Your ours and we won't let yo...

By Dreamless48

236K 8.5K 1.5K

This story about a boy who since the day he has said he's gay, he lost everything : his family, friends and f... More

Your ours and we won't let you escape (boyxboy)
Chapter two
Chapter 3 : What your relationship?
Chapter 4 : The fininsh of my weird day
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 : Another Mistake
Chapter 7 : friends?
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 12

11.4K 397 156
By Dreamless48

Happy Valentine Days.

This is my Valentine gift to you!

I love reading your comments and seeing your votes!

PS: This is longer than usual, I just wanted hurry and get to the point of this story.


Once this story reaches twenty chapters, all chapters editing shall be than! - My promise x

Enjoy x


Chapter 12

This was the first time I was seeing a real smile on Daniel's face, it was so malicious and venomous that I had already forgotten that small, gentle smile he had that last time in the park. This smile was so bitter yet the look in his eyes had a odd coldness yet you could tell he was loving every moment of this and than Gerardo no longer wore his fake smile.He wore a silent smile as he stared at me with fake gentleness in his eyes. Those eyes were like his brother's yet the emotion was more hidden.

"Tell us, Where did you really get the USB?"


"Michelle, do I have to wear these?" I stared horrified by the article of clothing that I held in my hands that were going to a new part of my uniform for tonight. We were in the employee changing room and after we had the place set up, we were changing and Michelle was just touching up on her(his) make-up while his daughter was in the female changing room. What I held in my hands should not even exist. Booty shorts. Not just any booty shorts. Bright red, Lycra ones and words 'eat me' on the back in black sequences. I bet if Vincenzo saw these, he would laugh himself to death. No, he would laugh while forcing, I mean, helping me put them on. I could already see that bipolar madman's face. Asshole.

"You saw my text right?"

I painfully nodded with my eyes still on the booty shorts with dread. I got a text today from her that I have to shave my legs and I was glad Vlad did not see it but he gave me a weird look when he saw shaving cream in the basket when we were out buying ingredients for dinner. However he did not make a comment, he gladly ignored it and avoided bringing it up even when he saw me take it in the bathroom in hand. I sighed at myself at the thought. Vlad must have bad opinion or make some assumption on me without me even wanting to ask. I must of moved from commoner to faggot in his books.

She(he) stared at herself in mirror and admired her beauty while pouting her lips after applying her bright red lipstick that matched her bright red dress with sequences. Was there a theme I was not getting?

"Than you're going to wear them, there's nothing else to wear. Its those or nothing."

The truth was Michelle was going to exploit his new little money maker. He only hired attractive people at the club to bring in customers, he always hated his regular customers who were always selling their own products instead of buying a drink. Yesterday, Michelle was pretty happy with the results with his new employee, thanks to him, he had more people buying drinks. Then were many men and few women coming to give tips and asking about him to Michelle. He noticed more people were sitting on the stalls than at their own tables and decided to watch his new employee with amusement. He already could see the ideas running through their eyes when they viewed him from the back and watched that cute heart shaped face. So he decided he may give them a little of what they wanted.

He watched the boy behind him changing into them through the mirror in front of him and was glad the boy did it without fuss, he was almost thanking Vincenzo in his head. Darius was already struggling to put them on as they were so tight. Even when he was got them on, he already felt a little naked and exposed. He did not mind the shorts as much as he though he would because they felt like his briefs or boxers on, just less comfortable. However he hated those words on the back. He was already screaming and wishing they were just red without those words at the back of them. At least, he was behind the bar so they will not be as noticeable.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to say, you will be serving tables with Amy."

'Great. Just Great.'


All the other employees were wearing something red including the guard of the V.I.P door, Amy was wearing the same dress that her father was wearing and Michelle kept bragging to different customers on how her 'cute' daughter and her matched. I wondered what theme or point of all the red was? Serving the tables was a experience completely different to what I was used to at the café, I worked at as a waiter. Then there was the amazing hired dancers warping their bodies around the hoops hanging off the ceiling on top of the dancing customers on the dance floor under them. Their elegant movement always matched the beat to the music no matter what genre the DJ had changed it to. It seemed all the customers who were dancing and enjoying their time, were reaching up to somehow grab onto the dancers yet impossible with how high they were. It was amazing. Then the blinding flashing lights of the lasers moving with the crowd and the music engulfing and bewitching everyone with its spell. It was almost breath taking.

However, after being groped and manhandled a few times and even having to hear lustful teasing and whispering into my ear from different males and females about how they would just love to eat me or take a bite of me. Everyone wants to be a predator with their cheesy chat up lines that always related to my backside. Serving the tables was fine except I had no help from Amy because instead of doing her job, she would be flirting and tease any good looking men that would give her some attention. She made the job harder. I just glared at Michelle while she was too busy chatting up with a good looking man to serve her other customers.Father like daughter.

After taking the empty and dirty cups from one table and back to the bar, I met my worse enemy the moment I was handing over the empty glasses to Michelle. Richard was drinking the same drink from before, a white Russian. I suddenly thought of Vlad. Then the USB entered my mind as it was in the pocket of my booty shorts. Saying booty shorts made me sick. Those eyes were on me yet this time, there was no irritation and he looked almost tired. He held a lazy smile and looked at me with a thankful look. I had a feeling it had something to do with that Vincenzo's call today. Once Michelle saw me, I saw the smirk and a hidden agenda already in her(his) eyes.

"Take over the bar and I'll be serving the tables."

Before I even had a chance to have a opinion, she was already on the side of the bar and thanking me for taking over. However, she left a load of customers who was in need of service. I bet she(he) was going to have fun like her daughter. I slowly started to hate them both. I was forced to take over and was a little thankful as my booty short were hidden a little bit by the bar and I notice some customers were watching me with a lustful stare that reminded me of Mark. So I was instantly was grateful to get  away from those stares.I served whatever customer I could and rushed through their orders while making no mistakes. It was like rush hour and when it finally calmed down and customers were coming in few, instead of a stampede.

It suddenly felt awkward with just me and him, I felt the need to say nothing yet his same watchful eyes were just on me and seemed focused with hidden and unreadable thoughts in mind. He sipped his drink every so often while asking for another when he was done. Other than asking for a another drink, he would not say anything. I was thankful. I served the few customers that wanted shots and watched as the group of males lively gulf down one glass one by one. They all had different reactions. Some cutely scrunched up their noses to the pure taste of alcohol, while others acted like they did not want to copy the same reaction and faked it with a straight face. I noticed one of the males were watching me, he was smiling brightly and I had a sudden thought  that he was laughing at the shorts.

"What's your name?" He asked with a cheeky grin and his friends seemed to be cheering him on suddenly. I smiled back like I do when serving customers yet from the corner of my eye, Richard seemed to be watching me closely, the tint in his eyes told me it all. "My name is Sparkles," I lied. Michelle told me specially to take this new nickname and not to say my real name. She did not need stalkers on her staff. It seemed she(he) always hired attractive staff and some get stalked so it was better to have a alias. However, I had a feeling that was not the real agenda for the fake name yet I avoided furthering my questions on the matter. The boy laughed and his friends copied, and from the corner of my eye, I notice a very small amused smile on Richard's lips. The boy looked at my shorts with a lustful stare, "Sparkles suits you." I was already calling bullshit, he reminded me of the men and women on the dance floor with a hidden motive to making conversation. I rather not speak and get on with my job.

"You should keep your eyes up here," I pointed at my face with a giggle to humour him. I already was hating my fake giggle. Michelle made rules for me to follow today and she was watching me yesterday to see how I interact with the customers so she could see what I needed to work on. She said how I ignore some customers who try to make conversation with me when I do not remember any customers trying to make conservation when I was serving the drinks. However, I did not understand why I had to even interact with them when my job is to give them the thing they order and I get their money back. She said I have to be flirty with customers and avoid being aloof with a fake smile that even she could see through.

His gaze lingered up and than down and than back to my face with a smirk to his lips that I was not liking.

"Even your eyes are sexy. What's your real name Sparkles?" He leaned on the bar and I could see his few friends eagerly watching us as if betting my reaction. The guy was easy on the eyes with his dark brown eyes that had a interesting story to tell and his short brown hair. He seemed good looking and I knew he would be my type if I was were looking for a relationship and not afraid to enter one. Even being friends with Vincenzo was hard, I had not completely given my trust to Vincenzo. Who knew when he was ready to betray me. I know he said he would not and even gave me a job and all. However I sensed I was some toy or something, I remembered what he whispered to himself on the first day. This friendship was not based on trust, maybe my life was some sort of entrainment for him? 

Was I just being too paranoid?

"Sorry, I do not want to lay all my cards on the table like that," I smiled. I was not allowed to give out information like that and Michelle said to say something along these lines with a sweet smile so it does not feel like your bring rude towards the customers.

"Do you really need to play hard to get?" He leaned closer with a gentle smile on his lips that seem trusting yet trusting or not. I cannot trust you. I'm too scared to open myself up. That hug with Vlad today when he asked me that question that made me cay as held me. It showed me how pathetic I am. It should not never happened. I cry too easily. Even though I tell myself never to trust a soul somehow I come to trust someone so easily. Even when I moved, I trusted Ashton even if I never gave up my voice, he fooled me well. Than Vincenzo somehow gained my trust yet I sense I have to step very carefully around him because I sense he's like a land mine ready to take me down when he's ready. I sense he could end my life easily and he doesn't trust me at all. I know I met him just a day or two ago, his words are slowly opening the side of myself I closed away from the world. It scares me.

I wanted to try and put trust in his words and be his actual friend. However, I'm scared. Than the hug with Vlad with today scared me even more. The hug where I cried into his in arms so easily and crying over how hard its been. It's not the affection we shared that scared me, the crying into a stranger arms showed me that I'm becoming more fragile and I'm standing on my last foot. It scares me, how I've bottled my emotions are becoming and that hug I shared with Vlad showed me how I'm ready to explode and how fragile I have become. I hated it. I had become more pathetic.

Suddenly a loud clank of a glass being slammed on the bar woke me from my daydreams and reminded me that the guy was waiting for me to answer his question yet the sound of glass was from some where else.

"Isn't it obvious He's not playing hard to get? He's just not interested playing your games Tim." I turned to Richard who was glaring at the good looking guy that was called 'Tim.' Those grey eyes only glared harder at Tim and intimating with his hawk like eyes. Tim's friends booed Richard's comment yet Tim did not seem fazed by Richard's comment and only smiled playfully back.

"Rich, stop being jealous and let me play with Mr Sparkles here." Tim's eyes were back on me yet there seem some change his eyes. It was like my sense was telling me he was dangerous with that malicious tint in his eyes now prominent. His hand suddenly made it's way over mine and the gentle smile replaced that dangerous tint that was there for a moment.The expression on Richard's face was priceless. The deep irritation in those grey eyes were no longer there and he smiled calmly at his half empty glass and played with his drink by turning the liquid in the glass. In a matter of seconds without me even noticing him standing up, Richard had Tim with his hand behind his back and the roar of pain from Tim scared the shit out of me. However, the overpowering music and the crowd hid what was going on in front of me. I watched as Richard held Tim and pushed him on the bar and tighten his grip on Tim's arm and the pain from Tim grew a little more whinny. Tim's friends all watched with fright and dared not move, they just watched. Richard started whispering something in Tim's ear and Tim's skin only grew paler as Richard said each word. I couldn't heard it as it was so low and being over powered by the music.

I knew it was about me because the way Tim looked up at me with fear with Richard holding him in place, Tim suddenly started begging with tears down his eyes. Richard held no reaction and just let him go while moving back to his sit and asking for a another drink like nothing happened. I watched Tim as his eyes were red from crying and his friends said nothing. He gulped and his eyes only grew darker as he stared at me with fear. He left the bar with his friends following after. He never once looked back.

I was speechless to whatever just happened.

I gulped as I watched Richard fitting up his suit and mumbling about he hated dealing with bastards like that and then repeated he wanted a another drink to me. I placed a another drink on the counter for him yet this time it was a Jack Daniels. I watched him as he just drank a sip with a more irritated expression. I didn't know what to say or if I had to say something. I just watched him.

"What?" He asked with an more annoyed expression and I just looked away, he reminded me a bit like Vincenzo, they acted without thinking first. 

"Um...why did you do that?" I said without thinking, I wasn't interested in why he did that, but did he have to be violent?

This time, a little smile ran across his lips, "you think I did that for a faggot like you?" I stood confused. Did this guy just call me a faggot? "I did that because that bastard called me Rich," he smiled.

"Did you just call me a faggot?"

Did Vincenzo say something?

"Who else than a fag would wear the shit you're wearing?" I already hated this guy and wanted to avoid him like a normal person yet he just provokes me, not to only hate him but argue with him. "Someone who needs to work and needs the money," I retorted back. I didn't really have time to argue with him; he was just going to give me a headache. I already went to helping an another customer who was ordering and they were not sure what to get and taking their time thinking what to get. I smiled patiently and waited like I do as a waiter at the 'Black Cat.' There are many customers like this too. She was smiling at me and quickly order the drinks that her friends would like before they called her back. I went to wash any cups that I had gotten yet his eyes were on me. I hated this. I was already hoping he would just ignore my existence like I was doing. However Richard couldn't ignore someone with the words 'eat me' on the back, it was provoking him.

"So tell me, what type of things did you do to get Vincenzo like you so much? Did you suck him off? Did you cry like yesterday using your sad excuse of a story on him? Because I'm curious you made someone like Vincenzo want to be friends with someone like you." I bit the inside of my mouth, I wanted to say something so much. I wanted to tell him to go fuck himself or something. How the fuck do I know why Vincenzo's my friend? Vincenzo is so freaking unpredictable and I've literally met the guy and I still can't figure out his motive or anything. He's a bipolar madman that can switch any time when you're not looking so you have to be ready for it and careful all at the same time. He doesn't care for his life at all and he doesn't care for anyone's. I learnt he'll even kick you when you're down and I just met the guy to know these facts. He also loves his body ink and knows he's good looking. He's weird and different. Someone somewhat accepted me even if I haven't told him directly I'm gay, I think he has figured that out all by himself. He also like to beat people up...I remember that chilling smile. He's spoilt and it's obvious that he's used to getting what he wants. He loves using blackmail to get what he wants, I thought of my food and having to share with him. However...Vincenzo had a vulnerable side, I thought of when he asked 'Aren't you scared of me?' And the way he looked at me..

I smiled to myself, I thought of the time when he hugged me and was helping me change after my hair was dyed. Vincenzo wasn't a bad person, just unpredictable. I didn't really know what made him be my friend but I guess in some ways I lucky even if he's a bit on the crazy side. I feel he can be a real trusted friend yet trusting him scares me. He looks for my best interest and even if it's some sort of game for him, in some ways, I'm glad I met that crazy bastard.

I decided to ignored Richard, I didn't have time to listen to him. I served customers left and right while he watched me. However once I was back to a rested state where everyone was more interested in dancing than buying a drink or more interested in their new fuck buddy for the night. Richard broke  whatever silent was between us.

"I just don't get you," He took a sip of his drink one last time, "why didn't you not tell Vincenzo what I said yesterday?" He questioned and held a cold stare at me. He was determined to find out my answer for some reason. I looked at him and than looked away to serve a customer, I rather give the dick the silent treatment. He's rude one minute and than asks a question thinking I'm going to answer him because he wants a answer. Another customer commented on my booty shorts and I flirted back with a sweet and fake smile. The customer took their drink and left and said he come over later to talk to me. I laughed and prayed he didn't. However the moment I turned away, the stare from Richard's watchful eyes grew deadly. However they could never beats Vincenzo's.

"Answer me."

"Why should I?"

"Because I said so."

"There's no law that said I have to because you said so."I washed the cups without looking at him, the shiny glasses where more interesting than he was. I loved that he was getting more angry, it was making me smile inside, the asshole deserved nothing from me, much less a answer to his question.However, the more annoyed he got, for some reason I felt bad.

"I don't know."

"What?" He asked and surprised I was even talking to him again.

"I said I don't know why I lied to him. I just did." He watched me for moment and it reminded me of Vlad the first time I met him and when he asked me what I wanted from him. It was like he was looking for the real reason behind my eyes.

"Thanks," I faintly heard the whisper.

"What did you say?"

"I said thanks for not telling him," he was looking down at his beer bottle with a sad and bitter expression on his face. I was going to ask yet I didn't. I felt it wasn't my place.

I suddenly felt the small USB in my pocket and quickly placed it on the counter in front of Richard's bottle. His expression quickly changed and he became more alert the moment he saw the USB and than looked at me, than at USB with confusion.

"Could you give this to Vincenzo?" He nodded while holding the black USB in the air and investigating it by turning it around in his hand."What's on it?" He asked with a suspicious frown as he gazed over the USB.

"I don't know." Suddenly he was on the alert and looking me with a strange look."Someone gave it to me to give to Vincenzo."


Why did I have a feeling that I shouldn't tell him that Vlad gave it to me?

"I don't know, he just gave it to me and demanded that I give it to Vincenzo." The suspicion in Richard's eyes were threatening yet on the alert. He put it his pocket yet the suspicion now turn from the USB, to me. It was like he was making a suggestion about me in his mind and already questioning me with his eyes alone. I smiled sweetly hoping he hadn't seen the lie. He suddenly smiled back and I had a deep feeling it was not a smile, there was something more hidden by that smile. His grey eyes told me something was up.

"What did he look like?"

The same smile on my face stayed still even when my mind was racing and searching what type of appearance I could give to someone to replace Vlad.

"He had black, messy hair and a scar on his forehead, I couldn't see his eyes as it was too dark."

I just had described a hobo I had seen once.

"Where did you meet him?" The smile grew wider like he already knew I was lying through my teeth. Please, I already don't like you and never want to meet you again so please leave me alone this once. Come on, I saved you somehow right? Why is all these questions necessary?

"He ambushed me outside the club." I'm not a good liar, I know. God, I know. However, his expression changed and the smile no longer touched his face. He was speechless for some reason. The emotion in his eyes were clear. He was suddenly standing up and already in some strange rush to get something out of his suit pocket like his life depended on it. The expression in his eyes became serious suddenly and he was dialling a number in his phone in a strange panic motion. He didn't even look at me and smashed the amount of money he owe in notes on the counter and then he was rushing to get outside the club and pushing through anyone in his way. He seemed he was shouting something into the phone and I just watched him leave in confusion. Did I say something bad or worrying?

I had a bad feeling for some reason.

After he left, I didn't think about it, my main thoughts how long I had to wear these stupid booty shorts. I swear I hated bending down to get bottles from the ice cooler and having creepy customers watching me from their seats. 


I took the bus back and stayed later than expected because the later night staff was late. When I looked up at my window, the light was on. It was pass 1am, Vlad was still up. I told him to sleep and rest, he said he had to get up early because he was being picked up. However, I notice a strange expensive black car outside of the apartment. I was suddenly suspicious and quickly went up the stairs. I breathed in tightly and prayed whatever was behind the door was not something worth worrying that made me rush up the stairs. I slowly unlocked the door and I could already hear the rough voices speaking in Russian. However the voices stopped quickly the moment I was opening the door and the stranger in a suit with a young face and shaved head yet his eyes were very sharp with unreadable eyes. Suddenly he was reaching into his inside pocket of his suit.

Vlad's eyes went wide and a scary serious expression crossed his face with a low harsh tone and in his language, he said something to the man and the man's hand stopped.The man was shaking, I could see the man's hand and he slowly removed his hand from his pocket. He suddenly repeatedly bowed his head at Vlad while saying something in Russian that I think was 'sorry.' Than he bowed once at me. I suddenly felt awkward and afraid for some reason. Vlad turn to me with a warm smile and the guy's expression was very shocked by Vlad's expression I think. The man's expression was so bewildered by the smile, he was no wonder looking at Vlad but at the floor like he was afraid to look at Vlad.

"Welcome home. How's was work котенок(Kitten)?"

"It was fine. Who's this?" I frowned already at the russian nickname and pretended I didn't hear a thing. I was not going to start a discussion about the name when I can't even win or get a word in. He made it impossible. He smiled but as he turned to the man, a serious expression took its place and no more warm and gentle Vlad."This is one of my associates, Yakov. He works under me," Vlad smiled dully like he did not want to introduce him. I smiled at Yakov yet the man smiled painfully like it was a difficult task and bowed his head politicly and I did the same awkwardly. Vlad stared at Yakov and looked almost unimpressed for some reason.

The air suddenly felt heavy.....

"I'm Darius, would you like some tea or coffee?" I smiled to ease the tension. Before the man could say anything else."No, he was just leaving." Vlad ordered and the man nodded taking it as a indirect order to leave. Darius's frown grew deeper and he disliked the way Vlad was treating Yakov. Before the man could leave. He pulled the man by his wrist and the man was shocked by the boy grabbing him so suddenly that he let the boy drag him along. Until Yakov was sitting down at the dining table. He quickly lowered his eyes when he notice his boss,Vlad glaring at him.

"You're in my home, so you're my guest," Darius said that while looking back at Vlad sitting back on the sofa. Vlad's annoyed expression was clear yet he said nothing and rolled his eyes. He knew there was no talking to the kitten when he was like this. It reminded him when the kitten took away his food and until he said 'sorry,' the boy would not give in. He guessed he like that part too of the kitten. However, he was more happy that Darius may notice his little gift.

"Coffee or-" Darius notice the envelope on the table with his name on it. His name was written on a red envelop that was like his uncle's letters. His name was written beautifully and neatly on it. "What is this?" Vlad was already smiling. "Why don't you open it up and found out."

Darius looked at Vlad with a strange suspicious look and than at the letter with the same look. Than he looked at Yakov who was the same and staring at the letter with interest and seemed curious as Darius. Vlad never gave out gifts himself, he always had employee pick the gift out for someone's birthday or something, unless it was his brother or father. They were the only people who had gifts chosen and given by Vlad himself. Yakov knew the boy was special or useful to Vlad somehow.Darius opened the letter and once he found what was inside, his skin went pale and he quickly swallowed down hard. He stared at the content of the envelop and a pained expression touched his face.

Without looking at Vlad and eyes on the paper in his hands.

"Vlad, do you pity me?"

The contents of the letter was 36,000 thousand dollar in a check with Vlad's name in Russian as the owner of the check. He already knew what Vlad's full name looked in Russian because Vlad taught him to write both their names in Russian earlier today when they were talking and having fun. Vlad's watched Darius' expression become intensely unreadable and his eyes grew cold. He was just staring at the paper and looked almost hurt.

"No, it's a thank you gift." Vlad answered back, he hated when he saw those letters from Darius' uncle and felt he had to do something for the kitten no matter small it was. He was going to write a larger amount yet he had a feeling that it may scare Darius so he handed over a tiny amount and hoped it was enough for a little while. "Than, I don't need this gift, hearing you say thank you was enough," Yakov watched the air became more cold and dense. He found it hard to believe the boy rejected so much money, usually someone would graciously accept the money happily. Yakov guessed the boy wanted more money until he watched the boy's green eyes that looked hurt. He sensed that Darius was a good boy. He could already figure out why Vlad thought of him as special.

Darius tailed back to Vlad and stood over him. He handed over the check yet Vlad stared at it like it was dirt. "I don't want it back, I gave it to you." Darius no longer stared at Vlad, he thought they had became friends. He felt hurt by the actions of Vlad that felt sorry for his situation and decided to give him money because he was in need of it. He did the first thing that kept to mind when he first saw the check. He did not have thoughts of spending it. His thoughts of his pride and the pity given by someone he wanted to be friends with. However that person saw him as nothing but a commoner that wanted his money or needed his money because he was struggling.

He ripped the check to pieces and made sure to shred it in front of Vlad's face. Yakov watched the scene and was surprised again. Not only was the boy ripping it apart but also doing it in front of his boss.Three pairs of eyes watched the paper fall to the floor. One with a cold and indifferent look. One confused. One who did not care yet he was more interested in the kitten's eyes. He knew he somehow he hurt the kitten.

"Vlad. Get out."

Vlad did not get up. He sat on the sofa and watched Darius who was still standing over him with a stone cold look in those green eyes. The air suddenly became tense and Yakov watched. He was more interested in his boss' reaction, no one has ever disrespected their boss and lived long enough to tell the tale of it later.Lover.Friend. Even family. Those aspects never really mattered to his boss when someone disrespected him. Suddenly, the boss was no longer watching the boy but he turned his head to me.

"Yakov. Go down stairs, I meet you in the car later." As he was leaving, he opened the door to look back and he watched his boss' head turn back to the boy who was still standing in the same position yet saying nothing. The last fragment he saw before he closed the door, was his boss standing up and the huge height difference between the two. His boss was looking down at the boy yet his eyes weren't harsh like he thought they would be. They were filled with gentleness, a side he's never seen of his boss. Once he made it outside of the apartment building, he sat back against the car and watched the window that was connected to the boy's apartment. The light was still on.

Vlad watched the kitten. The kitten was not making any movements of any sort. They were just staring at each other. Green to blue. Vlad could not read the emotion in those eyes. However, Darius was the first to look away, he looked at the floor with the shred paper of the check. He bit the inside of his cheek. He was pity again. Did he look that pathetic? He knew he did. He was sick and tired of looking pathetic yet he did not want anyone's help. He could not look at Vlad, he felt numb like he was used this type of thing. It reminded of his uncle. He already felt sick. He didn't care anymore. He went to bedroom to take off the sweaty clothing clinging to his body. Vlad followed after him without a word. Darius didn't bother turning on the light and took his shirt off, he knew he would have to take a shower yet he was too tired. He rather sleep than shower. Shower in the morning was a better idea. Once he had no shirt and was about to take his pants off. He finally notice the predatory eyes of blue in the background with its own silhouette, leaning on the door way.

"Didn't I say get out?" Vlad said nothing back yet his eyes just scaled down Darius' body. Instead of speaking, he knew actions speak louder than words. Vlad finally entered the darkness of the room and tailed his way to the boy with slow steps. The boy watched his little step yet no emotion behind them. The fear and nervousness that the kitten once had in the morning no longer was there, Vlad question if his pride outweighed those emotions. Until Vlad was finally standing in front of him and blocking the light from the door way. Vlad leaned in until they were on the eye level and he cocked his head with a emotionless expression.

"Does hand-outs hurt your pride?" A smile with no sincerity behind it appeared and Darius said nothing to answer that question.Yet saw the flick in the kitten's eye told Vlad that his words had a small effect. "Do you think that foolish pride makes you a adult? How many do you think forget that foolish pride they hold dear to survival? Don't you even know that pride is a foolish thing to hold when survival is the most important thing?!" After Darius had left for work, he had a background check done on Darius, including his family. However getting all the information back from Yakov, he read through it and found out how truly pitiful Darius was. The money for Darius' situation seemed a major issue and specially being a student, getting help from his uncle was a blessing in Vlad's opinion. Darius' eyes widened to what was hearing. It somehow felt like he was exposed and he was could no longer look at Vlad in the eyes anymore.

"It's none of your business. My pride is nothing to do with you, just get out." He tried to push Vlad to get out of his face however before he could lay a hand on Vlad. Vlad already held him by the wrist and his other hand gently pulled Darius' eyes back to his by his chin."Who said you could look away?" Vlad no longer wore the same smile as before yet it was something close to loving. Vlad watched Darius' eyes, a dark muddy green that looked so vulnerable. Than at his lips. His thumb slowly ran over Darius' bottom lip, before Darius could react to ask what Vlad was doing. Vlad kissed his forehead and Darius could already feel the blush to his cheeks. The tension in the air had changed rapidly. Before he had time to think what Vlad had did and why. Vlad was pulling his wrist towards him, until he felt the cold sliver band warp around his wrist like a prefect fixed cuff.

Darius looked to his wrist to see the expensive watch wrapped around his wrist and Vlad was just adjusting it to make sure it did not feel uncomfortable. After Vlad let his wrist free. He looked at the design of the watch, it was almost priceless and beautiful. His eyes widened.

"Why are you giving me this?"Vlad smiled at the watch around Darius' wrist.. It was his father's watch. A memento he could not wear without being reminded. Vlad smiled sadly at the watch as he thought of his father.

"Consider it a loan,Пока я не заменить его с кольцом (Until I replace it with a ring)."

"A loan and what was that does that last mean?"

"It means that I will come back for it. I'm going back to Russia tonight." He kissed Darius' forehead one last time and left the apartment with a speechless Darius left behind. However, not before re-writing a new check with a higher amount and leaving it on the table.

"What the hell....?" He looked at the watch and knew he should run after Vlad to give it back.


Yakov opened the car door for his boss with a low bow as respect to his master. Once his master was in the car,in the back, he went to the driver's seat. Once he was seated. Vlad was opening the tablet with all the information and did not look at Yakov until he had finished reading all the reports of his investments and different activities of things under his control. He did not look up from his tablet until he had every detail in his findings. He had regret not keeping the USB or making a copy however the information on it could also cause trouble for him and cause a rift in the trust between his clients and himself. He could not afford that over something so small that could be covered up very easily by the brothers. Then Darius' blushing face popped into his head. He thought how cute he was when he blushed. He was going to kiss him yet he knew if he had kissed him, he would want more. He'll savour what he took for now. Next time......he take more than just a kiss.

"Sir, if you liked the boy so much. Why did you not drag him back with us?" Vlad was already smiling, he had that idea too. Yet the situation back in Russia was too dire and dangerous to bring back something that could be a weakest for him. Darius would play a burden. Everyone who worked under him were banded as traitors until proven innocence in his eyes. He could not trust his own men except for Yakov and Yakov's father. Vlad looked up from his tablet to the rear-view mirror and made eye contact with Yakov.

"I will come back for him. Once my brother is buried into the ground and I have killed the man behind the murder of my father. Until then, Darius cannot be involved. He would be a liability." Vlad smiled as he thought of his brother. He promised to bring his brother home yet he didn't promise him alive.

"Any updates of my brother's location?"

"He was last seen in Dubai. Do you want me to send anyone over there?"

"No, just update me when he leaves the country, he's trying to lose us." His brother loved taking detours and even did it for fun to get some attention from Vlad in the pass. How many countries had he visited because of his foolish brother actions and he having to drag his brother back to Russia.

"Yes, sir."

Vlad tsked when he notice the blood stain on sleeve of his new shirt under his new suit. The whole time he stayed at Darius' house, Yakov had been somewhere close by to protect them. Even following them closely when they were shopping and other actives while the other men had been trying to catch the person who mugged their boss. Once Darius had left for work, Vlad had been picked up for a new tailored suit because he felt dirty and like a tramp in his old clothes. He was excited when he heard that his men had found his thief and got his items back. In a remote location, he met his thief, a man in his thirties. Not a face worth remembering or a name worth mentioning. Vlad smiled at the thought of the thief's terrified face when he punched him. He hated getting his hands dirty and always made his men do it instead. However, he was grateful towards the thief for allowing him to meet his little kitten. So he made sure that his men never broke any bones or killed him.

A sudden thought entered his mind.

"Who of the men know about Darius?"

"Myself and only trusted men."

"How many?"


Three felt like too many.

"Kill them."

"Sir?!" Yakov was so suprised by his mater's order that he almost lost control of the car.

"Dead men tell no tales." Vlad glared at the rear-view mirror and hated why he had to explain his orders. One of those men could easily be a rat and could inform his brother about Darius. Then he had a sudden thought of his brother laying hand on Darius. He knew he would give his brother a very,very painful death.

"Sir, reconsider, these men have families." Vlad was already sighing and knew if Yakov had not been raised up with him and was not a trusted worker and friend. He would of shot him in the head for just disrespecting his orders. If any of his men did the same instead of saying a simple 'yes sir.' They were useless and would have to be killed. 

"Fine, these men are trustworthy right?"

"Yes sir, they are personally chosen men by me." Vlad had some trust towards Yakov and has never been disappointed once.

"Keep one or two of them behind to track and protect Darius at a distance. I want weekly and monthly reports of Darius' activities, no matter how trivial they may be."

"Yes sir." 


After he left, I looked at the watch around my wrist with its gentle gold and sliver in Roman numerical numbers. It was the correct time and it strangely fix perfectly around my wrist. I went to the bathroom to wash my face and not think too much about what just had happened with Vlad. Maybe, kissing on the forehead was some kind of greeting or something like that.I was confused by the watch, why give me something you are going to take back in the end?

I could already tell the watch was expensive than anything I owned and even with my belonging together, it would still be too far expensive. After splashing water on my face, I looked up at the empty space that my mirror used to be. However there was no empty space anymore, there was a large mirror in its place. Vlad must of replaced. How much did it cost? I should of taken his number to check the price so I could save up the amount to give back to him. As I was about to leave, something clanged to my foot. I glared down at a white shirt clinging to my leg. I already knew it wasn't mine. I picked it up and could already guess it belonged to. I wonder if he come back for it. I should wash it again and put it somewhere where it remind me to give it back. Suddenly, I could smell strong cologne from the shirt, did he always smell like that?

The thought of the kiss on my forehead, so gentle. Shit, what am I thinking? It was just a greeting or how you treat a little kid. Someone like Vlad would never see me like that. He's not gay, I'm just a commoner in his opinion. I sighed to myself and hated how I always reminded myself how pathetic I was. I hated facing the truth sometimes.

I got up from the bathroom floor and left the bathroom. I notice the thin paper sitting on my dining table mocking and taunting me. I picked it up with the shirt in my other hand. I did not want to use his money, the thought of it hurt my pride and reminded me I could never prove to my parents that I was fine without them. Vlad's words entered my mind. I hated that he was right. Survival was more important. Living like a beggar was better than dying and eroding away. I chewed the inside of my mouth when I was contemplating to even use this money or rid the check up.

Suddenly, a knock on the door woke me up. I knew that would be Vlad, he would want his shirt back and maybe his watch and money, I hope but I doubted it. The knock repeated but this time harder and sounded almost impatient. "Calm down! I'm coming!" I knew I should teach Vlad respect towards the door, he did not have to bang it so hard. I know its late but still, the banging could wake my neighbours. I quickly raced to the door and hoped he would not break it down.However, I had a bad feeling suddenly.

I should of never opened that door.

I should of listened to that feeling.

I should of ran and hid.

I should of......

I opened the door with a smile and was going to give Vlad his watch and his shirt back. However, Vlad and Yakov were not the ones standing behind the door. Standing at my door were two men dressed in black. They both had cold stares on me with no emotion in their eyes.

"Are you Darius?"

I nodded in confusion.

The one asking the question smiled and when I was more concentrated on his dark smile and his eyes that held a secret. Suddenly, I was punched in the face and I didn't even notice his hand move. I was knocked so hard to the floor by that punch, I could feel myself sinking the darkness. I was laying face down on the floor on my apartment and even though I was slowly losing conciousness, I could still hear everything fine.

"That was easy, I expected some sort of fight." The word who asked the question said. They both stepped over my body as I could hear their steps and even their breathing.

What did these men want?

"Let's hurry and look around for anything related to our task and take the boy. I want to hurry up and get home." That voice was unfamiliar and must have been the other man, behind the one who was asking the question.

"Fine, I take the boy down, you look around."

The last thing I saw was black, leathered shoes before I fell into complete state of unconsciousness. 


What do you think?

Finally you get to meet the twins YAY!!!!!!



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