Devil's Touch

blue_jay द्वारा

67.5K 1.4K 278

Sequel to Don't Touch and Book Two of the fan-dubbed Touch Series. Its been nearly a month since Greg Allen w... अधिक

Devil's Touch - Prologue
Ch 1 - Stronger
Ch 2 - Haunted
Ch 3 - Kyle
Ch 4 - Inheritance
Ch 5 - Defiance
Ch 6 - Unbound
Ch 7 - New Weapon
Ch 8 - Back In
Ch 9 - Flying Solo
Ch 10 - Rewarded
Ch 11 - Originals
Ch 13 - Route Sixty-Sixx
Ch 14 - Remembered
Ch 15 - Not the Same
Ch 16 - Rumble in the Woods
Ch 17 - The Trigger
Ch 18 - Burning
Ch 19 - Logan and Gurda
Ch 20 - Sonya's Sixx Thornes
Ch 21 - Severed Bonds
Ch 22 - Devil-Band
Ch 23 - Blademaster?
Ch 24 - Name
Ch 25 - Reunited?
Ch 26 - Lighting A Fire
Ch 27 - New Plan
Ch 28 - The Thorne In My Side
Ch 29 - Fight!
Ch 30 - Smoke and Fire
Ch 31 - Aggresive Negotiations.
Ch 32 - Decision
Ch 33 - Agreement
Ch 34 - Watchers
Ch 35 - Rematch
Ch 36 - Logan and the Originals
Ch 37 - Identity
Ch 38 - Painful Ends
Ch 39 - Devil's Touch
Ch 40 - Together Again
Second Announcement

Ch 12 - Captured

1.9K 38 6
blue_jay द्वारा

Flannery's POV:

Flannery was walking through the woods when she came upon a small creek flowing through the forest. Deciding it should be safe to drink Flannery knelt down and dipped her hands into the water, cupping them to trap the water within her palms before drinking it. The water was refreshingly cool to her lips so she leaned down even further and began to drink directly from the creek. Sure it was just a little murky but for the most part the water was clear and it was just nice to get some moisture n her mouth since she forgot to grab her canteen from the SUV before she left.

Flannery had walked without pause through the night until she decided that walking along the road would no doubt just make her easier to spot by the others. She was still plenty mad about Joe saying that Greg was dead and that he no longer felt they should continue their search for him. So for now she wanted nothing more than to be alone, separated from the others because she herself needed time to think about what she should do next.

She knew that she should stick to the next road she came across and hitchhike whenever she could, cause there was no way she'd be able to cover much ground by walking. The only problem with that was that she had no idea where to start walking in order to find a road. She'd taken so many turns throughout the night that she had no idea where it is that she'd come from in the first place. She was lost. It was a painful truth for her to admit, but Flannery knew that she'd gotten herself lost. On top of that she was getting rather hungry and with only a few candy bars in her duffel she knew she wouldn't last that long out here.

She sighed and sat beside a tree that was nearby curling up into a ball and using her duffel as a pillow. She'd close her eyes just for a moment so that she could hopefully get some clear thoughts running through her mind. But she wound up falling asleep almost as soon as she'd closed her eyes, letting her know just how exhausted she really was.

It was about midday when Flannery woke up with a start after having her duffel bag ripped out from under her. She looked up more in shock than anything once she saw a very large black form standing beside her and it was tearing through her bag. Flannery began to slowly scoot away from the creature beside her hoping to god that it wouldn't turn to look at her. Her fears were realized when she saw a long scorpion tail along the ground coming from the creatures back, it was a Devil.

Without even meaning to Flannery's breath caught in her throat forcing out a very light squeak. The Devil's head whipped to the side looking almost panicked when it saw that Flannery wasn't there, as it shot to it's feet leaning heavily on it's knuckles much like a monkey. Flannery slapped her hand over her mouth to keep herself from making another sound, but the sound of her hand hitting her mouth was loud enough. The Devil's head snapped to the side and it's intensely bright eyes looked almost relieved to see her still nearby.

It approached her almost as if it knew her and sat beside her with it's long muscular arms in between it's legs as if it were awaiting her to tell it something. Flannery took this strange Devil's features in, seeing that it looked very much like a seven foot tall baboon with a red face and horn protruding from it's face. It had fur as dark as a Hellhounds and she saw the long scorpion tail lift itself off the ground and begin to dangle above it's head. It didn't look like it meant her harm, and Flannery got the sneaking suspicion that this thing was the same thing that attacked their camp just the other night.

She swallowed and begun to get to her feet freezing when the baboon shot to its feet and crouched down with it's rear end in the air. It wasn't snarling at her, it didn't even growl, it almost looked like it wanted to play. Flannery grabbed a small stick as she got to her feet and waved it at the creature whose head and eyes followed the sticks every movement. Feeling ridiculous for even attempting this Flannery threw the stick as hard as she could over the creek. The baboon watched it go and looked back at Flannery with a puzzled expression.

"Fetch!" She commanded and like an obedient dog the baboon took off in the direction the stick flew in giving Flannery the chance to run.

She ran as fast and as hard as she could, tearing through the brush and getting scraped by lower trees. Judging by the size of that Devil Flannery figured she'd have about thirty seconds before it came back for her, she could only guess that it's be mad once it saw that she wasn't there. She didn't want to take any chances with this thing so she unclasped her whip from around her waist for when that thing came back. Maybe she'd get lucky and it'd run once it saw fire. She'd find out soon because there a ways behind her Flannery heard a very loud yowling followed by the crackling of trees being ripped down.

Damm, she thought tearing through the underbrush looking for an open area for her whip, she hadn't expected it to get back that fast. The stick must've bounced off of something because the Devil roared only ten seconds later. Flannery ran as fast as she could at the sight of what appeared to be a clearing now maybe forty yards a head of her, while behind her she heard the crashing and crunching of trees being knocked aside by the Devil.

Flannery just got her foot into the clearing when Devil's huge body flew right over her head twisting in midair so that it was looking right at her with a look of fury in it's eyes. Flannery paused a moment unwinding her whip with a flick of her wrist and cracked it across the Devil's face. Surprisingly it reared backwards grabbing at it's face where her whip caught it just below it's eye. Deciding to take the chance Flannery focused on her right hand, trying to relieve herself of all the fear and panic and put it into her hand. There was the familiar feeling of her hand becoming dry almost to the point that she thought it'd crack and splinter like wood, until finally she felt an even more familiar warmth take hold of her arm.

She looked down and saw that her right arm from her elbow down had become engulfed in flames that spread all the way down to the tip of her whip. She took a deep breath and as she exhaled the flames on her arm died down to nothing but her palm and whip were still ablaze. She flicked her wrist once again making her whip spit fire when it cracked just barely missing the Devil's exposed underbelly. Flannery spat and twirled her arm in a wide circle above her head before snapping it forward as hard as she possibly could catching the Devil's chest this time. It howled a ghostly howl as it grabbed its chest and fell to its side as if to say it had had enough.

But Flannery wasn't about to let this thing that attacked Tim walk away from this alive. She repeated the long twirl of her arm before throwing it forward aiming for the Devil's face again, however, instead of catching it's face the whip latched itself to the Devil's arm. Flannery's eye went wide when she saw that it had raised its arm to protect its face but not only that, it had grabbed hold of the long whip before fixing her with another hateful look.

Right away Flannery tugged on the whip hoping to pull it away from the Devil before it decided to pull her towards it. But in her state of panic Flannery never thought to send her flames into the Devil, a thought that came far too late. It had pounced, leaping at Flannery its massive jaws wide open and disturbingly human like hands extended towards her. She ducked throwing her arms over her head, abandoning all hope of fighting back without her whip.

Her head snapped up though at the sound of an absolutely savage sounding howl and she watched in complete shock as an enormous Hellhound collided with the baboon Devil. Flannery shot backwards when she saw that the Hellhound's tail was a snake rather than the typical red cable-like tail. She looked up at the sound of a pain filled yowl and saw that the baboon's tail had stuck itself into the Hellhound's shoulder, but instead of a shoulder Flannery saw another head. The scorpion tail had buried itself into a second head! It was Cerberus who had attacked this freakish looking Devil.

Flannery watched too shaken to move as the large three-headed Devil tried to bulldoze the baboon Devil into the trees, but much to her and probably to Cerberus' surprise the other Devil lifted the Hellhound off the ground and slammed it into the trees. The impact of Cerberus' semi truck sized body toppled several trees over leaving nothing in between Flannery and this freak of a Devil that had just tossed Cerberus aside like nothing.

It began to move back in on Flannery who had finally regained her ability to move and was scooting backwards in an effort to get some distance between her and this creature. Just as she got into the tree line though Cerberus reemerged from where it had been thrown and leaped atop the baboon's back clamping all three of its jaws down on it's neck. The baboon screeched and threw itself forward slamming the three headed Hellhound into the dirt stunning it long enough for the baboon to break free.

That had been enough for Flannery, she turned the other way and sprinted as fast as she could possibly go tearing through branches that clawed at her face as she went by. She'd run so fast that she could no longer hear discernible sounds coming from the two entangled Devils, only muffled yowls and cries as she put more and more distance between her and them. She tripped on a root causing her to lose her balance before falling down a very steep hill, unable to stop herself from rolling Flannery just tried to cover her face as she tumbled.

When she finally hit the bottom of the hill Flannery heard what sounded like twigs breaking behind her followed by a familiar voice screaming her name. Unable to place the voice in her mind Flannery got to her feet and kept running. As she went it became apparent that there was either a waterfall somewhere nearby or at the very least some rapid waters, figuring that there must be some rocks and maybe some cave to hide in Flannery ran towards the sound of the water. As she did she heard the same voice shout her name again, this time with quite a bit of panic and desperation it it's voice. "Flannery! No, don't go that way!"

Too late, she thought as she sprinted towards the sound of the water, her chest was heaving and felt like it would explode from all her running, but still she pushed on. She saw an end to the trees twenty yards up and what looked like very large rocks as well. Hope swelled in her chest as she made a break for the rocks with renewed vigor just as whoever was behind her sounded like they were getting closer. They called out again, but their voice was muffled by the sounds of the water that sounded as if it were right next to them.

When she broke free of the trees Flannery ran out to the ends of the rocks but quickly put on the brakes as she realized the rushing water was actually down a fairly deep canyon. She swung her arms in the air trying to regain her balance but she'd been running too fast and she stopped far too late. Her body started to fall over the and she twisted around just in time to see a young boy with doggy hair flying out of the trees with a hooded sweater on and some loose fitting jeans.

"Greg help!" She screamed holding her hands out and the boy she thought to be Greg lunged for her, his hand extended but he just barely grazed her finger tips. He'd missed!

Flannery watched in horror as the tree's were suddenly replaced with the sky as she fell backwards down the deep canyon and the rushing water below. Everything seemed to slow down just for those few moments. It didn't seem real to her that she was falling, as now even the sky was replaced by the greys and browns of the opposite side of the canyon. The roar of the waters below seemed to be miles away as she fell. There was  harsh crackling sound and suddenly Flannery's wristhad something firmly wrapped around it stopping her fall and jerking her body upwards popping her shoulder. She winced thinking it had popped out of place but she could still move it, it just hurt.

She looked up to see what had caught her and her eyes went wide as she saw a black hand gripping her tightly by the wrist. Unable to believe what her eyes were seeing Flannery quickly looked up at her savior's face and was horrified to see a pale face with bright turquois eyes peering back down at her with a satisfied smile on his face. Logan! Logan had saved her, she saw that his black fur was sticking out from his hoodie as his right hand was embedded deep into the face of the cliff. He was dangling just low enough for him to grab hold of her wrist Flannery's mind screamed as she instantly threw her other hand up and tried to break the boy's grip on her wrist, but he was just too damned strong.

"No!" She screamed in desperation as she scratched and clawed at his hand in an effort to pull it off but nothing was working!

Logan gave her a roll of his eyes as he hauled the wildly thrashing Flannery up until she was face to face with him quickly letting go of her wrist only to grab her by the waist. Flannery threw her fist forward catching Logan flush on the jaw but he barely seemed to notice, even when she kneed him between the legs. Finally Flannery focused all of her fear, panic, anger, and everything else into both of her arms instantly igniting them before she shoved them into Logan's face. The boy cried out nearly letting go of her but held fast, so Flannery focused all of her energy on sending the flames into Logan just as she'd done to many other Devil's resulting in a screaming and moving blaze.

Much to her horror though nothing was happening. All that changed was that Logan wrapped his legs around Flannery holding her in place so he could remove the arm from her waist. With his free hand he took hold of her wrists again moving them away from his face and stared deeply into her eyes with those terrible blue-green pools that were his eyes. "Stop that, you can't burn me Flannery." He said in a scolding way, almost the way a parent would scold their child for doing something naughty. "Your flames can't touch me, because I'm the one who gave you that little gift of yours."

With that Logan turned his body and climbed up the four feet of the cliff with Flannery still thrashing, trying to get free of Logan's legs that were firmly locked around her waist. After about five seconds of this Logan stopped climbing and reached back to grab Flannery before throwing her up onto the edge of the cliff. Instead of running Flannery rolled to her back and booted Logan in the face in an effort to throw him off the cliff. Her efforts were in vein though, Logan was too strong for her to dislodge. Giving up Flannery went for another approach, she threw herself off the cliff just out of Logan's reach.

Her plan was that since he seemed to want her she'd kill herself making sure that he could never have her. That's the way it was suppose to go anyways. Flannery though found herself yanked back onto the cliff by a large snake and she was thrown onto the ground looking up at a rather beaten up Cerberus. Not willing to make it easy Flannery tried the same thing that she'd done to Logan, and sent the flames on her arms into Cerberus. This time it worked as the massive Hellhound let out a loud yowl as it flew away from Flannery's hands leaving her another chance to throw herself off the cliff. Unfortunately Logan was back up and grabbed her by the arms and pulled her back into his chest laughing as Cerberus yowled in pain.

"My daughters got just as much bite as my son don't you think?" Logan exclaimed holding Flannery against him as he laughed at Cerberus. "Makes me proud to have fathered such a strong girl like you Jessie." Logan said nuzzling his face into her neck.

"Fuck you!" She screamed trying her damndest to break away but like all the other times Logan simply would not let go of her.

"Now now, there's no need for such language," Logan said covering her mouth before looking up at Cerberus who finally seemed to have stopped burning from the inside out. "I think I'm going to have to teach my daughter here a lesson in manners once we get back to the Void don't you think Cerberus."

The massive three-headed Hellhound nodded it's heads as it limped over to them causing Logan to laugh once again. "Did Thym really give you that much trouble in there?"

"Yes master," Cerberus said with a strained voice as he shrank down into his human shape of a man wearing a black coat with red fur around the collar. Flannery thought he would've been handsome if it weren't for all the bruises on his face and the growing red and blue veins running over his neck, and the fact that he was kidnapping her. "He's very strong for being so young."

"I'll take it you didn't kill him?" Logan asked harsh voice making Cerberus lower his head and shake his head. Logan scoffed before kissing Flannery's head. "No matter. He'll kill the rest of those kids for us at least since he's too wild to control."

Again Cerberus only agreed with his master before Logan gave him another order. "Take us home Beris," He said and with a very violating carress of Flannery's body he added. "I need to teach my daughter here a lesson in manners."

"Of course master," Cerberus said before a black mist that was blacker than night began to encircle the three of them. Flannery let out a muffled scream as she watched the mist begin to get up to eye level as she threw her body every which way in order to get away. She never did and her whole body lit up like a torch as the panic seized her by the throat before they were completely engulfed in the black mist. He flames were snuffed out and in a matter of moments all three of them were gone.

A/N: :O Nuff said. You were all right when you said that Flannery was wrong not to run off on her own. Any ideas about what's going to happen? Any questions about this? Did any of you think that Logan was the one who gave Flannery her powers too??? Lemme know down below. Pic is of Flannery.

Vote, you better Comment, and show your Love :)

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