me about those months without your brother. About all the things you and this demon bitch do in the dark." Ruby looks over at Sam. "Huh? Tell me, hero."

      Sam can't control his anger and begins to force the demon out of the man, like we saw in 'Lazarus Rising' The demon smoke burns through the floor, and Sam breathes, trying to get himself under control.

      Ruby looks down on the floor where the demon burned through and a little smile plays on her lips. She looks over at Sam, and they exchange a look and Sam gets a little smile as well. We then see Dean in the window behind Sam, witnessing everything Sam just did.

      The man is unconcious and Sam touches neck to check if he has a pulse, which he does. He smiles up at Ruby. "How'd it feel?" Ruby asks.

      "Good. No more headaches." Sam begins to untie the man.

      "None? That's good." Ruby says. The man begins to wake up.

      "Hey, hey. I got you. It's all right." Sam helps the man out of his chair and begins walking him towards the door, when Dean opens it. Sam stops in his tracks. Dean looks very angry.

      "So... Anything you wanna tell me, Sam?" Dean asks as Sam looks innocent and Ruby stands behind him, just watching Dean. Dean walks towards him as he talks.

      "Dean, hold on, okay? Just let me-" Sam starts.

      "You gonna say, "let me explain"? You're gonna explain this? How about this? Why don't you start with who she is, and what the hell is she doing here?" Dean looks at him hard, Sam turns back and looks at Ruby who looks completely calm, and even smiles as she responds to Dean.

      "It's good to see you again, Dean." Ruby says.

      "Ruby?" Dean asks and she smiles a little, and Dean looks at Sam. "Is that Ruby?" Sam doesn't respond and Dean looks over at Ruby again, who's smile is fading.

      After moment, Dean grabs hold of her and shoves her up against the wall. He pulls out her knife and as he's about to strike, Sam grabs his hand. "Don't!" Sam yells. They struggle for the knife.

      Sam gets it out of Dean's hand into his own, just as Dean throws him up against the wall. Ruby grabs Dean and pins him up against the wall he had her against seconds earlier.

      "Ruby! Stop it!" Sam yells. She just stares into Dean's eyes and she keeps a chokehold with her right hand, and he stares right back, angry. Finally she lets go and he rises up to his full height. He looks over at Sam and then back at Ruby.

      "Well, aren't you an obedient little bitch?" Dean asks Ruby. She doesn't respond but it's clear, she wants to attack him again.

      "Ruby." Sam says as she stares at Dean for a few more moments, and then looks over at Sam. "Ruby, he's hurt." He indicates the man who was possessed earlier. "Go." She gives Dean one more look and then turns and walks over to the man, and as Dean watches her, she puts the mans arm over her shoulder, ready to take him out.

      "Where the hell do you think you're going?" Dean asks.

      "The ER... unless you want to go another round first." Ruby says. Dean doesn't say anything and she walks out with the man. Dean turns to look at Sam, who's watching him.

      "Dean." Sam says as Dean walks to the door he came in through, leaving Sam behind. "Dean!"

      Dean turns around. "I'm not the one you should be apologizing to." As Dean leaves, Elena appears out of nowhere.

      "Is this what you have been doing this whole time?" Elena asks. "Exorcising demons with Ruby?"

      "Elena, I can explain.." Sam starts.

      "You said no more lies, only the truth." Elena says.

      "I'm sorry."

      "I'm sorry?" Elena says. "I can handle the truth, but this, this lie I can not take." She begins to leave, but Sam grabs her arm.

      Elena rears back and slaps him hard on the face. "From now on, we're not together. We're not even friends." She says with tears in her eyes.

      She walks out of the warehouse and outside towards Dean and the Impala. Elena stops in front of him and wipes away the tears. Unexpectedly, Dean pulls her in for a hug.

      "What do you want to do?" He asks.

      "Just take me anywhere but here." Elena says.

[ ☼ ]

      Sam is sitting at the table, reading a book. We hear the Impala pull up outside and Dean enters a few moments later. He doesn't look at Sam, he just walks right into the room. Sam gets out of his chair the minute Dean enters. Dean grabs his bag and begins to pack up his stuff. Sam walks over to him.

      "Dean, what are you doing?" Sam asks. Dean just ignores him and continues packing. "What, are you, are you leaving?"

      "You don't need me. You and Ruby go fight demons." Dean grabs his bag and starts for the door. Sam stands in the way so Dean has to go around him.

      "Hold on. Dean, come on, man." Sam says.

      Dean turns around and punches him in the face with his right hand. Sam whirles around by the force. Dean just watches him as he turns back around to Dean.

      "You satisfied?" Sam asks. Dean hits him again, and then throws his bag on the floor. Sam touches his lip, which is bleeding. "I guess not."

      "Do you even know how far off the reservation you've gone? How far from normal? From human?" Dean asks.

      "I'm just exorcising demons."

      "With your mind!" Dean yells. "What else can you do?"

      "I can send them back to hell. It only works with demons, and that's it." Sam says.

      Dean grabs hold of him and pushes him backwards, walking with the force. "What else can you do?!" He asks.

      "I told you!" Sam pushes his hand away, and they stop.

      "And I have every reason in the world to believe that." Dean begins to walk away from Sam. "Elena's gone by the way. She went to stay with Caroline."

      "Look, I should have said something." Sam says. "To you and Elena." Dean stops, his back still to Sam. "I'm sorry, Dean. I am. But try to see the other side here."

      Dean turns around and faces him. "The other side?" He asks.

      "I'm pulling demons out of innocent people." Sam says.

      "Use the knife!" Dean yells.

      "The knife kills the victim! What I do, most of them survive!" Sam yells. "Look, I've saved more people in the last five months than we save in a year."

      "That what Ruby want you to think? Huh? Kind of like the way she tricked you into using your powers?" Dean shakes his head, sad. "Slippery slope, brother. Just wait and see. Because it's gonna get darker and darker, and God knows where it ends."

      "I'm not gonna let it go too far." Sam says. Dean smiles at that, walks over to the wall and hits the lamp on the side table, making it crash and fly.

      Dean looks angry again. "It's already gone too far, Sam. If I didn't know you...I would wanna hunt you." Sam's eyes are tearful, and he nods at that, looking down. "And so would other hunters."

      Sam looks up at him. "You were gone. I was here. I had to keep on fighting without you. And what I'm doing... It 'works."

      "Well, tell me. If it's so terrific... then why'd you lie about it to me? To Elena?" Dean asks and Sam looks down with that. "Why did an angel tell me to stop you?" Sam looks up, surprised.

      "What?" Sam asks.

      "Cas said that if I don't stop you, he will. See what that means, Sam? That means that God doesn't want you doing this." Dean says. "So, are you just gonna stand there and tell me everything is all good?"

      With tearful eyes, they exchange a look and then Sam looks down. The silence is broken by Sam's phone ringing, Dean flinches at the sound. Sam answers it.

      "Hello?" He pinches the bridge of his nose, trying to collect himself. "Hey, Travis. Yeah, hey. Uh. It's good to hear your voice, too, yeah. Um, look, it's not a really good time right now. It's- Yeah, okay. Uh, well, just give me the details, and, uh.Carthage, Missouri."

      Dean watches Sam as he walks over to the bedside table and writes down the location. "Looking for Jack Montgomery." Sam puts down the pen and ends the phonecall. Breathing deeply, he looks over at Dean.


[ ☼ ]

      The camera moves around a car on the street and zooms in on the front door. We open to a closeup on a man, Jack, chewing, the camera focused on his mouth. He's eating fast and stuffing his mouth. The camera pans out and we see he's completely focused on eating.

      He suddenly looks over at the person next to him, pausing mid-chew. His wife, Michelle, is staring at him and not eating. "Jack, are you stoned?" She asks. He answers her with his mouth full.

      "What? It's good, I'm starving. Is there- is there dessert?" Jack looks over at her questioningly while cutting up another bite.

      "It just so happens." Smiling, Michelle gets up and leaves the table. Jack grabs the bowl of mashed potatoes and tilts it over his plate, to get all of it out onto it. He looks over at his wife's plate, where there's still a piece of meat left.

      "Hey, babe?" Jack asks.

      She's almost out of the room when he stops and looks back at him. "Mhmm?" She calls.

      "Are you gonna finish your steak?"

      "You're kidding, right? You've had two already." She points out.

      "I don't know, I'm just... hungry." Jack puts his knife in the middle of her steak and brings it over to his own plate.

      "Or you have tapeworm."

      "Please. I never felt better." He goes back to eating.

      Later, Jack is in the bathroom, getting ready for bed. He's only dressed in his boxers and the camera is angled from behind so we see parts of his back and then his front in the mirror. He starts brushing his teeth.

      Suddenly we hear a crack and Jack's knees buckles and he grunts with pain, supporting himself on the facet. After few seconds another crunching crack can be heard and he falls lower, hanging on the facet now. We hear the sound again, and we see his spine potrude on his back for a second. He's down on his knees now, still holding on to the facet, screaming of pain.

      The crunchy sound can be heard a few more times and again we see his spine beneath his skin. Jack pants, and suddenly it seems it stops, and he slowly rises, looking at himself in the mirror. He turns his back to it and moves his right hand to the back, looking at it but there's no sign of what just happened.

[ ☾]

      The Impala zooms down the road. Dean is behind the wheel and it seems they've been driving under silence for a while after Dean has told Sam about what he found out in the past about their mom and family.

      "I can't believe it. Mom, a hunter?" Sam asks.

      "I wouldn't have believed it either if I hadn't seen it myself. That woman could kick some ass. I mean, she almost took me down." Dean says.

      "How'd she look? I mean... was she happy?"

      "Yeah, she was awesome. Funny and smart. So hopeful." Dean looks over at Sam for moment and then back on the road. "Dad, too. Until of course..." Sam sighs. "What?"

      Sam looks out his window. "Nothing." He says. After a moment he turns back to Dean. "It's just, our parents. And now we find out our grandparents too? Our whole family murdered and for what? So Yellow Eyes could get in my nursery and bleed in my mouth?"

       Dean goes a bit "huh..?" over that last statement, thinking about what he's told Sam about the past. He looks over at Sam. "Sam, I never said anything about demon blood." Dean says as Sam looks guilty. "You knew about that?"

      Sam still doesn't look at Dean. "Yeah, for about a year." He says. Dean looks out through the window again, eyes on the road.

      "A whole year?" Dean asks.

      "I should have told you. I'm sorry."

      "You've been saying that a lot lately, Sam. But whatever. You don't want to tell me, you don't have to. It's fine." Dean says.

      "Dean." Sam looks over at Dean, who's focusing on the road. "Whatever." He sighs.

[ ☾]

      Jack comes down the stairs and heads out into the kitchen. He calls out to his wife. "Hey, babe. When's dinner?" He asks.

      "45 minutes."

      He walks over to the fridge, and opens it, looking for something to eat. "I'm starving!" He says.

      "Jack, a delicious, unmicrowaved, non-takeout, homemade meal is coming." Michelle says.

      We see Jack by the fridge through binoculars. He takes out a beer. "Are you sure that's him?" Dean asks.

      We now see Dean holding the binoculars, looking at the house, watching Jack. "Only Jack Montgomery in town." Sam says.

      "And we're looking for..."

      "Travis said to keep an eye out for anything weird." Sam says.

      "Weird?" Dean asks.


       "Alright, well, yeah, I've seen big weird, little weird, weird with crazy on top. But this guy? I mean, come on, this guy's boring." Says Dean.

      "I don't know, Dean. Travis seemed pretty sure." Sam takes up a pair of binoculars of his own.

      Jack is leaning on the island in the kitchen, looking thoughtful. He takes another swig of his beer, and then opens the fridge again. He grabs a leftover chicken, and starts eating, not bothering with platers or utensiles. He begins to eat frantically, like he's not gotten food in days.

      He throws the finished chicken aside and grabs a pack of uncooked meat and opens it up and starts eating the raw meat, throwing looks over his shoulder for his wife. "Honey?" Michelle calls. Jack stops eating when he hears her voice.

      We see through the binoculars again. We then cut to a pan over the boys, who both watched this foodcraze happen. They're wearing matching disgusted looks on their faces.

      "I'd say that qualifies as weird." Sam says.

[ ☾]

      Dean and Sam comes through the door, and stops as they've just entered, seeing something in their room. A smile comes on Dean's lips. "Travis." Sam says.

      We see Travis sitting by the table, beer in hand. "See, Sam. Told you we should have hid the beer." Dean says.

      Travis gets up and with a smile he walks towards the boys as they walk towards him. "Smartass. Get over here." He laughs and he and Dean hug. "Ahh, good to see you."

      "You too." Dean says.

      They break and Travis and Sam hug as well. "Good to see you." Travis says.

      "You too, Travis." Sam says. They break.

      "Man, you got tall, kid." Travis says. They laugh at that comment. "How long has it been?"

      "Ah, gotta be 10 years." Sam says.

      "You still a.. oh, what was it... a mathlete?"

      Sam scoffs a little. "No." He says.

      "Yep, sure is." Dean says.

      "And uh, wheres this girl I've heard so much about?" Travis asks. "You father used to tell me everything before...you know."

      "He told you about Elena?" Sam asks.

      "Yeah, of course." Travis says. "He said she reminded him of Mary. She must've been a great girl."

      Sam looks thoughtful. "Yeah, she was." He says.

     "Been too long, boys. I mean, look at you. Grown men. John would have been damn proud of you. Sticking together like this." Travis says.

      "Yeah. Yeah, we're as thick as thieves." Dean looks at Sam, who's smile is disappearing with Dean's words. "Nothing more important than family."

      Travis walks over to the table, as Dean follows, ignoring Sam. "Sorry I'm late for the dance." They sit down at the table, Sam sits down on the bed next to Dean, across from Travis. "Thanks for helping out an old man. I'm a little, uh, shorthanded." He indicates his right hand and arm, which is covered in a cast. They laugh at that. "So, you track down Montgomery?"

      "Yeah, we found him at his home." Sam says.

      "And?" Travis asks.

      "Well, he had a hell of a case of the munchies, topped off with a burger he forgot to cook." Dean says.

      "That's him alright."

      "What's him?" Asks Dean.

      "Boys, we got a rougarou on our hands." Travis says.

      "A rougarou?" Dean looks over at Sam for a second. "Is that made up?" He looks back at Travis before Sam can answer. "That sounds made up."

      "They're mean, nasty little suckers. Rotted teeth, wormy skin, the works." Travis says.

      "Well, that ain't this guy. I mean, he was wearing a cellphone on his belt." Dean points out.

      "He'll turn ugly soon enough. They start out human, for all intents and purposes."

      "So, what? They go through some kind of metamorphosis?" Sam asks.

[ ☾]

      Michelle is standing in the kitchen, cutting vegetables.

      "Yep, like a maggot turning into a bull fly." Travis says

      Jack comes into the kitchen and opens the fridge. There's a new package of meat, which he spots right away while he's sniffing the air like a dog. Suddenly Michelle cuts her hand, badly. She cries out in pain and Jack turns around. Her hand is bleeding, which he notices.

      "But most of all-"

[ ☾]

      "-they're hungry." Travis finishes.

      "Hungry for what?" Dean asks.

      "At first, for everything, but then... for long pig." Sam exhales at that, understanding what Travis means. Dean looks confused, not understanding the term "long pig".

     "Long pig?" Asks Dean.

      "He means human flesh." Sam says.

      "And that is my word of the day." Dean says.

      "Hunger grows in-"

[ ☾]

      Jack is frozen in place, watching his wife. "-till they can't fight it. Till they got to take themselves a big, juicy chomp, and then it happens." Travis finishes. We see Michelle pouring water on her finger, blood running.

[ ☾]

      "What happens?" Sam asks.

      "They transform completely and fast."

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