My Father the Trickster

By TheMeganProductions1

1K 26 5

Isabelle is a normal 17 year old teen who goes to college and lives in a apartment in the town Flash in Staff... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 Part 1
Chapter 10 Part 2
Chapter 10 Part 3

Chapter 3

106 3 0
By TheMeganProductions1

Isabelle's POV:
Right after I spoke those words , Trickster, or I should say my dad, immediately dragged me to his car and drove me to my apartment. As we were driving there, I noticed how my dad was driving. His knuckles and fingers were white from gripping on the stealing wheel. And by the looks of his cheek, he was gripping his jaw shut tightly. Lastly, he had a weird crazed look in his eye. He was definitely either stressing out or freaking out. After a while in a car ride of silence, Trickster suddenly spoke:" If The Flash found out I found you..." He paused and sighed loudly. "He.." He said and paused once again. But he looked over at me in a calm look. "He would have to take you away.." Trickster told me. He took his right hand from the stealing wheel, but had the left hand on the steering wheel, and held my left hand. He rubbed it softly. "And trust me, I don't want that." He told me. I smiled at him and rubbed his hand back. We both smiled back. We both let go and he continued driving.

Minutes later, we arrived at my apartment. "Alright, I want you to go in and pack your stuff. We are going to California." My dad told me. I nodded at him. I stood frozen for a second. This would mean leaving Chloe and Savannah behind. But this is for my own good. I then leaned in, and gave my dad a kiss on the cheek. He smiled at me and I smiled back. I got out of the car and went to my apartment. I shutted the door behind me and walked to the living room. But when I got there, there stood him. The Flash. I was so shocked. I just stood there. He stared at me and I stared back at him. "W-What the hell are you doing here?" I asked him. "I am protect you."The Flash told me. I knew exactly what he is trying to do. He is trying to get me away from my dad. "I don't need to be protected." I told The Flash. I gave him my evil glare I always give to people to scare them. And trust me, it works every time. The Flash's eyes went wide. "That are getting it from your dad. You are coming with me!" The Flash exclaimed as he walked over to me and grabbed my arm. "No!!" I screamed. I whipped around quickly so I could shake him off. No Luck. When I whipped around, he grabbed my other arm tightly when my back was facing him. "Trust me! It's for your own good!" The Flash exclaimed. "No I won't go!!" I screamed while trying to move. The Flash pushed me down to were my shirt accidentally unbuttoned and fell off. His whole body towered over my back. He leaned in and whispered to me:" Trust me..It's for your own good" I huffed and I puffed angerly. "And you have nice-" I head butted him with my head to make him shut up. That's dad walked in. His face fell in pure shock. His face was mixed with sadness and anger. Pure anger. That's when..his crazed angry face painted all over his face. My face went to shock. Did he think that The Flash was going to rape me?! "Dad its not what you think!!" I exclaimed as The Flash finally let me stood up and he stood up with me. "  Barry Allen.." My dad callled to The Flash. The Flash turned to my dad. "What were you my daughter?" My dad asked The Flash sternly. He just stood there. Stunned. "Fine..if you're not going to answer..then my daughter shall tell me. Tell me Isabelle, what was The Flash doing to you?" My dad asked me very calmly but he still had that crazed eye look on his face. I want The Flash out of our life. I am throwing him under the bus. "He was trying to rape me." I told him. The Flash looked at me like I was crazy. I gave him my evil glare again. "He put himself on top of me and took my shirt off. That is what happened." I told my dad. He turned to The Flash. He was grinding his jaw shut and he made sure that The Flash saw his shut teeth and crazed eye look. "Barry Allen?" He called to him but this time in a crazed Joker like voice. "I am going to give you to the count of ten, to get your ugly, yellow, no good kearston out of her apartment. Before I pump your guts out of your godamned body!!" My dad freaked out. Without a second, The Flash ran out the door. We both watched him leave. My dad turned to me. With that crazed look on his face. Then it slowly turned into sadness. He loosened the grip of his jaw and he lost the crazed look on his face. "I am so sorry you had to see that.." My dad told me as he walked up to me. "It's fine..I find it crazier that since The Flash is a hero and he tried to do a villian thing." I told my dad. It was then an akward silence. My dad looked down and saw my shirt. He picked it up and slipped it on me. We both smiled at each other. "Can you help me pack? Dad?" I asked him. He smiled at me with a glee smile. 'Yes. Yes I will." He told me.

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