Only Time Could Tell

By Please_Trust_Me

8.3K 176 72

Cassie Marrow has a tragic past. She had to live her cousin when her family left her. But she didn't know her... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chpater 3
Chapter 4
chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapeter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Authour's note
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
please take note

Chapter 32

158 4 1
By Please_Trust_Me

I woke up and looked around for Niall in the bed but he wasn't there. I rolled over unto my back and looked up at the ceiling and went in thought.

Today was now Thursday. Niall and the boys leave on Friday. Which is tomorrow. I don't know what time they leave , just that they are leaving. I felt my emotions change as I thought about them leaving. Last time they left I almost lost my Niall. What if that happens again. I don't think I can handle the boys leaving. They have only been here for like 3 months, and they are already leaving.

I already miss the boys. I haven't seen them i like 2 days. How am I going to be able to handle them leaving for almost an entire year? I also found out that Macy is moving to the States. She got a call about a week ago for an acting job. And it was going to pay really well so she took the job and she leaves in 2 weeks. And Gemma was going off the school. Auntie Anne was always at work. And since the boys were leaving for tour that means Josh is leaving too. El and Dani are going with the boys for about 2 months of the tour then returning back home. But that is 2 whole months without them. I was going to be left all by my self for like 2 months. And i wouldn't see my boys for almost a year. Can someone say Forever Alone any louder.

I knew there was Skype, facetime, and all those things. But it just isn't the same. I thought I had an entire month left with the boys, but I only have one day. I couldn't help but let a tear or two escape my eyes and slide down my cheeks. if I am crying just thinking about the boys leaving, I am going to be a mess when the actually leaving.

What if something happens, and I wont ever see them again?

What if they forget about me?

What if Niall meets another girl?

What if when Niall comes back, he wont love me anymore?

What if they come back and ignore me?

What if they get attacked me hungry dinosaurs and they die?

What if an giant asteroid hits Earth and only kills them?

What if they run out of food? Niall would die!

Okay, I am getting a little crazy. Some of those 'what ifs' would never happen. But some of them actually might. Like them forgetting me and Niall not loving me anymore. I started to heavily breathe and sweat. What if he didn't Love me anymore? My heart would be crushed. I don't think I would live like that. I needed Niall. He was apart of me. I loved him.

What if Harry forgot about me, I would die. Harry is practically my brother. I grew up with him. I know anything ad everything about him. He helped my through my parents and sisters death. When ever I was bullied at school for something he would tell the bullies off. When i was younger, Harry would always try to do my hair in the morning for school. And all through high school we was always protective over me. He never let me out of the house if I wasn't dressed modestly, to his liking. And when I started to date boys he would always talk to the guy and gave him the speech about not hurting me and stuff. Since he was 'the man of the house'.  When I started dating Jason, he always told me something wasn't right about him. And now I wish i would have Listened to him. The day harry found out about Jason abuseing me, he went all 'protective dad' on me. Sometimes Harry being protective can get really annoying . But sometimes I am thankful that he is like that.

 What if Liam forgot about me? I loved Him so much. He was so protective of me. He was the one who helped the boys see that I needed to grow up. He helped me get out of the house. Liam understood me from the start. he was pissed when he heard about Jason. And when ever the fans or paps would give me hate or attack me, he would be right there for me, to pick me back up. He always tried to make sure I was happy.

What if Louis forgot about me? Louis always so happy and cheerful. when ever I was upset or sick or something he would be right there to cheer me up and try to put a smile on my face. I would miss his childish ways. Louis was like the other me. We both were childish and hyper. I remember one time when me and him pulled a prank on Harry. We almost made Harry wet himself!

 I smiled as the memory came back form that day. I wiped a tear away from my cheeks.

What if Zayn forgot about me? Zayn was actually my first real boyfriend. Before him I only had one or two dates with a guy, but nothing serious like what I had with Zayn. Me and him only dated for maybe a month but then we just felt like it was wrong. Like, someone was telling us we should just be friends. Ever since then me and Zayn have been so close.  Zayn was almost my first time, the one I would give my virginity too. But I am not going to go into that story right now. Zayn was always there for me and I was always there for him. 

What if...What is Niall forgot about me?

Tears fell from me eyes even faster then before. Soon I was sobbing my eyes out. I rolled over so that I was lying on my stomach and my face buried into the pillows. My sobs grew louder and harder.

Cassie? You alright- ahh Love." someone said, but I don't know who. I buried my head deeper into the pillows as I felt the bed dip down, as someone sat down next to me. They started to rub small circles into my back trying to get me to calm down, but i just cried even harder.

"Love, come here." I heard the mystery person say right before they pulled me up from the covers and pulled me into there arms and placed me in their lap. I put my head on their chest and let the tears fall. Then all the 'what ifs' flashed back into my thoughts. I cried harder and buried my head into their chest. I took in the person scent and I instantly knew who was holding me.

"Z-Zayn.....W-what....if y-you g-guys......f-forget...a-about m-me?"  managed to get out between sobs before I cried even harder then I already was. 

Zayn stroked me hair trying to get me to calm down and relax, but it was no use.

"Cassie Jane Marrow. I would never forget you. And neither would the boys. Even if they tried. No one could ever forget you. You are unforgettable. You have a smile that can be seen form miles away. And your laugh, it is better then my voice." He said then you both let out a laugh.

"See!! There is that smile I was talking about!  Oh and your personality. You have so much sass, I think you can beat Lou in a sassy war. And you are very strong. You have been through so much shit in your life , and you are still here. You lost complete usage of your legs and they said you would never be able to walk again. And you told them wrong. You went through a freaken car windshield, and you survived. Cassie, I could never forget you. And I would never want to forget you." Zayn lifted my chin with his fingers and wiped me tears away, which seemed to have stopped. He looked at me in the eye and continued to talk. "Cassie, I will never forget you. I cant. You were my first love. I can never forget you. "

I felt a single tear escape my eye and Zayn wiped it away with his hand. His other hand was still on my chin, forcing me to look at him in the eyes. I saw a tear fall from his eye. I never seen cry before. And here he was, in front of me crying. I lifted my hand and wiped the tear from his cheeks with my thumb.  Zayn gave me a look that I have seen before. i have given him the same look before. I knew what it meant.

"Zayn, we made the right choice. I promise." I said and wiped another tear from his face. I held out my pinky and he wrapped his around mine sealing the pinky promise.

"I know we did. It's just. Never mind." He said then wiped his face with the back of his hand.

"Z, you can tell me anything." I said with a sigh. I moment of silence came by us then he broke it with a sigh.

"Cass, I still love you. And when i say that I mean, that I still have feelings for you and I regret us breaking up." 

I opened my mouth to say something but I was cut off by the bedroom door opening showing a concerned  Niall. I didn't pull away from Zayn and he didn't either, I just stayed quite. 

"I came in to tell her breakfast was ready and she was crying. But she has calmed down some." Zayn said half lying.  I got up from Zayn's lap and walked over to Niall.

I wrapped my arms around his torso and gave him a hug. He was taken aback at first but then wrapped his arms around my lower waist. I buried my face into the curve of his neck, as he pulled me closer to him. I heard Zayn sigh and walk out of the room.

"Niall?" I said but it came out a mumble since my face buried into Niall's neck.

"Yes, Love?" he whispered so softly that it sent shivers down my back. I let out a sniffle and started to talk.

"Niall, please don't ever forget me. Please?" I let go of him and looked up at him in the eyes.

"I promise that I will never forget you Cassie Jane Marrow." he said then pulled me back into a hug. We stayed just like that for a few minutes then Niall gave me a kiss on top of my head and pulled out of your embrace. 

"Come on babe. Breakfast is ready and everyone is here." He walked over to his drawer and pulled out a t-shirt and threw it at  me. And when he did I realized that I was only wearing a sports bra. I gave him a smile and mouthed 'thank you' to him and slipped the shirt on. he walked back towards me and laced our fingers together. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and walked out the door as I followed after him. I let go of his hand and jumped onto him back and wrapped my legs around his waist.

"Carry me." I wined, then he wrapped his arms around my thighs to hold me up so i wouldn't fall then he started down the stairs.

"You're luck I love you." he said as he reached the bottom of the stair case.

I leaned over his shoulder a little bit and kissed his cheek. "I love you too, Nialler." i said then rested my head on his shoulder. I thought he was headed to the kitchen but he turned down the small hall and went into the laundry room. He sat me down on the washing machine and walked back to the door and shut it then walked back to him with a smirk on his face. He put his arms around my sides, pinning me down so that I couldn't move. Then he crashed his lips onto mine and our lips moved in sync, like they fitted each other perfectly. Then he pulled away. He pressed his forehead against mine and moved even closer to me.

"I think it is sexy when you call me Nialler." he whispered seductively into my ear making me blush a little. Then he placed his lips on my neck and kissed, quickly finding my sweet spot. I leaned my head back when we started to suck and bit the skin on my neck. I let out a small moan which made Niall suck and bit even more. He stopped then crashed out lips together again. He bit my lip causing me to gasp a little into the kiss and he took advantage of it an slipped his tongue in. Our tongues fought each other for control.

"Stop it." Niall said into the kiss. I let out a small laugh then did what he said and gave him control. I wrapped my legs around his waist. I pulled lightly at the ends of Niall's hair which made him moan a little.

"Macy! have you seen my hoodie? I think- Oh bloody hell!! Ew! My eyes!" I heard someone scream when the door swung open. Me and Niall quickly pulled away. Niall stepped to the side of me and we both looked up at Harry who was rubbing his eyes and making gaging noises.

"What the fuck you two? You know there is this thing on the door called a lock. It keeps people out when you guys are doing shit like that!" Harry said still rubbing his eyes like he was trying to get the image out of his head. I hopped off the washer machine and rolled my eyes at him. I walked towards the door as Niall followed after me. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a plate and handed one to Niall who took it from me. I put 2 pancakes, eggs, and bacon my plate and walked over to the table and sat down. i started to eat when I felt eyes on my. I looked up and saw seven pairs of eyes on me and Niall. (Liam, Louis, Zayn, Dani, El, Macy, and Josh.)

"What!?" I said but it came out with more attitude and volume then I intended it too. They all just looked at each other back at me and Niall.

"WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED?" They all said at the same time. It was kind of creepy.

"I'll tell you what happened!" Harry said as he walked back into the room still rubbing his eyes. "They were having sex in the laundry room!" Harry said.

"WE WERE NOT!" me and Niall yell back at the same time. "We were just, you know, making out." i said then looked down at my plate so they wouldn't see me blushing. I shoved a spoon full of scrambled eggs into my mouth and kept looking down. 

"You two are nasty." Harry said as he took a sip of his water.

"Oh Harry. I forgot to tell you. I ran into Taylor yesterday." he looked at me and his eyes widened. "Yeah, Taylor Swift. And, well. I gave her your new number. Your welcome." I sad back to him and took another bite of eggs.

The whole room busted into laughter and 'ohhhh' and 'burnnn' and 'she got you' 's. I gave myself a smile that was filled with accomplishment and pride. Even tho I didn't really give Taylor his number. It was still funny to see his face when I said it. 

"I-I'm going to go call management. But not because that she has my number." he said then walked out the room. We all laughed and went back to eating our food.

"So when do guys think Harry will have his new number?" Louis asked and we all laughed again.

We finished up breakfast and washed the dishes. Harry hasn't came back down yet but we could hear him talking every once and a while.

I guess while I was still sleeping, they planned out the day. We were going to go shopping for a little bit then go and everyone could pack up their things. Then we can have sometime alone. Then come back to my house at 8pm to have a movie marathon. They said they chose my house because I have a bigger kitchen the Harry's house does, so my kitchen could hold more food.

We were waiting on Harry to come back downstairs so we could leave. While we were waiting I went upstairs to take a shower.

I went up to my bathroom and turned the water on letting it heat up before I got in. I plugged my iPod into the iHome and turned the music on as loud as it could. I stripped my clothes and got into the shower. Then the song Just Give Me a Reason by Pink came on. I started to sing the song at the top of my voice.







The song finished and the next song came on. When I heard the first note I let out a small chuckle.

"YOU'RE INSECURE! DON'T KNOW WHAT FOR!" I sang then stopped and let the song finish. I shampooed and conditioned my hair then washed my body. After about a 20 minute shower I got out and wrapped the fluffy yellow towel around my body and walked into my bedroom. 

I went over to my closet and pulled out some skinny jeans and a green shirt that said 'kiss me, I'm Irish'. Zayn got it for me when they back from the tour. And it was true.  I was born in Ireland but moved to  Holmes Chapel when I was 10 years old. I slipped my clothes on and went to go do my hair. I didn't want to do anything special with it so I threw it into to a high pony tail and added a little green bow to it. I went to go pick up my makeup but a pair of arms wrapped around my waist from behind.  He leaned over my shoulder and gave me a peck on the cheek.

"You don't need that stuff. You already look beautiful without it." Niall said. I leaned my head against his chest and closed my eyes and whispered a thank you that so quite I don't think he even heard it.

"Remember when I said I like your natural hair?" He said as he gently took the bow out and let my hair out of the rubber band. My hair fell and I ran my fingers through it to make it look not so messy.  Then Niall spun my around so that we were now face to face. He looked down at my shirt then smiled. he crashed his lips onto mine and slide his hands down to my waist. The he pulled away.

"I should wear this shirt move often." I said then gave him a wink then turned back to the mirror to brush my hair out.

"I will be right back babe." he said then left the room.

He came back in about 2 minutes. I looked at him and let out a laugh. He had changed shirts and the one he was wearing made me laugh. I walked over to him and gave him a peck on the lips.

"What was that for?" He said with a cheeky smile. He knew exactly why I did that.

"Cause your shirt says 'kiss me, I'm Irish'" I said then gave him another kiss. "And last time I checked, you were Irish." I said to him.

"last time I checked, you were too." He said the pulled me to him and we crashed our lips onto each others.


Short chapter I am sorry. But it's a cute chapter!!

I need your guy's ideas on what to call the sequel!!!! So pleas e help!!!

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  Katie <3

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