Caught in a Strider's Web (Di...

Od its-a-secret-ha

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(Jake's POV) "Dirk Strider! He's an interesting fellow..." I whispered keeping my eyes glued on the anime gla... Více

Not that hungry anymore...
Friggin' Kidding me!
Image in My Mind!
Chemistry X 2
Who's Readable Now
Close Call
It's all Fun and Games
It's okay, maybe not
The Weekend Ends
Forgotten Little Things
Self Destructing
On Hiatus

No Regrets

1.8K 53 70
Od its-a-secret-ha

I felt overwhelmed with happiness. Those four words he spoke had my heart jumping out of my chest. He leaned down to me and kissed me, and I felt like this was perfect. I was meant to be with him no matter what the doubts in the back of my mind thought. The only thing I could focus on at the moment was how heated our kiss was. The hot sensation as our tongues slid against each other, and how his hands slid down my sides to grip at my hips. My cheeks were flushed and heated as we only took less then a second to gasp for air before connecting our ever so hungry lips again. I found my arms hooked around the back of his neck to pull him closer, so that there was barely any space left between us.

I could feel my body quivering with anticipation. I moved my legs so I can wrap them around Dirk's waist. I could feel my arousal growing, and the proof was the sudden tightness in my pants. Dirk pulls back from our heated make out leaving me looking up at him flushed and dazed. He smirked making me swallow nervously. "Want to continue this in my bed?" he asked. Every word he drew out had my head spinning. I almost didn't respond. My head was clouded with lust and my body was making me react different. I nodded quickly and in one swift movement he picked me up and led us to the direction of his room.

My heart was pounding uncontrollably. He placed me on the bed and I watched as he crawled on top of me. I still couldn't find my voice to speak. All my mind was telling me is that I want him and that I need him now. I wanted to reach up and pull him down, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. His eyes were filled with desire, and I so badly wanted him to keep me like this forever. Dirk leaned down and began nibbling on my neck. He let his hips lower and slowly grind against mine. I let out a shivery breath trying all my might to prevent myself from moaning out loud. "F-Frick..." I let roll off my tongue. Dirk was quite excited as well and the friction he did against my growing erection made me let out a small moan. I gasped and quickly covered my mouth with my hands. Dirk stared down at me with a satisfied smile on his face. I could practically hear my heart pounding in my chest. I slightly wonder if Dirk heard it also.

He took my wrists in his hands and pinned them to my sides. "I want to hear every moan, squeak, and sound you make English." He said lowly. I was captivated by his beautiful stare and my jaw dropped in complete awe. Dirk lowered his head and kissed me with so much force I could barely breathe. Our lips melted into one another's and our tongues fought for dominance. I so badly wanted to grab at his hair and add even more force onto our connected mouths. Dirk rolled down his hips but more forcefully. The friction rubbed roughly against my erection making me arch my back and letting out a throaty moan. "I want to hear more..." Dirk whispered. He began kissing at my neck.

"S-Strider!" I squeaked as he bit at my neck. He released my hands and I instantly entwined my fingers in his blonde hair. Dirk ran his hands up my shirt making me shiver with delight. It took a second as I quickly discarded my shirts and we continued where we left off. With my upper body bare I shivered. Dirk began swirling his tongue along my chest in swirls. I bit my lip and nervously slipped my hands up his shirt. I let my hands rub into his hot skin as I tilted my head back in pleasure.

Dirk flicked his tongue over my nipple which made my breath hitch. I stared down at him surprised. I felt as his teeth softly nibbled at it and with his other hand he rubbed at my other. It felt oddly weird to be honest, but in a good way. "Dir-Strider! Golly!" I felt a mess. My breathing was now uneven and my head was all fuzzy. I never felt like this before, and ooh I'll tell you.. it feels so good. I could feel his tongue trail down my stomach then stop. I stared up at Dirk a confused heated mess. His eyes melted into mine as I watched his tongue swipe over his lips. My heart pounded so fast I thought I might die. I took my hands out of his shirt and quickly wrapped them around the back of his neck. I pulled him down and connected our lips once again. All I wanted at this very moment was Dirk. I didn't care about anything else, I was infected by his aroma. I was clouded with my arousal.

Dirk separated from our kiss and began attacking my neck. My eyes were half lidded and I let my fingers twirl in his ever so soft hair. His hand, his hands trailed down and he gripped at my- butt.. I let out a yelp of surprised then let my cheeks heat up again. I liked that... The thing about Dirk is that he keeps making me learn new things about myself... Well this whole experience is new to me, but it's a good one. I wanted more of Dirk, I find it quite unfair I'm the only one shirtless here. I put my hands on the sides of his shirt and began tugging it upwards for him to get the memo.

He sat up and gave me a smirk. He knew what I wanted. He began to pull up his shirt and quickly discarded it to the side. I felt my throat go dry. He snickered and let his hands grab the zipper of my pants. I watched as he unzipped them and tugged them down. My face was hot and flushed. "Strider, I-"

The door swung open cutting me off short. "BRO! Where is my-" Dave's eyes widened with an expression of horror. "Come on!" He yelled before shielding his eyes. I began to panick, and quickly shoved Dirk off of me. My face was red with embarrassment. My heart was racing.

Dirk gave me a weird look and turned back to Dave. "What do you want?" He asked in an unpleasant way. I quickly grabbed my shirts from the floor and pulled them on.

"Ugh, never mind. Just please go over to his house if you want to fuck." Dave left mumbling other inaudible things under his breath as he slammed the door. Dirk rolled his eyes as I sat down on the edge of his bed. My hands gripped onto the sheets as I sat there awkwardly. I kept my eyes glued onto my lap, which embarrassingly was still a little aroused. What do I do... I felt a soft pair of lips kiss my neck. I shivered in a good way.

"You're so adorable," he whispered against my neck. I narrowed my eyes and looked at him. My words got caught in my throat by his stare. Filled with unknown emotion. "Are you still aroused?" He asked me with a soft chuckle. I didn't want to respond. I bit my lip and looked the other way awkwardly.

"Y- Sort of-" Dirk pulled me in for a short kiss then pushed me back against the bed. My heart hammered in my chest. "Strider! Your brother!" I whispered shouted. I felt very scared.

Dirk kissed my neck again making me let out a quiet moan. "Then don't be loud." I hitched my breath as he began feeling his hands up my shirt.

- [; -

I woke up around six am. Dirk was still sleeping beside me, and I found myself feeling strange. My head flooded with memories of the night before. My cheeks instantly lit up and my heart hammered awkwardly in my chest. Oh my... I felt around until I found my glasses on his nightstand. I placed them on my face and sat up with difficulty. Dirk had his arm wrapped around my waist. I slowly removed his arm and then stood up.

"Ah!" I yelped in pain. I quickly covered my mouth and looked back at Dirk. He turned the opposite way in the bed and pulled the covers over his head. I sighed with relief and found my clothes on the ground. I frowned with worry to see them all... Dirty. I hesitated a bit then slowly and painfully walked over to his dresser.

I opened the drawers and pulled out a pair of Dirk's lose shorts and a shirt that hung off my thin frame. I was so close out his door before turning back and leaving him a note. I then quickly retreated and shut his door soundly. I sighed with relief.

"What's wrong? Feeling regretful?" Dave asked aloud making me jump and turn around.

"Um.. What?" I asked embarrassingly confused. Dave shrugged his shoulders and began walking towards the living room, so I followed. I tried to find a excuse then remembered something. "Uh! No actually... Heh.. Why would I? I just have... To leave early because I have plans..." I said awkwardly.

Dave stopped then stared at me before hopping onto the couch. "Whatever, I don't care. I hope you have a nice walk." He snorted. I frowned and rubbed my arms. He seems a bit rude more than usual today...
"Alright... Well I'm off. Have a nice day!" I said cheerily putting on my shoes and heading for the door. I didn't get a response, but I left anyways feeling very confused.

It did take a while to get to my house, a long painful thirty minutes that is. When I entered Jade was home with her friend Rose. "Jake! Hey, I hope you don't mind that I brought them here for today." Jade greeted. I shook my head and waved at Rose. Rose waved back and continue to write in a journal. Jade was about to say something else until Roxy entered into my living room.

"Hey guys, I just used all your-" She stopped when she saw me and her jaw dropped. She eyed me down hard. "Oh mi gosh! Jakey! Is that Dirk's clothes!?" She asked loudly. I widened my eyes and froze. They all were looking at me.

"Yeah, I was going to ask who's clothes were you wearing too." Jade pointed out. I smiled awkwardly and began walking past them.

"I- We just had a sleepover.. And my clothes got a little dirty and so I borrowed-" as I passed by Roxy she whispered in my ear.

"Nice hickeys..." My face turned red again and I quickly walked faster. I ran into my room and shut the door. My heart was racing and now I couldn't get last night out of my head.

They way Dirk's lips pressed against my skin, they way he kissed me, and the way he could make me feel anything like that. The way our skin felt against each other... How our hearts felt like they were synchronized in beat. How he could make me shudder or make me breathless.

I layed down in bed feeling my body heat up again as if it were replaying the events of what happened last night. I covered my face with my pillow.

"I love you"

I can't believe he said that to me... I I responded with the same. How could I say I love him when I just discovered I liked him? How could I fall in love with Dirk Strider? I sighed and turned the other way. Sleep tugged at my eyes, so I gave in.

- O: -

"Jake!" I sat up quickly then regretted the action. A sore feeling stabbed at my waist. I looked at Jade who was in my door way. She looked slightly irritated and I wondered why.

"W-What is it Jade?" I asked yawning. I felt like absolute crap. She gave me a pouted look.

"Jake English! Do you know it's five thirty?" She reminded. I stared at her blankly. She rolled her eyes and pushed up her glasses. "Jane will be here at 6?" She asked slowly.

I widened my eyes and jumped out of bed. Forgetting all of my body aches, I ran to my dresser. "OH MY GOD! How could I have forgotten!!!???" I yelled. I kept digging in my dresser for something nice to wear. Jade cleared her throat and I looked over at her worried.

"Your shower is already started and I have a pair of nice clothes put out on the toilet for you." She stated. I smile real wide and ran to her. I picked her up in a big bear hug.

"Thank you so much! Your the best cousin ever!" I cheered twirling her. She giggled and smiled back.

"I'm your only cousin-" she trailed off and I put her down. She squinted at me. "Are those hickeys?" She asked me. My smile froze on my face. Oh frick!

"Um... No?" I replied. How smooth... That sounded real convincing English. Jade stood on her tippy toes to get a better look, but I moved and began making my way towards the bathroom. "Once again thanks!!" I said. I quickly got into the bathroom and tried to get ready as soon as possible. It didn't take me long, but only a 30 minute wash. I felt in a huge rush, and I accidentally got side tracked in my thoughts when I was in the shower.

Once I was out, I quickly put on the nice outfit Jade had for me which was a black and grey plaid shirt with black dress pants. I combed my hair in the mirror and smiled. "Jake, are you done?" Jade asked as she knocked on the door. I jumped and dropped the comb. I bent down to pick it up.

"Yeah, come in-" I went to get up and hit my head against the sink. "Ow!" I yelped. Jade walked in and shook her head. I looked at her helplessly. She sighed and walked over to me. I slouched a little so she could reach me.

"Jake, lemme fix-" She straightened out my shirt then took my comb. "and fix this..." She combed my hair better than before. "There." She sighed. She stood back and I straightened out my back. I noticed that her eyes held a bit of sorrow. I sat down on the toilet seat and tilted my head.

"Jade... What's wrong?" I asked. She flinched a little then smiled wide.

"Jake, it's nothing..." She awkwardly giggled. I frowned and squinted my eyes suspiciously at her. "Now!" She changed the subject. "I'm not gonna be nosey, but I'm not stupid. I'm going to put make up on your hickeys to cover it up." She stated going over to the cabinet. I widened my eyes and chuckled awkwardly.

"Um... Yeah, please and thank you." My face began to heat up. Jade took her time and placed some make up on my hickeys that matched my skin tone. Once she was done we headed out to the living room and I froze when I saw Roxy passed out on my couch. "Jade... What happened?" I asked. Rose popped up from the other couch.

"Well you see my older sibling here decided to drink-" Rose was interrupted by a beep from outside. I gave them a weird look. Jade began pushing me towards the door.

"Jade-" I tried to protest. She shook her head.

"I can handle it! You go and have fun with your last day." Jade opened the door and pushed me out. I turned around confused. She stood there about to shut the door with the sad expression on her face.

"Last day? Jade what do you mean?" I asked softly. She just shook her head and slowly shut the door. I was about to walk in until my best friend called my name.

"Jakee! Come on, were gonna be late!" Jane called me. I turned around and my jaw almost dropped. Jane was on her way walking towards me. She had on this light blue sparkly dress and nice heels. She was absolutely stunning! I walked towards her and bowed politely.

"Jane! Wowza, you sure do look beautiful today." I smiled. Jane giggled and swatted my stance away. She hooked her arm with mine and we began to walk to the car.

"Thanks Jake!" She smiled and looked away. "I made a dinner reservation before the movie..." She looked back at me and her eyes beamed. "Today will be... A great memory." She stated. I smiled and nodded.

"Alright, every day with you is a great memory. And with that there'll be many more! So what's the big occasion for? I know it's not just because I'm your best friend." I chuckled as she smiled. However I couldn't help but feel that her smile felt strained.

Jane unhooked our arms so she can get into the drivers side. "I have a lot to say, but after the movie okay. So it lasts." I nodded and got in the car. During the car ride we talked about how great this year was. Talking about her and my memories together. Also when we first became friends.

At the dinner I couldn't help, but watch Jane talk about us. She was so enthusiastic about our friendship and remembers our memories more vividly than me! She is such an important role and person in my life. I definitely wouldn't be where I am today with out her.

Her smile is perfect, her laugh is amazing, and her friendship is so special, so dear to me. After dinner we went to the movie and had the time of our lives! I was so happy and we both were enjoying ourselves fully. Definitely one of my favorite days of ours. After the movie Jane started driving me home, but she past my house by a couple blocks and parked. I was a bit confused.

"Jane? You passed my house a bit there..." I stated. I watched as a sad smile spread across her face. Did something happen today that I missed? Jane shook her head and took out her keys.

"Let's just walk and talk you back to your house like we love to do..." She stated. I nodded and began to get out the car. The fresh air made me sigh happily and stretch. My body quickly ached in pain and I hissed with annoyance. I heard Jane giggle from behind me, and I smiled from her presence. She was even more beautiful with the moonlight on her.

"Let's go shall we?" I said extending my arm. She smiled brightly and hooked our arms together. We began walking at a slow pace. "So... There was something you wanted to tell me?" I asked obliviously. Jane smiled and looked off into the night sky. She hummed a little being beautiful as always.

"Remember that time I was crying because I was all alone..." She asked softly. I nodded and let her continue. She sighed softly. "Then a very nice and funny boy came to me and asked if I wanted to have lunch." I smiled.

"Yes, Jane. I do... And that particular boy made you smile more brighter than all the starts in the universe combined," I added. I especially remember this.

Jane leaned her head against my arm as we walked. The night suddenly got a bit chillier. She continued with the story. "Then we became a big part of each other's lives and... We became the bestest of friends!" She explained and giggled. I chuckled with her. I nudged her a little.

"Come on, that's never gonna change Jane. I'll always be here for you." I smiled. We stopped in front of my house, and it felt like the atmosphere stopped too. Jane looked up at me and my smile dropped. There were tears welling up in her eyes. "Jane?" I asked softly.

She sniffle and wiped her eyes with a weak smile plastered onto her face. "Jake, you're my best friend and I'm always going to love you!" She tried not to cry. I could feel my chest go heavy. I didn't understand what was going on. I felt like I was losing something.

"Jane, you're acting like you're never going to see me again. What's wrong? I- I don't understand..." My heart began to pound. Jane took a deep breath and just let her tears fall. She looked up at me... Her eyes glistening. And her next words made my soul drop.

"I'm moving Jake." Her lips quivered trying to hold back her sobs. My eyes began to feel wet. She took a step forward and hugged onto me tight. It took a second before the words settled into my brain. I finally hugged her back but tighter as she cried and cried. I stood there with my hands gripping onto her clothes as I painfully heard her cry. My tears were held back but begging to be released.

After a while when Jane's cries slowed she began to talk again into my chest. I had to strain my ears to hear her muffled voice. "My flight is in a few hours... And since today was also the movie I wanted to spend my last day with you..." She lifted her head and looked at me with such a sad smile. "I love you Jake..." She leaned onto her tippy toes and kissed my cheek. I was speechless... and my heart ached.. "I have to go..." She forced out sadly. No... She slipped away from me and began to walk back to her car. Please... I watched as she kept going. Please don't go.. I began walking slowly in her direction. Please... No!

"Jane!" I shouted. I ran towards her as fast as I could. She turned around surprised. I quickly scooped her up in my arms and spun us around. "Jane! I'll miss you so much!" I put her down and a tear fell from her eye. I wiped it away slowly and smiled at her. A small smile formed at her lips. "Please... Have a safe flight..." Stay... Jane smiled at me and we hugged one last time. She waved goodbye and carried on towards her car. I watched her go before walking back to my house.

That night I never felt so sad. One of the first nights in a long time that I cried myself to sleep, and I fear it won't be my last.

Whoooooooo!!! So happy I got this done. I tell ya it's hard to type with long nails. Anyways about that summary. Well imma do that in an edit with the first no regrets update info chapter after I get rested. Well hope ya enjoy and idk when the next chapter will be released but I hope soon!

Ya better be greatful, I put off my speech and studying time for this lmao

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