A Match

By HarrySBottoms

1.4K 32 6

It's scary, really, how one name on a piece of paper dictates your whole life. And it's even scarier how that... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six


95 0 0
By HarrySBottoms

The next morning, Harry and I slept in until about midday, eventually surfacing in time for lunch. My grandparents, and Lucas and Hannah and Beth had all gone home early this morning, so it was just my parents and Daisy eating with us.

"So, Harry. Melissa and I wanted to talk to you about living arrangements." My Dad said, and Harry nodded as he put down his fork.

"Well, I was doing some thinking myself actually this morning." He said, and I raised my eyebrows. Never told me! "I erm. I don't want to come in between your family, and I also realise Tasie's much too young to be living by herself when I'm on tour. So, I was thinking that Tasie could continue living with you, and I could perhaps lodge here too? I'll pay rent and everything. That way, she can carry on going to school here." Harry said and my parents nodded. Judging by their smiles, that was what they were hoping he'd say.

"That sounds fantastic." My Dad said, and Harry smiled, winking slightly at me, before we all carried on eating.

After lunch, Harry helped my Mum wash up, whilst I ran upstairs. I quickly did my makeup, and then grabbed my school bag, jogging back into the hallway, where Harry was waiting for me. We both pulled beaten-up Converse onto our feet, and then I followed him out the house.

"Your village is lovely." Harry said as we walked down the big cobbled pavement. I smiled.

"I guess. To be honest, I'm more of a city girl, then a countryside one." I said, and Harry chuckled.

"Well that's good. Because your second place of residence will be my flat in London." He said, and I smiled.

"You know, I genuinely thought you and the rest of the band lived together until like, last year." I said, and Harry tilted his head back as he laughed.

"Oh my God I'd go mad!" He said, and I giggled.

We arrived at the little tearoom after about ten minutes, and I ordered a hot chocolate and a brownie, whilst Harry went for your more traditional tea and scone with cream and jam. We sat down at a small table opposite each other to eat, and I got my homework out of my school bag, working through it whilst talking to Harry.

"What year are you in then?" He asked.

"Ten." I replied.

"Oh nice. What are you doing for GCSE?" He asked.

"History, geography, drama, food technology and dance." I said, and Harry nodded.

"I took geography and drama." He said. "Walk in the park, I can tell you. Although it might've changed since I did it." He said, and I smiled.

"What're you working on there?" He asked, pointing to the essay I was scribbling down.

"Oh, this is Health and Social." I said. "Explain the importance of contraception in young relationships." I read the title out loud, and Harry laughed.

"Nice." He said, and I giggled.

"D'you want kids?" He asked, looking seriously at me, and I grinned as I nodded.

"Er, yeah!" I said, and Harry smiled. "I want to wait until I'm finishing university though. I want to actually be a kid before I have them." I said, and Harry nodded in agreement.

"How many should we have?" He asked, and I shrugged.

"I think three is a good number. Four maximum." I said, and Harry nodded again.

After that, we mostly stayed in a comfortable silence, as I finished my homework and Harry replied to some emails.

At around four, we left the tearoom, and walked back to my house. We walked close together, but didn't hold hands or anything. We did only meet yesterday. It was funny though; everyone always told me that as soon as you met your Match, you fancied them- that it was love at first sight- and I always sniffed at them, but actually, just looking at Harry made my stomach churn, and the thought of walking hand-in-hand with him, had me smiling like an idiot. And if the look on his face was anything to go by, I was pretty sure Harry was thinking the same.

The next morning, was unfortunately a Monday, and I was up at the crack of dawn. I really did try to be quiet as I changed into my school uniform, so as not to wake up Harry, but being myself, I stubbed my toe on the wardrobe, and let out a really loud curse that had Harry sitting bolt upright.

"Tasie?" He mumbled groggily, rubbing his eyes. I smiled softly. He looked adorable.

"Yeah. Sorry, Harry." I whispered.

"What time is it? Why're you up?" He yawned.

"It's seven o'clock. I have school today." I told him.

"Oh yeah." He pouted. "I'll be lonely." I giggled and walked over to him.

"Just go back to sleep and by the time you wake up, it'll only be a few more hours. You'll have the house to yourself as well as everyone's working." I said. I ruffled his hair, giggling as he pouted at me, and then kissed his cheek before walking downstairs and into the kitchen.

I walked by myself to school, jamming out to Midnight Memories through my headphones. As soon as I passed through the black gates, I spotted my friends huddled by the student entrance and walked over to them.

"Here she is!! Little miss HARRY STYLES!!!" Jenna shrieked, and I giggled as everyone stared at me. Jenna's birthday is on the 16th October, so she was a day older than me. We had adjoining cribs when we were in hospital as babies and were inseparable ever since. She had jet black hair, styled in a little pixie bob, and big brown eyes. She always had her hair slightly messy, like on that stupid hair gel advert, and she looked amazing.

"Hey guys." I said.

"Well don't beat about the bush Tasie! What's he like?!" Jasmine shrieked, and we all laughed. Jasmine was the flirt out of all of us. It never surprised me though. I'd flirt if I had her looks. She was honestly the prettiest little thing you've ever seen, with shoulder length blonde hair straightened to perfection and eyes the prettiest blue. I blushed slightly.

"He's just... He's Harry." I giggled, biting my lip. The girls all 'awwed', squeezing me.

"Well. You're the first one of us to find your Match Tasie. The girls are growing up!" Imogen pretended to wipe a tear from her eyes, and we all laughed. Imogen was the one most likely to be famous when she's older. She had one of the best singing voices I'd ever heard. We managed to persuade her to audition for the X-Factor next year. She was slim, and super pretty, with dark brown hair that was curled and massive brown eyes.

"Nah, we're still the same old girls." Jasmine giggled, and I smiled.

The day at school was exceptionally dull and tedious. Break and lunch were okay, but lessons consisted of fake ass bitches who didn't even know me, pretending to be my best friend because of Harry.

For the last two hours of the day, I had PE, which involved wearing very short shorts (standard issue, I'm not a slut) and a t-shirt with the school logo on. I couldn't be bothered to change out of my kit at the end of the day, and met with Jenna at the gates to walk home with her.

"Tasieeee." Jenna sing-songed. I followed her outstretched finger, and smiled when I saw Harry standing by the gates, leaning against them with his arms crossed.

"I erm- See you tomorrow. Sorry!" I giggled, patting Jenna's shoulder before I jogged over to Harry. He wolf-whistled when he saw me and I rolled my eyes.

"Hey." I said, standing in front of him.

"Hey gorgeous." He pushed himself off the wall and took my PE bag from me, hanging it over his own shoulder. I blushed at the compliment, and bit my lip to contain my smile, as we walked out of the gates.

"Have you not got a jumper? You must be freezing." He said. I shook my head, and before I could protest, he'd taken his trench coat off and passed it to me. I put it on and we both laughed as it completely drowned me.

"So what did you do today Harry?" I asked, wrapping the coat around me. He smirked.

"I may or may not have found loads of scrapbooks and looked through all your baby pictures." He said.

"No!" I gasped, and we both laughed as my face turned bright red.

"Look." Harry giggled as he produced his iPhone and showed me his lockscreen, which was a picture of three year old me playing in my dolls house. It was hideous.

"Argh!" I screamed, and Harry doubled over in hysterics.

"You look cute!" He defended himself. "And my baby pictures are all over the Internet, so you can easily pay me back." I giggled, nodding as I elbowed him slightly in the ribs.

"Maybe I will." I threatened, and he smiled.

"So how was school anyway?" He asked, and I rolled my eyes at his subject change.

"Repetitive. The amount of times I confirmed you were my Match..." I trailed off, giggling, and Harry smiled.

"You're clever." He said out of the blue.

"Harry do you even realise how hard it is to have a normal conversation with you?" I frowned at him playfully and he laughed.

"I found your reports when I was snooping. You're really bloody clever." He said, and I blushed.

"Thank you." I giggled.

"What d'you wanna do when you're older?" He asked, shoving his hands in his jeans pocket and looking at me. I shrugged.

"I know I'm going to Uni, but I don't know which one. I'm torn between going into psychology or teaching." I said.

"Oooh! I need to know, when are all your school holidays?" He asked me, taking out his phone and opening up his calendar.

"Well I break up for Easter on the 4th April, and go back on the 21st. And then May half term is the 21st May to 2nd June, and then I break up for summer on the 25th July, and go back on the 8th September." I said, looking over Harry's shoulder as he noted everything down.

"Okay so here's the plan." He said. "I go on tour on the 23rd April. So, my plan is for you to come stay with me in London over Easter, and then I'll drive you back and fly over to Bogota. And then by May half term, we're back in the UK, so you can join us on tour for that week, I'll pick you up and then we'll fly to Dublin. And over your summer holiday, we're in America, and you can join us for the holiday as well, and we'll fly over to Canada together. Sound okay?" He asked, and I grinned excitedly.

"That sounds amazing!!" I giggled. Harry smiled.

"I'll Skype you every day, I promise." He said, and I nodded.

"You'd better!! I'll bloody miss you!!" I said, and he chuckled.

"But let's not talk about that yet. We still have three more weeks in party central." He said, opening his arms out to my sleepy town, and I laughed.

By this time, we'd reached my house, and I came in to find only my Mum was home, as my Dad was still working.

"Hey Mum." I said, hugging her as I grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl. She smiled at me and kissed my forehead.

"Hey, chick. How was school?" She asked, and I shrugged.

"Same old same old." I said, and she smiled.

"Make any 'new friends'?" She gestured to Harry, and I laughed.

"Several." I said. I hopped down off the counter and walked to the doorway.

"Anyway. I have homework, so..." I trailed off as I skipped up the stairs to my bedroom, Harry following behind me.

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