Dr. August. [TMAD series.]

By Bhettiboop

7.4M 121K 43.8K

"Being a sex therapist ain't all it's cracked up to be. Business is business." - Dr. August. More

"Virgin Mary."
"Tickle Me."
"Like my Husband."
"Against my Will."
"I'll be your doctor."
"Let's get nasty."
"Plus Sized."
"Good times."
"Catching Up."
"Far Out."
"Old Times."
"Back at the office."
"Sex Ed."
"The Naughty Side."
"Rising High."
"Wife Swap."
"For the better."
"I've been thinking..."
"Ugly Trait."
"Big Step."
"....walk away."
"Mother of God."
"Bar Mitzvah."
"Numra." [Part 2.]
"Commander in chief."
"Sleep with me."
"I Fucking Love it."
"Spit it out!"
"On her plate..."
"Toll on your Body."
"1st testiment."
"3rd testiment."
"4th testament."
"Naughty Girl."
"Who's there?"
"Ratted Out."
"Blood over Water."
"Moving on..."
"Domino Effect."
"Matter of Time."
"Beyond Stressed."
"Hold On!"
"Turntables." [Part 1.]
Turntables. [Part 2.]
"It doesn't get any easier..."
"Fly Away."
"All is well." **FINALE**

"2nd testiment."

59.6K 1.1K 448
By Bhettiboop

As Numra got finished changing her clothes, she placed everything inside of a bag and made her way out of the bathroom. When she got there, she met face to face with Joey. Her eyes widened as well as his when he eyeballed her, stepping back a little.

Numra knew that she was caught.

"Look, I can explai-"

"So, you're a.......woman?" Joey repeated. "You've been a woman this whole entire time?"

"Yes, BUT I was only doing this because I really want to go to the army." Numra panted as she placed her hands up. "I've been wanting to do it for a while, now."

"Then why didn't you just go the women's army?" Joey whispered in an aggressive tone. "Women aren't allowed here!"

"I didn't want to go to that stupid women's army!" Numra growled in a low tone. "They treat us all nice and soft because they think that's what's needed to train us when it's the exact opposite. I want real hardcore training like this!"

"Chief is going to KILL me if he finds out I know something like this." Joey groaned as he combed his fingers through his head.

"Which is exactly why we should keep it a secret, right?" Numra winked.

Joey grimmed her, then placed his hand out after placing a small smile on his face.

"I'm Joey." Joey laughed. "What is your REAL name?"

"Numra. Numra Issa Nazari." Numra smiled as she shook her head. "Nice to meet you. Wanna pretend like this never happened?"

"Yeah, I'll try." Joey laughed as they both walked out of the building.

Joey waved goodbye to Numra and watched her walk off and pull off into the city. Joey squinted his eyes, then looked back into his car.

"That, might be one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen." Joey whispered to himself as he started his car. "Her figure and smile was just like, .....wow."

The next day, Dr. August told Numra that he was going to court again with Jayla. Today, Christina was allowed to go back to school after serving her 7 day suspension. When she got back to school, everyone was worshipping her. All of a sudden, she had a boatload of friends that never bothered to talk to her.

"Hey look, guys!" One boy in the lunchroom changed. "That's the girl who whooped Emily's ass!"

"Hey hey hey. Back up!" Abby barked as she stood next to Christina. "This is OUR friend."

Christina laughed and sat down with Abby, Brooke, and Maya. They rolled their eyes at everyone else, then glanced back at Christina as she began to eat.

"So, how does it feel to be "popular" now?" Abby smiled as she but into her food.

"Eh. It's alright." Christina smiled.

"Now you haven't forgotten about out sleepover, have you?" Maya winked.

"Of course not!" Christina cheered.

"Well that's good." Brooke nodded. "Especially since everyone know you, now."

"Yeah." Christina nodded as she stood up and made her way to class after the bell rang. "I'm gonna go to class, now. Bye guys!"

As Christina left, Abby put a large grin on her face and turned to the girls.

"Y'know, she completely forgot that she had plans with James this weekend." Abby laughed. "Trust me, he'll stop talking to her soon."

While Christina was at school, Jayla and Dr. August made heads turn while walking into the courtroom. They stayed looking sharp and always caught the attention of a few people outside of it. On this day, Jayla wasn't testifying. But she still wanted to come to court to see how his in and out drug gang was. And indeed, they were. For a long 3 hours, they discussed the records of the closest gang members that were in his roster. Right when it seems like things were getting too good, they only got better.

Flora was called to the stand.

"Oh yeah." Jayla smiled, whispering into Dr. August's ear. "This is going to be a slam dunk."

"Hell yeah." Dr. August smiled as he looked at her. "Shit, you won't even have to testify."

"Flora, you swear to tell nothing but the truth and the only truth so help me god?" The judge said as Flora placed her hand on the bible.

"Yes." Flora nodded.

As Flora took the stand, the prosecution attorney took a sip of water then placed his glass down.

"Flora, is it true that your husbands have abused you throughout your marriage?" The prosecution asked.

"No sir." Flora said as she shook her head.

Dr. August's and Jayla's mouths dropped as the lie flew straight out of her mouth. All Dr. August could think about what her running repeatedly in the office scared. Even the prosecution was caught off guard at her statement.

"Are you sure?" The prosecution asked.

"Yes I am." Flora lied, looking him straight into his eyes.

"Well, why do I have pictures proving otherwise?" The prosecution asked as he showed the jury her photographs taken by police. "Why do I have files of you reporting your husband to the police?"

"I lied about all of it, sir." Flora lied again. "All of those bruises came from me self inflicting it. I lied about the "abuse" thing because I was mad at my husband, that's all."

"She's lying!" Dr. August shouted as he lunged out of his seat.

The whole courtroom turned to Dr. August, giving him a confused look.

"Excuse me?" Flora barked at him. "How would you know about what goes on in my life?"

"You're the one who came to my office to ask for help!" Dr. August snapped as he pointed at her.

"Order! Order!" The judge barked, banging her gavel onto the podium.

"Ma'am, her husband knocked her in the side of the head with his pistol that he used to kill Jayla!" Dr. August continued. "She's lying for no damn reason!"

"Ernest, Peter, can you escort Mr. August were out of the courtroom?" The judge asked as the security guards grabbed onto Dr. August's arms and led him out. "Thank you."

Jayla watched as Dr. August was escorted out of the room. Caring about him, she wasn't about to let him go alone. She shook her head at the judge and stormed up, following him out of the courtroom. 

Wherever he went in this situation, she went with him.

Meanwhile, Numra decided to pick up Christina from school since she knew that Dr. August was going to be at the courtroom. To be nice, she drove Christina to the hospital to see James. They bought some roses from a local store, then pulled up to his room. When they got there, they seen him laying in the bed alone with the hospital gown on. He was bundled up under his covers, smiling as Christina and Numra walked into the room.

"Surprise, surprise." Numra said in a low tone as her and Christina walked into the room.

"Hey Christina." James said, putting a small smile onto his face.

"Hey James." Christina smiled. "Uh......where is your mother?"

"She's down in the basement buying some lunch." 

"Oh good. I haven't ate any food all day!" Numra said as she snatched her money out of her purse. "Chrissy, i'm going to get you a candy apple. I'm starving."

As Numra scurried out into the hall, Christina pulled up a hospital stool and sat next to James.

"How do you feel?" Christina asked.

"Better. It was the worst pain i've ever felt in my life." James responded. "I........they said that one of my kidneys were on the verge of failing."

"That's what I was trying to tell you all along, James." Christina said in a serious tone. "I care about you. That's all."

"Um............Christina..." James said in a serious tone. "I have a serious question to ask you."


James put his hand on top of hers, glancing up at her before spitting his words out.

"Will you............go out with me?" James asked in a serious tone.

Christina's eyes widened in shock. This was the first time she was ever asked out by a boy. She knew that her mother would kill her if she went against her religion by having a boyfriend at a young age, but her father wouldn't care because he wanted her to experience a real teenage life.

But the sad part is, Christina had no interest in going out with him. She wasn't attracted to him, and she only looked at him as a friend.

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