Queen of the Beastsâś…

By b00klover09

2.3M 99.6K 13.9K

đź‘‘1 in Queen Seriesđź‘‘ (Warning: Dark themes & sexual assault) I will have you...all of you, Esmerleda," he s... More

Attention/ Authors Note
NEW Announcement
Queen of the Fangs!


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By b00klover09

I could hear the screams of my people.
The sound of the beasts howls, echoed throughout the night.

I could see the faces frozen in horror who had gone out into the streets and witnessed the abominations rip their loved ones to shreds.

I could smell the fear. It was palpable. It was suffocating us in this small room. The royal family, the Royal delegates. All of our fears mixed into one gave a sour smell. Sickening.

A man I had briefly known, who was just recently elected into my father's council, stood close to me. I could feel every fear filled shaken breath that passed his lips.

Guards surrounded the small room we were packed tightly into. It was only a matter of minutes...hours maybe, until they sniff us out.

As I stood, awaiting my fate, I wondered how they would carry out their malicious intents. Would they taunt and maim us first? Or would it just be one mass slaughter? Would the beasts be in their true forms? Or there deceiving human forms? There was only one way to figure out these questions. For them to come.

I glanced down, feeling something at my leg. My heart swelled. A little boy, short blonde hair and deep blue eyes stared up at me. His eyes were large with fear.

"Esme," he said softly as he held something in his hands. It was a crown. "Momma said to wear it." I lifted the small little boy into my arms; hugging him tightly. "Esme stop! I gott'sa put your crown on your head."

Confusion had clouded my already muddled mind as my mother walked up to us. The Queen. She wore her crown and carried herself eloquently and graceful...even in this tragedy that was happening right before her eyes. "Mother...why do you want us to keep our crowns on?" I asked her.

She smiled, kissing me and Eddie on our foreheads. "You are a Princess, Esme. No invaders, no enemies will be able to take who you are from you. We are royalty to the end."

I nodded silently. Eddie clumsily placed my crown on my head. My mother quickly fixed it. "I'm going to go stand with your father...I love you two."

"Love you too mom," I said nervously as Eddie stuck his tongue out at her. My mother returned the face which made Eddie burst out into laugher. I understood what she meant. To die with honor. That was the only way to die and secure a place in the heavenly gates. Without honor, we are nothing.

I felt the crown weigh heavily upon my head, as my hands grappled at my baby brother. He was our future King...about to be killed by beasts. "Why are you cryin' Esme?" He wouldn't know. He was born with horrible hearing. He can't hear the horror that's terrorizing our kingdom.

Quickly wiping at my cheeks, I smiled. "Your crown is crooked, Eddie." He kissed my wet cheeks and then tried to adjust my crown. "Mines is fine," I laughed nervously as I heard the screams become louder...and more quick. They were hurrying their executions to get to the good stuff. Us.

The silence was so sickeningly loud...my stomach churned. The calm before the storm? There was no way the beasts were defeated by our men. It was impossible.

"Check the doors," someone urged, who was not my father, the King. Instead of the guards waiting for a command from my father, the man hesitantly unlocked the large door.

Everyone was quiet as he creaked the door open. "I...I don't see anyone in the hallway. I think that we-we are all-" he let lose a loud scream...then fell to the floor. There was so much pressing and pushing, I couldn't see what had been done to the man...but I knew he was dead.

I could see the door opening...then chaos broke out.
People shoved and pushed.
Horrible animalistic sounds ripped through the room full of fearful people.

We were dropping like flies. Dark masses of fur whipped around the room. All I could see were teeth and claws tearing into flesh.

My heart thumped wildly as Eddie, let lose a loud cry, I held him tighter. I had glanced at what he was staring at horrifically. It was mother. Her crown just a few inches away from her detached head.

I forced back a sob, and shoved Eddie's face into my dress. He could not see this horrific scene unfold.

Something had caught my leg and was tearing into my flesh. I let lose a scream as I fell to the floor dropping Eddie. I felt hands on me, trying to pull me away from the vicious monster.

The pain of razor like teeth clamping down on my ankle, was unlike any other pain I had felt before. "Princess!" Some men shouted rushing over to me. Sir Ryan a suitor of mine, began to kick the animal in the snout and he eventually let go. I was pulled up, onto my feet, but quickly fell down due to the bloodied injury I had just endured.

Pain jutted up my leg and all throughout my body. I had seen Ryan, tackled and his face ripped into by a beast.

The pain was to much. The shock unbelievable. Only one thing was on my mind. My brother.

"Eddie! Eddie!" I shouted frantically, scooting through puddles of blood and dead people.

My heart dropped.
Tears stung my eyes.
A pain filled my stomach.

An animal stood in front of my brother. Fangs out; getting ready to attack.

"Stop it! Stop it all of you!" I had screamed with so much force and pain, that it was like the world had frozen. As if everyone in the room had gone still.

As I quickly came to the realization that everyone had paused...I looked around, confused. What was happening? Why were the beasts frozen? Growling at me yet not making a move?

Not knowing the cause of this, I quickly took it as an opportunity. "Eddie, come here. Eddie," I stressed as his wide eyes never left the beast that was standing in front of him.

"Eddie, come here dammit!" I screamed, tears falling from my eyes in waves. He had seemed to come to his senses, and stumble over to me.

He hid behind me, sobbing and holding onto me tightly. I watched with fear and confusion as the beasts walked back and forth with aggression and agitated but had ceased to make a move and attack us like before.

I watched in confusion as the beasts began to turn away from them and wait as if they were expecting someone.

They were.

He was unlike any other male I could think of. The figure approached the wolves and they all did something odd. They began to lower their heads.

He was a mountain of muscle. He was scarcely dressed. Only in a pair of dark pants, and a black cloak hung from his shoulders. He wore no shirt, exposing thick muscles that were covered by sun bathed skin. His dark hair fell forward in graceful tendrils as he bent down, to become eye level with my father. Thick dark eyebrows, and hypnotic...glowing green eyes. He was no doubt a shifter. A large jagged scar covered the left side of his face. From right under his eye down to the end of his cheek. To make the man seem even more terrifying...dark liquid was splattered all over his body...and his face.

It was blood.

"What is the meaning of this?" He boomed. The few of us that were still alive, flinched at his voice. It was the deepest, huskiest, most chilling voice I had ever heard.

One of the Wolves walked up to him. My eyes widened in amazement and horror as the wolf contorted into a naked human male.

He had bowed on one knee, his arm crossing his chest. "The human female commanded us not to. She has power over us, my King."

It dawned on me...that the man was referring to me. I had commanded them to stop, and they did. Fear wracked my brain as the man pointed to me and the the Kings eyes landed on me.

He began to walk towards me. Eddie was shaking like a leaf behind me. I glanced around nervously for my father. He lay in a pool of his own blood.

As my eyes traveled back to what was in front of me, I gasped. It was the King. I was staring at his clothed legs. "Look at me," he demanded.

The force in which I craned my neck upward, terrified me. His face was emotionless as his eyes swept over my form.

I held my breath as he let lose a growl. He had turned around, and began to walk out.

"Kill everyone else. Bring the girl."

I've been working on this book for a while now and I decided to post it finally! I hope you guys like it. It might seem like a cliche but I promise it's not lol Please vote and comment. I want you guys' opinions! Till next time;)

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