the moment i saw you cry ☾ mi...

By Bookworm2260

56.4K 2.5K 932

Allison Fitzgerald was just a small child when her mother died. That left her with her abusive father all alo... More

☾Chapter 1
☾Chapter 2
☾Chapter 3
☾Chapter 4
☾Chapter 5
☾Chapter 6
☾Chapter 7
☾Chapter 9
☾Chapter 10
☾Chapter 11
☾Chapter 12
☾Chapter 13
☾Chapter 14
☾Chapter 15
☾Chapter 16
☾Chapter 17
☾Chapter 18
☾Chapter 19
☾Chapter 20
☾Chapter 21
☾Chapter 22
☾Chapter 23
☾Chapter 24
☾Chapter 25
☾Chapter 26
Please Read.
☾Chapter 27
☾Chapter 28
☾Chapter 29
☾Chapter 30
☾Chapter 31
☾Chapter 32
☾Chapter 33
☾Chapter 34
☾Chapter 35
☾Chapter 36
☾Chapter 37
☾Chapter 38
☾Chapter 39
☾Chapter 40
☾Chapter 41
☾Chapter 42
Story "Soundtrack":

☾Chapter 8

1.3K 61 6
By Bookworm2260

I dump everything that I think I'll need for school in the large shopping cart that Daddy is helping me push in the school supplies store that has been closed down for us.

  "Are you sure you'll need all of that?" Daddy asks, eyeing the items in the cart.

  "I think so," I respond.

  "Let's see what we have so far and what we need. Books, check, calculator and stuff for mathematics, check, equipment for geography, check, pens, pencils, pencil case, water bottle, lunch bag, a few stationary items, all checked!"

  "Great, you can pay for my things now Daddy," I say with a smile.

  He chuckles. "If it's going to help you learn, then alright."

  Daddy finishes paying for my items and we exit the store, getting into the limo and going home. Daddy said that he could drive me there, but there was no way I was sitting in the car with his driving skills anymore, so I requested we'd take the limo from now on; much, much safer.

  "Where to next, Daddy?"

  "Do you wanna get some ice cream after a long day of shopping?" he asks.

  "YES, YES, YES!" I squeal excitedly.

  He giggles. "Okay. Hey Bill, stop at the nearest ice cream store," he instructs Bill, our driver.

  "Got it MJ," Bill responds.

  Once we're at the ice cream parlor, Daddy puts his sunglasses, fedora and scarf around his face and asks me, "Okay, so what ice cream do you want?"

  "Double chocolate fudge with lots of sprinkles!" I say excitedly.

  "Are you sure that's not going to make you sick?"

  "Daddy, pleeeeeease?"


  He pays for my ice cream and he takes my hand and walks out of the store quickly before anyone notices him.

"Time for bed Allison," Daddy says as I finish up my spaghetti for dinner.

  "But I don't wanna," I whine.

  "You have to," he says.

  "But why?" I insist.

  "Because, you start school tomorrow and you need your rest."

  I actually didn't remember how soon I started school. I'm pretty excited.

  I smile mischievously. "Please."


  "Pleeeeeaaaassee, please, please!"

  "No! Allison, get upstairs right now!"

  I snicker and run off. I've always wanted to be one of those children that can be cheeky to their parents and insist a little bit – just a little, not to be a full-on troublemaker, but just to have fun. All of my life I couldn't though, because Kyle was too strict.

  "I'll be there in a minute to tuck you in!" I hear Daddy call up from downstairs.

  "Okay!" I call back.

  I jump in bed and a shortly after, Daddy comes in and tucks me in. "You know," he begins, "before you start school I just want you to know something."

  "Yes Daddy?"

  "I want you to – no matter what – behave yourself, do your classwork, homework, although I can help you out with that if you need me to, and don't tell anyone about-"

  "The fact that I'm your daughter, don't start trouble, be a good girl, don't associate with mean people, blah, blah, blah. Daddy, you reminded me a million and one times," I cut him off.

  He laughs. "That's my girl. Goodnight Ally, I love you."

  "Wait, Daddy?" I ask before he walks out.

  "Yes sweetheart?"

  "Could you say a prayer to me before you go? Mommy always used to tell me one before I went to sleep."

  His facial expression turns into a sad one for a moment, before smiling gently and saying, "Of course, baby."

  He sits next to me again. "Put your hands together, and close your eyes," he says. I do as he says and he does the same.

  "Angels bless and angels keep, Angels guard me while I sleep. Bless my heart and bless my home, bless my spirit as I roam. Guide me through the night and wake me with the morning's light. Amen," he finishes.

  "Amen," I say. "Thanks Daddy, I love you a lot."

  He smiles brightly. "I love you a lot even more." He kisses my cheek and leaves the room.

  And soon, I'm fast asleep.


Thanks for reading, feedback please <33

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