Imagination is the key (stefa...

By GiBbErZz

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Lillie Gilbert-like any given person, didnt believe in the supernatural...Until she found herself home. In My... More

Imagination is the key
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chaoter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chopter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
chapter thirty :)
chapter thirty-one
Chapter Thirty Two
chapter thirty three
chapter thirty-four
chapter thirty-five
chapter thirty six
chapter thirty seven
chapter thrity eight
thirty nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter forty One
Chapter Forty-Two
chapter forty-three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six.
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine.
Chapter Fifty.
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four.
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixy-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty Three.
Chapter Sixy-Four.
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy-One
Chapter Seventy-Two
Chapter Seventy-Three
Chapter Seventy-Four
Chapter Seventy-Five
Chapter Seventy-Six
Chapter Seventy-Seven.
Chapter Seventy-Eight.
Chapter Seventy-Nine
Chapter Eighty
Chapter Eighty-One
Chapter Eighty-Two
Chapter Eighty-Three
Chapter Eight Four.
Chapter Eighty-Five
Chapter Eighty-Six

Chapter Sixty-Eight.

1.4K 32 9
By GiBbErZz

"Are you purposely taking your time?" Klaus threw back over his shoulder, side stepping a tree as he went. He was leading us through the forest towards Ray's pack that he had finally managed to beat of him. When Stefan and I had gotten back from Mystic falls -after having to stop once or twice to sate my hunger- Klaus was done. Ray was unconscious, sprawled across a pool table, with various wounds seeping. If he hadn't have been a stinking werewolf I would have finished him of then and there. Although overlooking the werewolf side of him, he smelt just as appeal as a regular human, just with a twang of wet dog. But that could easily be ignored. KLaus wouldn't have been happy but did he really even need him anymore? I doubt it. He's got the whole pack instead.

My eyes trained expertly on Ray's stiff, beaten form that hung limply over Stefan's shoulder. I could still smell the blood and it was making my mouth water. I was starving and I was quickly growing annoyed with this pointless trek through the fucking woods. I hated every moment that I was being forced into nature. The flies and up-lifted roots were the obvious indication that Nature wasn't overly fond me of in return. Not that I cared but it would have been a tad more tolerable if I was tripping over nothing every couple of steps. Fucking trees.

"Maybe if you carried your own baggage we'd be able to keep up." Stefan replied with a grunt as he hoisted Ray further up his shoulder. I watched in amusement as every step that he took jolted Ray's body away from him and I snickered loudly as he began to slide down his arm.

"Why? Are you struggling?" I teased.

Klaus' fast pace paused as he waited for Stefan and I to catch up but just like Klaus, I paused. I was keeping my distance for a reason. I was bored . . . and lazy. I don't want to help, I shouldn't have to. If I'm being forced to follow him around for the rest of my life, I'm not doing his dirty work while i'm at it, unless it'll benefit me in anyway. And carrying Ray? Not beneficial to me. Right now.

"You know," Klaus started with a smirk. "if he's getting too heavy for you, Lillian or I'll take him."

"It's Lillie," I deadpanned.

Klaus rolled his eyes. "Like it makes much difference."

This time I rolled my eyes. "Whatever."

"I think I preferred you with your emotions." He said.

I flashed to Stefan's side and grinned at Klaus. "Really? I hated you with my emotions. Now I'm just impassive."

Klaus pursed his lips and nodded, accepting my words. "We're wasting time." He gave Stefan a rather hard pat on the back, mindful of Ray, and continued leading the way.

"Stefan," I said with a growing smile.

He glanced at me and grunted, "what?"

I batted my eyelashes, "Carry me?"

Up ahead, Klaus chuckled. I ignored him though and kept my flirty eyes on Stefan. He cocked one of his large eyebrows high and shook his head.

"Does it look like I have enough room to carry you?" To emphasis his point his shrugged his shoulder and Ray's limp head fell to one side.

"You're a vampire." I stated.

"So are you," He returned.

"What's your point?" I sighed.

"My point is - my answer's no."

I rolled my eyes and barged past him, skipping up to Klaus's side. "Klaussss,"

So, as it turns out the male vampire's are assholes who must secretly be best friends and enjoy seeing me in pain or suffering - not that it's real, but you get the picture. Klaus refused to carry me and I was forced to trek deep into the woods with people who have turned out not to be any fun. Maybe I should have just stayed behind in Mystic falls, that would have been enjoyable. I'm sure bumping into Hollee would make my day. I wonder what kind of other weak attempted insults she could throw at me. Thinking back to yesterday, they really were pathetic and frankly I was surprised to see her so weak, especially after having known her almost all my life. But it was far from too entertaining to question at the time. It was probably the most fun I've had since leaving with Klaus - wait! No, Killing Andie surpasses it greatly. That was fun. I remember that before, when I was human -and boring- I used to judge Damon on the people he'd killed, I used to think that he was better than all of that gory shit, but I was wrong. Killing Andie and feeding like I was supposed to was one of the most satisfying feeling I have felt my entire life. I didn't care that I used to know her, I didn't care that she had a life; people who cared about her, all I did care about was that fact that she was my food. She was created to feed people like me because vampires were created superior, so why not indulge? I know why. Because of the stupid humanity that we have. It sucks and is completely unnecessary. We shouldn't even be given a choice. That's what makes humans weak. They're humanity presses down on them, constantly urging them to do right. It sucks. It's no wonder I was such a bore before. I mean, how could Damon care for someone who was nothing compared to him. Why would he lower himself to being with a human and how was he able to control himself around me. When we were together I never once got the feeling that he wanted to feed from me. Not once. Even though I think that it's weak of him, I can't help but be impressed also.

The chattering and movements of the pack just up ahead caught my attention. That, and the fact that I could smell the humans. God, I'm hungry.

"Can you handle the last couple of steps, Stefan? You're sounding a bit out of breath."

I smirked at Klaus and turned to Stefan who was visibly beginning to struggle under Ray's weight. "He is looking a bit worse for wear." I commented.

"I'm fine." he gritted.

"Whatever you say, Stef." I grinned at his obvious discomfort.

"You do know that it's a full moon tonight, right?" I said, glancing up at the mid-day sun. "And I don't want to die right now."

"You weren't this dramatic human."

"I was boring and I'm just being safe- as I said, I don't want to die."

Klaus rolled his eyes. "You won't die."

"And if I happen to get bitten by a werewolf? Will you cure me?"

"Depends on how well behaved you are." He smirked.

"Woof," I said sarcastically. "Drop the body in the middle Stefan, let's cause a bit of mild panic." I grinned.

We entered the clearing and the entire space was filled with tents and other necessities, a well right in the center. I knew that our presence was going to stir some trouble but I was dying for some action. Something that could help diminish the tiring strain my hunger was giving me and I knew the only way to relinquish the heavy control it seemed to have over me was too kill someone - or something, anything. The pack froze and watched as we waltzed into their home. I let my eyes wander each and everyone one of them, lingering slightly longer on the humans as my mouth watered, but watching them shrink under my gaze filled me with a sense of power.

Stefan did as I said, marching forward and dumping Ray's body on the ground for all to see. As soon as his face was identifiable angled, a woman screeched and lurched forward to his body. She cradled his head in her lap and her eyes watered. She looked up at Stefan.

"Who are you?" She demanded, tearfully.

Stefan remained silent and Klaus stepped forward. "The important question is; who am I." He smirked, "Please forgive the intrusion, my names Klaus."

"The Hybrid," The woman gasped. Several murmur set out among the pack.

Klaus' lips stretched even wider and he was on the border of looking rather manic. "You've heard of me. Fantastic."

I knew that Klaus had a big ego, it was obvious, he never shuts up about being a fucking hybrid but listening to him give his boring speech to the frightened little mutts made me want to wring his neck, make a noose out of the crying womans hair and hang him from a frickin' tree - see if he can still talk then.

"It's fascinating, actually... A werewolf who isn't beholden to the moon, a vampire who doesn't burn in the sun. A true hybrid." The gloating tone to his voice against made extremely violent thoughts come to mind. . . again.

"You're here to turn us." A timid voice spoke up from the far back. The woman still hovering over Ray's body looked up wide-eyed and helpless.

"No," She spat. "it's never going to happen."

"I wouldn't say never," Klaus said. And before the woman had anytime to snap back, Klaus had her on her feet, hand wrapped around her throat. His eyes were a magnificent yellow, bright and threatening - and I was jealous that mine only turned red. He bared his fangs before sinking them into his free wrist and then holding it against her mouth. She struggled against him but even I knew that it was stupid. And then in the next second she was lying dead on the floor, neck snapped in an unnatural way.

Screaming began almost as soon as her body hit the ground and Chaos followed. The pack members ran. Someone towards the fallen couple and other into their tents. What I did notice was that not one little wolfy was clever enough to flee the clearing, to run for their lives, they all stayed; just hiding. It's pathetic, they're about to die and they're not doing anything to prevent it. The few pack members that ran towards Ray and the girl were caught instantly within Klaus' hold and he went to work, turning them. My eyes were glued to the scene until a heavenly scent drifted around me. Blood. Human blood. I felt my face begin to shift, my fang elongating and my eyes transforming into a bright crimson shade. My eyes found the one responsible. On the other side of the clearing, a older man was nursing an injured wrist, blood wrapped around his arm like a tattoo, dripping off almost in slow motion. Taunting and teasing me. I could feel Klaus scolding me in my head for killing someone that could possibly be of use in the future, but fuck it. Who gives a shit? It's not like he can kill me. I glanced at Klaus. Preoccupied. I then let my eyes flicker to Stefan. Preoccupied. That was all I needed. I left my spot hidden behind Klaus and appeared before the man.

I smiled falsely. "Do you need any help?"

He looked dubious and I had to give him credit for being smarter than I thought he'd be. He shook his head. "No."

"Let me see," I urged. "I can help."

But he knew that I was up to no good. I wasn't going to help him. He scrambled away from me, eyes terrified. And a thrill went through me. He was scared of me, truly and utterly afraid. I had control in this, whatever happened next was up for me to decide. I grinned sardonically and leered forward at him. "I want you to stand there and be silent. Not a single sound."

I was surprised to see that he wasn't on compulsion as he obeyed my order. His back straightened out and he remained silent.

"Good," I cooed, I reached forward and patted his cheek. He flinched under my touch and his bottom lip quivered. Watching him fall apart just under my gaze made me wish I had played with Andie a bit longer. Made her cry, sob with fear, I wish I broke her before killing her, to show her just how strong I was now. How weak and pathetically human she was. I loved it.

I let my eyes flutter closed and I inhaled deeply, the sweet smell of his blood attacking me pleasantly and I sighed. "Have any last words?" I mumbled. I moved in and let my nose breath in his scent even more, it brushed against his neck and he shivered. "No?" I questioned after he said nothing and then I remember the compulsion. I chuckled under my breath before I lunged. My teeth barely scratched the surface before arms hooked around my waist and yanked me away.

I whined the further away I got from my well earned lunch. "What are you doing Stefan?" demanded chillingly.

"Saving you from your own stupidity."


I felt him nod.

"And what's he going to do to me Stefan? Kill me? Tell me off and never to do it again? . . . Spank me?"

Stefan refused to answer, and just dragged me back to Klaus' side. He released me and I finally took a notice of the clearing. It was a butchers field. A massacre. Dead werewolves everywhere, blood staining each of them and the grass. I never thought i'd revel in this kind of view before, but it was beautiful. The only one left standing was the three of us and several human.

At least an hour had past and only three Hybrids had awoken -Ray not being one of them. It started of being fine and klaus was happy with the turn out but then it changed and it was obvious that they're weren't accepting his blood.

"Well, that doesn't look good." I quipped amused, as my eyes focused in on the blackened blood oozing from the newly turned Hybrids eyes, nose and ears. "And it's disgusting." I added.

"I don't need nor want your input." Klaus hissed angrily as he blurred over to stand in front of his creation. He gripped the young woman's chin tightly and twisted her head from side-to-side roughly, analysing her.

"That's not supposed to happen, is it?" Stefan asked, walking over to join us. His hands were covered in blood from force-feeding the Hybrids and I couldn't help but notice him unconsciously itching at the blood covered skin. He stopped next to Klaus and peered around his shoulder to have a closer look.

Klaus threw him a nasty glare. "Well obviously."

Stefan stayed silent and observed what was right in front of him completely unaware of me observing him. I was bored and was sick and tired of werewolves. They annoyed me, especially this pack, they were all about loyalty. I didn't understand why they didn't just run and try and protect themselves and leave everyone else for dead. It's what I would have done and there wouldn't have been one part of me that would feel remorseful about it, if anything I might have even felt some kind of joy out of knowing that they were all dead.

I huffed and leant against the closest tree, arms crossed tightly over my chest.

"What are you huffing about, sweetheart?" Klaus questioned over his shoulder, his eyes never leaving the face of his bleeding Hybrids. Stefan glanced over when Klaus spoke and I threw a wink in his direction. He shook his head and turning his attention back to Klaus.

"I'm bored!" I whined childishly, pouting. "And I'm starving and all I can smell is blood."

Klaus shrugged. "Why do-"

"Gah!" a groan came from one of the other Hybrids. All three of our heads snapped to Ray's groggy form. He blinked owlishly before his eyes settled on all of his dead friends. I pushed myself up and took a few hesitant steps forward. My eyebrows furrowed as I watched the newly turned Hybrid grip his face tightly and continue to groan.

"Ray?" Klaus asked cautiously. He straightened up and blurred over to stand in front of Ray.

Ray looked up and his eyes flashed a vibrant yellow. His lips drew back over his teeth and snarled menacingly at Klaus before turning on his heels and disappearing into the forest.

Klaus did not look impressed but turned to me, a smirk present on his face. "Now you've got something to do. Go fetch."

My eyes narrowed. Who did he think he was? "I'm not the dog in this situation, am I, Klaus? Maybe it's your own doggy nose that should be put to use."

Klaus cocked his head to the side, watching me for a few minutes...And then he was standing less than a inch from my face. I didn't flinch like he was hoping I would but he was happy with the doubt and uncertainty that i'm sure showed slightly in my eyes.

He looked me in the eye and his pupils dilated. "You are going to go into that forest and not come back here until you've got Ray with you."

I had no control over myself and the words left me without my consent, monotonously "I won't come back until I've got Ray."

Klaus smiled and backed up a few paces. "Good girl...Now off you go."

Once I had gained my control back I gritted my teeth, trapping the venomous words wanted to spew from my lips. And instead turned around and began to wander further into the tree, unwillingly. I'm going to tear that Hybrid apart. I thought angrily to myself.

Once I was out of sight and they could no longer see me, I hid behind a tree, watching and listening. Klaus hadn't given me a time limit for this task, so I could take all the time I needed. I could waste as much time as I'd like and he'd only have himself to blame. Klaus turned to Stefan, a grin tugging at his lips. Stefan sighed dejectedly. "What do you want me to do?"

"I want you to go follow her." Klaus stated simply. "And before you decide to try and argue against me," Klaus appeared in front of Stefan and looked him in the eyes the same way he did with me. "You're going to follow Lillie and not -I repeat, not let her out of your sight."

Stefan eyes bore back into Klaus, unblinkingly. "I won't let her out of my sight." He repeated emotionlessly.

Klaus smiled in satisfaction, pulled away from Stefan and gave him a strong pat on the shoulder as he walked past and over to his obviously dying Hybrids.

Stefan stood there for a few moments before finally following off into the direction that I had wandered after Ray.

Knowing that Stefan had been compelled as well as myself made a grin spread across my face. I could definitely have some fun with this. I giggled quietly and used the vampire speed that I was still adapting to, to my advantage, and hid up a tree I knew Stefan was bound to walk under at some point.

I stayed still and quiet, hidden within the leaves, all my senses on high-alert and I kept a lookout for him. I knew he was getting close, leaves crunched under his heavy boots, giving him away almost instantly.

I peered out and over a tree-branch, my playful blue eyes immediately locked onto Stefan form wandering around aimlessly, obviously searching for me.

"Stefan." I whispered.

His head turned without delay in my direction. I instantly hid myself behind the leaves again, hands pressed to my lips, suppressing a giggle. This was definitely entertaining but I wondering just how far I could take this game.

"Lillie, come on out." Stefan called, his voice seemed to bounce from tree to tree, echoing all around me and his green eyes darted around trying to catch even the smallest of glances of the me. I wasn't going to let that happen until I wished it.

I shook my head in response even if he couldn't see. "Come find me, Stefan." I purred seductively.

My eyes lit up as he positioned himself perfectly beneath me, unknowingly.

"I don't want to play any games, Lillie."

A smirk twisted at my lips as I watched him. He didn't know it yet but he was going to be more than willing to play my games, I decided, -possibly even over and over again.

I gripped the branch just above my head and threw my legs forward over the one I was sitting on. I swung them one back and forth and with enough momentum tossed myself forward...And then I was falling freely.

I giggled as I fell, it was exhilarating, but the thought of what was to come next excited me beyond belief. The noise drew Stefan's attention and he looked up but even with supernatural abilities he didn't have time to move out of the way before I came crashed down.

My body weight pushed us both to the forest floor and we ended up rolling over a few times before we came to a stop with me perched on top. I had one leg on either side of Stefan's waist, straddling him and I quickly moved forward, grabbing a hold of his wrists and pinned them above his head on the leafy ground below them. Stefan stared up at me leaning down above him and frowned. "Get off me, Lillie. We have things to do."

I cocked my head to the side and the corner of my mouth twitched. "I can't argue with that, we do have a lot of things to do, don't we, Stefan?"

Stefan's eyes narrowed dangerously. "I'm not playing your game."

My smile faded and my lips set into a pout. Slowly I began to trail a single finger over Stefan's wrists. "You don't want to play with me, Stefan?" I questioned childishly. My big blue eyes had no doubt darkened.

He looked anywhere but at me avoiding all eye contact.

I was satisfied with the no-response and a seductive smirk appeared on my face. I leant forward very slowly, my chest pressing tightly to his own and my lips narrowly missing his as I moved to brush them against his cheek. I pressed a chaste kiss to one gently and then continued to trail my lips towards his ear.. "Want to play with me now, Stefan?" I whispered almost silently into his ear before taking his earlobe between my teeth, tugging on it. I could hear and feel Stefan's breathing become shallow and I bit down slightly harder. I almost have him right where I want him.

He clenched his hands into fists and they tensed under my grip.

I loosened it slightly and very slowly and lightly trailed my fingertips from his wrists down his forearm and back up again. I knew I almost had him exactly where I wanted him, because he'd stopped struggling. If he really wanted to get out of this he could have. This bought a satisfied smirk to my lips.

My lips ghosted over his ear again. "You want this, don't you, Stefan? You want me?" My lips brushed against his ear with every word I spoke.. " 'Cause I want you."

Stefan turned his head to the side to look at me, his green eyes once light now resembled wet moss -dark and alluring. He was falling into my trap more and more.

I leant in and brushed my lips against his own this time. "Make your move, Stefan." I whispered.

Stefan didn't do anything but close his eyes. My tongue licked over my lips and I sighed loudly before sitting back up on his hips and looking down on him. "I guess I'll have to go and see if Klaus is more willing to play with me." I taunted slightly. That was a lie. If I knew Klaus would happily play my game I wouldn't hesitate to call on him. I'm sure he'd be fun, but he was far too consumed in the thought of siring his own race to have any kind of fun right now... But Stefan didn't know that. And spending the past summer with him human and with emotions I wasn't naive enough to undermine his feeling for me. I knew they were there and so did he. That's what gave playing with him extra flare, more excitement. I wouldn't only be messing with his body but also his emotions -his feelings, everything he was. I'd be tugging at every string.

I watched his reaction and was not disappointed. At the mention of Klaus, Stefan's jaw locked tight and his eyes flashed open. I shrugged and let go of his wrists. He didn't move them, just kept them where they were.

I grinned. "I guess I have places to be then."

I used his chest to push herself up and off of him so that she was standing up beside him.

I looked down at him with a playful smirk present on her face. "Do you think Klaus would mind leaving his Hybrid unattended for a while?" I cocked my head to the side to pretend that I was actually thinking it through. I got no answer so decided to answer myself. "Of course he wouldn't. He would just love to play with me." I turned around and away from Stefan leaving him lying there on the floor.

This was going exactly how I wanted it to, and it made me feel really good.

I had gotten a fair distance away from Stefan as I walked in the opposite direction that Klaus actually was, leading further into the forest.

I did wonder whether Klaus would be willing to play my game. I didn't want Klaus at all, but was curious as to how much he would let me lead him.

I was harshly pulled from my inner-thoughts as I was roughly pinned against the nearest tree, my arms scraped against the bark as they were lifted above my head, my body trapped between the tree and Stefan's own.

Our faces were less than an inch apart, his breath fanned across my face and neck as I looked him in the eyes. His eyes were the darkest I had ever seen them, they could almost be mistaken for black but I could still see the distant tinge of green.

"I knew you'd come." I said leaning my head back against the tree, a seductive smile spread across my face as I watched him. He pressed his body tighter against mine and I gasped.

I giggled suddenly and lent forward to place my lips lightly on his. Both our eyes still open. "I knew you wanted me, Stefan." I stated before Stefan crashed his lips hungrily against mine. I kissed him back just as eagerly, lips moving fast and in sync. The kiss was so needy that it was almost sloppy. Stefan's grips tightened on my wrists and disconnected our lips, moving to trail wet open mouthed kisses down the base of my throat. I sighed and tilted my head back allowing him more access and gasped a startled moan as he bite down roughly with his blunted teeth.

He grazed his teeth down and over my soft spot. I moaned louder, knees shaking at having to hold myself up. Just the feeling of having Stefan pressed up against me made me weak at the knees.

Before I knew it, Stefan's hot mouth was on mine once again. I knew that my game would work, I had absolutely no doubts, but what I never expected was for it to feel this good. Stefan's lips moved over mine frantically and his tongue slid past my lips into my mouth, brushing it against mine. My hands clenched into fist as I tried desperately to resist pulling them from Stefan's grip. I wanted nothing more than to be able to touch him with my hands. But I also enjoyed being restrained...By Stefan. I liked seeing Stefan take control...Taking what he wants.

Our tongues clashed together frantically as they moved. Stefan couldn't take it much longer and let go of my wrists replacing them onto my waist, gripping my hips tightly. He lifted me up and instantly I wrapped my legs around his waist, my ankles hooking together just over his ass, keeping me up.

My hands found their way into Stefan's hair, threading through it and tugging every now and then whilst Stefan's hands resided on my ass, kneading it as he kept me pressed tightly to the tree.

He pushed me harder against the rough bark, holding me up so that he could free up his hands. When he knew that I wasn't going to slip down his hands began to wonder slowly, almost teasingly up over my hips and trailing up my sides, pushing my thin cotton white top up at the same time. It was almost like magic the bottom of the shirt seemed like they followed his fingers as they got higher and higher on my body. My shirt was just under my pale bra and Stefan broke away from the kiss to pull the piece of material up and over my head. My arms lifted up to help him out and as soon as the shirt was off, I re-connected our lips. His hands were now exploring my newly exposed skin. Trailing up and down my back and began to play around with the clasp of my bra. Stefan went to unhook it but froze when my two cold hands slithered their way underneath his t-shirt.

"You're wearing too much." I mumbled against his lips. My hands continued to lightly graze over his stomach and slowly began to move upwards over his chest.

Stefan shivered under my touch and within seconds he had moved us to the forest floor. He hovered over me panting as he ripped his shirt off over his head.

I ran my tongue over my top lip as I marvelled in Stefan's body. He seemed to be doing just the same thing as I caught him glancing me over. I raised my hands to rest on his chest and made sure to look him in the eye as I excruciatingly slowly slid them down his body, running them over every bump and curvature that defined him until I reach the waistband of his jeans. I hooked my fingers inside and gave a tug forward. Stefan moulded his mouth to mine and kissed me roughly. He went to work on my bra and I curved my back into him allowing him room to reach around behind me. The material gave away around my breast as it was finally unhooked and without waiting another second Stefan ripped it from my body, exposing me to him. And then I knew that I had won. Stefan was mine. I had him right where I wanted him and he wanted to be there. So I let him have his way with me.

"Well that was fun." I breathed. My chest rose and fell with every panted breath I took and I grinned. "Did you have fun, Stefan?"

Stefan was already up and tugging on his trousers, his back to me. "Yes."

Well that was blunt. I rolled my eyes. "Don't be such a drag." I re-hooked my bra and got to my feet. "C'mon Stefan, I know you wanted it as much as I did. Granted probably in different ways but we still both got what we wanted in the end." I lightly traced my fingertips down the contour of his spine. His skin reactive with goosebumps. "You can't lie to me Stefan." I practically purred. I stood upon my tiptoes and ghosted my lips along the length of his neck, pausing just at his ear. "You just gave everything away to me." I pulled away and he turned on me. His eyes hard, not expressing anything.

"This shouldn't have happened." He said.

"But it did." I cocked my head to the side. "Would you take it back if you could?" I crossed my arms over my chest, diverting his attention to my exposed bra still. I watched with satisfaction as he swallowed and once again gave me his back. His threw his shirt on over his shoulders and just as his fingers brushed the buttons his entire body froze.

"Do you hear that?" He mumbled.

I listened and for a moment I heard nothing but the leaves but then I could make it out faintly. "Is that -is that Damon?"

Grunting and heaving along with the sounds of very obvious struggling sounded just further up ahead, not too far from us.

Stefan's brows furrowed tightly. "I think so-"

His words were interrupted as two figures came barreling through the bushes. Hands were grasping and grappling each other as they rolled until one came out on top.

I gave a short laugh. "Well that was easier than I thought it'd be. Ray literally just came to us."

Ray hovered over Damon's body one hand grasping his throat the other batting away his fighting fists. His face was still completely contorted to resemble Klaus' hybrid form and he was leaning in close to Damon's throat. Any second now and Damon was a gonner. I continued to watch the struggle in amusement as I slowly shimmied back into my leather pants.

"Do you think Damon's going to survive this?" I questioned Stefan. "How much money do you have on you?"

"What do you need money for?"

"Wondering how much we can bet on it."

Damon let out a strangled groan and I bit my lip as Ray's fangs brushed over his skin. Just as they were about to sink into him he pulled back, gasped and then fell forward limp. Dead. Stefan stood over the two, Ray's heart in his hand.

"Well that was anticlimactic." I pouted.

"Didn't know you still cared what happened to me, brother." Damon wheezed. He rolled onto his front and after a moment trying to re-catch his breath he managed to get to his feet.

"What are you doing here Damon?" He demanded.

"That's a good question." I said.

Damon turned to face us but his gaze froze on me. His eyes raked my body and a sly grin worked it's way onto my face. I buttoned my pants and grabbed my discarded shirt from the ground, pulling it on. "A gentleman would have looked away," I teased playfully.

He opened his mouth several times and then closed it again, turning to Stefan accusingly. "Did you-" he cut off and shook his head. "Did you sleep with her?"

"I'll let you know there was definitely no sleeping." I said.

Stefan hastily buttoned his shirt and tried to say something. "Damon it's-"

"Are you going to lie about it?" Damon snapped.

I swatted Stefan's chest. "Yeah, Stefan, shame on you, lying to your brother." I tutted. I fluttered my eyelashes and stalked up to Damon slowly. "I wouldn't lie to you Damon, I never have," He flinched as I let my fingers grip the collar of his shirt. "So do you wanna hear the truth?" He didn't move. I lifted myself so that we were face to face, an inch or so distance between us. "C'mon Damon, tell me. Do you wanna hear the truth." My voice wasn't any louder than a whisper but I knew both Stefan and Damon could hear me.

"Lillie, back off." Stefan said. "We should be getting back to Klaus."

I ignored his, continued to stare into Damon's unwavering eyes.

"Yes." He finally said. And my lips broke out into a wide malicious smile. It was anything but kind and understanding.

I trailed my hands up over the material of his black shirt until I let them twist in his hair. Damon's eyes for just a moment fluttered closed and it was almost like he was leaning into my touch. And then I opened my mouth and told him exactly what it was that he already assumed.

"I fucked your brother, Damon." His eyes snapped open. "And I didn't think of you once." My fingers clenched in his hair and gave an abrupt sharp twist to the right. The resounding snap of his neck seemed to resonate throughout the forest and I let him crumple to the ground. I stepped back and dusted my hands off. "See," I said to Stefan. "All taken care of. Let's get Ray back to Klaus before he starts to decompose. You're carrying him again."

"One dead hybrid just like you requested." I announced as Stefan and I finally made our way into the clearing. Although the scene before us forced us to pause mid-stride. "What the hell happened? I thought you turned them for a reason - not just to kill them all twice." The entire pack was dead. And this time like dead dead, each of them resembled each other in the fact that they had blackened blood oozing from every orifice.

I scrunched my nose in disgust. "God this is disgusting."

"I did everything I was told." Klaus muttered to himself. He stood beside the large fire that was now burning bright, several body pieces poking out from the hungry flames. So that's what that god awful smell is; burning flesh.

Note to self - never burn people. They smell.

"What happened?" Stefan asked quietly. He dumped Ray's body ungracefully to the ground.

"They were all dying." Klaus spun to face us. His eyes watered and he genuinely looked heartbroken. Aww the big bad does have feelings. "I had to kill them, they turned rabid -Like Ray."

"I'm sorry,"

I shot Stefan a funny look. Seriously? He's sorry? What kind of crack did he just smoke?

"I don't understand what I did wrong!" Klaus launched an empty bottle across the clearing. "I did everything that I was told to do. I killed a werewolf, I killed a vampire, I killed the doppelganger!" His voice roared loudly around us. "I should be able to turn them!"

"Maybe you're defective." I suggested.

The look he shot me was far from kind. I shrugged, I was only saying. . .

"Something's changed." He growled. "Something is wrong." He came stalking towards us, a determined look etched across his face. "C'mon, we're leaving."

"Where are we going now - Another wild goose chase? I'm bored of searching for people that you're just going to kill." I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest. "Let's go and have fun. I mean after this disappointment, you kinda need it."

"Grab her." Klaus ordered Stefan.

I cocked a brow at Stefan challengingly. "Wanna go at it again?"

"Now, Stefan." Klaus left no room of argument, didn't mean that I was going to comply. When Stefan reach out to grab a hold of me, I sidestepped him, just missing his clutches.

"Lillie . . . "

"What Stefan? Not fast enough to keep up?"I smirked.

"He might not be but I am." strong hands grabbed the tops of my arms, bone-shattering holds, I couldn't move. "You shouldn't push me Lillie. Your use if nearly up. Don't make me finish you off." He shoved me forward and Stefan caught me. I was just traded from one hold to the other.

"You need to keep your mouth shut, Lillie. You're making it hard to keep you safe."

"I don't want you to keep me safe."

"Tough." And then I was tossed over his shoulder. I struggled, even resorted to biting him, but he refused to let me go.

"I hate you both." I mumbled. "This is no fun."

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