Two For The Blood

By HugsAreFree

553K 9K 747

Things have quieted down. Eric Northman is bored and still mourns the death of Godric as the months go by and... More

Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.1 A new place, a new scent, a new beginning
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.2 The letter
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.3 Questions
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.4 Annoyances
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.5 Fed Ex and Blood Bonds
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.6 The truth comes out
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.7 WHAT?!
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.8 Smoothing out the aches
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.9 Bond Fight
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.10 No Choices
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.11 Rock You Like a Hurricane
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.12 Can You Say 'Sexual Tention' ?
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.13 Important Business
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.14 Giving
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.15 Take Me Away
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.16 Blunt Confrontation
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.17 Aftermath
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.18 New Player in Town
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.19 "Guess Again."
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.20 To The Point
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.21 No Charge
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.22 Love Doctor
Two For The Blood (EricNorthman) Ch.23 Reconnect
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.24 Have Fun
Two For The Blood (Eric Northamn) Ch.25 On The Mind
Two For The Blood(Eric Northman) Ch.26 Maximus
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.27 "Powers" my ass!
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.28 Peeping Eric
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch. 29 Answers
Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.30 Engage-a-what?!
Ch. 31 Taking A Breather
Ch. 32 Dreams, Wings, and Blood
Ch. 33 You Can't Lie To Me
Ch. 34 Ascending
Ch. 35 Miami
ch. 36 Take The Lead
Ch. 37 I Smell a G-O-D!
Ch. 38 And The Walls Fall Down
Ch. 39 Who's Your Momma Now?
Ch. 40 Wanting and Recieving
Ch. 41 To The Hilt
Ch. 42 "Tilgi Meg..."
Ch. 43 The Stone Within a Stone
Ch.44 Crossing
Ch.46 Any Objections?
Ch.47 One Way Death Street
Ch.48 Heavy in Your Arms
Ch. 49 Virgin State of Mind
Ch. 50 God-Napped!
Ch. 51 Oh You Guys!
Ch. 52 Secret Unsealed
Ch. 53 Grandfather
Ch. 54 Leap of Crazy
Ch.55 Call to Order
Ch.56 Tying Up Loose Ends
Ch. 57 Till The World Ends

Ch. 45 Truths Revealed

4.8K 61 6
By HugsAreFree

It just turned dark when I started to make myself some dinner. I decided on creating some homemade chicken noodle soup. Everything was going great until I burnt my finger on the chicken as I was cutting it into smaller cubes to put back into the big pot.

“Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot!” I cried and did a little ‘I just burnt myself’ dance.

Eric came into the kitchen and zipped to my side. “Are you alright?” He cocked his eye brow at me and I shook my head ‘no’.

My vampire grabbed my hand and I asked, “What are you doing?!”

“This,” He smirked and put my aching finger in his very cold mouth.

“Oh,” I melted and grabbed the counter behind me with my free hand to keep myself up. This was far more sexual than it should be. Then again it was Eric, who could make playing with barbies seem erotic somehow I was sure.

He took my finger out of his mouth and kissed the tip. “There, better now?” He asked. By now I had totally forgotten about my finger and was drowning in his ‘Ericness’. “Are you ok lover?” He smirked.

I shook my head and placed my hand on my chest. “What? Oh yeah. I-I’m fine. Just fine.”

“You sure?” He pressed and stepped closer to me. I could feel him practically, he was so close. The near proximity of him made my skin feel like it was vibrating with want and need.

“Stop that,” I said and went to turn off the stove. There was no way I could continue making dinner now with sex on my mind. I wasn’t even hungry anymore. Not for food anyway…

“Stop what?” Eric playfully asked me and smacked my butt.

“Ow!” I yipped and spun around shocked.

Eric just winked at me and laughed before walking out of the kitchen.

“Oh no you don’t!” I marched right behind him and smacked him on the ass. He looked shocked but amused. “That’s right! How do you like that? Huh?”

“I actually did,” My vampire confessed with no shame and came after me.

Soon we were running all over the house in a game of tag. I wasn’t even doing too bad considering Eric did move a little bit faster than me.

“Gotcha!” I smiled and tackled my honey to the floor. We rolled around for a little bit until I had him pinned to the soft carpet beneath me. “I win.”

“I don’t think so,” Eric proclaimed and flipped us so now I was on the bottom. “I win. So you might as well surrender and announce me king.”

I tried to wiggle out of Eric’s grasp, but the more I did, the more I got stuck. “I’ll never surrender!” I exclaimed and stuck my tongue out at him.

The Viking just licked his lower lip. “I guess I’ll have to torture you and make you my sex slave.”

It was my turn to raise my eyebrow at him. “You think you got what it takes? Cause I’ll never give in.”

“You’re no match for me little girl.”

“Whatever old man. Give me your best shot,” I answered back jokingly.

“You don’t know what you’re asking for my delectable goddess. I’ll make you cry with need. I’ll make you crave me.” The seriously lusty sex god leered at me. The way he bent down towards my face but didn’t kiss me was already making me hot and bothered. I just may have chewed off more than I could chew…

“Do what you want but I’ll never surrender,” I whispered in a controlled voice even though I was screaming inside.

We’ll see about that.


Eric really wanted me to crack. He wanted me to cry out in a frenzy to beg him to pleasure me. So he started by lightly tying me to the bed with my arms above my head by a silk rope. We had never done that before so I was a little nervous. Then ever so quick he ripped all my clothes off except my lacy black Victoria’s Secret bra and underwear. The way he licked his fangs as he looked me over made me tremble. Lightly he chuckled in his head and I told him I still wouldn’t give in. How stupid I must be.

After admiring me Eric bent down and began his torture. He decided in his head that he was going to stay fully clothed until I gave in. Well at least I won’t be that tempted then. Just the sight of his muscular chest makes me want to throw in the towel.

Like a lion he sunk down and low towards my body. I could see his muscles in his shoulders and arms rippling with ever little movement. It was like nature trying to already tell me that I was going to loose.

See something you like lover?

Eric was trying to bate me but I gulped and thought, nope.

You’re brave little one.

The grin of a man who steals hearts for a living plastered itself on my soul mate’s face. He took no shame in raking his fangs like ghosts down my neck to the tops of my breasts that weren’t covered by the lacy fabric.

I want to bite you so bad, Eric sighed in his head.

I decided not to respond and just let Eric continue to torture me. The way he glided his fingers and tongue all over my skin made me almost call it quits for sure that time.

Y-you’re good. You almost got me, I joked and Eric chuckled huskily into my ear while he lightly came down and nibbled on my lower lip.

A good twenty minutes passed and by then I was panting, gripping the silk ropes with all my might, and desperately trying to not to raise the white flag and let Eric win.

Going in for kill, He smiled against the inside of my thigh.

I could feel his tongue circle around a spot on my flesh and just as he was going to bite down (which would have cost me to loose and surrender for sure) his cell rang.

“What Pamela?” Eric gritted through his teeth and sat up. I on the other hand let a lung full of breath out in relief. I really did hate loosing.

When Eric was done he growled in annoyance and kissed me hard. “We have to go. The brotherhoods Caine got in touch with have arrived.”


I smiled at the full moon before Eric and I walked into Fangtasia. It just seemed so beautiful and bright.

It’s almost as beautiful as you.

I smiled at Eric for his compliment and grabbed his hand before we walked in.

Inside the bar (which was closed for the night due to our new visitors) stood about twenty men, Max, Pam, Caine, Sam, Alcide, and Leona.

“This is her?” One of the men I didn’t recognize joked. He was good looking. Hell he was a total babe. His skin was tan, his hair was short and blonde, and his eyes (oh his eyes) were so green. Man candy at it’s best.

Excuse me?

Sorry, I giggled. Eric didn’t seem to like that I was finding the new dude at all attractive. He’s got nothing on you though. In anyway my sex monkey.

You couldn’t come up with a better name than ’sex monkey’?

Ok, sex god. Is that better?


Vikings, I sighed and turned my attention back to the blonde guy who joked before.

“Yes I am the ’her’ you’re referring to. Who are you?” I lightly snapped.

I had just noticed that all of the men (whom I were assuming were the brotherhoods) were wearing all black. Black dress shirt, black pants, black belts, and black shoes.

Got black?

I joked to myself.

“You’re just a baby though,” The blonde continued to joke.

This sent my anger levels up and I had no problem with walking up to him. “Listen here,” I commanded cold and let my hand go alight. Blondie decided to stiffen a little at the flames. “I’m the baby that can set your ass on fire if you piss me off,” I threatened and narrowed my eyes.

“Ambrose that’s enough. She might be young but she is the daughter of Athena,” Caine spoke calmly and Ambrose’s joking nature was put totally out.


At least we got to the bottom line and got some battle plans down. The war was coming soon and there was still so much to do.

Max and I were talking about different attacks when suddenly the spot right above my heart started to ache really bad. All I did was rub at the discomfort hoping it would go away until it felt like it was on fire.

“Ow! Ow! Ow!” I screamed and leapt off of the bar stool. Max looked alarmed and asked what was going on. “Eric!”

Eric and the others came over and tried to see what was all the commotion about. Without warning Eric ripped my shirt open enough to see where the burning was coming from.

Eric looked confused as hell. “What the-”

“Can I get some ice or something?! Does anyone have the power to freeze?!” I panicked and looked down. The spot right above my heart was turned a bright red color and before I could blink a shape was appearing. The color of it was dark.

Is that a wave?

The symbol couldn’t have been bigger than my palm. It looked like an ocean wave with Celtic designs. Or maybe they were Viking? It actually looked kind of cool despite the new serge of pain that came from the center of the design. I watched as the letters ’E’ and ’N’ appeared in a scripty but bold lettering.

“Uh-” I couldn’t really form a sentence until Max gave me some ice while he scratched his head.

“This just keeps on getting weirder and weirder,” He said puzzled and crossed his arms to look at my new tattoo again.

I didn’t get the chance to respond because it then began to happen to Eric as well. “Son of a bitch,” He growled and I was the only one brave enough (or maybe because I was Eric’s soul blood bonded) to lean in to look at his new body art. It was a phoenix with some fiery swirls around it and in the middle lay my initials, ’V’ and ’K’.

“Mom!” I yelled and she popped right next to me. The brotherhoods took a few steps back. They looked a little afraid.

“Oh you got them,” She smiled.

I gave her a ’what the hell is going on look’ but she just smiled. “What are you smiling at?! It hella hurts!” I proclaimed.

“I’m just so happy that the both of you have received each other’s marks!”

“Marks?” Max asked baffled. The rest of us were wondering the same thing and stood patiently to listen.

“Violet got branded in a sense with the mark of Eric’s true spirit. In another view, it’s his soul’s recognition that it is bonded with its soul mate, and vise versa. Violet is the phoenix and Eric is the wave it looks to be. Violet is my daughter and my symbol is the owl. However since she holds the power to wield fire, the phoenix is hers. Eric is a Viking. His father was a ruler, a king, one to be respected. Together it makes a wave of the ocean. Symbolizing power, but grace.”

I was a little awestruck and dropped my ice cube on the floor when I heard my mother saying that Eric’s dad was a king.

“Your dad was a king?! That means you’re a prince! How come you never told me?”

“It was a long time ago,” Was all my soul mate could say.

“I’m your fiancé and we’re about to be married, and you didn’t think to tell me. Seriously?! You don’t just forget to tell your future spouse those kind of things buddy!” I was a little shocked and hurt that Eric didn’t think to share this with me. What next? You had a wife and kids?


For fuck’s sake! What else is there?

Pam interrupted us (I didn’t even realize she left) by coming in with at least four people. “Violet, your and Eric’s wedding is in two weeks and we need to figure out the wedding plans.”

“Now? Really?” I just stared at her horrified. A few moments ago I got a new tattoo that was like a brand, found out Eric is a Viking prince, and he was once married (or is he still technically married?) and had kids!

“We need to get this done! This wedding is a part of history you know!” Pam stated and started to march towards me with her team. I could already see the countless hours of cake tasting, flower selections, dresses, and the invitation list headache just by looking at her. She was on a mission.

“No! I’m not doing any wedding stuff tonight. Eric make them go away please,” I whispered the last part and snuck off to his office where I buried my face in my hands as I sank into a chair. “Oh. My. God.”

The door creaked open and Caine walked in. “Are you alright?” His voice was kind and gentle. It soothed me.


“Is there anything I can do?” Again he was sounding like he cared so much.

“Can you just pause time for a little bit?” I asked with a small smile.

Caine laughed lightly at that. “I wish I could. I would give you all the time you needed.” His voice had a double meaning.

When I sat up straight to look into his eyes I saw something I didn’t want to see…love.

“Oh no,” I grumbled and Caine looked confused.

“What?” He asked and grabbed my hands.

I took them out of his grasps slowly and got up. His love for me was practically soaking into my skin. How could I had not noticed before?!

“I need to go get some air. Talk to you later,” I breathed awkwardly and made my way to the parking lot.

Violet where are you?

The Parking lot.

You’re very upset.

I’m just thinking.

We’ll do wedding tasks tomorrow. Pam isn’t too thrilled about it but she is already looking for gowns.


I really was thankful that Eric put a hold onto wedding stuff but still the air around me was pretty thick. I had brotherhoods who think I was a baby, wedding bells chiming in my ear, and Caine loves me. Oh yeah, I was living the dream.

Are you still mad at me? Eric sounded sad and I hated it. It made me feel like a ass.

No I’m just a little stunned. Those are really big things that I didn’t know about you.

You don’t tell me everything. Your parents-

That’s not the same, I snapped and then I felt Eric cut off the bond.

I really didn’t want to let my anger control me so I took a few deep breaths. It seemed to work pretty well and then Alcide came out. Did not expect that one.

“Hey,” His husky voice rang out. It wasn’t loud, but it did sound nice. Very masculine.

“Hi.” I didn’t know what else to say or even what he wanted. When I felt around him through my mind to get a grasping on his feelings all I got was calmness and a sense of curiosity. Interesting.

“I came out here to see if you’re ok. There’s a lot going on right now and you seem pretty freaked out.”

Awww that’s so nice. I nodded and asked, “What’s going on in there?”

“They’re all talking about you and the fanger. How he can’t turn you into a vampire because the process would kill you. That you need to wait till you’re twenty four to become immortal and shit.”

Well at least he was honest. “Who said that?”

“Your mother, the goddess. Which is still fuckin’ weird for me to think about. I mean this whole thing is just unbelievable you know?” Alcide confessed and rubbed the back of his head.

“Yeah with great power and responsibilities it sure does look like I have the short stick sometimes. Although I didn’t know about the turning thing, so thanks. That’s interesting too,” I said. Come to think of it, I wonder why that is?

“Are you ready to come inside or should I tell everyone you need a little more time?”

I took in a breath of fresh Louisiana air and let it out before answering, “No, I’ll come in. I can’t hide forever.”


Eris’ P.O.V.

I had just been informed that some of my minions were being tortured for information by none other than the infamous Caine. The little prick was getting on my nerves. The thing is he wants me to know what he’s doing. He’s not afraid of me in the slightest. Maybe it was the blonde hair?

For the past ten minutes I was being informed by some of my less powerful and less good looking subjects. They cowered like the miserable worms they were before me. It was aggravating. If I raised my hand I could see them flinch. Didn’t any of these pathetic vermin have a back bone?

That brought me to the thought of Maximus. I remember the time when it was him chosen to fight me. He succeeded in defeating me in a sense. Though he didn’t kill me totally. Instead I was put into a deep slumber…

I can’t help the thought however of how I admired his strength, skill, and the animosity he had towards me. It made me shiver in pleasure just thinking about it. If you dug deep enough to his very core, Maximus was no demigod of light. He is one of the most susceptible souls to darkness there is. If only I could get him to my side. If I could only get him to see and embrace his true self.

“Caine also knows that you want the Viking my lady.”

That snapped me out of my thoughts. “What?”

I have got to get smarter minions to accomplish tasks. The war is coming soon and I don’t have much time.

The ugly thing in front of me was just about to speak again but with a wave of my hand the whole room filled with minions burst. Their blood and guts sparkled and hung from the walls like silly string. “There. Now I feel better.”

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