
By fivesecondsofsheeran

97K 10.2K 5.6K

sequel to We Don't Care More

Before You Read
two +
eight +
twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four
thirty five
thirty six
thirty seven
thirty eight
thirty nine +


2.3K 256 142
By fivesecondsofsheeran


"I'm sorry, they're always so slow. I hope they don't make you late," Calum apologized, trying to quickly shove their lunches in the correct book bag.

Michael rolled his eyes. "You know me, I'm late to everything anyways." Mike picked up the lunch box in his hand, stopping him from giving Juli's lunch to Joey. He fixed it, giving his boyfriend of seven months a small smile.

Cal stood up once more, letting out a sigh. He picked up June from the counter, putting her on his hip. "You're getting so big, I won't be able to pick you up soon!" He said to the youngest.

She looked up at him with wide eyes. "Work out."

Michael let out a yell of laughter, covering his mouth when his boyfriend glared at him. "Go see what's taking the girls so long," he demanded.

Mike put his hands up in defense, turning around to head through the living room and up the wooden stairs. Juli went running past him, stopping and turning around. "Can I have your jacket?"

He looked down at the denim material she borrowed often. He let out a joking sigh before taking it off, handing it to her.

"Thanks, Mikey. Love you." She went running off again, her chestnut hair swinging with every step.

Michael froze, still staring at the spot where she was. She loves him? Is this something big? Should he be freaking out? Should he ask Calum what to do? Mike couldn't help but smile—a grin from one ear to the other.

He continued up the stairs, going to the left then a right to Joey's door. "J? Are you almost ready?" Michael knocked on the half-open door, causing it to open the rest of the way.

The small light sinking from the window revealed a half-dressed Joey, an ace bandage tight around her chest. She and Michael made eye contact, both of them standing in shock.

"Oh," he said, taking a step back. "Um." He put a hand on the back of his neck, quickly turning around. "Uh, I'll be downstairs when you're ready." Michael heard her bedroom door slam, a click of a lock quickly following.

Mike's feet couldn't move fast enough, all color in his face was gone. His breathing was shallow as his mind ran wild. Was it normal for twelve-year-olds to wrap their chest like that? Is this something he talks to her about? Or Calum? Or anyone? Michael didn't want to be a father anymore, nope. He didn't want to be an adult and have serious conversations. He wanted to make macaroni and cheese and watch the DIY channel all night long with them.

Calum handed Juli and June their bags, slowly inching them outside. June went straight to Calum's car, putting herself into her car seat and waiting for Cal to buckle her in. Juli went to Michael's car, taking the air bag. It was the rules: First in the car is first to get passenger seat.

Calum called Joey's name once more, telling her she had one minute before the all leave. Michael never thought that was a real threat, like, okay? Leave without them?

He leant forward, his hands on the tie laid loosely around Michael's shoulders. Calum started to retie it, his hands softly going over the light blue material. "You mean the world to me," Cal whispered, "I mean it."

It was all the little things Michael did that made Calum fall completely in love with him. The way he washed the brown dye from his hair for June, the way he cared for the kids the same way Cal did. Michael was everything Calum needed, everything Calum wanted. Michael was everything.

Michael kissed his forehead. "Love you."

Calum tightened the tie just in time for Joey to squeeze past them, going straight to Mike's car outside. Cal turned back towards Michael, rolling his eyes. "Teenagers are ugh." Calum turned around, grabbing his keys. "She's not even a teenager, yet."

Michael slapped Calum's curvy bum as he walked past him, both of them letting out a laugh. "Let's get going."

"Do I owe you gas money?" Calum held the outside door open for Michael, letting him outside first.

"Shut the fuck up."

Cal gave him a kiss on the cheek, sneaking a twenty into the pocket of his black slacks. Michael wouldn't find it for hours.

They said their goodbyes, Michael starting up his car with Juli and Joey, and Calum starting up his own with June.

Next year, Juli would be in high school. She would have been in the same school as Michael, but if everything with June works out, then Mike would be at home. Michael didn't know why the thought of leaving the workplace he's been at for two decades doesn't bother him.

He's proud of it. The classroom with endless bad memories, the building with bad memories. It was time to move on, and Michael was sure this was the next step.

Their car ride stayed silent, The Griswolds the only sound filling the small space. Michael's was not lost in his thoughts, he was simply not thinking. He drove to their school, waiting in the long line and making fun of all the other drivers.

Juli got out first, and Michael expected Joey to get out next. She jumped up in the front seat, telling her older sister to go ahead.

Joey told Michael to pull into a space, and Mike didn't argue.

He had half an hour until he needed to be across the street, he was willing to spend it all—and more—on Joey. Mike turned off the music, killing the ignition, too. He took off his seatbelt, turning his body to face the middle child.

"I, uh, I don't know what to say."

"I don't think that's good for you," Michael said, pointing at her chest. "Do you want me to get you, like, a proper binder or something? I don't want you to hurt your body."

She looked up at him, her dark eyes becoming so bright. "You'd do that?"

Michael laughed, giving her the warmest smile she's ever seen. "Duh. If you need anything you don't really want your dad to know, I'm always here. I'm not gonna go get you weed or something, but, you know."

Joey smiled. She ran a hand through her black curls, all cut short to her scalp. "I don't know what to say."

"We can get everything tonight when your dad is making dinner or something, yeah? I mean, I don't think he's gonna freak out about something like that, but I'd rather get you comfortable in case he does." Michael licked at his dry lips. "I love you guys, I really do. I want you to be happy. If I can help make you happy in any way, I'm gonna at least try."

Michael was Joey's other father. Michael filled the space that her biological second father left empty. Mike was everything to her.

She leaned over, wrapping her arms around Mike. "We love you, too."

Thoughts on Joey? 

I'll continue using she/her pronouns until a further chapter when Joey mentions their preferred ones, I don't want to spoil anything for you all but I also don't want you to feel I'm being disrespectful to the trans community. 

I, a cis woman, will never truly understand what it is like to be trans, but I assure you I'm going to try my best. 

Also...,,,hmu on twitter: sophemoji and instagram: sophieemoji

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