My life in the naruto world

By cherryblossom666

232K 5.9K 519

A girl by the name of candace is changed around. She finds two naruto characters in her home, and what's wors... More

Why are there naruto characters in my house?
Ch 2 where am I?
Ch 3 The Chuunin Exams
Ch 4 rookie 10 and the first exam
ch 5 the forest of death,the second exam, and 'him'
Ch 6 team sound, and team gaara
Ch 7 " it's a trap"
Ch 8. The Preliminary rounds
Ch 10. Training with Tsunade
Ch 11 Meeting Jiraiya and summoning.
Ch 12 a lazy day
Ch 13 a slumber party, oh great!
Ch 14 the finals match 1
ch 15 the finals battle 2 and 3
ch 16 the finals round 4.
ch 17 my battle with sound ninja
ch 18 I cant help it, its who i am
Random fact
Ch 19 a away to his heart.
Ch 20 a very sad day.
Ch 21 Itachi Uchiha
Ch 22 I can float? LOL
Ch 23 rasengan!
Ch 24 "she's Tsunade!"
Ch 25 we meet again, snake man
Ch 26 it's on! Three great Sannin battle!
Ch 27 I'm confused
Ch 28 Halloween
Ch 29 tsunade the fifth hokage
ch 30 you two are FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!!
Ch 31 don't stoop to their level
Ch 32 he ran away!
Ch 33 we move out! And battle!
Ch 34 you came!?
Ch 35 Friend or Foe?
Ch 36 We failed. I'm sorry. And goodbye!
Ch 37 merry Christmas
Ch 38 Valentine's day

Ch 9 training, but with who?

6.2K 177 1
By cherryblossom666

I was laying in a hospital bed. Anbu where watching me, till I could get better. I closed my eyes for a sec and the anbu where down on the ground. I sat up only to feel a kunai held on my neck.

"don't move, unless you want me to kill you." it was Kabuto. I chuckled. "like you could kill me." I laughed as Kakashi was behind him. I ducked and kicked him to Kakashi, where he held him. Suddenly his body went limp, and an anbu got up and crashed though the window. We looked over to see Kabuto falling with a grin.

I got cleaned up and looked at Kakashi. "I know you are going to train Saskue so I can't ask you to train me." he smiled as he ruffled my hair. "you are too smart for your own good, child. See you candace." he said as he walked out of the hospital. "bye Kakashi-sensei." I said as I walked back in. I went up to the desk. "um, where is hinata hyugas room and rock Lee?" I asked. The lady gave their room numbers and I left.

I went to see Lee first. I knocked on the door and heard a small 'come in' I opened the door to see guy and Lee. Lee made a small smile at me. "hello Lee, guy-sensei." I said as I closed the door. Guy smiled me as he hugged me. "oh you must be candace. Kakashis new student." I nodded as I tried to get out of his death grip. I smiled. "yes I am. How you feeling Lee?" I asked as I sat on his bed. "sore, and tried. They said I might never be a ninja again." he said as he looked down. I patted his leg. "Lee, I have only told my team tand the hokage this. But I'm from a different world. And I know everything that is going to happen. And for you, you are going to be the best ninja ever." I told him. He smiled at me as I gave him a hug. "I'll see you later, Lee. Got to go see hinata." I said and left making Lee happy.

I knocked on her door. "come in." I entered and smiled as hinata smiled at me. She was about to get up but I rushed over and gently pushed her back down. "no moving for you young lady." I said with a giggle. She smiled as she sat back down. "candace, you saved me, didn't you?" I nodded. "it's because if I didn't help you would have died and you have a bright future coming, so no dieing." I said as she tilted her head. I sighed. I told her everything I told Lee. She nodded as she hugged me, and I hugged her back. "hinata, let your hair grow out. I bet it will look very pretty." she blushed and nodded. I stood up and told her I had to go. I left and looked at the sky. I sighed .

"who am I going to train with?" I said to my self. I planed to go to the next village over so I could train.

A week later.

My dark red hair was to my back now. I had let it grow as I wanted it. I was practice summoning. I bit my thumb and made the hand signs. I pushed them on the floor and nothing. "damn!" I laid on the ground. I soon fell asleep. An hour later I heard voices. "is she ok, milady?" I felt a hand on my chest. I opened my eyes to see. 'tsunade?' I thought as I sat up with her help. "what you doing out here, child?" she asked me. I yawned. "practice my jutsu for the exams. I'm a finalist." I told her. She smiled. "I'm tsunade and this is shizune." I smiled as I got up and shook their hands. "I'm candace, but my friends call me cherry." I said. They smiled. We talked for a while and tsunade agreed to train me. I smiled as I was so happy.

That night we where eating at a bar. I had some spider rolls and water. Tsunade kept asking me all different kind of question. I laughed at some of them. "no, no. I have no family. They where killed." I told them. They nodded. "do you know who killed them?" shizune asked me. I nodded as I made my hands into fist. "yes, but I won't say his name right now." I told them. They nodded. We went to a hotel and slept there for the night. I was still up, looking at the stars. Tsunade sat next to me. "so, you said your not from konoha?" I shook my head. "no, I'm from a different world. I know everything that is going to happen." she was shocked. I chuckled. "don't worry. I'm good. Not like him.". She looked at me. "him who." I sighed As I ran a hand though my hair. "like I told you, my family died, will him, means orochimaru. He killed my family." I told her. She nodded as she put a hand on my shoulder. "it will be ok, let's get some rest." I smiled and nodded as she went to bed. I looked up at the sky.

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