Adopted by Kellin Quinn?!

By ayyeeturtle

58.7K 1.5K 916

Kellin Quinn the lead singer of the band Sleeping With Sirens adopted a 13 year old girl. She goes by the nam... More

Not an update sorry babes love chu!!!!
sameless self promo peeps
Not an update important authors note
Merry Christmas guys I love you
Small author's note
Author's note
Something to keep you guys while i debate if the next chapter is good enough
3.0 (part two of 2.9 i guess you could say, but its still its own chapter.)
Just a quick thing
Damn it


828 20 10
By ayyeeturtle

GUYS I GOT AN IPHONE 6s HOLY CRAP. ITS FUCKING BEAUTIFUL (Except it's pink.) LIKE YOU GUYS. WELL HERES CHAPTER 2.2 AND I DECIDED TO DO A SEQUAL AND END THIS ONE AT 3.0 SO ENJOY THESE LAST EIGHT CHAPTERS LEFT. LAWL. Oh and I'm going to be doing a character ask at the end so comment your question starting the next chapter. Also the picture is our clothes, and the video is fall out boy novocaine.

It's been eleven days since Angel spoke to me, and since the incident. We only have eight days left until we go to school. Andy, Jake, CC, Ashley, and Jinxx were supposed to take us to get our school supplies, and me to dye my hair. (in media next chapter)

I tried calling her, but no answer. I'm so scared, I can't loose one of my only friends. So far I called her twenty seven times.

"DAD!" I yell from my room. After a minute he comes running up the stairs into my room.

"You called?" He said.

"Yeah, I was just going to ask when warped tour was." I lied. I almost told my dad that me and Alexander did that after our date, Angel walking in on us, and now she won't talk to me because of her walking in on us.

"Well they said that they are going to release the dates in November, and the bands in March, near the time of your birthday," (A/N that is the month of my birthday, March 20th to be exact, and that is around the time when they are releasing who is going on warped tour.) Dad told me, "but most of the bands already know if they are going, and if you get signed to a new record label, write some songs, and send them to Kevin Lyman; you may or may not have a saved spot for it."

"Holy fudge nuggets, dad," I said, " we need to go to fearless records and ask them if they will sign us!"

"Call the girls and get ready then. We got to get there in fifteen minutes or they won't let us see anyone."

I push him out of my room so I can change out of sweats into something that makes me look a little more presentable. Once I was ready I called Madison, Shelby, and tried to call angel one more time.


I let out a breathe of relief, and spoke. "Hey, look I understand if you don't want to be friends anymore, but will you get dressed and meet us all at Fearless Records in ten minutes? We might be going to Vans Warped Tour if we get signed to them.

"Yeah, we need to talk about that anyways. I'll meet you guys there." Then the line went dead.

I slipped on my white combat boots, ran down stairs, kissed Copeland, Rowan, and Liam on the head, and got in the car.

"Finally." I told dad as he got in and backed out of the drive way.

"We have an hour so why'd you rush?" Dad said smirking.

"Stop smirking, you're the one who said we only had fifteen minutes."

"What I can't be a serious father all the time." Dad told me and took out his vape from the consul.

"Dad why do you do that, I mean the vape?"

"I don't know." Was the only reply I got.

We arrived at Fearless, and all I can say it was amazing. Shelby, Madison, and Angel just got there like me.

"Hey." I said to them. We all talked a little then Angel pulled me aside to talk in private about what she saw.
               *Italics are angel talking*

"Look I'm not mad, and why would you say that? I will always be your friend no matter what. Trust me when I say this. You will always be my best friend."

"I believe you, it was just the way you acted when you walked in. I told you I would never do that again, and I broke that promise. It was the last time I swe-" She cut me off, then sighed.

"Joanie, honestly I was expecting it to happen. Just I didn't think it would be at his house. If anything I thought you guys would be doing it at yours."

"Oh... So your not mad at me?" I asked her.

"Nope, just shocked now let's go back and try to get signed to this label."

We hugged and walked back to the others. Shelby motioned us to go inside with them, dad, Jaime, and Oli?

"OLI!" I yell, and hug him.

"Hey kid, how've you been? I haven't seen you since the night you came home." He said in his awesome British accent.

"Awesome, everything is just awesome. I know, I haven't seen anyone besides Vic, Tony, Mike, Jaime, Justin, Gabe, Jack, and Nick."

"I'm sorry, how about this I'll let you come with me to record our newest album, (this is before That's The Spirit was released) and only you know this so far; it's called That's The Spirit. Well I will if your dad let's you come."

"Yeah, that's fine. Now we got to go inside of we want them to get signed to Fearless." He said and walked inside.

Once we walked in a man walked up to us and shook dad's hand. They talked for a minute before dad introduced us.

"Guys," he said, "this would be the man who is willing to sign you to his label after he hears a few songs. Or covers."

"Nice to meet you. Before we begin, one question, do you always dress almost the same? The guy said.

We all looked at each other. Madison and I had on the same type of skirt, only different colors. Shelby and Angel had Shorts and a shirt, and then we all had the same boots on.

"Uhh... No this was just a coincidence." I tell the man.

"Good your a punk-pop band not a girl band. We don't need that here at Fearless Records. (No offense to girl bands.)

"Understood." Angel said.

"Follow me, I want to here you preform."

We followed him into a recording room. It was so much bigger than the last one.

"What do you want to sing." He asked us.

I looked back and asked if they wanted to play a song we've been learning. Novocaine by Fall Out Boy.

"We'll be playing Novocaine by Fall Out Boy." I told him confidentially.

*skips the song* (it's in the media at the top side thing if you don't know it.)

"That wasn't perfect but with a little more training you'll get there." He said. "But that still doesn't mean you were horrible, I would still like to have your name on my label."

A smile spread across my face. I was playing music again. We might be on Warped Tour. As of this moment, everything is perfect.

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