poetry ;; typical_writers

By typical_writers

1.8K 389 186

WARNING: this book is very unorganized, not well written, and a lot of the poems in here are shit c: oki than... More

constilations. | edited
who has time to feel? | edited
half and half. | edited
goodbye. | edited
to: my past. | edited
the painter. | edited
get to you. | edited
lonely. | edited
addiction. | edited
heh, sry. | edited
societies creatures pt 1. | edited
societies creatures pt 2. | edited
school. | edited
i actually hated you. | edited
flaws. | edited
human stealer. | edited
insomnia. | edited
hate hate hate hate. | edited
thoughts. | edited
drugs. | edited
you wanted to "die". | edited
you "died". | edited
you need to stop "dying". | edited
thanks, you didnt "die". | edited
hey your cool, i know you dont think you are. | edited
ok. | edited
beautiful broken. | edited
i need you, you need me. | edited
perfections not a race
pain pain
Grasping My Heart
The House.
Unknown ;;
Ugly Things
Stuck in Black
Perfect is what im not
Temporary flower
Nobody wants to stay
happy. | edited
egos. | edited
sculpt me. | edited
sorry dreams. | edited
broken. | edited
normal. | edited
mosquitos. | edited

flowers filled my lungs. | edited

55 6 9
By typical_writers

It's getting harder for me to breath in and out, and other times I forget.

I remember when it was easy.

Now my words are filled with empty air that I cannot seem to breath out.

And nobody can understand what I'm trying to say.

I want to waste away my days alone in a forest with just myself, and drift away into a universal mind space.

Where I can see the whole picture, and not everything is black and white.

People are filled with colors, but the harder I look into you, I end up seeing a blank canvas, and that's how I am, that's how everyone is, we're all just blank canvases.

I hate how this is the way people are now, why did life have to seem like this?

I want to waste away my days alone in a rocky lake, and swim with the fish.

I want to waste away my days alone, under the stars, with my skin against the soft sand.

There's so many places I would like to set myself in, but the problem is I think to hard about leaving, I can't seem to pick up my feet.

Now I'm gasping for air, but nothing's filling my lungs, I remember when it was the easiest things to breath in and out, now days my room is filled with sticky notes, but I forgot to read.

And I don't feel like this is the way humans are supposed to be, something should fill my lungs, thoughts should come to my mind, and I should feel things.

But lately I haven't felt anything... And my lungs grew into flowers, and I still can't breath, cause if I do, those flowers could die.

So here I lie, my skin against the sand, and my body under the stars, living with flowers inside my dying lungs, just hoping that after I leave a garden will replace my once alive self.

I would much rather be a beautiful flower than I human that cannot even remember to breath.

This was just a sort of ramble/ freestyle... I sort of just wrote what was on the top of my head

All of my poems were written on the spot, but this one is sort of different... Idk I hope you like it, cause I think I like this type of poetry better than what I usually write.

c: buhbai

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