Bts Imagines [ Book 2 ] EDITI...

By marijike

753K 18K 3.4K

Request are closed my lovely readers~~~~♡ If your interested on requesting, please message me :3 Dont forget... More

Jin (Request)
Taehyung ( Request )
Rap Monster (Requested)
Rap monster
Jhope (Requested M)
#cutforcookie ?!?!?
Jimin ( Requested )
Jin (Requested)
Jimin Part 1(Requested)
Jimin Part 2 (Requested)
Jimin alternate ending (Request)
Suga ( Requested Part 1)
Suga (part 2)
Suga (M Part 3)
Suga ( M Final)
Jungkook (requested)
Rap Monster
Suga (Requested)
Jungkook (Requested)
Taehyung (Requested)
Jin (M) requested
Taehyung (requested)
Fight me bitch
Rap monster
Taehyung (part 1)
Rap Monster
Taehyung (requested)
Taehyung (part 2)
Taehyung (finale)
Jungkook (M)
Rap Monster
Jimin (M)
Rap Monster
Hows life
Jin (request)
J-hope (requested)
Jimin (requested)
Taehyung (request)
Book 3!!!!

Rap Monster (Requested)

8.4K 194 30
By marijike

You don't even know why you agreed to this.

There were currently seven guys in your apartment, making a huge mess. Two of them were trying to push your furniture to the walls, the rest was lounging around, sitting on the floor and just being noisy as hell.

"Jin?" you nudged the oldest of them, "can you please make sure that my furniture stays whole throughout this day? I'm trying to be a good host but you're not going easy on me". He just smiled, nodded and got up to help the other boys move your couch out of the way safely.

"Who came up with this anyway?" you asked into the room, frowning at the empty chips packets and plastic cups lying around. "Isn't playing twister out of style?"

Jimin laughed, "No, and it's even more fun if you play it with people you like" he said with a smirk, and you thought you noticed him winking at someone behind you, but you were busy grabbing the garbage the boys had left lying around and telling them off.

"Guys, if you want me to keep inviting you here, you can't leave my apartment like a pig sty every time you come. I have other things to do than to clean up after you all."

"Tell me about it" Jin sighed, a slight smile on his lips. He gently nudged Yoongi, who had big head phones perched on top of his head, shutting out the world around him. "Yoongi, come on we're almost ready to play" he told him.

"You know how long it took me to find this?" you asked them, taking out the cardboard box containing the game from a cabinet.

"Considering you're complaining, I'm guessing a long time?" Yoongi teased you, safely stowing away his precious headphones.

"Hey mister, I'm just complaining because you all are like a wild herd of animals, no one can control you" you laughed.

Just as you finished your sentence, you saw Jimin and Taehyung jumping on your couch and giggling hard. "Case closed" you said, pulling them off your furniture, although you couldn't contain a smile.

No matter how annoying these boys were, you still loved them, but they were a handful, you had to admit that. And they made you feel like a mother, always telling them off and trying to keep your apartment from getting demolished.

You felt a sense of sympathy towards the oldest member, although that didn't last too long when you saw him throw gummy bears through your living room into Hoseok's mouth.

"Can we just start playing, please?" you asked and you were astounded to see the guys calming and sitting down, waiting for you to lay out the game mat.

Picking up the box, you asked Namjoon to help you prepare the game. As you were pulling on the corners of the game mat to get the creases out, Jungkook declared himself game master and took the spin wheel into his lap.

"Who wants to go first?" he asked, a smile on his face as he got more and more excited for the game to begin.

"Let's just do rock, paper, scissors to determine the order" Jimin suggested, so you all gathered in a circle and got to it. You turned out to go second, right after Taehyung.

"Tae hyung, right foot green!" Jungkook ordered and Taehyung complied, clearly having the time of his life.

" Noona, right hand red!" You picked the red dot furthest away from Taehyung, crouching down to put your hand on the right spot.
"Jiminie hyung, left foot yellow" Jungkook exclaimed again, waiting for his hyung to get into the right position. As all of the boys slowly found their spots after the first round, Jungkook rubbed his hands and smiled "Now this is gonna get interesting."

You waited for your turn, which turned out to be "left foot yellow!", your position becoming slightly uncomfortable on the crowded mat.

As Yoongi tried to reach the spot on the mat that he was supposed to lay his hand on, he lost his balance and tumbled on top of Jin, who tried to hold on to Hoseok's pants, pulling them half down his ass, which resulted in Hobi screaming and jumping away, and all three of the guys getting disqualified.

All you could hear was Jungkook laughing his ass off, just like the rest of the boys, at the scene that was playing out in front of them. You joined the laughter, Hoseok could only look at his hyungs on the floor in a mixture of dismay and disgust as they had almost exposed him to everyone and gotten him disqualified.

Taking a deep breath, you focused on keeping your position up, which was getting tougher as you had to stay still for a long time. "Namjoon hyung, right hand red" Jungkook announced, watching the scene in front of him with excitement.

You felt the older boy shifting behind you, and when you looked back you noticed that his face was right behind your ass.

You saw Jimin whispering something into Taehyung's ear but you ignored them and looked over at Jungkook. "Kookie, hurry, I don't know how long I can stay like this".

He nodded and spun the wheel again, keeping the game going. When it was your turn again, you shifted to put your hand on the spot you were told to, when you felt Namjoon's head bump against your behind.

"Oh my god, I'm sorry!" he exclaimed, his face blushing. You felt your cheeks turn red as you replied "Don't worry about it" but you could hear the other guys giggling at what had just happened. You lowered your head and just hoped that Jungkook would have graciousness to continue the game.

Tae was the next one to slip, trying to reach over Jimin to his spot, losing his balance and crushing him with his body. Jimin screamed in frustration. "TAE I WAS WINNING THIS GAME! You know how flexible I am!" he whined and rolled Taehyung off him, both of them getting off the mat, leaving only you and Namjoon.
"You ready to lose?" he stated, giving you a smile. "No way" you smirked back, waiting for Jungkook's next orders.

The game went on for a couple more minutes, neither of you giving up. Jungkook's next instruction left your face dangerously close to Namjoon's crotch. And Jungkook was not focused on the game as he was whispering something into Jin's ear, the older boy just nodding and smiling.
"JUNGKOOK PLEASE FOCUS, I need you to keep spinning that wheel" you yelled, your body not as strong as it was when the game began.

"Oh sorry" he muttered, complying to your wish with a light smirk on his lips.

"Right Ha-" "LOOK THERE'S A RAINBOW" you heard Taehyung yell, interrupting the maknae and snatching everyone's attention to the window he was standing in front of.

"Jungkook JUST TELL ME WHERE TO PUT MY HAND" you yelled in frustration, constantly feeling Namjoon's presence and you were almost sure you could hear his heart beat.

"Oh I know where she can put her hand" Jimin whispered into Hoseok's ear, both of them giggling manically.

You blew a strand of hair from your face and waited for Jungkook's instructions to get you out of this uncomfortable position, finally being able to move your muscles again. You weren't sure how long you were gonna be able to continue this game, your muscles growing weaker and weaker but you couldn't just let Namjoon win. He wouldn't let you live it down, ever.

You had almost slipped twice already and you could feel a bead of sweat trickling down your neck, but Namjoon didn't look much better either. You could hear him breathing more heavily now, his body still close, sometimes even brushing you, you could hear him shifting behind you.

"Noona, right foot green" Jungkook exclaimed.

You knew it before you moved. You would never be able to bring your body over to that spot without falling, but you weren't ready to give up without trying.

And as you had predicted, you slipped.

Falling backwards, you felt your body collide against Namjoon's, landing you in his lap.

"Sorry" you mumbled, exhaling deeply from the relief that you felt surge through your body, your muscles screaming in pain.

You felt him breathing heavily against you, barely moving at all. You hadn't thought that playing twister would strain you so much, but you had half a mind to stay in the position you landed, just to give your body a couple of minutes to relax but you felt Namjoon squirming uncomfortably, so you slightly changed your position, trying to put your hands on either side of his legs to push yourself up.

That's when you felt it.

You heard his breathing stop, your eyes opened in surprise and you let out a little "Oh."

You whipped around to look at him, seeing his face flushed bright red and his mouth pressed into a tight line.

"Please don't move too much" he whispered, not wanting anyone to know what you had just discovered. The other guys didn't have their attention on either of you ever since they saw you fall and lose the game.

You nodded, still taken aback by what pressed against your butt, but you turned back around, making him groan slightly. "Oh god sorry about that" you whispered to him as you felt his hands lay on your hips, helping you get up from his lap.

"Get a room guys" you heard Yoongi say, pulling all of the boys' attention to you. You could feel your face getting hotter and you could tell Namjoon was feeling the same way.

He stayed as far away from you as possible for the rest of the time and the guys didn't want to play anymore, so you put a movie on since it started getting darker outside as well, and went into the kitchen to make some popcorn and be alone with your thoughts for a couple of minutes.

You felt a hand on your elbow, turning you around. Jin was looking curiously at you and you couldn't help but look right back at him. "I saw your little incident before." he said, studying your face for a reaction.

"Oh... you did?", you turned back around to put the popcorn into the microwave.

"You know Namjoon has the biggest crush on you, right?"

You froze. You turned back around to face Jin "Are you sure?"

"It's painfully obvious, we all know. Either you're blind or you don't like him and I'm here to find out which one is the case. I don't want either of you to get hurt" he explained.

You heard the popcorn starting to pop in the microwave.

"I really like Namjoon" you heard yourself say, and you realized that that was the truth. You always caught yourself staring at him when he smiled, his dimples even improving that cute smile of his.

God, you loved those dimples. And his face when he was focused, his laugh, his ability to be sexy and dorky at the same time, his incredible brain and how he could make any topic sound interesting.

You realized that you had feelings for Namjoon, you just never let yourself admit them, probably out of fear of rejection and because you didn't want to ruin the friendship you had.

"Well, you should really tell him then" Jin smiled, walking towards the kitchen door.

"I can arrange for you guys to be alone for a while, when we're done with tonight's movie" he winked at you, clearly having a plan in mind as to how he was gonna get all the other boys out of your apartment. But then you reminded yourself that everyone seemed to know of Namjoon's feelings for you, so getting some time alone shouldn't be too much of a problem.

Everyone knew, except you.

You heard the microwave DING and you put the steaming hot popcorn into a big bowl.

Clutching it, you walked back into the living room, nervous as to what else the night might bring. You sat back down on the couch that the boys had graciously pushed back into it's original position and you looked over at Namjoon, his face focused on the movie, but he seemed more beautiful than ever in the dim light of the room.

He must have felt your stare because his head turned towards you and he smiled shyly. You couldn't help but smile back at him, your heart skipping a beat.

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