Save Me Because I Can't Save...


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Anna Smith was just the usual sad depressed teenager trying to deal with the struggles with school and a brok... Еще

Hey Guys...
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 28

40 5 5

Patrick's POV
I haven't slept. From the second Pete and I stepped into the hotel room, I went straight into bed. Haven't moved but I can't seem to sleep. Not after what happened.

Even though technically I haven't done anything, I feel horrible. Elisa flirted with me, in front of Anna. I had no control over that but I could of told her to stop or even back off at the cafe. Then maybe what happened could of been avoided.

I'm worried about Anna. Her running off scared everyone, especially because of what happened earlier. I don't think she's talked to anyone other than Brendon and Dallon, which is who she's with now. Well so I've been told.

It's currently 3am and I'm crying. I don't know why. My mind is telling me to get up and go to the bathroom to find something sharp. But my heart wants me to stay clean for Anna. I need to be strong for her. But how can I when I can't even see her?

"Patrick" Pete croaks. I didn't even know that he was awake. "Yeah?" I ask trying to steady my voice, to hide the fact that I was crying. "You okay?" He questions sleepily. I nod, soon realising it's dark and he can't see me. "Yeah" I eventually whisper. "We'll get some sleep, we're doing something fun today" Pete says before falling asleep almost instantly. I wonder what we're doing. Will I get the chance to talk to Anna today?

Anna's POV
It's around 9 o'clock by the time I wake up. I stretch out, forgetting about being in the same bed as Brendon and Dallon, accidentally hitting Brendon in the face. "Sorry!" I yell as a whisper. He laughs and tells me it's fine. "How are you feeling?" He asks while studying my face.

How am I feeling? Empty, sad, hurt, confused. "I don't know" I say eventually. "It's fine, you'll figure it out" He says before picking his phone back up and returning to whatever he was doing.

Dallon is next to me, all spread out and snoring. "How do you deal with that?" I ask smiling. "I'm a deep sleeper" He says shrugging his shoulders.

I lay back down and stare at the ceiling. Questions fill my mind just as fast as the tears fill my eyes. Could Patrick be cheating? Would he do that? Does he still love me? Did he ever?

I sigh and cover my face with my arms. I'm just so confused and I have no idea what to do about it. "Brendon" I stutter out. "Yes?" He looks at me concerned. "Can I have a hug?" I say quietly, scared of sounding weak and broken. "Of course" he says putting down his phone again.

I snuggle into Brendon's side and he wraps his arms around me. "Thank you" I say as he wipes away my tears. Brendon has always been there for me. Right from the start. At first I pushed him away, not wanting to involve anyone. But now I realise I shouldn't of done that, I need him and I think he knows that.

We lay in silence, a comfortable silence. Well until Dallon stretches and ends up falling off the edge of the bed. I can't help but smile and laugh a little. "Don't laugh at me!" He yells getting back onto the bed.

"We should go and get some food" Dallon says as soon as we're all done laughing. "Yeah, sure" Brendon says while getting up. "I'm gonna stay here and have a shower" I say, not really wanting to go downstairs and possibly run into Patrick.

Brendon looks at me worryingly. "Why don't we just order room service?" He asks after I avoid eye contract with him. Dallon looks confused to why Brendon couldn't just go downstairs and leave me alone, but he just agrees.

"Well I'm gonna have a shower" I say awkwardly, seriously wanting out of the room. They both just nod, too busy deciding on what to order for breakfast. I quietly grab my clothes and head to the bathroom. As soon as I close the door, I press my ear up against it. I can only hears quiet mumbles of Brendon and Dallon.

Brendon's POV
Once Anna closes the door Dallon whispers to me. "Why didn't we just go downstairs, it would of been faster and easier?" I sigh, knowing that now I have to tell him about Anna this morning. "Anna was upset before you woke up, I didn't feel comfortable with leaving her alone for the amount of time that we'd be gone for" I say, not really bothering to whisper since I could hear the sound of the shower. "Oh" Is all he says before changing the subject back to breakfast.

By the time Anna is out of the bathroom, our breakfast has arrived. Not much is said. Anna sits quietly on the ground, on her. Not eating. "You should eat, we're going out and you'll need the energy" I say trying to convince her to eat something. With complaining or arguing, Anna gets up and grabs a piece of fruit. Not much, but at least it's something.

There's sort of an awkward silence. Well until Pete runs in all excited about the plans for today. Only him and I actually know what we're all doing today. We wanted it to be a surprise so no one could back out or make an excuse not to come. It's going to be an interesting day, maybe even painful.

Patrick's POV
I follow awkwardly into Brendon, Dallon and Anna's room behind all the others. Pete jumps around yelling about whatever the heck we're all doing today. And since I just wanted to stay in the hotel all day, Pete is forcing me to get some sunlight. The complete opposite of what I want to do. At least I'm going to be nowhere near Elisa, there's absolutely no chance of running into her. Hopefully.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts as Pete is pulling me towards the door. "LETS GO!" He yells. "ALLONS-Y" I hear Anna yell happily. Completely different from how she was a minute ago. "ALLONS-Y!" Dallon yells even louder, understanding her reference.

She seems so happy. Is she faking or does she just not care anymore? How can she be so happy when I'm hurting so bad. I need to talk to her alone soon. Before I do something stupid that I might regret.

Anna's POV
We all walk out to the bus to head to wherever. The whole time I'm chatting to Dallon about Doctor Who and other geeky shows, but my focus is on Patrick. Being quiet and keeping to himself. I feel sorry for him, I don't know what has actually happened, so why should I be angry at him? I've decided that I'll talk to him later and get the full story on what happened. As for now, I'm going to enjoy today, whatever today is.

Pete again is yelling, this time about not looking outside and ruining the surprise. "Come on Peeete, give us a hint" I whine, really wanting to know what we're doing. Brendon and Pete look at each other, smiling evilly. "Something we've done in one of our videos" Pete says eventually after thinking of a hint that won't give the activity away too easily.

Everyone starts guessing things which it could be, while I secretly look up what there is to do in this area. After sifting through activities that I'm sure has never been in a Fall Out Boy video, I come across something that could be possible. Paintball.

I screen shot my research and send it to Brendon and Pete without saying anything. As soon as the message goes through, both Brendon and Pete look at me confused. "THATS CHEATING" Pete yells once he's read the message. "You didn't say that I couldn't" I say smiling.

"Well we're basically there now anyway" Brendon says. "Time for the blindfolds!" Pete says loudly before running into the bedroom area. "Kinky" I say while laughing. Pete comes back later with a stack of bandanas. "Why do you have so many?" I ask while smiling evilly. "Peterick" Joe says making Pete and Patrick hit him. "Just put one on" Pete says and everyone does, except me. "Aren't you putting one on?" Brendon asks. "Well I already know what we're doing" I say before grabbing a jacket.

"What if we trip?" Joe asks confused and slightly scared. "Then we'll laugh" I say before walking over to Patrick to make sure he doesn't. He jumps when I first grab his arm, probably not expecting someone to be there. "Hey, don't worry. Only me" I say softly. "I-I'm sorry, for the other night" Patrick say stuttering at first. "We'll talk about it later, for now lets enjoy this" I say not wanting that conversation to ruin the mood I'm in.

"Blindfolds off!" Pete yells as soon as we enter the doors of the arena. "Stop yelling dude" Joe says obviously as annoyed of it as the rest of us are. "Paintball!" Basically everyone says as they take of their blindfolds.

I've never played paintball, so this is going to either be fun or paintful. Or even both.

We all walk into changing rooms and get instructed to put overalls on. Me being the only girl, I was taken into another room. Once we're all changed and ready, we're giving our guns and masks.

The instructor tells us all the rules like, Don't adjust the pressure on the gun, Don't shoot anyone from less than 5 metres away and other stuff like that.

Now for teams. Dallon, Brendon, Dan and Kenny Vs. Pete, Patrick, Joe, Andy and I. Basically Panic Vs. Fall Out Boy.

"You guys have an extra player, not faaaair" Brendon complains. "But we have Pete to make up for that" I say not even knowing if Pete is bad at paintball. "I will shoot you" Pete threatens me. "I'll shoot you back... In the dick" I reply, whispering the end so only Pete could hear.

He gulps and changes the subject. "Alright, we're booked here for 3 hours. Have fun and don't die. We have a show tomorrow!" Pete says.

We all decide on capture the flag for our first game. Each team goes off to find a spot. "I'll climb a tree and stick it in there" I say once we're far enough away from the other team. "You'll fall" Patrick says worrying about me. "I'll be fine" I reply, walking off to find a high enough tree.

"This one?" Pete asks pointing towards a bunch of trees. "Sure, help me up"

Once the flag is up in the tree, still visible to the other team, so we don't get accused of cheating. "Lets just go and find them" Pete says obviously just wanting to shoot Brendon or anyone else on the other team. Mainly Brendon.

I see something move in the distance and I shoot without hesitation. "Fuck!" I hear a voice yell. Instantly recognising the voice as Brendon.

We sneakily sneak up to where we think they've hidden the flag. I see orange fabric peaking out from under a rock. I warn my team and start to approach. I'm basically touching the flag. Where the heck is everyone?

Thats when pink paint covers my vision. I feel three shots to my stomach and arms.I groan in pain as I blindly reach for the flag, somehow finding it. I go to pass the flag to who looks like Pete. Once I wipe away the paint I see that it's Brendon. He shoots me again before running off. Well that's going to leave bruises.

Pete follows Brendon as I catch my breath. "You okay?" I hear Patrick ask. "I'm fine" I say before running after Pete and Brendon. Can't have them murdering each other.

After many more minutes of getting shot and running, we get close enough to grab their flag again. Pete snatches it before anyone can stop him and sprints off. I follow just incase. Just as our team is about to win, Pete's shot in the back, causing him to fall to the ground. I quickly grab it and run. Winning the game for Fall Out Boy.

Everyone agrees to a half an hour break, to catch our breath. Considering that's the most running I've done in my life, I'm not really complaining. I decide to go for a walk around the arena to look for any hiding spots, eventually Patrick joins me.

"Hey" He says awkwardly when he reaches me. I reply with a 'hey' and continue walking.

"I wasn't.. You know, cheating on you" Patrick starts and I try to stop him. But he doesn't listen. "I didn't see Elisa's number on that cup, she served me and was flirting. I didn't stop her because I didn't want the fans to think we're together. I mean not that I'd care, I want them-" I cut him off by pressing me lips against his. He's obviously surprised as he doesn't kiss back until second later.

"Stop talking" I say. "But-" He starts when I kiss him again, him instantly kissing back. "Stop it" I say smiling. "I thought you hated me" He says quietly. "I would never" I say before continuing walking. "So can we go back to sharing a room?" Patrick asks innocently. "We'll talk about that later, for now lets get back" I say before giving him one last kiss.

"Stop making out guys! We wanna start another game" Pete yells at Patrick and I. "Remember what I said Pete? I will do it" I threaten and he runs off. "What did you say?" Patrick asks confused. "That I'd shoot him in the dick" I laugh. "Ouch" Patrick winces just thinking about it.

"Finally you guys are done!" Pete says. "Don't tempt me Wentz" I say evilly.

Another hour and more bruises later our time is up. "It's a tie!" Dallon says."Pete cheated so we win by defult" Brendon says being competitive.

We all get out of the paint covered overalls and head out of the arena hungry. Pete suggests pizza and we all agree to order it to our hotel.

On the trip back we we're inspecting our bruises and seeing who had the worst. I won. With over 10, mainly from Brendon. "You are violent Brendon" I say looking over my bruises. "I like to win" He states plainly before hugging me and apologising.

Once back at the hotel, we resort out the rooms and wait for the pizza. As soon as I lay my head onto the bed, I can't keep my eyes open.

I feel something wet on my forehead and I realise it's Patrick. "I'll wake you up in a few hours" He says before I can fall asleep. I mumble a response before I do.

Everything is just turning out perfect, but will it stay like that?

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