Once Upon a time... (Chronicl...

By DarkFantasy01

234K 5.6K 1.6K

What will happen when a girl from the golden trio goes to live with professor Kirke when the Pevensie's are t... More

Going into Hiding (Hermione's POV)
Going into hiding (Peter's POV)
Lucy looks into a wardrobe (Peter's POV)
Lucy looks into a Wardrobe (Hermione's POV)
Lucy looks into a Wardrobe (Edmund's POV)
Edmund and the Wardrobe (Edmund's and Lucy's POV)
Turkish Delight
Edmund betrays Lucy
Narnia's not a Fantasy
Meeting Mr.Beaver
Dinner at the Beavers
Shoot, Edmund's gone!!!
Our Tremendous Escape
Father Christmas
Crossing the River
Aslan's Camp
Meeting Aslan
Chapter ?????
Peter's First Battle
Edmund's Back
The Deep Magic
The Stone Table
Aslan Returns
Hunting of the White Stag
I'm Sorry
Hogwarts here I come...
The Ending of a Wonderful Journey (or not)

Once Upon a time... (Chronicles of Narnia/Harry Potter Cross Over)

19.6K 386 85
By DarkFantasy01

Hey Guys. This is actually my first Chronicles of Narnia fanfiction. I'm not a huge fan but I find it interesting. I did not read the last two books the silver chair and the last battle cause I thought it would be boring since they took out the main characters in the series (please feel free to be a critic and correct). If you haven't read the Harry Potter series you'd be confused. How many of you were all like Susan and Prince Caspian, but found out he married another girl. The dress she wore to prof. Slughorn dinner is on the side and her other outfit is on the external link Anyways back to the story.............


Anyone who says they'd do anything for love is not true. Love is not only a thing that blossoms between two. But the strongest love is the one that blossoms a strong bond of friendship which will never fade"- a quote by ME (I just made it up on the spot)

Hermione's Point of View

"But proffeseur Dumbledore I can't go to London and stay with Prof. Kirke. I NEED TO HELP HARRY DEFEAT VOLDEMORT. We just started our sixth year. Surely, Harry won't allow this" Hermione argues. "Hermione even Harry agreed to this. First of all you have to go to London and stay with my friend because your magic makes it easy to track down your parents. Secondly, you're in serious danger staying here because you are almost Mr.Potter's sister and you're a muggle-born. They'll come for you first.This is for you own safety!!!" Dumbledore cried. "Fine but if anything major happens I'll be there no matter what" Hermione shoots back. "As you say" Dumbledore sighs with an amused smile. Why is he smiling like that you ask? Well it's because he's never seen such close friendship like this except between the marauders. Dumbledore's eyes sparkle with tears as he remembers that James. Lily and Sirius are dead and it was all for friendship.

I strode out the room and apparated right outside the door of Prof.Kirke (Dumbledore's friend) house. I mean really now he tells me. I just came back from prof.Slughorn's slug club dinner and he tells me I need to go. I can't get my stuff Prof. Kirke will get it for me. Harry just had to agree to this. Harry's the overprotective brother I never had.

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