Voices of the Heart

By StingLikeABumblebee

4.3K 313 130

Barricade is gone, and Alyssa is safe... At least, that's what everyone thought. Megatron and his Decepticons... More

A New Friend
Royal Problems
Leave it all in the Past
Angry Disagreements
Keeping Her Safe
Two Queens
Homecoming Horrors
There Is No Difference
Restarting... Maybe
New Friends... Kinda
Not Again
Say What?
The Lennox Family
Dinobots and Wreckers
Broken Love


189 16 2
By StingLikeABumblebee

"Alyssa," I heard Destinee coax. "It's time to wake up."

"Idontwannawakeup..." I mumbled tiredly.

"C'mon, Lyss. Up and at 'em!"


"Fine. You asked for this!"


I screamed before jumping out of the bed. "What the hell!!!"

"Morning, Sleeping Beauty," Destinee chuckled before tossing the airhorn aside. "Now get ready. We don't wanna be late!"

I groaned, but got out of the bed. The moment I stood up, I was hit in the face by what seemed to be clothes. The impact caught me off guard, causing me to fall on my butt. Destinee laughed and helped me back up. I frowned at her, but she only laughed harder.

"Did anyone ever tell you how cute you look when you're mad?" She teased.

"I think your boyfriend mentioned it once."

Destinee rolled her eyes. "Well played."

"Are you girls ready yet?!"

"In a sec, dad!" Destinee called as we checked our reflections in the mirror. Destinee's outfit consisted of a black off-shoulder shirt, high-waist denim shorts, and open-toe black wedges. Dark rose lipstick, dark eyeshadow, and a loose braid completed her look.

I, on the other hand, was wearing a sleeveless black tank top, a short denim vest, a pair of skinny jeans, and black flats. My look was completed with semi-sweet chocolate eyeshadow, strawberry flavored lipgloss, and a side braid.

"Today, ladies!"

"We're coming!"

"Well, you girls took your sweet time," Shane teased as we came downstairs.

"Well, Lyss wanted to look nice," Destinee teased as she gave me a gentle nudge.

"So did you!" I shot back playfully. Destinee just laughed before taking one of the breakfast burritos Shane had made us.

"Are you excited, Mr. Shane?" I asked politely as I took one for myself.

"Oh, you bet!" Shane laughed. "I can't wait for you to meet my pals back at base."

"I'm not sure that's a good idea, dad," Destinee said unsurely. "The Wreckers aren't really the friendliest bunch."

"Who are the Wreckers?"

"They're an elite group of Autobits that take on the missions no one else will," Destinee explained. "They're kinda like a Commando Unite. Be careful around them, though. They're trigger happy, rude, and have the worst temper in the galaxy."

"So, they're like a small army of Ironhides?" I mused.

"Sure, if Ironhide was an asshole," Destinee huffed. "But I think he was one of the the first original Wreckers."

I smirked a bit. That would explain a lot.

"My dad was the only human they tolerated," Destinee continued. "Actually, that's how he met Crosshairs."

"Crosshairs was a Wrecker, too?" Now that I thought about it, the new information wasn't much of a surprise.

"Yup," Shane said. "The Wreckers may act like a bunch of tough brutes, but they're nice once you get to know them."

"Nice isn't a word I would use," Destinee muttered before turning to me. "Trust me, just stay away from them. You'll be lucky if you never have to meet them."


"Okay~We're here."

I frowned in confusion as we drove towards an old, abandoned hospital. I would have doubted that this was a base of any sort had it not been for the soldiers guarding the entire area. Still, I had to be honest; I was expecting something a bit more impressive.

"Wow. This is... Not what I was expecting," I admitted.

"Wait for it..."

I watched as the gates opened, allowing Bumblebee and the other Autobots to enter a long tunnel. When we came out the other side, we were inside a huge hanger. I got out as Bumblebee and the others transformed, observing the hanger. It was twice as big as the base's main hanger, and much more equipped: helicopters, planes, jets, military grade computers, walkways, and much more.

"I take back what I said before," I muttered in awe. "This place is awesome."

"Well that's good to hear," a voice said from behind me. I spun around to find myself face to face with a soldier who appeared to be in his mid thirties. I felt myself blush when I noticed how handsome he was. He had a dark shade of sandy brown that stuck up straight, and a light amount of scruff on his face. His light brown eyes seemed to sparkle against his fair skin. He was clothed head to toe in black military clothing, making him even more dashing.

"And who might you be?"

"This is Alyssa Parker," Optimus said to the soldier. "Alyssa, this is Colonel William Lennox, one of our most trusted human allies."

"So you're Alyssa? It's nice to finally meet you," Lennox said with a warm smile as he shook my hand. His hold was firm, but gentle. "Welcome to N.E.S.T."

"Thank you, sir," I said politely. He just laughed.

"No need to be formal. Just call me Will, or Lennox. Whatever works for you."

"Yes, Mr. Lennox."

Lennox just chuckled before turning to the Autobots. "It's great to see you all again. But I'm guessing you didn't drop by for a friendly visit."

"You are correct, Colonel," Optimus confirmed. "Am I correct in assuming that Galloway will be here soon?"

"He's here right now, actually," Lennox said in distaste. "He arrived just before you did."

"That's what I was afraid of," Optimus muttered before looking down at me. "Remain here until we return."

"I'm not coming?" I asked

"Galloway is someone I would rather not have you meet," Optimus told me. "Do not leave this room until we come to retrieve you."

I sighed as everyone else followed Lennox down the hall. Bumblebee glanced back at me and gave me a soft smile before disappearing around the corner. I groaned as I sat in the floor bored out of my mind. I wished I was at least allowed to explore the base. I wanted to see what else was in the base, and maybe bump into one of the Autobots here.

I could feel my curiosity getting the better of me as I counted the seconds. After I reached a minute, I got up and headed down the hall. What Optimus didn't know wouldn't hurt him, or me.

I stopped short as rounded a corner, entering another room. Just a few feet away from me was a sleeping metal T-rex. The only difference between this T-rex and an actual T-rex was that it was made of metal and was much, much bigger. It was even bigger than Optimus.

The T-rex stirred a bit before opening its ruby red optics and staring at me. Without a second thought, I turned around and bolted out of the room. I didn't make it far before I ran smack into something hard and metal.

"What the--?!"

Well, looks like I bumped into an Autobot. The last thing I heard before fainting was a deafening roar.

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