Lost in Dreams

By Kasey_Burdin

242 0 0

A girl, Cloe, is lost in what is right and wrong, or how to make reasonable decisions. When a friend turns in... More

Chapter one: Dreams
Chapter two: "Extra help"
Chapter three: Him
Chapter four: Staying the Night
Chapter Five: The Movie
Chapter six: My Fault
Chapter seven: Comfort
Chapter eight: Our Little Get Away
Chapter nine: The Unexpected
Chapter ten: My Muffin
Chapter eleven: Hospital Perv
Chapter twelve: Old Friend
Chapter thirteen: Painted Smile
Chapter fourteen: Worthless
Chapter fifteen: Bloody Nose
Chapter sixteen: Sober Cousin
Chapter seventeen: Arguments
Chapter eighteen: Temporary Home
Chapter twenty: Messy Relative
Chapter twenty one: Music feelings
Chapter twenty two: The "Maid"
Chapter twenty three: High Nurse?
Chapter Twenty four: Blood Trail
Chapter twenty five: Silence
Chapter twenty six: Home
Chapter twenty seven: Confident Reflection

Chapter nineteen: Mapping out a Plan

6 0 0
By Kasey_Burdin

    Happy new year!

The pounding of drums, the chaos of people running, searching and scattering. They all hide, shaking in fear, they weren't normal, they were pale, very pale, they had grey hair, bloodshot eyes and ripped clothes. I stood right in the middle of the room, confused.
"Well well well, look what the dogs pulled in, CRAP. She's worthless, just like the rest of you." A booming voice entered from behind me. I turned only to see a black figure towering over me.
"You, look like the rest of them." It hissed, pointed at everyone around.
"Sir, we tried very hard to get the right one we are sorry." A little voice squeaked from my side.
"SHE IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH." It's voice shook the floor. "It makes me wonder why she is still alive. Why are you?" It leaned down, eye to eye with me.
"B-because I believe in myself." Mumbling I didn't know what to expect now. It just laughed and stood up.
"Silly, everyone thinks your ugly. Worthless, stupid, fat. When will you understand? You have a boy friend, correct?" I just nodded.
"He doesn't like you, James yes, he feels bad, so he just, tries to act like loves you. There's this, other girl, he's after." It smiled, I didn't believe I couldn't.
"Well goodbye for now Cloe."

Moaning, I lifted my head to see James still in bed but, not sleeping. I was also in the bed but, we had our distance.
"Well good morning." Smiling he kissed my head.
"G-good morning." Rubbing my eyes I lifted the sheets off my legs, there was a scratch.
"Earlier, you were asleep, then fell out of your chair while screaming. What were you dreaming about?" He didn't seem to be concerned, which surprised me.
"Uhm, I don't remember." Which was a lie but, I didn't want to talk about it.
"Oh, okay." He jumped out of bed heading over to the open closet.
"Might as well get ready, we can go have some breakfast, they are serving downstairs." Pulling out a nice blue shirt and blue jeans he jogged over to the bathroom and shut the door. I don't  really feel like eating but, I'll go with.
     Not to many people were here but, enough to make me uncomfortable.
"Cloe I'm going to go get food, you coming?" James waited for my answer.
"No I'm going to finish my coffee first." I'm smiled, waving him off. He ran right over like a little kid on Christmas Day. So excited to see food.
There was a hand gripping my shoulder.
"Don't fucking scream, just come with me." Someone growled from behind me. Turning around I saw Sophia.
"Sophia." I sighed with relief.
"Hurry. Cloe hurry." She quickly tugged on my arm pulled me off to a door on the other side of the room. Shoving me into the room she quietly shut the door behind her.
"Cloe that guy that was following you. That's why you're here right?" She put her hand on my shoulder, attempting to comfort me.
"Yes, how do you know about this?" Honestly how she knew was beyond me.
"My mother is a dispatcher." She smirked,"And my father is a cop." Biting her lip she walked over to a desk that had papers scattered all over it.
"Sophia you don't have to get involved in this." I was worried they would hurt her too.
"I don't have to but, I want to." Smiling she pointed to a small sketched map on the desk.
"Where is that?" It looked the center of this town but, I wasn't sure.
"The center of town. We think they are camping out over here, near the bridge. Or by the park. They'll wait for their little spy to give them the signal saying you are out of here. What we'll do, is practically use you as bait. You'll go out but, we'll have spy's right up your butt. You won't be hurt I promise. You will also have a weapon, hidden and you will be trained to use it right here." Standing up she pointed to a glass window that you could see a small shooting range through.
"So we won't get killed?" What if they had weapons, of course they did.
"We won't. We have the police department, and a few heavily armed civilians. Also known as you, a few friends and I." She smiled, shit was going down.
"Alright so when do we start?" I swayed on my feet, tired.
"Today." She smirked.
"Shit! I forgot about James!" Running for the door I whipped it open and sprinted to the table. He wasn't there, I looked up, to see him pacing back and forth.
"James!" I yelled waving my arms. People looked but, really didn't seem to care.
"Cloe!" He sprinted over grabbing me, pulling me into his arms.
"I'm so sorry." I pulled loose, somehow getting out of his bear hug.
"It's okay, are you okay?" He panted, brushing the hair out of my face.
"Yes I'm fine." I smiled, I loved how he cared. He really did care. The thoughts won't win me over. They can't, I hope they never do.
"Good, let's go back, we can watch tv or a movie or something." Grabbing his plate he pulled me over to the trash.
"James look, it's me!" I pointed to the trash can jumping up and down.
"Oh you did it this time." Picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder we headed towards the room.

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