Piece of Cake

By GojusaTaeNy09

170K 3.4K 186

Description Hwang Tiffany is the vice president of SM&Co. She was a serious person with cold demanour and abl... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 6

4.4K 102 6
By GojusaTaeNy09


"Errr i will--" Tiffany was stuck. Taeyeon was approaching her closer and ogling her body up and down like a wolf. 'Think Tiffany think!'

"You want to yell for help? Go ahead. Nobody would listen anyway."

"Aha!! I --I have this!" Tiffany took off one of her heels and showed on Taeyeon's face.

"Pfft... what you can do with that--- OWW!"

Tiffany hit the blonde on her arm.

"It's fucking hurt! Are you trying to kill me??" growled Taeyeon angrily. She rubbed her arm hope it didn't get bruise.

"Stand back! Or I will hit you again!"

Taeyeon took a step back to the other corner, afraid of getting hit again.

Suddenly the lights went off.


"Oops, seems that the lights is off." Taeyeon stated the obvious. She still leaning in the corner unmoved.

The lift was pitch black. There were some lights outside the lift. Few minutes later, their eyes had adjusted to the dark but still they can only see each other's silhouette.

"YAAAAAHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!" Tiffany suddenly screamed.

"What the heck?"

"The- there is something crawling on my feet just now!" said tiffany as she quickly wear her heels back.

"Oh, it's probably just a bug."

"I hate bugs! Kill it! Kill it!"

"How can kill it? I can't see a shit."

"Use your phone! Find the bug!" Tiffany was in panic mood. She moved around the elevator with her phone on her hand and tried to find the creature.

"It's useless. It's probably just flying cockroach."


"Yah! Stop screaming! You hurting my ears!"

"I really really hate cockroach. Especially the flying one!" Fear started to get on Tiffany. She tried very hard not to cry.

Suddenly, Tiffany felt something crawled on her feet again. She screamed and stomped her feet hard, trying to get the bug off and prevent the creature from crawling up into her skirt.

"AHhHHHHHH!!" Tiffany screamed while she jumped around the lift. Since it was too dark, she accidently stepped on Taeyeon's feet.

"Ouch! You step on my feet!"

"Yaahhhh! Kill it! Kill it!" Tiffany yelled while stomping around. Suddenly there was a 'crack' sound formed and Tiffany stopped jumping.



"I think... you just stepped on the bug."


"Iyyyahhhhhhhhh!" Tiffany remove the other heel and threw it to the corner.

She then stand still, grabbing Taeyeon's jacket tightly. She was speechless and wanted to cry.

Taeyeon look at the stunned girl in front of her and feel sorry.

"Haishh," she took the unmoving girl into her embrace.

"It's ok, it's ok... Mr. cockroach had died. No more Mr. cockroach. Hushed.. " Taeyeon pat on Tiffany's head and soothed her. Taeyeon's embrace was comforting and Tiffany started to let her tears out. Taeyeon rubbed the latter's back gently as the girl sniffled silently on her shoulder.

After a few while, Tiffany stopped sobbing and remove herself from Taeyeon's embrace.


"You are welcome."

"Let's sit down. You are not planning to stand straight for 3 hours right?" Taeyeon gestured her to sit on the floor.


"No buts. Don't worry. Here, you can sit on my jacket. It's clean and bugs free," Taeyeon took of her jacket and lay it down the floor.

Tiffany sat down beside Taeyeon and hugged her knees.

Taeyeon put her hands around Tiffany's shoulder protectively. The latter didn't reject until the hand slowly moved downwards to her waist and to her bottom.

'This byuntae still want to take advantage of me at this situation!!!'

"What are you doing?" Tiffany growled between her teeth.

"What?" Taeyeon asked innocently.

"If you forgot, I still have my other heels."

"Ehe," Taeyeon laughed nervously and moved her arm back on Tiffany's shoulders.

"Move away!"

"Ok. Geezzz.."

Taeyeon pouted and moved her hand away. She decided to sit further, but someone grabbed on her shirt.

"No," said tiffany, almost a whisper.

"I thought you want me away from you?"

"I said just your hands. You can sit beside me. It's your jacket anyway."

"Just sit? No cuddling?"

"Yah you byuntae!"

Taeyeon only laughed and sat beside Tiffany.

"How do you feel after stepping on that cockroach?" asked Taeyeon, teasing.

Tiffany snickered, "I never step on one. Ugh! I hate it! Really, really hate it! And it's my favorite high heels!"

"Really? Haha, too bad," Taeyeon chuckled.

"Are you afraid of the dark?" she asked again.

"No. But..." Tiffany paused deciding to continue or not, "I'm... claustrophobic."

"Oh! Afraid of 'Santa clause'? Ho ho ho! 'Merrrrry Christmas'!"

Tiffany chuckled at the joke and hit Taeyeon playfully on the arm, the one that she hit with her shoe.


"Ah I'm sorry!" Tiffany took Taeyeon's arm and rubbed the place she hit gently. "Does it really hurt?"

"Not really," said Taeyeon pretending to be tough. But Tiffany's gentle massage really relieved the pain a bit.

"What about your feet?"

"It's not that hurt. It's fine."

"I'm sorry..."

Taeyeon didn't straightly answer to Tiffany's apologies. But then an idea came to her perverted mind, "No, you are not forgiven."


"I will forgive you, but on one condition."

"What is it?" asked Tiffany worriedly. Tiffany could see Taeyeon was pointing on her own cheek and smile cheekily. She frowned, don't know what the latter's meant. "What?"

"Kiss me."


"Why not? You hit my arm and step on my feet for no reason."


"It's just a peck on the cheek. Come on," Taeyeon pointed on her cheek and leaned it towards Tiffany.

Tiffany bit her lips hard and sending daggers at Taeyeon in her glare, 'Aish, this byuntae really want to die!'

She then sighed, leaned forward and quickly peck Taeyeon on her cheek. Taeyeon's cheek was soft and it made her blushed. Luckily the lift was dark. She was so glad that the blonde couldn't see her face which was probably as red as tomato.

Taeyeon's smile widened even more, 'Yes! One more point for me!' she silently cheered.

"See? That's easy right? How about a peck on the lips then?" Taeyeon puckered her lips to Tiffany's direction.

"Yah!! Byuntae! Are you really wanna get hit with this!" Tiffany again showed Taeyeon her heels.

"Hehe. Alright, alright. Let's play a game then."

"What game?"

"Truth or dare."

"Ah, stupid game. I know you just want to trick me. I don't want to play."





The deafening silent make Tiffany felt uncomfortable. "Fine, fine I will play. What's the rule?"

"It's easy. Like any truth-dare game, you just need to choose between truth or dare. The one broke the rule will be punished. It's as simple as that. And we will only play until the lights comes back."

"Ok. Just until the lights comes back. You start."

"Truth or dare?" Taeyeon asked.


"Tell me more about yourself."

"Well that's kinda easy question, Kim Taeyeon. What do you want to know?"

"Your three size? Oh, wait. I already know that. Hehe."

Tiffany rolled her eyeballs in annoyance.

"Tell me anything that you can tell me about yourself."

"Well, I am from the States, live in California and had transferred here 3 years ago when I was offered here in SM & Co. I have one sister and one brother. They all still in States, together with my father."

"What about your mother?"

"She had died when I was eleven due to cancer."

"Sorry I didn--"

"It's ok." Tiffany cut, didn't care for sympathy. "And I had the job until now and I am still here."

"Are thinking of going back to States?"

"Nope. Not for the mean time."

"Now's your turn. Truth or dare?"


"Do you always do this kind of job? I mean offering yourself to other people?"

"What do you think?" asked Taeyeon.

"Well, I don't know. That's why I ask." stated Tiffany looking at Taeyeon. "And why are seems closer to me? Do you want to taste my shoes?"

Taeyeon chuckled, "I am not what you think I am. I'm not a prostitute, hooker or something around that area. I just happen to meet Yuri in the club and she asked for my help to be your birthday present. I didn't know her personally.

And actually you just happen to be my type!" Taeyeon hands crawled on to the latter's arm, only to get Tiffany's reaction.

"Ouch! You hit me again!"

"Ooops, sorry. It's a reflex." said Tiffany innocently. 'This byuntae really can't keep her hands to herself.

The game continued.

"Truth." answered Tiffany.

"So..., you are 'sex'ophobic, bug-phobic, claustrophobic. But are you homophobic?"

"No, I'm not."

"Then, why are you so upset about what happen that night? It's not that I have taken your virginity anyway." Taeyeon asked. She sounded serious.

"Actually, I hate it when I lose control. Things like that night should never happen because I hate it! I hate it because I don't remember anything what we did at all."

Tiffany continued, "And I don't have issue with homosexuality too. You see, Yuri is my best friend and she is also a gay which I know since the first day I work in this company."

"Oh, ok." Taeyeon felt somewhat relieved. "So, do you want me to tell you what actually happen that night? What we actually did?"

"What?? NO!" Tiffany's face flushed for the nth time as her mind started to play certain rated images which involved her and the blonde.

The game continues...

"Since you asked me this question, so to be fair, tell me about yourself too."

"I am Kim Taeyeon, 26 years old from Jeonju, the only child. I just live here like a month ago and work in a cake house owned by my friend."


"Dare." After several question of truth and countless fruitless of Taeyeon's flirting, Taeyeon finally decided to choose dare.

"Hm... I dare you to keep your hands off me." Tiffany smiled at her win.

"What? That's not fair. My hands move by themselves. How can I control it??"

"It's not my problem. It's your choice to choose dare."

"Aishh... fine with me. That's until we get the lights back right? After that I can let my hands grope you right?"

"You wouldn't dare."

"Ok. We'll see. Truth or dare, Tiffany?"


"Hey, I already chose dare. So, to be fair you should choose dare as well." Taeyeon let out her logicall thinking.

"I can choose whatever I want. And I don't trust you, byuntae."

"Ah, it's just an excuse whatever, chicken."


"Nothing. I just talking about 'chicken'. You know how why some people are called chicken?" Taeyeon scoffed.

"Yah! I'm not afraid of you!"

"Oh, really? I cannot see that. Maybe you have Taeyeon-phobic as well." mocked Taeyeon.

"Fine! I choose dare. What is it that you want???"

Taeyeon smirk.

"I dare you to kiss me."

"What? No way! I knew this will happen!" Tiffany angered. She stood up.

Taeyeon followed her, "Then, I dare you to let me kiss you."

"Wha-" Tiffany couldn't finish her word as pair of lips touching hers. Taeyeon's body inched closer and pushed her to the walled. Two hands trapped her on the sides. Tiffany felt Taeyeon bit her bottom lips hard and causing her to gasp. Noting the opening chance, Taeyeon prodded her tongue further into the latter's mouth.

Tiffany couldn't react as Taeyeon began to kiss lower, leaving a trail of saliva to her jawline, downwards to her neck and collar bone. Taeyeon bite the skin gently and licked them back.

Tiffany couldn't control herself. She could only moan and gasped at Taeyeon's action. Her knees getting weaker and her lower abdomen became tighten.

Suddenly, the lights were on and the lift opened with a ding. Taeyeon stopped whatever she was doing to Tiffany, "Looks like our game has ended." Taeyeon stepped out of the elevator, leaving Tiffany behind.

Tiffany who was still panting stunned. 'What the heck!' She also stepped out of the elevator, quickly chasing Taeyeon behind, "Wait! Where are you going?"

"I'm going back home of course. You want to follow me? I think we still have time for a quickie before my work start."

Tiffany rolled back her eyeball. Her face still flushed. She don't know what to say to the blonde.

Taeyeon only smiled, looking at flushed Tiffany which was cute in her opinion. "Here. Wear this. I believe you won't wear that heels anymore." said Taeyeon as she took off her sneakers and left it on the floor.

She took out a piece of paper from her pocket, took Tiffany's hand and put it on the open palm, "This is my number. Call me if you change your mind and want your birthday present. I will always available for you. Bye! See you again next time!"

"Oh by the way, you are right. Yours are bigger than mine. And they are softer too. Too bad, you are a bad kisser. And no, I didn't break the rules. My hands didn't touch you. My lips did." stated Taeyeon while lowering her gaze to specific Tiffany's body part. She then walked away to the exit.

Dumbfounded Tiffany trailed her eyes downward and was shocked to see three of her blouse button was unbutton or you can say it had ripped off. She quickly covered it with her hand. 'When did she--... aish,.."

Tiffany looked at the small piece of paper before crumpled it in her hand.


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