Christmas Special (Series)

By malyaa

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What if Toni Braxton was a former college professor that decided to pursue a career in the music business, st... More

Second Day-Interviews
Singing Out Loud
Signing the Contract
Meeting Everyone
A Change of Heart
The Babies...
Only the Beginning
The Results

The Good News

932 49 28
By malyaa

Tamar: Watch her head Kenny.

Momma Evelyn: I'm going to cook you some hot chicken soup.

Toni: I am fine you guys.

The sisters and mommy were finally home with Toni as Babyface carried her into the house and into the bedroom.

Babyface: I am going to the store to grab your vitamins, text me if you need anything else.

Toni (kissing him): Thank you, love you.

Babyface: Love you too. I'll be back.

Trina: You're staying here until you're ready to go back home?

Toni: What do you mean?

Towanda: You're engaged, but you two still have two separate houses that you go back and forth to.

Traci: Yeah, do you plan on selling your house once y'all are married?

Toni: We haven't talked about it yet, but I would love to keep my house. It's closer to the studio.

Tamar: You just spent your coins on it barely 2 years ago!

Momma Evelyn: I'm going to start making the soup and dinner.

Toni: Thanks mommy.

Momma Evelyn: Anytime baby, anytime.

Tamar: Enjoy yourself down there momma.

The sisters made sure that they could hear Momma Evelyn moving some pots and pans around in the kitchen downstairs  before looking at Toni.

Toni: What?

Towanda: You're hiding something. Your doctor just told us you were dehydrated and nothing else.

Toni: Nope nothing.

Tamar: What about the weight gain?

Toni: Junk food.

Traci: Good then, you can hit the gym with me, Umba, and Trina.

Toni: Why isn't Tamar going?!

Tamar: She has another date. Besides, I don't do sweat.

Towanda (laughing): We'll go when you're up and on your feet.

Traci: Well I have a class tomorrow if anyone what's to tag along.

Trina: I'll go with you Tray Ray.

Towanda: I won't.

Tamar (laughing): Me neither. Have fun though.

Toni: I going to change into something comfortable.

Tamar: I can help you. What do you want to wear?

Toni: It's—

Just then Babyface came back with Toni's medicine in hand.

Babyface: I forgot something.

Toni: Ken can you help me change.

Babyface (smiling): Always. You can wear one of my shirts with your shorts.

Toni (blushing): Come into this bathroom and help me.

Traci: Y'all better not try anything in that bathroom! We're here until dinner is over.

Babyface (chuckling): We won't.

Once in the bathroom...

Toni (taking off her clothes): I didn't want them to see my bump just yet. I want it to be a surprise.

Babyface (licking his licks): You look good carrying my babies, baby.

Toni: Stop drooling and pass me your shirt.

Babyface (putting the shirt on her): I got it. Let me dress you woman.

Babyface took his time putting the shirt on Toni as she giggled. He tickled her stomach as he let the shirt drop.

Babyface (grinning): Perfect. You like my work of art?

Toni: So silly.

Babyface (pecking her lips): And you love it.

Toni (pouting): Another one.

Babyface (chuckling): I see those hormones are starting to kick in.

Toni: Shut up and kiss me.

Babyface: I like you feisty.

Babyface rocked Toni in his arms as he looked into her eyes. He leaned down to kiss her.

Tamar: Y'all are too quiet in that bathroom! It don't take two people that long to change only one of y'all.

Babyface kissed Toni one last time and opened the door. He waived to the sisters and headed downstairs.

The following week...

Both Toni and Babyface had some down time. Toni decided to put on her bathing suit and sit near the pool, playing with the water with her feet. So lost in thought, Toni didn't notice Babyface taking a few pictures of her.

Toni: You're going to a swim?

Babyface: Just a few laps.

Babyface got in the pool and began to swim back and forth. Toni watched as he stopped in front of her wiping his eyes.

Toni (biting her lip): I would join you, but I don't wanna get wet.

Babyface (splashing her): The water feels good. Come on in.

Toni: I'll seat here for a while.

Babyface (splashing her again): You know you want to.

Toni: Ken!

Babyface laughed and swam even closer to Toni, placing his hands on her thighs. He grinned at her as she tried to avoid his gaze. Toni joined him in the water.

Babyface: See it's not that bad.

Babyface began to swim under water around her. Toni laughed as he stood up spitting water.

Toni: I'm glad we're both off. Although I miss the road, I needed this.

Babyface: What do you say to couple movie night tight with Darryl, L.A., and Sarah?

Toni (wrapping her legs around his waist): I say yes, but I get to pick the movie.

Babyface: As long as the movie is not in black and white.

Toni (letting go of him): There is nothing wrong with oldies. They're better than what's out today.

Babyface: I know they are, but let's try something different.

Toni (walking out of the pool): Fine.

Babyface: Tone. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. (Following her) I'm sorry.

Toni (wiping her eyes): These damn hormones.

Babyface: We can watch whatever your pick.

Toni: You promise?

Babyface (laughing): Yes. (Hugging her) Even if it's in black and white.

Toni (hitting his shoulder): Oh hush.

Babyface (faking hurt): Ow.

Toni turned and looked in the refrigerator.

Toni: I'm so hungry. I would love ice cream with some pickles, M&MS, and hot fudge.

Babyface (raising his eyebrows): What kind of combo is that?

Toni (taking out the ice cream and fudge): A yummy one. Check to see if we have some pickles. (Tasting the ice cream) And some almond, definitely some almonds.

Babyface found the pickles and almonds. He passed them to Toni and watched her eat.

Toni: You have to try this Ken. Just taste it. Mmmmm.

Babyface: I think I heard my phone ringing.

Toni (chuckling): Your phone that's upstairs?

Babyface: Imma check and come right back.

Babyface went upstairs and grabbed his phone.

Babyface: That is one nasty combo.

Babyface stayed upstairs until he saw Toni coming into the room with the food.

Toni: You never came back down.

Babyface: Tone, the smell is bothering my nose.

Toni (putting the food down): I'm sorry.

Babyface: No, it's okay. Eat and enjoy it, babe. I'll just lay at the front of the bed.

Babyface turned on the tv while Toni sat by the head of the bed enjoying her food. While watching a show that's on commercial, he turned around and began to take pictures of Toni. He caught a picture of ice cream falling on Toni as she tried to lick it up.

Babyface (laughing): That really must be good.

Toni: You really should try it.

Babyface: Enjoy it for the both of us.

Toni (smiling): I sure will.

Couple's Movie Night...

Sarah: I feel like I haven't seen you in ages Tone.

Toni: It's been a while.

Sarah: Monica gets to see you practically all the time, but I've been so busy.

Toni: I know, we need to do lunch soon. I heard you're opening a second store. Congrats!

Sarah: Thanks. I barely have time to sleep nowadays.

Erica: Tell me about it. With growing kids, a business, and a husband, I barely know today's date. I just know the day of the week.

Angela: I know the feeling. I need a mommy break.

Toni (smiling): But it's all worth it.

Sarah: I can't wait for you to join mommy club.

Toni (drinking water, whispering): Me too.

Angela: You know you have this glow on you, Toni. A glow we all well know.

Erica (smiling): How far along are you?

Toni (smiling ear to ear): Who said I was pregnant?

Sarah: Your cheeks. (Chuckling) I can barely see your eyes.

Toni: Three months tomorrow.

Toni pulled the baggy shirt she was wearing against her stomach.

Erica: You're already showing!

Sarah: You don't know how cute you look Tone.

Toni: Thanks, Ken and I are thinking of a way to tell the entire family before they start growing even more.

Babyface (walking into the room): Are you ladies ready to watch some movies?

Sarah: Congrats on the new bundles of joy Kenny.

Darryl: I'm going to be an Uncle?

Babyface: You said I couldn't tell anyone Tone.

Toni: They figured it out without me telling them.

L.A Reid: I'm just happy for you guys.

Toni: We're excited too. Now let's watch some movies.

Erica: Which movies did you pick?

Toni: Brown Sugar, Hotel Rwanda, Ray, and Back to the Future.

Sarah (laughing): I remember when Back to the Future came out. Nice picks.

They headed to the theater room. Babyface made sure the movie played before sitting down and pulling Toni onto his lap.

Toni: Caramel popcorn?

Babyface (taking a handful): Thanks.

Halfway through the third movie, Toni fell asleep on Babyface's lap.

L.A Reid: Me and the Mrs. are heading out. See ya later man.

Babyface: Thanks for coming.

Sarah: Same here. Tell Tone to call me tomorrow for lunch when she wakes up.

Darryl: Congrats and see you two tomorrow.

Babyface looked down at Toni and smiled. She still had the bowl of popcorn held tightly in her arms. He tried taking it away, but she tightened her grip around the rim.

Babyface (laughing): You're asleep, let go of the bowl.

Toni (mumbling): Never.

Babyface: You're awake.

Toni: Mmmm, now hush.

Babyface: Then let's get to bed, somewhere more comfortable.

Toni (snuggling into him): I'm comfortable where I'm at now. I have you and my caramel popcorn.

Babyface (laughing): Let's go to bed.

Toni (getting up): Fine, but the popcorn is coming with us.

Babyface: I wouldn't have it any other way, the pops are hungry.

Two weeks later...

It was Momma Jean's birthday and Toni and Babyface flew her in from Indianapolis to spend the weekend with the rest of the family to celebrate. They finally decided to tell the family the good news.

Tamar: I'm glad we get to celebrate Momma Jean's birthday with her.

Towanda: What did you get herTone?

Toni: Just a couple of gifts that she's going to love.

Trina: Like what?

Toni (smiling): You guys will have to see.

Momma Evelyn: I bought her this antique mural that we saw the last time we went shopping together. She has great taste just like me.

Tamar: Mommy done found herself a new bestfriend y'all. Next thing you'll know, she'll be too busy to answer our calls.

Toni: Then she already has two. Her and Ken talk practically every day.

Momma Evelyn: You know I have to talk my future son-in-law and see how he's doing.

Trina: You never talked to Gabe like that.

Tamar: Child, go sit somewhere by yourself and getcha life.

Traci: Pick your jaw off the floor Trina.

Toni: Well I'm going to take a nap before we have to head to the dinner. If my phone rings, tell Ken I'm sleeping.

Towanda: We will.

The sisters and Momma Evelyn continued to talk while Toni took her naps. Eventually, Babyface came home and found them watching tv on the couch.

Babyface: Hey ladies, momma Evelyn.

Trina: Hey Kenny.

Babyface: Have you guys heard from Tone? She hasn't been answering my calls.

Towanda: She's taking a nap and we forget to take her phone off of silent, sorry.

Babyface: It's alright. I'll go check up on her.

Momma Evelyn: I'm going to get ready for the dinner.

Tamar: Me too.

Babyface took the stairs two at a time to the bedroom. He knocked on the door and stepped in. He laughed as he saw Toni sleeping on her back with his pillow under her arm and the sheets around her feet.

Babyface: She must've been hot.

Babyface got on the bed and began to rub her stomach as he put another pillow under her head. Toni began to stir.

Toni (smiling): Hey.

Babyface (kissing her): Hey, sleepyhead.

Toni: When did you get home?

Babyface: Just now. (Chuckling) It looks like you were fighting someone in your sleep.

Toni: I felt hot halfway through my nap.

Babyface: Let's get ready for my mom's dinner.

Toni: I can't wait for the food. I can smell everything right about now.

Babyface (laughing): I'm so glad we're telling everyone about the babies tonight .

Toni: Me too, this bump is getting bigger and I can't hide it anymore.

Everyone got ready for the dinner and came into Toni and Babyface's room. Toni was still in her robe.

Tamar: You are going to be late to this dinner, I can already see it.

Toni: I will not.

Towanda: We're heading out now and we'll see you there.

Trina: Try to be on time tonight.

Babyface: We will, drive safe. We're leaving in about 10 minutes.

Momma Evelyn: See you two there.

The sisters and Momma Evelyn left, leaving Babyface and Toni home. Babyface was ready and watching tv when he heard someone crying. Worried, he turned off the tv and listened.

Babyface: Tone?

Toni: Yes.

Babyface: Where are you?

Toni: In the closet.

Babyface went into the closet and found Toni on the floor.

Babyface: What wrong, babe?

Toni (tearing up): None of my clothes fit. The zippers on the first two dresses broke. My pants are too tight, I can barely get them past my thighs.

Babyface (helping her stand): Aww Tone.

Toni: I can't find anything to wear.

Babyface: The pops are growing Tone, (kissing her forehead and stomach) how about I help you get into another dress you like?

Toni: Please.

Babyface: First let's get off the floor and into something comfortable.

Babyface held Toni's hand as he handed her a simple black dress. Toni picked her heels and headed to the bed. Babyface helped her put the dress. He put her shoes on and smiled at her.

Babyface: You look beautiful.

Toni: I feel fat.

Babyface (wrapping his around her waist): You look sexy too, Tone.

Toni (biting her lip): Really?

Babyface (licking his lips): Yes, (running his hands down her body) really sexy.

Toni grinned at him and began to walk away.

Toni: Stop staring and let's go. You can help me get out of this dress later when we get home.

Babyface (turning off the lights): I sure will.

Toni: So silly.

At the dinner...

Everyone was talking and eating as Momma Jean and Momma Evelyn were sitting together looking at the festivities.

Momma Jean: You know I'm glad I get to spend this birthday with not only my children and grandchildren, but with my new extended family. Kenny and Toni may not be married already, but she's already a daughter of mine.

Momma Evelyn: Same, Kenny is my second son.

Momma Jean: We're two blessed and highly favored women.

Momma Evelyn: Amen to that my sister. Amen.

Melvin: Ma, are you ready to open your gifts?

Momma Evelyn: Yes!

Kevon: Well you're always saying that you would love to go on a cruise with your friends.

Babyface: To anywhere for a couple of days. Traveling the fresh sea.

Melvin: We decided to give you what you asked for.

Kevon: We purchased a cruise package for you to travel from California to the Caribbean for ten days. All expenses paid.

Babyface: And you get to take six of your friends with you.

Momma Jean: Thank you boys so much, I love it! Evelyn get your best brunch hat ready.

Momma Evelyn (laughing): I might have to find mine and dust it off.

Kevon: Just let us know when you're ready to go and cruise.

Momma Jean: Thank you boys.

Momma Evelyn: Well I guess it's mine turn. This gift is something that you saw a while back while we and some other friends were shopping.

Momma Jean opened the gift and laughed.

Momma Jean: I can't believe you remembered.

Melvin: That looks like the same mural Kevon broke when we were in high school.

Kevon: I didn't break it.

Babyface (laughing): You're right. It broke itself when you leaned on it.

Momma Jean: Thank you, I appreciate it.

Momma Evelyn: Always.

Babyface: Now my own separate gift ma. This is actually two gifts in one from Tone and I. (Holding Toni's hand) We wanted to share this gift with everyone when we first got it, but we wanted y'all to be here to see it.

Momma Jean: Everyone?

Toni (chuckling): Yes everyone. Ken and I hope you like this gift. You can't hold them right now, but you will soon.

Toni turned around. Babyface smiled at Momma Jean and helped Toni take off her coat. He turned Toni back around and she had two bows on her stomach.

Momma Jean: Shut up!

Momma Evelyn: Tell me you playin'!

Toni (smiling): You are going to be a grandma.

The moms began to cry tears of joys. Toni leaned into Babyface while he wiped her eyes.

Momma Jean: I'm going to have another grandchild.

Toni walked to Momma Jean.

Toni: No.

Momma Jean (confused): No?

Toni: Look at the bows.

Momma Jean looked at the bows and it hit her.

Momma Jean: Shut up! Twins!

Kevon (patting Babyface's shoulder): My man.

Momma Evelyn: Congratulation baby.

Toni: Thank you mommy.

Everyone surrounded Toni and Momma Jean.

Tamar: I knew it, I knew it. Wanda you owe me Traci.

Traci: And I want my money in straight clean and crisp 20s. Ain't nobody got time to bet counting any 1s!

Hope you enjoyed. :)

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