Secrets Hidden In The Dark

By harvardbound100

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"What has happened to you?!" I shouted. My voice got softer as I said, "You weren't like this." He looked... More

Chapter *1* (Homecoming)
Chaper *2* (Another Question)
Chapter *4* (The Dream)
Chaper *5*
Chapter *6* (Disaster and death)
Chapter *7*
Chaper *8* (the humorless joke)
Chapter *9* (The light at the end of the tunnel)
Chaper *10*
Chapter *11*
Chapter *12*
Chapter *13* ( VEGAS! ;)
Chapter *14* (Sin City revealed) Part One
Chapter 15 (Sin City revealed) Part Two
Chapter *16* (Love, Love, Love)
Chapter 17 (* Going home..... Married *)
Chapter 18 ~(* Afternoon with My Bestfriend, turns into a nightmare! *)~Part One
Chapter 19 (* Afternoon with my bestfriend, turns into a nightmare *) part two
Chapter 20 (* The Terrible Things *)
~Sneak Peak On Chapters to Come~
Chapter 21 (* Everything is going to be okay *)
Chapter 22 ( * Darkest Hour *)
Chapter 23 (* Home Sweet Home*)
Chapter 24 (* A Phone Call Away*)
Chapter 26 (* Four little Words *)
Chapter 27 (* Hello... Again. Friend of a Friend. *)
Chapter 27 (*Dancing Away with my Heart*)
Chapter 29 *Forever and Always*
Chapter 30 *Falling to Pieces*
Chapter 31 *Grow Old*

Chapter *3* (Ditching)

552 14 0
By harvardbound100

The bell rang indicating that our last class is next.. History. I really enjoyed history but decided i was going to skip it today , really couldn't answer anymore questions i was tired of them already. So i did what every time i ditched looked for my partner in crime... Dylan.

Everyone was crowding the hall, i was walking toward Dylans last class which is Science. I found his class 301 but he wasn't there yet so i would have to wait outside looking like an idiot.

"Hey Bells what are you doing here?" i heard from be hide me. Only two people call me that Dylan and Jace but i knew who it was before i turned around because his voice made my heart skip a beat mostly when he said it so innocently.

"Jace!" i said hugging him tightly. i love to be with him but i don't want him to know that Derek asked me to go to the dance mostly because he was in his next class but he was very over protective. And a girl needs her best friend. he looked at the roses that i was holding and he smiled, and bent down to give me a light kiss.

"I'm just not in the mood of History so I'm going to ditch but I'm looking for Dyl  to see if he will too." I said like it was no big deal. But knowing his it was.

"I would ditch with you ."

"No you have a test in Math and its 57% of your grade so i cant let you besides I'll drag Dylan to the mall with me to see if i can get an idea of i want, okay hun?" i said and kissed him. He kissed me back and said, " Fine babe i'll join you when im out of school okay?'. He didn't look mad he looked like he always does stunningly hot.

"Kay i 'll see you later."  We hugged and he gave me a quick kisson the forehead and headed of to class. I turned around to see Dylan about to walk into class, but swiftly grabbing him by the arm and jerked him to the corner.

"Jeez Bells whats up?"

i slyly smiled and said looking up at him, "Lets ditch, I think I had enough for the day."

He looked at his class doutfully and them i saw him smile with relief , "Don't have to tell me twice."

Good thing i came to school with Jace today because i would have to leave my car here. I jumped in Dylan's Mustang and tossed the roses in the back seat along with my back pack. Dylan stared at me and said, "So were are we going?" i didn't really know but i didn't feel like shopping today. " Like the good old days." I responded. We use to ditch all the time before i started dating Jace, we would go to either of our houses, rent some movies,order pizzas and just hang out.

"Are your parents home?" he asked.


"My house it is." as he said that he turned on his car and off we went. I loved his car, it was really fast. And for some reason I was one of the places I could actually think striaght.


We drove up into Dylan's house which was really big. The outside was a creamy color, 3 stories with a game room and a deep pool. When you enter his house there is a row of stairs on each side. I mean my house was big but not as big as his.

We rented 2 horror movies, 1 comedy and a chick flick.

"Which room are we watching it in?" I asked.

"Mine, i like the screen better than any other in the house."

"Race you!" i said teasingly.

"Oh, It's On!" he challenged.

This was how we always were. Since there are two stairs, he  gets left and i get right , when we were little he would let me have the right because then there was the hallway that leads to the stairs to his room on the third floor and since he was fast he would still beat me even with my advantage.



"GO!!" I yelled as i dashed off up the stairs. I glanced at him and saw he was a little a head of me so i went faster. i Finally reached the top of the stairs a headed to the hallway but we were tied. I shoved him into a wall. I giggled as i ran faster sliding at corners.

"Oh you want to play dirty?!" he teased from be hide me. UH-OH what was he going to do? I tried running faster but suddenly my feet aren't on the floor. Now I'm over his shoulder, I could hear him smirking in victory. I kicked and kicked but since he was still running i was scared i would fall so i gave up. He opened the door to his room and through me on his soft California King bed that had Navy Blue bed spread.

As he closed the door of his room he screamed , "VICTORY IS MINE!!"

"Hey that was not fair! You can't just carry your opponent!! and what if i would have fallen?!"i said complaining as i stood up to take the DVD's from his pocket.

"Bells, I bench press more than you. Trust me your not going to fall." he said as he gave me the your-so-dumb look.

"What ever. So what movie do you want to watch first?" I said changing the subject. He jump on the bed next to me and randomly just grabbed one, "This one. Put it on while I order pizza."he took his phone out and started dialing. I look at the movie he chose, the chick- flick, and put it on. While he saw still ordering pizza i took my jacket off and my shirt was uncomfortable. I walked over to his drawers and picked the first shirt i saw. I turned to face him and  asked him ,"Can i borrow this shirt, mine is uncomfortable." He nodded as he got off the phone.

"Okay so our pizza's will be here in about 10 to15 minutes." he said getting up and walking towards his drawers next to me. He took is black shirt off and changed into a looser one. I playfully punched his rock hard abs, "You need to lay off the hamburgers looking a little rough around the edges." i winced as i remember that my right knuckle is killing me from earlier today. He laughs as he see's my pain then puts his shirt on. I tugged my shirt off  and through it on the chair with my jacket. I always changed with Dylan around , I've known his since i was very little we are like brother and sister but i never got fully naked around him just my bra or underwear but that's it. Dylan slapped my stomach, laughed and said, "I like your bra." I looked down and saw I didn't change my sports bra from p.e and i remembered that i was running last and didn't have time.

"Jerk, I ran out of time to change in P.E " i said. He opened his last drawer at the bottom and i saw it full of bra's. Pink ones, red ones, blue ones, lacey ones, transparent ones it was like Victoria secret in a drawer. "Take which ever one you want, i was going to get rid of most of them." he said as he walked to his bed. Why does he have all these- ohhh i totally forgot, girls through themselves at Dylan. "Are these from all your one-night stands?" i ask him.

"Yea, i don't know why the leave their bra's here I'm just going to throw them in the trash." he said with a slight of anger. I closed the drawer and walked over to the bed. "No thanks, i don't want to use one they are probably filthy with STD's considering with the type of girls you sleep with."

"Whoa, I don't sleep with any girl, Jezz don't offend me."he said faking a hurt sound in his voice. We both laughed and played the movie.

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