vivaah ( bond of heart a jour...

By cuteangel0203

1.2M 35.6K 3K

The time stoped just looking into his eyes .... sitting beside me on vivaah mandap is my would be husband... More

chapter - 1
chapter -2
chapter - 3
chapter -4
chapter -5
chapter - 6
author note
chapter - 7
chapter -8
authore note
chapter -9
chapter- 10
chapter - 11
chapter -12
chapter -13
chapter - 14
chapter - 17
chapter 18
chapter -20
chapter -25
Author note
chapter -27
chapter 28
author note
chapter- 30
chapter 31
chapter -32
chapter - 33
chapter - 34
chapter - 35
chapter -36
chapter - 37
chapter - 38
chapter -39
chapter - 40
chapter - 41

chapter -16

26.3K 750 57
By cuteangel0203

Hey guys you were all awesome and many of you have guessed correct answer i am giving their names and then i 'll tell you the name of winner .
And the winner is @coloursofworld she was the first to anwers right and rest of you have also done well ..

And special thanks to @justlovenovels , @nidhiichawla ,@cutiejyoti ,@isabelle they are the constant supporter thank you guys .....

Prateek asked jyoti were are the shoes before giving her sagun she signalled towards Adwaitha . he turned to her and asked her so in response she raised her lehnga a little upto her ankle with a cute innocent face ..

Everyone was shocked to see were the shoes were some where controlling their laugh because shoes were worn by none other than our bride herself ..
Laughter and clapping was heard in the hall ...

She blushed due to all eyes on her even Vishal was too amused by her stunt ...

It was Prateek's turn to tease them ..

Prateek : oye shit man we were searching the house for your shoes and they are with your wife only .. Now you go and take your shoes yourself from her ..

Jyoti : Haan jiju take your shoes from her only .

Vishal : oh so if i have to take my shoes myself then why will i give you sagun sali sahiba ??

Adwai : why not that their right it was only for hiding your shoes na ..
Vishal was mesmerised by her sweet voice and innocent look ..

Vishal : so you want me to bend down and take my shoes from your feets .. I dont. Mind ..

His comment made her blush she nodded her as no in response ..

Adwai : no need for that i'll give it to you myself ..

She removed the shoes and gave it to her as she was moving back her leg got tangled in her lehnga and she lost her balance but before she could fall Vishal caught her arms and helped her to stand up ..

Prateek : easy their bhabhi we cant afford if you get injured on your wedding

Jyoti : hey mister when jiju is their nothing can cause her any harn right jiju she moved towards vishal.

Vishal wink at her ..

Prateek : oh hello you cheater ... My bhabhi is much stronger then you think right bhabhi ..

He moved where Adwai was standing and took her hands ..

Prateek : welcome bhabhi to our family ..

How dare you all left me alone they heard a sweet voice from behind which was none other than our angle . she came to them and stood folding her hands in front of her chest with a angry look ..

Adwai bend down to her level

Adwai : hey Angle why are you angry ??

Angle : how do you know my name ??

Anju : it was obvious na because you are looking like an angle only ... She touched her cheek lovingly .
Angle gave her smile and hugged her tightly and kissed her cheeks .  

Everyone was shocked because it was very hard to come closure to angle that easily ...

Angle : bhaiya what will i call her ???
Prateek : bhabhi angle she is vishal bhais wife na ..

Angle : ooo bhabhi but she is looking like a princess na

Adwai : you can call me anything you like angle ..

After intro with angle .. Prateek stood beside Adwai and asked her to introduce him with her friends ..

Adwai : sure bhaiya why only them you should meet their husbands too.
Jyoti laughed hearing her reply ..

Prateek : dam mam what a wife you got yaar ...

After their chit chat they left to have dinner Vishal and Adwai were asked to sit together and eat from same plate .

Prateek : bhabhi please fed Vishal with your hands ..

Adwai was shocked with his demand and blushed but Vishal was egarly waiting for her to fed him ... Mean while jyoti has some other plan . she brought some ladoo in which she. already put some red chilles ...

Jyoti : Prateek these are for you and your friends from our side as a token of sorry ...

Prateek : arey why so much formalities ji we are family only .. We didnt mind that ..

Jyot: no please i insist ..
Prateek thought something fishy . so he made a plan ..

Prateek : hey sorry should be from our side so please you and your friends have these ladoos then we will too take it ..
(He smiled inside his mind and thought now you will see who the real devil is )

Jyoti thought that now her plan is back fired on her so she changed the topic and asked Adwai to fed Vishal . and she changed the ladoos when Prateek is busy in talking with Vishal ..jyoti smile and thought in his mind now mr officer you will see who is the real boss ...and moved her attention towards her friend were Prateek was unaware of his plan and took the ladoo and ate it .. 

After sometime he felt a burning sensation in his mouth and cried because of and asked for water but thier was no water on the table because jyoti already did the arrangement before and intensionally didn't put water on table

She was enjoying looking towards Prateek who was jumping in his seat for water and suddenly a laugh left from her mouth and Prateek looked at her . he understood that this was her plan and decided to take revenge on her ...Adwai gave him a sweet inorder to help him and asked her cousin to bring water for him ...

Then again she was asked to fed Vishal ..

She took sweet and move towards his lips and fed him sweet in that process Vishal intensionally sucked her fingers to tease her this made her blush more she lowered her lashes and avoid looking towards him . Then vishal too took a piece of sweet and moved towards her lips .. She open her mouth so that he could fed her little liquide fell from sweet on her lips which didnt went unnoticed by Vishal he wiped the liquide from her lips with his thumb . her body went stif when his thumb touched her lips she raised her lashed to look at him and saw him sucking the liquide that he wiped from her lips from his thumb ...
She looked towards other and saw everyone busy in eating thier food ..

She felt his breath near his ear

Vishal : its was too sweet and please dont blush more i want to just grab and eat them ..

Ji !!! Her eyes went wide hearing his words and she bend down her head and blushed more ..


They the bride and groom were taken for a rasam by bride mother where bride and groom both put their hand in ghee and then print it on the wall as it was a symbol of thier new bond . then bhabhi removed the kalgi from his pagdi and kept it as it was also a rasam ..

Then groom father was asked to sit on a chair where his makeup done by bride chachu . chachu applied powder ,lipstick and kajal to Mr kumar.. And then gave him a sagun it was realy funny moments done traditionally to remove all the grudges between the bride and groom family that occured during wedding  . all formalities were done bidai prepration were also done barat was ready to take away the bride and bride family is in tear to send their daughter away .. 

Jyoti was holding a tray of rice from which bride took rice and started throwing it backward while moving out and symbol of spreading happiness in her own family while leaving it .. Her brothers and bhabhis were collecting those rice thrown by her in their hands by  holding  a cloths in it .. 

Dolli was decorated beautiful just for the bride .. As soon as the rice were over she turned around and ran towards her mother and hugged her tightly the tears which she was holding till now started flowing with full force everyone was having tears looking at them then she went towards her bade bhaiya and he too started crying chote bhaiya too joined them and three siblings hugged eachother and crying ..bhabhis were too crying holding their mother in law ..

Bade bhaiya : princess if you get any problem please promise me you will tell me .. I'll always be their for you.. I know you will be a good daughter in law and a good wife ..

Chote bhaiya : and dont forget us princess . dont know how we are going to leave without you now ...

Adwai : i am not going very far away from you 15 minute distance is only between us you can come whenever you miss and i'll also come to meet you all ..

But that console didn't last long she too started crying like a baby missing his childhood every moment she spend with her family mostly her papa because living in her home gave her little assurance of his presence but now that will be gone ..

She never leaved away from her home in her life now she is leaving them forever ... Jyoti was standing away from her so that she couldn't see her but that failed she hugged her friend tightly she is also a very important part of her life ..

Then she hugged her priya bhabhi and Palchi bhabhi too joined her
Her brother made her sit in trio cried hugging eachother ..

Then they helped her to sit in dolli . her brother started carring the dolli and that made her cry more than before .. After a few steps dolli stopped and her brother made her sit in the car with Vishal ...

She sat inside the car and looked out of window towards her family and more tears rolled down her cheeks ..
Vishal heart ache looking at her .. He moved her and bring her closure .
She hugged him tightly and started crying Vishal rubbed her back to console her ..

Vishal : shhh please dont cry my family will love you soo much that you will not miss them i promise ...

Adwai : how can i forget them they are my family na ..

Vishal : i am not telling you to forget them i mean to say that you will not miss them..

She nodded her head like a child and Vishal wiped the tears from her cheek .. When she realised how close she was sitting to him she blushed a little ..Vishal too saw that and told her in her ears ..what have i told you about blush ..

She remember that and lowered her head to hide the blush ... She heard a chuckle from vishal ..

Soon they reached haveli where vishal mother was waiting for them at the entrance to welcome the newly married couple ...

Vishal got down from the car and helped Adwai to got down ..his cousins help her to take them towarda haveli ... The couple was made to stand at  the door . Vishal mother brought aarti ki thali and did thier aarti and put the pot filled with rices at the door that was to be thrown by Adwai with her right  foot then a plate filled with red colour liquide was placed she put her feets in the that liquide and then keept them out the floor was adrone with her footprint ...

Then a rasam was done in which different sizes brass plate were placed on floor in decending order and she was asked to picked them up without making any noise while picking them up and vishal will move the position of plates to make it more complicated .. She bend down to pick up the plates . she picked the first plate and then she moved towards other and put the second one on first one slowly to avoid making any sound after picking forth plate it was very difficult for her as the plates where too heavy and her dress is also making it more difficult but she kept patience and succesful picked all the plates without making any noise and moved to hand to her mother in law but before she could hand her the plate her leg got struck in her lehnga ..

Vishal saw that and hold the plates with one and her with other to save her and plates from falling she left a sign of relief and smiled a Vishal .then gave them to her mother in law . Then they went towards temple and took the blessing from god for a happy married life ..

Everyone was sitting around the couple and divided into team some were supporting bride and some were supporting groom . as a competion was held between them for ring ..
A pot filled with milk , water and rose petal was placed between them . the bride and groom has to find the ring from the pot .

Adwai put her hand inside the pot and Vishal too put his hand and started finding the ring .. Vishal had some other plan he took hold her hand . Adwai looked at him but he avoided her looks and continued to hold her hand she tried to free his hand but failed to do so ..

Vishal was enjoying this she thought an idea and pinched his hand as Vishal didnt thought that she will do this so he left her hand and she pulled out the ring from the pot .. This was done again and that time also she won he put the ring on her finger ..

After ring competition another was held to open the knot of kagan dora Vishal easily open the knot of Adwai's kagan dora but she couldnt open his konts as they were to tight .. She pouted a little  because of her failed attempt ..

Her mother in law and father in law encouraged her to open so she tried again and this time she somehow opened the first knot and followed by other knot ...

After all rasam and rituals her mother in law took her to dadis room to take some rest as it was early morning and they have muh dikhai ceremony in morning and vishal was too taken for rest .. He was wishing for some alone time with his wife that didnt happen ..
Adwai changed into night dress and slept beside dadi .. Vishal too changed and slept in his room . sleep was far away from him as some one had made him restless .

He was constantly thinking about her . he didnt belived in love at first sight but just one look of her and his beliefs changed that cannot be called love so early but a very strong attraction .. Her innocent face ,big round eyes full of life and emotion , rosy lips and not to forget her sweet contagious smile ..with her thought he went into sleep ...


Adwai pov :

I was waken up by mummy ji ..she gave me a beautiful lehnga to wear after batting my bags were kept in the corner i opened my bag and took out my toileteries and towel and went inside bathroom after taking a nice hot bath i came out and changed into lehnga and arranged dupatta nicely on my shoulder with the help on pins and tucked one end in my lehnga .. Then went near mirror and saw my reflection i can see the came clearly red vermillon adore my forehead and magalsutra on my neck represent that i am married now .. I removed the towel from my wet hairs and left them open for drying then applied mosituriser on my face , khol in my eyes little lipstick on my lips and small bindi on my forehead . as i was going to put vermillon on my head mummy ji came and stope me . she told me that Vishal ji will put it during puja so leave it for right now and have me jewellry to wear .

I got ready within few minutes and waiting for someone to call me.. After few minutes Vishal ji cousion came to take to temple inside the haveli .. I went out but dadi ma asked to cover my face with ville their will be muh dikhai rasam after puja ..

At temple it is my first at this house so dadi told me and Vishal ji to do aarti together . i took the diya and Vishal ji took hold of my hand . his hand felt so warm against my cold hands . i am sure he is unable to see my face due to ville we did the aarti together after aarti  he took vermillon from plate and raised my ville and applied it on my head then we took blessing from elders and then mummyi ji asked me to go kitchen and prepare my first sweet dish after marriage ..

I decided to prepare kher for everyone because except kher i dont know any other  sweet dish . so i decided to be safe rather than regret later because from childhood only i was not a great fan of sweets except chocolates and ice cream .
Dadi is diabetic so i kept some low sugar kher separately for her . then i put more sugar in rest of the kher .
Kher i ready to be served and everyone is waiting for kher so i took one bowl of kher and kept it in temple for bhog and then served everyone . 

i crossed my finger and wating for their response .. Its already 5 minutes but no said anything not good not bad nothing i was closed to crying then suddenly dadi ma started laughing now definetly something is wrong and tears rolled down from my eyes at that moment .. Papaji stood up and rushed to me ..

Papaji : hey beta shh why are you crying ???

Me : n..nothing papaji ..

Papaji : no tell me what happen ??

Me : i know my k..kher in not good that why everyone is laughing na .

Papaji : what no beta they were jus teasing you kher was very tastey ..

Me : i ...hicup....know .. You .... Are ...lying ...just to please me ....

Papaji : no beta realy i swear you dont belive aske your mummy ji .... Kavita  tell her  na

Mummyji : he is telling truth beta kher was very taste and it was their plan to scare you naughty childrens ..

Prateek : yeah bhabhi i was realy very tastey i was just a prank to not give you any compliment we just wanted to see your reaction....

Me : i am very angry with you bhaiya i will not talk to you ..

Dadima : come here beta

I went near her she took out a box and gave it to me ..

Me : what is this dadima ??

Dadima : this are my bengals which your dadaji gave now these are yours ..

Me : how can i keep this dadima it was given by dadaji to you na ..

Dadima : haan now i am givi g you ..
I took that from her and touched her feets ..

Mummyji and papaji too gave me sagun . everyone complimented about kher but i was waiting for Vishaljis  reaction but he didnt tel anything that made me little upset ...

Later on we went to garden for a rasam in which bhabhi and devar has little stick fight . so me and prateek ji was circling eachother i beat him with stick on his legs he too tried to beat me but i was much faster then him we continued this game a little longer after 10 mintues my score is 15 and his score is 2... I saw Vishal was looking at me his looks oh my god i cant explain what feeling they are creating inside me ..

Prateek bhaiya sat on grass and told enough bhabhi i cannt handle any more beating hearing his childish protest everyone laughed i was supressing my laugh and nodded my head in agreement ..

Later in the day all the ladies sat in hall and i was made to sit in middle for muh dikhai rasam .. One by one ladies came to see my face and give me blessings ..  Some blessed me to be happily married and some to give a child soon to this house all this blessing made me blush more ..


In evening Laksh bhaiya came to take me home for pag phera rasam .. I changed into a pink colour saree .. And took my clutch and phone and went down and touched dadimas feet she told me that Vishal ji will come to bring me back tomorrow morning and then we will go to kul devis tempel .. While going out u was searching for him but i couldnt see him anywere ..

My family has returned to village already and tomorrow night they will go back to Raipur .. I sat inside the car with bhaiya dadima and mummyji bid me farewell .. I was looking out of window when i got a message on my phone


i again looked out to see if he was standing at door or not but couldnt see him after 2 hours we reached my house mom , bhabhi and jyoti were standing at door to welcomr as soon i got down from the car i ran towards my mom and hugged her tightly tears rolled down from my eyes then i hugged my bhabhis and jyoti too . it was so relaxing coming back to my family .. Mom made my favourate dishes and bhabhi and jyoti started asking me question about all rasam and my in laws ....

At night i was thinking about vishal ji and Jyoti told me that official tomorrow will my first night with my husband as ritual will be completed by tomorrow .. This news made me very nervous .. Oh god ...

To be continued .............

Hey guys Happy New Year to you all in advance ...

What will happen in their first night just wait a little ....

And thank you all for your support and love please do share your views with me and dont forget to touch that little star in your screen ...

Sorry for typing errors and grammetical error guys .....

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