AMNESIA->>Exo Sehun

By jadaautumn

66.1K 2.7K 338

"II-I didn't mean for this to happen" "We were so happy together......" "We had everything we ever wanted" "B... More

Who's Sehun?
Sorry I Don't Remember
Remind Me
Im Leaving
Sehun's Mistake
New Interest
Blonde Hair
Release Day
Acting Normal
Sehun's House
Make Me Remember
Macho Man
Work Trip
Lunch With Luhan
The Wrong Idea
Made Up
This Is Not An Update
I Remembered?
Sensative Soohyeon
It's Time
The Party
How Could You?
She's Here
I Forgive You
Back To Normal
Departure Party

Yixing's Plan

1.1K 54 9
By jadaautumn

Author's POV

*Suzy's dream*

"I can't wait until Sehun sees this" I said happily as I was leaving the expensive store. Sehun's going to like his gift.

I got him this expensive watch he looks at whenever we pass by the store window. It cost me a lot. But it's all worth it.

I got into my car and was on my way to Sehun's house.

And the whole way there. I was smiling like crazy. I wonder what he got me.

In no time. I was pulling into Sehun's drive way. But oddly,I saw this pink car next to his. Who was here?

"Miss Oh must have a new car" I thought out loud. Before getting out of my car and smoothing my red dress with my hands.

I hope I look okay for him. I had on this fitted red dress. With light makeup and red lips. You know something simple.

I walked up to his front door and twisted the door knob. But oddly, it was locked.

I sighed before sitting my present down and lifting his mat to pick up his spare key. I then stuck it into the lock and twisted the door open.

"I'm here!" I yelled as I looked around. But Sehun was no where in sight.

Where could he be?

I then heard clattering coming from upstairs. I jumped from the sudden noise. Before making my way up the steps.

"Sehun?" I asked slowly before opening the door to his room. Only to see the unbeilevable.

I gasped loudly at the sight in front of me. And that seemed to had caught his attention. And Sehun looked past the girl sitting on top of him and stared at me with wide eyes.


My vision became blurry as tears started to rush in. I looked at the girl only for me to realize its my enemy Eunji.

When everything sets in. I couldn't stand to be in this house for another second.

I ran out of the room and down the stairs. Sehun continuiously called my name but I didn't stop running.

I threw his present down in front of my car. Making sure I ran over it on the way out.

I hopped in the car and started it up quickly. But unfortunately before I could pull off. Sehun sat down.

"Sehun get out!" I yelled.

"No Suzy! Not until we t-"


Suzy sat up in the bed hysterically. She looked around and didnt see anyone there to comfort her. She was frightened and confused.

Was this a bad dream or bad memory?

She thought before looking at the clock. It was 1:47 in the morning and she needed someone to talk to. Sehun told her he was working over time so she didn't call him.

Instead she picked up her phone and dialed Joohyuks number.

She didn't get the chance to say goodbye to him at his party a day ago. So she really wanted to talk to him.

The phone rang and rang. And of course he didn't pick up.

But little did Suzy know. Over on Joohyuk's end. He was chained up in Yixings basement. Inches away from his cell phone. He reached for it. But the chain on his foot prevented him from successfully grabbing it. And the call remained unanswered.

Suzy sighed when her third time calling was answered by the machine. So instead she decided to call someone else she knew would be up at this hour.

You guessed it right folks. Yixing.

Yixing's POV

I'm relaxing in my hot tub when I hear my phone buzzing on the coffee table in my sunroom. I sighed before standing out of the water.

I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my shivering body. Before walking into the room to get my phone.

I looked at the screen and surprisingly, it was Suzy calling. I smirked before answering innocently.

"Ne? "

"Yixing" Suzy called out like she had been crying. And that threw me.

"Whats wrong?" I asked concerned.

"I had this horrible dream" she said. And I sighed in relief. Knowing that it wasn't anything worse.

"Really? What was it about?" I asked.

"Sehun cheating on me"

I didn't say anything when she told me. All I could do was smile. It has finally happened. My plan can finally start taking action.

"Yixing? You still there?" Suzy called out.

"Ah Ne, Ne. How about we go out hmm? I know the perfect place to make you feel better. And you can tell me all about this horrible 'dream' " I said hoping she'd agree.

"Okay. Can you pick me up. I don't feel like driving" Suzy said being adorable. And i smiled.

"Of course. See you in an hour" I said before hanging up the phone.

I couldn't stop smiling. This moment has been long awaited. And now Sehun's officially out of time. Tsk. Tsk. Idiot boy. He'll learn soon enough.

I walked into my room and showered before putting on black jeans. With a white shirt and black leather jacket.

I finger combed through my hair in the mirror before sliding on my shoes. I grabbed my keys and almost walked out the door.

Until I heard muffled screams coming from my basement.

"Oh yeah. I forgot he was down there" I said before walking all the way down into the basement. It was a long walk until I met the cold stone door.

I typed in the code before opening it and seeing Joohyuk inches away from his phone. He screamed something at me.

"What was that? I couldnt hear you. You got a little something right there" I said pointing to his mouth. And he grew livid.

"Awww Alright. Alright sheesh" I mumbled before walking up to him and pulling the the cloth from his mouth.

"Yixing let me go!" He yelled as he struggled free and I shook my head while sqauting down.

"I'm afraid I can't do that. But hey. When everything's said and done with. I'll let you go. But you will be watched of course. Can't go having you run to the cops and ruin things" I said to Joohyuk before smiling.

"You crazy bastard. I'll kill you when I'm free" Joohyuk mumbled and I laughed while standing up.

"Your cute" I said before tossing him some mints I had in my pocket.

"Here eat up. I have to go meet up with Suzy. So you won't be eating until later" I said. And Joohyuk scoffed.

"Your crazy! Leave Suzy alone!" He yelled.

"Do you ever get tired of yelling? Aigoo so noisy" I said before walking to the door and shutting it back. Joohyuks yells could be heard through out my home. Until I shut my sound proof door.

Then all you could hear was silence.

"Thats more like it"


Suzy and I were sitting across from each other. I took her to this nice ramen shop not too far away from where she lived. And she was telling me all about her 'dream'.

But with me knowing about his cheating. It was nothing new.

"Its crazy isn't it?" Suzy asked. And I nodded.

"Yeah it is. I don't know what to say" I said acting puzzled.

"Do you think it was a dream? Or a memory" she asked.

"Thats something for you to decide. Has Sehun been acting weird?" I asked knowing that he has. That piece of fruit tells me everything.

Suzy looked off into the distance. Before she gasped, cupped her face and nodded.

"Ne. There was something he kept trying to tell me but didnt. I think my dream was real" Suzy said getting teary eyed. And I scooted next to her. And embraced her in a hug.

"Mianhae Suzy. I didn't want you to find out like this.

"You knew?" She asked looking at me. And I nodded.

"I can't even be mad at you Yixing. You were being a good friend" Suzy said before laying back against my chest.

It was quiet while Suzy sobbed. Until I thought of the perfect place to bring her. Its the second phase of my plan.

"Since I'm being truthful. Suzy there's something else you need to know" I said. And she looked at me.


"Come on. Let me show you"

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