By XxKiddycatxX

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❝ it's important to recognize the difference between want and need cause I may love you but... More

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By XxKiddycatxX

That's how I am where I am now. I live in Death City, Nevada like all the other meisters and weapons, desperately trying to create a weapon suitable for Death himself.

I looked at the starry night sky from my bedroom window, the moon laughing while crimson blood seeped from its pearlescent teeth.

"I'm sixteen," I muttered to myself sadly, resting my chin atop my balled fists.

"That means only a few more months 'till you're disowned," A voice exclaimed jovially. I turned to look at my twin sister, startled by how starkly different we now looked.

She had bleach blonde hair that fell into bouncy spirals, purple eyes, and tanned skin. (If you look like this, change it.) She changed her appearance completely so she couldn't be associated with me, the failure.

"She already has 60 souls for both of us!" Evelyn said as she came bounding into my room. She balled her pale hands into fists and yelled, "Just leave her alone, Sadie!"

"Whatever," My twin sneered, sashaying out of my room and entering her own. Evelyn, my best friend, sat next to me on my bed and rubbed my back, muttering words of encouragement.

"Evelyn," I sighed, "My birthday is in a few months! Just how am I going to collect 80 souls, two of which being from witches, when Sadie never cooperates?" Evelyn giggled and transformed, a blue light enveloping her form. A look of befuddlement crossed my face from my weapon's sudden actions, resulting in me frantically catching two weapons in my palms opposed to the normal one.

"E-Evelyn!" I muttered, surprised at her ability.

"I have an uber-strong meister with a hella great Soul Precept ability!" She whispered, "I practiced a lot and learned to become two weapons so we could get more souls! This way, DWMA won't even remotely suspect that Sadie isn't training with us." I looked down at her shining red katana blades, my smile meeting the reflection of hers.

"We've got this," We both cheered before a grumpy voice yelled, "Shut up and go to sleep, losers! Beautiful people need their beauty sleep, not like you'd know,"

We both snickered before Evelyn left for her room and I slipped into my bed, the warmth of the covers making me drowsy.

It's been nine years since I've met with my parents. The DWMA wouldn't let my team go on missions until we were all 13, meaning we've practiced a lot. Well, Evelyn and I have. Sadie refused to come to practice or go on missions for various reasons.

"I can't be seen with losers like you!"

"Why would I waste my time helping you collect souls just so you can stay in my family?" My sister's excuses rang in my head, making a silent, humorless laugh escape my lips.

My eyes began to feel heavy as the minutes slipped by, my tired body eventually falling into a restless slumber.


"F/n," A boyish voice called; making me wince and squint my already-closed eyes.

"F/n," He called again, a bit louder this time. I sighed in response.

'What does a girl have to do to get a little bit of sleep around here?' I whined to myself as I opened my glistening e/c irises; beautiful pastel colors immediately overwhelming my senses. I giggled as I stood, spinning about to fully take in the beautiful scenery.

Everything around me looked like a handmade charcoal drawing. Everywhere I turned a color would meet my gaze, my h/l h/c locks swishing behind me in the breeze.

I stood in what seemed to be a flower field, the flowers and grass swaying almost mechanically to the will of the chilly breeze. I reached my hand out to touch a flower, but just as my fingers brushed the bright red petals, the flower smudged just like a drawing would.

I gasped and drew my hand back, the red from the ruined flower staining my small palms.

"So pretty... But I can't touch!" I pouted, puffing my cheeks in childish annoyance. My eyes wandered throughout the field as I placed my hands at my side cautiously, careful not to ruin anything else.

It was so amazing; the rich purple of the lilacs, the soft blue of the violets, the warm yellow of the daisies, the vibrant red of the roses, and lastly the deep black and crisp white of the...

'Wait, the black and white?' I thought curiously, shifting my gaze back to that certain eccentric flower in the field.

Instead of being met with the colorful petals of a flower, I was met with the hopeful golden irises of a young boy, probably only around the age of seven.

Looking down at my own figure, I realized I was probably the same age if not a year younger than he was. The boy gave me a bright smile and I lightly bit my lip.

'What I have found must be infinitely more beautiful than some flower,' I thought to myself, my cheeks flaring into a light shade of crimson as I returned his smile with a withdrawn one of my own.

Taking my gaze away from his intoxicating golden eyes and looking more at his figure, I realized that he was dressed quite nicely despite his young age. His outfit included a white button-up with a skull tucked neatly into his collar, black slacks held up by black suspenders with shimmering skull clips, and a nice, matching set of black oxfords.

His raven hair, disrupted by three white stripes, rustled in the breeze as his golden eyes searched throughout the field for something unknown to me. Upon finding it, a giggle escaped his lips, a small blush rising to his pale cheeks as he ran up and picked it from a tiny bush. With the item in his small hands, he walked up to me and placed it in my hair gently.

I glanced up at the object and saw a pretty, thornless red rose sitting amongst my h/c locks. Unlike the first item I'd touched, it didn't smudge. I smiled and thanked the boy in front of me before realizing he wasn't just any boy, something about him was special.

'How airheaded can I be? Forgetting about my symmetry obsessed best frie-' I began to think, stopping in my tracks as I looked up at the single flower sitting in my hair.


"Come, F/n, let's go play," He said formally as he grabbed ahold of my hand and walked me through the flower field.

"Wait, why did you put one flower in my hair? Won't it make you upset?" I asked, stopping abruptly. He turned to me and gave me a stunning smile, making my face turn fifty different shades of crimson.

"I don't need symmetry if I have you, F/n. And you don't need symmetry to be beautiful since you are on your own," He said with a breathy chuckle, placing a hand on my s/c cheek. "Also, the rose matches your dress," The boy finished, taking his hand away from my face and scratching his cheek innocently.

I whipped my head down to my figure, noticing that a dress is indeed hugging my frame. It's a floor length ballroom dress, diamonds lining the neckline in an intricate pattern. I lifted the bottom of it up slightly to see my small s/c feet adorned with black flats.

I giggled and twirled around in my long red dress, making him chuckle and tug at my hand once again, dragging me out to play. I finally obliged fully and followed the boy, us both engaging in a game of tag.

"I'm going to get you!" I shouted playfully, chasing after the black-haired boy as I sprinted to catch him. The flowers in my wake smudged, unbeknownst to me, as if the picture of perfection was beginning to blur completely.

Once I got within arms reach of the boy I tackled him, making us both go tumbling to the ground. We giggled and laid next to each other, staring up at the clear, crystal blue sky.

"Roses are red, violets are blue," I began cheesily, looking over at him with a smile. He reflected it on his seemingly porcelain face.

"Death the Kid," I continued, my smile fading. It was replaced with a grimace as my eyes became dull and filled to the brim with disgust, his name making my stomach twist into knots.

"I fucking hate you." Instead of sitting in a flower field alongside a seven-year-old, I sat with a seventeen-year-old noirette by my side, a smirk curled onto his face.

I looked down at myself to notice I wasn't six anymore either, I was sixteen. My once red dress and s/c body were now coated in the colors of the flowers I had smudged, my skin almost completely covered in pastel shades.

"It's time to wake up," He said, grumbling as he stood up and slowly drew closer to me. "After all, you can't live a dream forever F/n."

'Since I'm already coated in color, I guess one more stain on my skin wouldn't hurt,' I thought, a smirk tugging at my lips as I rose from my spot as well. I looked down at my palms for a moment, noticing the first color that stained my hands.


"Wake up," He said again, drawing closer to my small frame. I felt something inside me snap. When he got within arms reach I glared at him.

"Shut up, dammit, and get out of my head!" I said grimly before slapping him across the face, effectively making him smudge into the drawing like everything else. Black, white, and golden dripped from my fingertips, mixing with the blood-red paint that was already there. I turned to the glance at the world around me, noticing everything was smudged, not a single flower left standing.

"You see what you do to me? You always leave my life in shambles," I whimpered to him, despite him now only being a single smudge in a drawing filled with them.

"F/n! Wake the hell up!"

My e/c eyes shot open to be met with the turquoise ones of Evelyn.

"W-wha?" I asked quietly, my eyes scanning the room to see every color intact, nothing smudged. 'What a weird dream...'

"You okay? You were tossing and turning quite a bit when I walked in," Evelyn asked sympathetically. I nodded and sighed, sitting up slowly and laying my head against the backboard of my bed.

"What's with the rose in your hair N/n? A handsome prince sneak in at night and put it in your hair?" My weapon teased, making my hand shoot up to the blood-red rose that was still nestled in my messy h/l h/c tresses.

Without thinking, I responded in a growl, "No, he gave it to me." My eyes widened at my own response, Evelyn falling off my bed in surprise.

"H-him? As in Death the Douche? Your asshole ex-best friend? Rightfully replaced with me, I might add." I grimaced at the sound of his name, but I quickly replaced it with a sickeningly sweet smile.

"Evelyn, he may be my ex-best friend and he may be a douchebag now, but you don't have to be so mean to him," I started, ruffling my weapon's blonde and blue hair before whispering, "He's more deserving of the title Death the Bitch. After all, Liz has got him on a short leash, huh?" Evelyn snickered at my comment and agreed before beginning to walk out of my room.

"We have ten minutes until school starts, hurry up," The blonde stated casually before she shut my door behind her.

"Shit," I muttered, resting my head in my palms wearily.

I sighed and lazily slid out of bed, stripping off my clothes and tossing the rose out of my h/c tresses before hopping into the shower. I quickly washed my body and hair, letting the warm water of the shower envelop me. After a few minutes had passed I slipped out, drying myself off and choosing my outfit.

I wasn't really picky, unlike both of my weapons, so I picked out what I saw first and threw it on. Today, that happened to be a pair of black jeans and a grey shirt with a cute print on it. I also slipped on some black boots and ran down to the kitchen, grabbing a slice of toast before meeting Evelyn at the door.

"Jeez, that was fast! You still have five minutes to spare!" Evelyn giggled as I approached her.

Though my outfit looked like I couldn't have cared less, Evelyn was another story. Her hair was brushed and curled nicely, the normally straight blue ends being set into spirals while the blonde half of her hair remained untouched. She also wore a cute white crop top with short blue jean cut-offs, a white flowery lace pattern on the front with gold gladiator sandals adorning her pale feet.

"Sadie already left so she wouldn't be seen with us?" I asked, to which Evelyn nodded in response.

"Of course she did. She couldn't be seen with social outcasts like us," The blonde teased, making weird hand motions as she talked.

I nodded at her and rolled my eyes, slipping out the front door and beginning our walk to school, The Death Weapon Meister Academy, or the DWMA for short.

For most of the trip I kept silent while one person infested my mind. That person being my ex-best friend Death the Kid, aka him. I couldn't put my finger on why I had dreamt of Kid and it bothered me to no end! It was bad enough I had to see him every day at school, but now he's bothering me in my precious hours of sleep too?!

'Okay... That sounds really bad,' I thought to myself with a snicker, my cheeks tinging a light shade of red. My smile faltered when I remembered just who I was thinking about.

Now, on to the reason why I'm currently a social outcast.

No, it's not because I hate people though that is true. The real reason is that I am always the topic of my classmates' ridicule. It's all because of that damned day three years ago... Because of him.

I've lived in the shadows ever since then to avoid the constant jeers of the "populars" and the people around me. After all, what the popular squad says about you goes, right? Obviously, if they say you're a loser than the rest of the world has to think that as well.

Evelyn and I's walk to the DWMA is a quick one, so within three minutes, we were standing in front of the ginormous school that we called our own.

It was black with white bands and stripes lining each of the towers, topped off with a bright red roof and death's mask. Surrounding it, red cone-shaped objects seemed to protrude big white skulls that decorated the building along with candles that burned brightly day or night. A long line of stairs led up to this building for training, yet Evelyn and I could work our way up them quite quickly due to years of practice.

Once I walked through the ginormous doors, I dragged Evelyn with me to where nobody would notice or tease us. We simply observed everyone as they socialized, eventually coming across the popular squad.

It was made up of Black Star and Tsubaki, the egomaniac meister and his quiet and kind weapon, whom I'd occasionally associate with when she wasn't with her squad. Next are Soul, Sadie, and Maka. Soul and Maka being the meister and weapon pair while Sadie was Soul's "adoring" girlfriend, who clung to him daily without fail. Then there are Patty and Liz, who acted as Kid's symmetrical weapons. On top of being Kid's weapon, however, Liz was also Kid's humble overlord--sorry, I meant girlfriend--who ruined the reputation of anyone who got too close to Kid. Lastly, Kid himself is the lead asshole and fuckboy of the little group whom my peers lovingly named 'Spartoi'.

I grimaced at the sight of them, averting my gaze as quickly as possible. As we did every day, Evelyn and I slipped into class Crescent Moon early so we wouldn't have to deal with the late crowd. Besides, who would we associate with before classes to make us late anyway?

"Hey, F/n, you've been really quiet... You okay?" My weapon asked, breaking me out of my trance. I gave a curt nod before making my way up to the seats in the back of the classroom, Evelyn following behind.

After she sat down she rubbed my back, whispering comforting words as if knowing that I was hurting.

I gave her a bright smile and pushed away my negative thoughts, focusing on my current best friend opposed to the one I lost long ago.

"You hear what we're doing in class toda-" I began to ask before the door burst open, revealing Soul and my desperate twin making out gracelessly. Soul slammed Sadie up against the blackboard and continued his (revolting) actions, oblivious that Evelyn and I were already in the room, acting as a captive audience.

"No, but I know what they are going to try to do before class today."

Evelyn and I burst out laughing at her quiet comment and at the sight in front of us, laughing even harder when Professor Stein came in and threw a scalpel at them, deeming their actions 'not appropriate for school'.

The two populars sighed, walking up to their seats in the middle of the classroom. Sadie sat on Soul's lap with a giggle while he wrapped his arms around her waist, kissing her cheek lightly.

"Eww," I commented with a confident snicker, "Gross, PDA!"

My twin sister whipped her head to the back of the class, glaring at me when I caught her eye. I simply rolled my eyes and gave a sarcastic smile and wave. As I said, I have no problem with talking to people, especially if it's someone like my sister. I had come to terms with the fact that my reputation was permanently ruined long ago, so while I try not to get into too much trouble--if trouble confronts me, then I have no problem with sassing it away.

'Take that, little Miss Perfect.'

The bell blared throughout the school, the late crowd rushing in to fill in the empty rows of seats. Some people slipped into the classroom quietly while others strode in laughing loudly and gossiping about the people around them, namely Liz and her friends Patty and Maka. Tsubaki followed behind them quietly while her meister went on screaming about how 'a God had arrived.'

Behind them came the one and only Death the Kid, his face blank as he averted his golden eyes from the gossiping girls in front of him to the back of the class where I sat.

"Is... Is he looking at us?" My weapon whispered to me while a look of confusion was displayed on my face. Kid grimaced and clicked his tongue, muttering something along the lines of 'asymmetrical trash'.

"Figures," I heaved a breathy sigh.

"Hey, don't get too worn down over that asshat," Evelyn consoled, "He doesn't even know what he's missing out on." I gave my weapon a thankful look before going back to silently observing the class, watching the popular crew as they sat down in their seats next to Soul and Sadie. Chatter immediately filled the room about multiple subjects, one being how perfect Spartoi was.

"Great, everyone's only helping to inflate their larger-than-life egos," I whispered to Evelyn.

"Oh please, as if someone would say something bad about them," she paused, "Besides us, of course."

Stein sighed at the class's actions and belted a loud 'shut up' to calm everyone down.

"I bet it's going to be a dissection," I sighed, my weapon nodding in agreement. Much to everyone's discontent, Stein pulled out a small bowl with yet another endangered animal in it, a malicious smirk twisting on his lips.

"Today we will be dissecting an endangered fish known as 'bigeye tuna'," Stein announced to the class, taking the fish out of the water and placing it on the dissection tray. I sighed and placed my head on the table in front of me.

'This is going to be a long-ass class period.'

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