Call Me Dirty Minded

Від RebelleMysteries

783K 31.6K 12.8K

Highest Rank #5 in Humour - Skye Einstein isn't your particular girl, even if she's the great grandchild of A... Більше

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1. Amazeberries
2. What to Do & What Not to Do (New Kid's List)
3. Mr. Goddess or Mr. God?
4. Hit My Humerous
5. Ass Fetish
6. Paint Me Wet
7. Drool Over the Artist
8. Call My Family Eccentric
9. Ms. Coffee & Mr Delicious Italian Teacher
10. Perks of Showering Naked
11. Suffocate in Squeezes
12. Le Butt Clutcher
13. Wet White T'shirts
14. Dirty Brownies
15. Surprises
16. Erotic Morning Voices
17. She's Excited He's Not
18. Girls Know How to Control the Balls
19. Boys in Lingerie
20. The Dirty Girl Got Me Whipped
21. My Anaconda Don't!
22. The Definition of a Real Man
23. Naughty Boys Always Have to Pay
24. Lights? Nah, Cookies and Batman!
25. The Smart, Strong, Horny, Naughty, Dirty-Minded and the Sexy
26. Sleeping Doritos
27. Beauty or the Beast
28. The Heart of Life
29. That is Zit!
30. The Fallen Angel
31. Kiss Me Slowly
32. Hello Badboy Bestfriend Awkward Hello Mr Goddess
33. You Chose the Right One
34. Cookie Thief
35. Borrowed Undies & A Road Trip
36. Dying a Virgin
37. F*ckbewb
38. C'est La Vie
39. Wicked Wolf and Little Red
40. Skye's Delicious Addiction
41. Soaked Mattresses & Mistresses
42. Entire Student Body Eating His Baked Goodies
43. Moans of Ecstasy
44. Hitting Hard Balls
45. Purchasing Diks & Dikheads
46. Upgraded Biters//Reduced Balls
47. Shrek is Loved in Cumberland
48. Wet Dreams
49. Goldilocks
50. Slipped Inside
51. Hits Runs & Regrets
52. Underneath the Erotic Fabrication Called Dustin
54. The Absent Truth
55. Dr Penny Trait
56. Buttered Her Muffin
57. Tattooed Heads
58. Twiddling Lips
59. Jiggling and Giggling
60. Oral Presentation
61. Period.
62. Fuzzy Holes
63. Jace Daddy
64. How to Cure a Hang Over

53. Dustin's Bulge

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Від RebelleMysteries

Chapter 53

Dustin's Bulge


Little Talks - Julia Sheer & Jon

Maps – Nightcore (Madilyn Bailey Cover)


My vision had gotten blurry. That or there's something over my eyes again.

My head was no longer pounding but had the familiar sting around my ear to the top of my head. The bumpy line.

I stretch out my arms yawning and grab whatever was on my face to pull it off. A bright blue pillow. Trying to lean my torso up, something on my stomach prevents it making me look down to find a sleeping Jace. It was completely dark except the silhouette of the fire seeping through.

"Jace..." I whisper, my voice groggy. My whole body was weak. A weak where it feels like you've been sleeping for a long time and can't grasp any physical strength. You're just limp and frail.

"Pssh... baby boy." I whisper again a little louder.

"Mm... mhmm." He mumbles, moving his head a little into a more comfy tummy position. "Soft baby girl, my pillow."

I smiled softly, caressing his messy bed hair. "Skye... you love me now." Jace sleepily whispers.

"Oh, I always loved you." I trail my finger down his temple to his chin.

"Yeah but... you love me completely, like how I feel for you. It makes me feel content." He opens one eye a little and smiles. Brushing his hair with my fingers, I bite my lip and smile back down at him. "Don't ever leave me... okay?" His voice turned small and both his eyes looked up at me. Grey no longer visible and just the colour green evident.

"I won't..." Leaning over I kiss his temple lightly. "oh...." I groan, wincing at the pain that suddenly spread through my head.

"Fuck... Skye." Jace quickly sits up and cupping my cheeks in his hands. "Shh baby... I'm here." He calmly says rubbing my back to soothe me.

I don't know how long I was in this position for, all I could recall was falling on his chest and whimpering at the sudden pain in my head. Then the rerun images of being hit by a car... it was clear to me now, I was hit by a car and lost memories. When? I don't know. How badly injured I became? Not sure. How long was I out from the accident? Don't remember. But I'm hoping all answers would be answered soon, I'm tired of this guessing game to only be reminded by excruciating head pains.

"Hmm.." I hum closing my eyes tightly and leaning back up. "I-I'm okay."

"No you're not baby..." Jace said softly, caressing my cheek. "You don't have to reassure me, I know you're not. I think it's time for you to know everything now..." Kissing the top of my head he scooped me up in his arms and wrapped a blanket around my frail body. Walking out of the tent, we were greeted by the dark night sky and our friends surrounding the camp fire.

They each looked up at me and gave a small comforting smile. I knew they were aware of my condition or what was wrong with me... I looked down not really knowing what to say or think. I've been out of it the past... I don't know how many days.

Sitting down, he gathered me in his arms while I laid between his legs. The heat of the fire was burning my face if I stared directly at it, yet it was somewhat comforting.

"How you feeling little one?" Jayden asks pouring the hot water from the kettle in foam cups. I looked up and grinned weakly, "Fu- flubba doodlin amazeberries Jayjay." The others chuckled lightly, all having turns to pass on a cup of tea and biscuits and cookies from the bag. Cuddling back into Jace's arms, I sip my tea when it's given to me and giggle.

"So what have I missed my fools and lovelies?"

"Clearly..." Chandler raises his hand, "I'm in the lovely category."

"Obviously you're in a separate category Chandler. You know... in the more special side." Brooklyn grins looking at him over the fire. There she was with natural frizzy curls and an over-sized white T-shirt with obvious Dorito stains. Now this Brooklyn is what I call; naturally beautiful.

Chandler was about to interject but smiled goofily, "Special. Yes, yes I am. See... I'm in an original group for Skye unlike you's... You love me Skye?"

I nod sipping my tea with wandering eyes. Everyone began laughing obviously knowing the 'Think what you like' move. Chandler didn't understand and frowned. "Skye loves me!"

"And apparently so does the boogeyman." Sammy raises his brow, his arm rested around Carolina.

Everyone caught on. The 'boogeyman' was his reason for peeing in his bed till 14, this secret is sacred however.

"... Look buddy. I have gone through a lot and its not my fault I attract the most horrendous creatures! I mean, everyone likes me. Sexy, terrifying. You see, I'm like a pizza. Everyone wants a-"

"Slice of me..." We all respond in sync.

"Yeah... see... Sex driven party animals. Sigh. But Skye, you love me right?" I look over and see him pout and throwing a Dorito in his mouth. "Of course." I smile, picking up my cookie and nibbling it.

They had updated me on quite a few things, things that weren't told but was obvious and some things that took me by surprise.

#1 Chandler and Brooklyn undoubtedly have continued to argue on the pettiest things. Her attitude has boosted but no longer in an annoying way, in a way that challenged him for the better. Throughout the storytelling they kept interjecting each other and threatening to attack the other. Sigh, children... of course you two want to attack each other.

Jace whispered in my ear that he had caught them several times playing some sort of game when no one was around. And not sexual, literally board and card games. They hide and sneak around innocently to hang out. Who would have thought...? The goofiest with the whiniest benefit each other. Brooklyn has slowly relaxed her features and no longer talked about how she looks every 5 minutes. Chandler was still the charming silly guy but I could see a twinkle in his eye every time Brooklyn argued with him. They denied their chemistry and attraction towards each other each time we commented on how suspicious they were being, they even brought it up when we didn't say anything.

Complete Denial.

It was a matter of time for them both to realize their feelings, they were just cowards to ever see pass their egos. As much as I love them both, they think of themselves too highly. Hopefully sooner than later, they think of each other instead.


Who am I kidding? They think of each other ALL the time.

#2 Carolina and Sammy are official. Sure I would of assumed they already were by the way they acted, but the question was popped! Carolina may be moving into our area for better work, leaving her brother to fend off the farm. When she's able to grasp more money and seek a sturdy job that she enjoys, specifically related to art, she'll send Sarah into a proper school. Sammy has a spare room at his house and since his family are chilled out Bohemians, they would easily allow her to stay. Everything for them was finally going into place, and it was easy to tell that Sammy had finally had his first.

First love.

#3 Allan got a call from his parents that he had gotten a scholarship to a high college that supplemented his likes for literature and football. It was in another state but he promised he'd visit occasionally, in saying this he looked directly at me. This caused me to remember something...

"Allan! Oh where for art thou Allan!" I shout out in a built play balcony that stood on a stage in front of an amphitheater at our school.

Allan came trotting in on a wooden horse stick, "Oh Skye! I am here my lurvverrrr!"

I sighed dramatically and took out a hanky, hanging it in the air shamelessly with the utmost exaggeration. "Oh Romeo Romeo! Save me! Climb up my weave!" I looked around and got a random branch prop, throwing it down to his level.

"I will Juliet! Rapunzel... Shit... Mrs Potato head!" He sings trying to climb up the prop. I laughed uncontrollably watching him wobble a little.

"Oh ought thou so bad at acting you are!"

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose. By any other word would smell as sweet." Allan grins, finding a balance and climbing up in front of me, the balcony just between us.

"HEY! What are you two doing here!? WHY ARE YOU ON THE STAGE PROPS!" A loud thundering voice echoes through the school theatre, ah Ms Peters.

Allan and I quickly fumble, climbing over the balcony to jump off. To my dismay, I jumped and slid down the tree prop earning me a whack in the back and a crack in the branch. "Muther fu- flubba doodle." I sneer, watching the branch break in half. "Sorry art students."

Allan began laughing, dropping down safely from the balcony. Oh please, he had just joined the football team. Understandable.

"OH I SEE YOU TWO! Don't you dare run!"

I run towards the backstage exit, whisper yelling Allan to follow. But to my surprise Allan ran back to the middle of the stage and looked directly at Ms Peters.

"What are you doing!" I hiss beckoning for him to come back.

"Good Night, Good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow, that I shall say good night till it be morrow." He smiles widely opening up his arms and bowing graciously to her. I covered my mouth holding in my laugh, oh the great cause of rebellion.

Quickly standing up he bolts to me, grabbing my hand and running to one of the exits. "Damn you're good..." I mutter.

"That's what I've been told." He grins ruffling my hair as we run all sorts of directions hearing the clear echoes of a fuming Ms Trunchble lookalike.

I blinked my eyes at the memory and smiled. It was coming back to me.

I was the one who had introduced Brooklyn to Allan. Allan was one of my closest friends before and during they're dating period. We had met through a drama club since we enjoyed acting and impersonating. We ended up being the ones to be bad at acting but great at mocking. Yet he knew his lines perfectly from reading and I enjoyed writing the scripts.

Writing... me writing? I remember a sense of enjoyment. Was I good at it though?

I close my eyes nestling in Jace's arms listening to everyone. I like knowing Allan and I were great friends, I feel a sense of recklessness and being alive with him. Who would have thought that those that mean so much to me ended up becoming blank in my head?

#4 Ryan and Alexis are doing well. Alexis keeps Ryan in this sane and happy contented place. He's never been this bright and lively before, he no longer wastes time on useless battles of dominance with other hopeless hairy alphas. Cough, as in hormonal teenage boys. Ryan lights up with every mention of her name, her family loves his company but more so, how well Ryan seems to brighten Alexis just the same. In a month, Ryan had planned out some sort of travel with her and as a good sister, I warned him that even in trips... you must wash your clothes. He reassured me that Alexis is what makes him always want to impress and look good so washing has become second nature.

I was happy for them, for everyone for that matter. For being able to step forward and have some sort of redemption or life changing choice in either love, future or happiness.

#5 My Fruitilicious Amazeberries Ring.

They wanted to discuss with me about something serious. Something that I waited for for too long. But before explaining, they had their thoughts and opinions on Dustin who seemed to not be here with us. They believe he's still in love with me... well more, infatuated. Some sort of obsession.

"Ha.." I snort. "Nah he isn't.

"He kept you in a cave Skye... we all can agree you were in a bad state." Ryan looked at me apologetically.

"Yeah and maybe he was too tired to carry me all the way here? or thought I needed to rest. Or something like that... That doesn't exactly connect to infatuation."

"It was the morning, being tired after he was already gone for a sketch or whatever? Doubtful." Sammy looked at the floor with a serious expression. Everyone was either looking at the floor with solemn expressions or sympathetic ones my way.

"I could be too heav-"

"No." Jace laughed, hugging me close. "You're a light one. Plus, novel boy and his 12 pack can carry both of us so weight wasn't the issue."

"Bambi come on." Brooklyn looks at me from beside. "He has not once flinched or shown any form of anger towards your decision with Jace. For a male? that's weird!"

"Are you implying he had turned gay?"

"No but its absurd. I mean, the guy was cool with watching Jace pash you and ask you to be his girlfriend, heck he even stares sometimes." That made me cringe.

"I'm coming to the conclusion of bisexual now."

Brooklyn sighs taking out red clouds from a pack that was once her old favourite candy and began chewing on one. "Boys, help me out here."

"Realistically your ring can't fall off due to its size. Someone had to take it off." Arthur reasoned. Okay, now that's very true. "And..."

I understood where they were coming at... it was all forming into place. 

"I agree he does have good taste in style!" I gasp.

"No... I was going to sa-"

"And he has a perfect tan... and is a complete gentleman..."

"Skye no-"

"And he always helps me with fashion!"

"Not where I'm going with-"

"Oh my god... he's attracted to Jace, isn't he? Since he stares sometimes."

"Skye... Listen."

"He's always calm and sweet too..."


"He really is muther-flubba doodlin gay... isn't he? OH MY GOD!"

"SKYE!" Everyone shouted making me jump a little.

"Jeesh okay okay, but don't say I didn't warn you once you see Dustin prancing in leather with a front pocket of an opening for his ding dong, crawling in your tent whispering 'I don't need a spoonful of sugar to swallow you' or 'I'm French horny for your tromboner' but okay okay! Go ahead, tell me what I don't know."

All the guys jaw dropped with eyes bulging.

To Dustin, that's not the only thing that was bulging.

The girls were in fits of laughter, shaking their heads. "Speechless hm?" I grin, "I may have been passed out for a while but I still got the power. Now tell me what you need to tell me fools."

"I..." coughed Jayden, "have a repulsive image in my brain."

"What we wanted to tell you wasn't even near that!" Allan raised his brows in shock, throwing his head in his hands.

"Enlighten me then? By the way, it's not rape if you enjoy it." I wink. The guys once again began shaking their heads and covering their faces. "I know! We can bring Liam!"

"Skye..." scoffed Jace, leaning into my shoulder. "Hm?" "I...I'm not included in that right?"

I turned around and raised my brows, "Unless you want to? Is that called a gang bang or-"

Everyone began mumbling a thousand stop, stahp, stopopop, stttooopppp. I was enjoying this too much.

Sighing I tied up my hair and leaned back into my cushion, "Fine, enlighten me with your false information."

"Dustin is obsessed with you." Carter blurted out. "Obsessed, infatuated, in love... whatever you want to call it. But it's for the worst.. We may have assumed too far but he had no right mentality to just throw away your ring, and in saying that... it narrows down to those 3. But then again, how can someone not fall in love with you... Um *cough* The point is, it's obvious he took it off... but we just don't know why..."

Jace's grip tightened around my waist, pulling me to him protectively. I just couldn't help but think... 8 years of a ring and memories gone. Why Mr. Goddess?

"Amen." Allan agreed.

"And where is he now?" I questioned looking around.

"Don't know, he's been gone for a while now. Maybe he caught on with our suspicions? which just makes him even more suspicious for leaving." Sammy shrugged. "I never really liked that guy anyway..."

"Me neither..."

"Yeah ditto."


"Oh whatever." I snorted. "You guys loved his company, so pa-lease. I'm hoping this is just a huge assumption though, maybe it really fell off my finger or someone else maybe took it off? Or maybe I took it off not realizing? Either way, if he is obsessed or whatever. Don't you think matters would have been worse? Like, him taking me away?"

"Or him taking away the Doritos..." Chandler scowled. Sammy leaned over slapping the back of his head. "Fuck, okay geesh! What's wrong with expressing feelings?"

"Point is, we all have a bad feeling towards him. Sometimes the most stupid action can catch someone's true intentions..." Jace exclaimed.

The whole trip everything felt right even though I never understood how Dustin could just stay through it all, especially what I put him in. I honestly felt so guilty, genuinely I just thought he was an amazing person to be able to still remain my friend.

We discussed furthermore about suspicious things that have happened, but also the good. I was on my 3rd cup of tea, silently listening to their stories through the trip, the funny and the sad. Then it came down... and quiet. Everyone's voice tone was low and their moods were gloomy...

And then I was introduced into the story of my accident.


Sorry for the late update! I was focusing on my beautiful familia for Christmas. Merry Christmas to you all! I hope Santa still gave you presents... sadly I didn't get SC gifts this year, sigh, naughty list? Probably for my dirty mind.

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